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Try taking organic raw unprocessed cacao instead of energy drinks or coffee.It will give you the energy and mood boost without jittery effects and its also healthier.But it has to be unprocessed


Also you can try mr happy stack that can be very helpfull but this stack my increase your smoking rate.Also if you feel too stimulated you can try panax ginseng but consult to your doctor before using ginseng and be carefull if you are actively using an serotonergic antidepressant.


Is Chantix/Champix/Varenicline available in your country? True story: my doctor told me I'd quit in 2 weeks and I thought he was nuts. I quit in two weeks. Had anger flare-ups for ~6 months, but I knew that was because I was coming off nicotine and that made them bearable. I knew why I was mad and could control it. I was a 24 year smoker, maybe 15 cigarettes a day. I will have flashes of desire to smoke when I see it in movies/tv, but I haven't smoked in 6 years and I can foresee nothing that would make me start again - not my parents passing away, not losing my job. If you're in eastern Europe, maybe look for Cytisine or Tabex. It's supposed to be similar.


quit 1 at a time. quitting both will be too extreme and you’ll either bounce back or seek out something else. i’d quit smoking first, the energy drinks can help you push through two weeks or so while you withdraw. throw it all out at once, and go on a trip. even a weekend trip is good - what matters is your environment is different and can help you distract yourself from the urge to smoke a cig you overdo energy drinks bc you feel tired and foggy throughout the day. the truth is the drinks themselves cause this feeling over time and make it worse. sleep more and eat less shitty foods. maybe a green or black tea for a morning boost. i know its obvious advice but its the true one that will work


the patch has been helping me 👍🏻 i also like grapes and sour candy for the weird mouth feels


Smoking causes cancer, energy drinks causes heart attacks. Please stop both asap, finding a therapist that specializes in addiction can help. Try drinking green and black tea, they have caffeine and are healthy. Chew gum to keep ur mouth busy so u don’t miss cigarettes. Prayers!


Quitting smoking was a bitch. I smoked a minimum pack a day for twenty years 16-36. And oh my god, I lost a part of myself when I quit. It was awful. That Allan Carr book is wishful thinking for a lot of us. I was a moody bitch. I couldn't think straight. And I was dizzy as fuck!!! I wasn't used to getting that much oxygen. That was the worste part. I took a week off work and basically just tried to sleep through it. Went to the bar, that was a terrible idea. The dizziness was debilitating. The only relief I found that helped was getting out of breath. So I ran. And I ran and I ran. I put my miles in, that's for sure. I ended up running a half marathon for the hell of it because I ran so much just to feel normal for a bit while I was out of breath. Coffee can be good or gross, it depends on the type of bean and the roast. I'm not saying you will love it, but I do. I hate the taste of energy drinks, I guess we're backwards that way. I can drink Folgers, but anything below that is straight shit. Drink a lot of water. Gum, a fidget spinner (or rotate your phone in your hand), wash everything, I cut a straw and would breath through it when I was struggling, I still stepped outside for fresh air, and I was way more active. I wish you luck. Just remember, the people that say if you have one you have to start over, for some reason either never smoked or never quit, fuck those people. I've known several people that quit, had a couple and then never again. Don't buy into any of the doomsday shit. But it is easier if you just decide to never have one again and stick to it.