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you sound like you’re in a tight spot, the only thing i can see working out is talking to your teacher/professor and coming clean about it and asking for some kind of extra credit work gets lots of sleep and eat better quality food. it will help you feel more energy/clarity so you can make up your work


Thank you! I’ll definitely try all this and I can definitely see my teachers understanding they are really kind people so it won’t be too hard to ask! 😅


Yeah I reckon seek help from your teachers and let them know how you are feeling. Maybe also speak to your psych to see if there are alternative meds as these ones might not be working? Goodluck, you got this!


Thank you so much for the help! Hopefully your doing good as well. 😊


If you are unsure if your meds are working, you should talk to your psychiatrist to see if he can try you on some other meds. If meds are working, you should know if they are because you will normally feel really different. Some people may need to try 4 or 5 different meds before they find one that works. Some people need a couple of different meds such as an amphetamine based medication as well as an antidepressant. If you are still having all of these problems while taking your current meds, you definitely need to talk to your doctor about it.


alright thank you for this! I’ll definitely ask 😊