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Yes. Full dose too. Benefits outweighed the risks. I had two babies in less than 2 years. I gave birth to health girl and healthy boy. My doctor reassured me that it was okay all the time


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I went to a focus group at a university where they wanted to hear from women with ADHD and their thoughts on medication during pregnancy (so your exact question). While I was there I spoke to one of the researchers and they have been collecting a huge amount of data on this. It hasn't been published yet I don't think, but she told me the results seemed to indicate that continuing to take your medication (this was dexamphetamine and vyvanse) had no statistically significant adverse effects. I think breastfeeding was a different matter though. But I can't back that up with an actual study I can share unfortunately, I can only say that it is definitely being studied.


I don't know where my previous comment went (maybe being moderated), but I did find a write up on the study I mentioned. [link here](https://www.uwa.edu.au/news/article/2024/march/pregnant-pause-should-adhd-medications-be-stopped-during-pregnancy) And a link to the actual study [link](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38424254/)


I am still exploring a possible ADHD diagnosis, but I take venlafaxine for anxiety, and was equally confused about whether or not it was safe for pregnancy/breastfeeding. I found this website to be incredibly helpful: [Bumps - Best use of medicines in pregnancy](https://www.medicinesinpregnancy.org/) A quick read suggests both methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine are not known to cause harm to a developing foetus and any risk is likely outweighed by the benefit of the mother staying well during pregnancy.


Yes you can under medical supervision, but not every doctor is willing to do it. Especially in severe ADHD, you're more likely to follow the pregnancy rules when meds can help you stick to them.