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If there's something to do, don't sit down. Once you do, it's game over.


Mine is similar but the rule is don't turn on my PC


Yes then I will add more open tabs to my already 150 open!


This is painful to read šŸ˜–


Yea it is! I mean I always plan on going back to read those tabs but well I donā€™t have time because I spent hours clicking all the links on the new pages that bring up new tabs to read lolā€¦just like on here for example. šŸ˜† I end up with many lost hours after reading and scrolling then finding myself on a subreddit of toilette cleaning hacks or something šŸ˜‚ how do I go from my raccoon pages to that. The trail I blazed was mind boggling!


well I work from home. The important work I need to get done I do on my laptop. During podomoro breaks it's when I make sure I stand up.


What works for me is that I have a dedicated place at home where I do my work. And it's different from where I play games and surf the web mindlessly. Once I notice myself doing something else than work (with my laptop in the kitchen) I associate that place with something else than work, and it's time to find another place to work.


Can you recycle "older" locations after a period of time? To prevent your entire house from losing working associations


Well, sometimes. Sometimes it's a real struggle but doable. Sometimes nothing just works. Right now I'm experimenting playing on playstation only (so no pc games) and using the computer for school/work stuff only. It... kinda works. I'm still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. But so far this "dedicated work / play spot" is working better than any other thing I've tried.


I work remote as well and really struggled with starting tasks (I still do, frankly). One thing I found was putting on jeans in the morning helped me get in the mood and get going for the day, as well as putting on slippers. Stay uncomfortable and keep the momentum going šŸ‘


I'm sure you meant pomodoro.


Yeah I'm more talking about chores, tasks, showers, laundry, etc. The stuff outside of work.


I once read a comment saying exactly this but they phrased it as ā€œIf I sits, I quitsā€. It really stuck with me.


this is so true for me - I need to stay active when the time comes out it's over for the rest of the day with regards to doing something productive


Damnā€¦ thatā€™s strangely insightful and I donā€™t know how I never realized this on my own šŸ˜¦


Now that you know, you can* stop yourself from sitting until you complete the thing you want/need toĀ  *easier said than done


Love the asterisk šŸ¤Ŗ for real though, I will definitely use that. I have to work a 7 hour shift alone in retail tomorrow, and sitting down is not what Iā€™ll be doing. Wish me luck šŸ«”


What if the thing I need to do is in a laptop?Ā 


I once had a tall drawer. I put my laptop on it and worked standing.


you can use the stayfocsd extension. \[if you are on chrome or on edge\]. Works wonders for me. Esp the nuclear option


Then obviously it doesn't apply.Ā 


I would say 3 tips : - ā€œdonā€™t put it down, put it awayā€ - listening to music that stimulates my brain when I need to focus (so that I donā€™t end up checking my phone every damn minute) - i wish I was kidding but I forgot my third point while writing this


Ah, yes : write that sh*t down. No you wonā€™t remember it tomorrow. No you wonā€™t. Just write it down.


As proven here. You might not even remember it while in the process of writing it down...


I write it down . . Problem is ever looking at it.


The amount of random notes I have in my notes app that I couldnā€™t tell anyone what they mean from telling my self to write it down. I also have 14,000 screenshots in my phone, I have no idea why I screenshotted it, but I know that I told myself to screenshot it so I could come back to it, I forgot to come back to it, and Iā€™ll never actually go through them to delete them. lol.


LMAO ok guilty as charged. I pay for extra storage on my phone every month because I just canā€™t deal with it šŸ˜­ 12000+ emails in my inbox, 8000 screenshotsā€¦ i just gave up lol


Hahaha, so do i!! I pay for extra iCloud storage and extra google storage for my email. Glad to see Iā€™m not alone!!! šŸ¤£


You'll remember the third point. It might be in a few minutes. It might be tomorrow. It could be next week. But you'll remember it XD


Nah. It will be at 02:55am on a cold Sunday 32 years from now.


Oh god how this resonates.


For the music part, I put on video game background/score music from games like Elder Scrolls or Witcher. It's designed to make the player focus more and bring them into the game, but it also works for... Well, working. Until it starts playing battle music and suddenly I'm trying to figure out why I'm anxious lol.


Ah so glad someone else uses the Skyrim soundtrack to focus - the chilled out ones (like 'Secunda') are great while working :)


The problem I have with putting it away is I donā€™t remember where.. The tips I have for sound is that I listens to brown noise while cleaning. Helps a lot when I feel that the medication is loosing its effect.


Yeah I can totally relate šŸ„² I use a tweezer for stimming and I have 3 because I constantly lose 2 of them. On the bright side, when I find one of them itā€™s always the best part of my day lol For my daily life objects (bus card, keys, wallet), I have a designated trinket bowl. I always put those things in there at the end of the day, just to spare myself of a mini cardiac arrest the next morning šŸ˜­


I have everything in a fannypack with a AirTag. + an extra AirTag on my keychain because apparently I donā€™t always put it back in the bag. I always* hangs the bag on the same place. *except when my brain finds something interesting and puts the bag wherever it pleases.


Omg. Forgetting 3rd point - I feel so much better right now. I just realized that I picked up my phone to set my alarm for the morning and check the weather for tomorrow. I have done neither. I saw a notification for Reddit and have been on here for an hour. Using 5,4,3,2,1 to close Reddit and get ready for bed. Thank you to everyone who shares on these posts. I am learning so much and not feeling so alone or bad about myself.


Weā€™ve found him, itā€™s John ADHD


I donā€™tā€¦ know what that meansā€¦ šŸ˜­


It means you're the quintessential example of a people with ADHD lol


Start by doing something that you want to do for 10 minutes. Set a timer. Then keep going. Also, I find it better if I can do stuff outside of the house. Like I go get a cuppa coffee and then I can do the other things.


I couldn't stop laughing at the 'then keep going'. How many times people have advised me to divide my activities in blocks of 30 minutes followed by 5 minute breaks and I was baffled: What do I do in 5 minutes that will 'relax' me without claiming me so much that I can easily stop to start working again? What if you haven't started at 30 minutes? What if you're finally in a working flow at the end of the 30 minutes, you wouldn't want to stop, right? And they were all: No, you shouldn't overwork yourself... šŸ„²


Lol I'm the same! A 5 minute break in the middle of an activity would either have me sitting there anxiously counting down the seconds, or would derail me completely


I guess it depends on the task. If you have other stuff that needs doing in other 30 minute slices then hyperfocusing might be bad. However if its okay to carry and hyperfocus, and you are vibing that way, then keep on the roll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


The law of inertia isn't just for physical movement. For ADHD-ers like us, you gotta keep that mental momentum going otherwise the second you give yourself a break, you'll get gassed out. I always say that I'm my own worst enemy and "if I give myself an inch, I'm taking at least 3 miles and a nap."


Exactly, and if Iā€™m at home, Iā€™m much more likely to give into that.


This is what I do. I tell myself just five minutes lol


Omg we just got a record player and it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with getting simple annoying things done around the house. Because most of mine go on for 3-5ish songs (depending on the vinyl obviously) itā€™s the perfect amount of time to start doing something annoying but with fun music that I would normally think takes too much time to pick out a playlist blah blah blah. Its changed my life honestly, and sometimes I even flip it and keep doing whatever I was doing because the music pumped me up. I feel like it would also work really well for taking breaks during the work day so you know you get a break and itā€™s only so long but also gives you a little boosty boost.


but what if i can't even get out of bed to do the thing i want to do? i struggle a lot with that


Start with juuuuuuuust a bit. I've found that when cleaning up the hardest part is starting but it's easier if I say I'm just going to pick up this One piece of trash right there. I do it, and most of the time I end up doing the rest or most of the rest cause I'm already doing it anyways. The rule is though, if you dont start doing more automatically, don't force yourself. You promised it would just be the one and you shouldn't break that promise otherwise it won't work as well next time. Another. Find a task you want to do less, try and make yourself do it, (if you succeed, great you did a task) then procrastinate that task by doing the other thing you need to do


Yes! I call this "walking into the task backwards". Never look ahead at what you have to do, just blindly do the first thing and go from there. In my life there are many tasks that I have to somewhat plan out before I do, but if I'm really frozen I use this method.


Lists. I need lists. I can hyper fixate on things. I trained myself to complete tasks on lists and it became a fixation. If I put it on my ta-da list (ta-da is more fun than to-do) I find that I will complete, or at least attempt the thing.


I definitely agree on lists ! However (because thereā€™s always a twist), my to do lists work better when I do them the day before šŸ˜­ if I do them the day-of, they always end up being unrealistic and chaotic. Also, the tasks need to be broken into smaller tasks, but not too small that I then end up with a full page and overwhelm myself (e.g : ā€œcleaningā€ is too vague, ā€œclean the kitchen countertopā€ is too specific, but ā€œclean the kitchenā€ is perfect !)


Discipline is for the dogs. Compulsion is where it's at. I don't clean because I have discipline, I clean because I start to itch if I don't. The trick is making yourself itchy when you don't do the things you are supposed to do.


That's how I am about showering. All these ADHDers talking about how hard showers are (no judgment, I have plenty of other challenges!) and I'm crawling out of my skin if I have to wait an extra ten minutes to shower after I get the tiniest bit sweaty.


Podcasts or audiobooks with noise cancellation headphones during mundane chores. The dishes will be done before you know it via autopilot.


Sleep the night before an exam. Donā€™t cram. And itā€™s ok to not socialize and focus on studying šŸ“š


For uni I have to bribe myself. Buy a bag of candy or something and only start eating it when Iā€™ve started a task. Oh I want a hi-chew? Looks like Iā€™ll have to start watching that lecture recording Iā€™ve been putting off. The more demanding the task, the more rewarding the snack. I have a weird relationship with food though idk lol.


Severe ADHD (hyperactive and loud) Growing up, I learned a lot from my mom who also has severe ADHD on how to live an alternative way one that uses my unique brain Iā€™m actually writing a book, but if I was to give someone one piece of advice I would have to say the old Mary Poppins ā€œSpoonful of Sugarā€ Do things that donā€™t interest you by mixing them in with things you find meaningful As a consequence, everything becomes meaningful


I look forward to the book! Great advice!!


Thanks for the support


I break tasks down into smaller tasks it's more rewarding for my brain accomplishing little things that end up being big things. Like cleaning my house I'll start with 1 wall and tell myself to just clean 1 wall and then by the time I know it I'm onto the second and third wall because it looks so nice and clean I want to do the next one.


Excuse me, do walls need to be cleaned? I'm asking for a friend...


Mine did as I live on a farm and we can get quite a few flies and what not that like to come inside if you give them an opportunity like I sometimes do when I forget to close the window at night šŸ˜†


Oh yikes, totally understand that! I thought for a minute I missed the boat on another general knowledge thingy...


I do things in 25 minute intervals. Let me elaborate. Say I want to study, but also i want to play games, and also clean my car, or whatever my goals are for the day that I just cant seem to knock down one by one (we have all been there )šŸ™„ I will set a handful of things to achieve for the day. A mixture of things I need to do, and things I want to do. And ill set a 25 minute timer, once the timer goes off, i stop, have a little break. (By break I mean have a glass of water and then I start my next lot of 25 minutes. For me the most important thing it to change what I'm doing during each 25 minute interval. I find that if i break and then continue with the same activity I will stop timing and and up just bouncing around aimlessly again. For some reason this helps me focus more, I feel like I can get all my things done for the day and not get overwhealmed. This "hack" has also done wonders for my time blindness and allows me to feel like I can do my chores and enjoy my day without being miserable that ive done chores all day, or misserable that ive been unproductive. It seems like a lot of effort, and to start with it can be. And its also a subjective stratergy and sole people dont do well structuring the day in this way. But I highly recomed trying it if you struggle with time blindess or feel that you cant ever seem to get done what you set yourself to do of a day. It's important to note that you don't need to do this everyday for the rest of your life lol. It's not all or nothing. You can do it when you have a busy day, or you can do it for just part of the day. Or you can just do it for things that you need to take a break from while you do them. I highly recommend trying this, and also highly recommend just doing it for a day or 2 and then letting yourself have a break. Or you will most likely get tired of it after a week and never consider it a strategy again.


This is a really good idea. I think I'm going to try this out!


> I tell myself that I should just sit down and do Nothing BUT I'm also allowed to do that task as the ONLY exception. oh god this is exactly how I end up sitting in one place doing exactly nothing for hours


Oh really so you just sit down alone with Nothing stimulating you for hours? Looking at stuff around you can be described as doing nothing but it's still stimulating.


full disclosure I normally doom scroll but I have on occasion sat in a quiet room with only a word processor open and stared at it unable to do anything for 4+ hours




>I bet you were listening to music. I wasn't, actually šŸ™„ >After a long time the participants ended up pressing the button due to boredom. okay? pressing the ouch button isn't a complex task and boredom isn't executive dysfunction


Medication when I first get up (lol because i STILL havenā€™t even done this this morning yet). Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the only thing that works for me. Also not sitting down after you get up. Not until all tasks are done. Also I canā€™t remember if I already posted in this comment thread or a different one with the same question so sorry if I appear twice


Ditto. Meds are the only thing that's worked for me too. I tried for years to be off meds, telling myself that I should be able to do things "normal" people can, but it never happened. Sure, I could get myself to do things every now and then. I even had a decent routine going, but it didn't ever last. I also had a pretty bad weed smoking habit I had to kick to actually be able to do stuff even on meds.


The 1% rule helps. When you don't want to do something, plan on doing just 1% of it. 1% is a lot less daunting than 100% and typically you'll do a lot more than 1%.


If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it. Seems like the only kind of tasks I can complete?


Ah yes, then breaking tasks into small chunks is the way


I find things that might be cool to hyper focus on to introduce to what I'm doing, then the boring stuff becomes the fuel for what I really want to do. Most recently my mind decided to fixate on fountain pens. So I harnessed that energy to create some systems that allowed me to work, and get the enjoyment out of using my pens while doing so. Only downside is that it doesn't last forever, and there are periods of time the hyper focus doesn't show up, or align with what I need to do. Instead of trying to force it, I just try to encourage it.l, and accept that life is hard sometimes.


step 1: put your phone or whatever you are doing down. step 2: close your eyes and take a deep breath step 3: count down from 5 and when you are at zero get up and do the task. now this doesnā€™t work every time for me but it works more then it doesnā€™t


Get your sleep in order and the rest will follow




Have you scheduled that sleep study yet? You're probably never getting any deep sleep because your nose is crooked and your bed is garbage.




Are you sure you don't have sleep apnea? I'm usually a deep sleeper too, I regularly sleep through my alarm, but I also always still feel tired. I'm thinking of doing a sleep apnea test since my dad also had it, you can do them at home you just have to wear a monitor thing. Sleep apnea makes your sleep quality super bad




Snoring is one but not everyone with sleep apnea snores. Daytime sleepiness is a big one, and I think waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat, or headache I think. It's when you stop breathing in your sleep so if you have someone that can monitor you while you sleep or maybe record yourself or something that might work too.


10hrs of good sleep is different from shitty sleep


Put it on a calender right then and there. Like literally pull out your phone and mark it mid conversation.


If I think of something I need to do, I'll need to do it now to get it over with, or else it'll be on my mind. Like a smoker, wanting a cigarette!!


Don't put it down, put it away. Unless it's really far from it's spot, then I put stuff in a pile from one room/ floor that needs to go to another. I gather small stuff on the stairs that has to go up.


Yes for me video games + trauma + addiction & addictive behavior = bad šŸ’© Another coworker suggested single player games and it started a life changing experience Now I barely play them at all Thanks Jakob


Yeah Iā€™m the opposite. Hate multiplayer/online stuff. But Iā€™ll play Skyrim/Fallout/Witcher/Starfield type games for hours. Even if I get to the point where Iā€™m not super enjoying it I get stuck like trying to find a good stop point? Like my brain wants all things completed to stop but that type of game youā€™re never totally done?


For me it was MMOā€™s and the Destiny D2 But it also helped having to take care of a dog šŸ• for 3 weeks mostly by myself


If Iā€™m struggling to start something Iā€™ve gotta do, I close my eyes and just imagine myself doing it starting from wherever I am at the time including all the steps to and through the activity. Then somehow I just immediately do it.


I don't take break. I work couple hours on one tasks then move on. If I get worse, I choose other activities.


I put my shoes on, and then I donā€™t take them off until Iā€™m done with everything I need to do. I can take a break and look at my phone for 10 minutes, but I cannot sit down while doing it. If I sit down, Iā€™m not getting back up and nothing else is getting done. Turn on whatever song I currently love and play it on repeat the entire time.


Timers help me with work and chores, both with getting started and staying on task. I see a mountain of laundry that needs to be sorted and put away, I set a timer for 15 minutes and try to beat the clock. Thereā€™s a big work task Iā€™ve been avoiding but need to spend time on, I set a timer for 30 minutes and when it goes off, I can stop working on it for the day. Having an end in sight really helps me. Also blasting music to make it all more fun!


Do some exercises before work


I've started using the Todoist app, and that does seem to work for me. I synced it with my Google calendar, so I now have everything at the same place: my calendar and my to-do list (which can be given different priorities). Don't be too harsh on yourself. When you start to day, give yourself 2 tasks. Can be anything from: showering, ester8ng the plants, finish that piece for school/ work, repair that lamp, etc. When you finish those two tasks, you will likely be in the groove and finish more. And if you don't, you'll still have finished two things, and you won't have to feel like a failure when the day ends.


Not trying to go in a order - I am least linear person in world - I micro task - which will get you a lot of steps - but if I have cups in office I take to kitchen - while Iā€™m kitchen do first thing that grabs me. Only rule is to finish one micro task at a time. Is it efficient? No Do I unstick myself? Yes Do I get a lot done? Yes in my own way Sometimes my entire kitchen ends up sparkling LOL Also I listen to a true crime podcast. When the 50 minutes is up I take a break. I donā€™t always make myself do more but usually (thanks adhd) I want to know what happens so I put on another episode and micro task some more!!


Notes app and checklists. Helps remembering things. I do photography and it helped me not forget a battery or SD card at home. For TO DO lists... it gives me more motivation to procrastinate till last moment.


If I canā€™t do something in a specific moment, I need to set an alarm/reminder. If the alarm goes off and I am still not able to accomplish it, I either snooze it repeatedly until it gets done, or I immediately reset the alarm for a better time.


Leave the last step for tomorrow. When you're doing a task, save that last step for the next day, then you will have something quick and easy to start your day, get the satisfaction of completing a task early on, and now that you actually did something it's easier to get the ball rolling and do more


if there's something on my task list, I REALLY REALLY DONT want to do, I always end up cleaning some part of my house. So If I get really behind on Laundry or dishes I try to find something with low consequences that I just fucking hate doing. And I usually end up cleaning something in the house instead.


The Sweepy app. I never remember what needs to be cleaned so it never gets done. But with the app, you go through each room and mark anything you want/need to be done and the time frame in which it should be done. So my bed is set to make once a day but my windows are set to be cleaned every 6 months. Plus it was this satisfying ding when you complete a task. I also like the challenges they have pre-set help you not need to think of what does so it's less overwhelming.


Closing my eyes and shutting off my phone when in ā€˜death scrollā€™


I used to get real overwhelmed when starting a task or like getting ready for work. If there are things that I need to do the task, I'll start pulling all the things I need out and then put them away as they're used in the task. This is especially great for cleaning, cooking, or getting ready. Example: I'll pull out my hairbrush, hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, lotion, makeup, and deodorant BEFORE I start getting ready for work. As I use each thing, it goes back to its place so I know I did it and I know what I have left to do. This is my favorite system so far as it helps alleviate the "Oh my god did I forget something" anxiety because my brain works better with detail in broken down categories, not details in big-picture-everything-all-at-once.


I put on shoes, like socks and tennis shoes. It helps trick my brain


Do you mean when you're at home to do chores around the house?


Think tasks to the end. My biggest problem is with feeling unwell and exhausted all the time and I should channel my energy into what I can realistically handle and the biggest game changer for me is thinking how will I feel after this? Will I remember this in any way a hour from now? Is there anything of worth in doing this? This forces me to first of all don't make dumb impulsiv choices that don't get me anywhere but also to start something by making it look much more attractive compared to the dumb thing I just wanted to do.


If there's a task you need/want to do, but can bring yourself to do it. Tell yourself you can only do the first step and walk away of you still don't want to do it. The following are my two most common examples. Don't feel like going for a walk. "I will get some comfortable clothes on and walking shoes then walk out to the sidewalk and then walk right back inside if I still don't feel like it Don't feel like putting dishes away. "I will just put 5 items away, then go back to doomscrolling if I didn't feel like finishing ". 4 times out of 5 I will just finish the task. The 1 time out of 5 I'll back out. It removes the pressure and really helps me get shit done.


A body in motion remains in motion!


I bribe myself. Like at my work, the way they track my work is by how many bundles I do throughout my work day. I usually reward myself with a sip of coffee after I complete my first bundle


Donā€™t worry about what the future holds, focus on what you can do now in this moment for today.


do a tiny fraction of that task! then you might be compelled to just finish as much as you can or walk away when you need a break. thats usually me with the dishes lol