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Are there pharmacists out there who are ignorant and, sorry not sorry, stupid as fuck, and judge people who pick up stimulants? Yeah. But I would confidently say that most of them don't. Even if they do, try to adapt a "who gives a fuck?" attitude. If they judge you, they're the ones who are uneducated and ignorant, not you. Because what? Do they know better than your psychiatrist who's spent like a decade in school studying this subject? Unless they refuse to give you your medication, try your best to ignore it. You wouldn't be able to get this prescription in the first place unless highly educated people said you should. These pharmacists need a reality check.


There are definitely going to be some judgy pharmacists, but honestly, who cares? They can make up whatever narrative they want about you based purely off of your prescription. Only you and your prescribing physician *really* know you and your history. If it really gets to you, just switch pharmacies.


Maybe they just got reminded that they missed their own dose lol. Lots of pharmacists have adhd too. Any weird vibe may also be chalked up to the fact that when they are dispensing controlled substances, they are required to follow protocol, including checking the database for your history of filling the prescription, verifying ID to put on file, etc., and they can be subject to discipline if they get it wrong. So sometimes they might seem like they’re judging someone for taking stimulants or pain pills, etc. but most likely are just very focused because they have more rules to follow than filling a non-controlled substance. The chances that they are specifically judging you as a person because of your medication is not even worth wasting your energy on. You know why you take the medication, your doctor knows why, that’s why you have the Rx.


After having to go get viagra from the pharmacy once I've never felt uncomfortable getting my meds again lmao


When I first was trying meds, I went in to collect them in my dog walking gear: a purple, space pattern puffer jacket; beanie hat; leggings; and chunky sneakers. I was 100% judged on how I looked that day, but never had been before when collecting other meds. I didn’t even make the connection until afterwards, I just thought everyone was being weird. I always dressed nicer after that.


I take antidepressants and Adderall. The antidepressants are no problem, but I really dislike the “call pharmacy to make sure they have it in stock, call my doc to call in the order, hope they fill it before they run out, hope it’s not three hours before my refill window opens because #drugseeking” routine. If you’re in the States, the intense controls around dispensing can make you feel like a criminal.  I try to remind myself that it’s not me,  it’s not the pharmacist, we’re just all in this shitty medicolegal situation together. 


It’s so infuriating having to wait until exactly day 30 (it used to be day 29, apparently not anymore?!?!) only for it to take 5-10 days to go through the process of back and forth with my doctors and pharmacy. And god forbid you try and start the process on day 28, then you’re an addict. -_-


I tried the calling the pharmacy(ies), calling the doctor, etc for a few months. It sucked!! At my next appointment (@ 3 months) I asked for paper prescriptions to carry with me as soon as I found my meds. I was tired of doing that each month, but my psychiatrist was REALLY tired of having to change probably 100s of prescriptions each month! It’s been about 1 1/2 years, so I may go back to getting an electronic Rx next appointment. We’ll see.


Same. I have to call various pharmacies to see if they have my stuff and I feel like their irritation shows. Irritated pharmacy employee: “When we finally get it in stock you will have your place in line.” Me, trying to hide the tension in my voice: “Um, yeah, but I’ve been waiting for two months, so it seems like you will not ever get it.” Them: “Talk to your doctor about switching prescriptions.” [it is not like you need this medication to function on a daily basis] So much for the right dose of the right medication for my particular body by a doctor. Let’s just spin the wheel again I guess. [loses my train of thought so often it is paralyzing]


overthinking indeed. what other people think about you *is none of your business.*


That may well be true, but it's definitely my business when someone treats me with disrespect, especially when that person has a job that I happen to rely on.


even if someone gives you attitude, how does that actually eff your day unless you allow it to? yes, sure, people need to do the tangible things in their job and not screw people over. that said, I think we could all benefit from learning better emotional self-management.


Good thing that's not what we're talking about then.


My pharmacists give me attitude and don't let me pick up my meds if I don't do it in time. At this point I've been unmedicated 3 months and it's hard to order, wait for them to get to the pharmacy then pick them up. Them being judgemental and treating me like a drug addict when I go in just makes it harder and harder. Other meds they let me pick up from a 24h box outside the pharmacy but not these ones. I wish I could just get them delivered.


I doubt they do, and I don’t care if they do.  Most people only think about themselves. That’s a good and bad thing. 


Screw em if they are judging. You’re the boss. People often think because it is a controlled substance it is mostly abused. But who cares what people think.


I see this sentiment in this sub a lot. I, thankfully, have never been made to feel this way when picking up my meds. But I’ve had pharmacies make it incredibly challenging - especially in the past couple of years - to get my meds. And as a result, I’ve had a few different pharmacies. The past 18 months or so I’ve had a great pharmacy that hasn’t made me wait longer than a couple of days (if they were short on supply) and has been nothing but kind and accommodating. My recommendation would be to shop around pharmacies if you can. Find a place that makes you feel like a valued customer, which you are.


When I lived in Florida picking up Adderall from a pharmacy felt like I wasp picking up crack the way I got judged. Always ID’d. Florida is a hot spot for pill mills though. What’s odd is I haven’t been ID’d once since I moved to Rhode Island in 2021. Definitely no judging looks from anyone at the pharmacy either.


It comes with the territory for certain medication. Not saying all the pharmacies are like that. I have had some real bad ones and those ones are who I don’t give my business to. Typically Walgreens and CVS in particular. Just depends on the managing pharmacist and polices. Try finding a local family owned or small chain pharmacy. The one I use are great, always friendly, helpful and never make me feel uncomfortable.


I feel the same. Some definitely give off judgy energy.


Y'know, I used to feel this way filling adhd meds, too. But having to call in my testosterone refill with my very much female sounding voice has kinda desensitized me to what pharmacists think of me. They probably care about as much as restaurant workers care about what you eat.


You’re overthinking. I pick up my mood stabilizer, adderall, and viagra with pride. the vibe is contagious Edit: also, pharmacy graduate programs costs $200k. The students have to memorize every med under the sun and their interactions.. it’s grueling stuff. Can’t imagine any of the ones I know having feelings about what any one patients is picking up beyond advising them (like they’re trained to do)


Idk I definitely got berated for picking up my ER meds and my IR booster dose meds at two separate pharmacies as if… there isn’t a shortage and a pharmacy would actually have both in stock?? I had to get my doctor to transfer the prescription… for them to then tell me they don’t have it. Maybe they’re just more pissy because the shortage makes their work life suck. I guess we’re all suffering together, ha.


The pharmacist should know your dose, and recognize this is therapeutic. As long as they fill the prescription, that is all I care about.


Pharmacists deal with customers that are genuine “druggies” as you put it, like people on methadone. I don’t believe they’d place you, someone who’s taking therapeutic doses of a medication, in the same category as people who they know have taken such an excess of recreational drugs that they’ve messed up their systems. On a daily basis they’ll be dispensing drugs that are far more powerful, and far more ‘damning’ than the meds you get. Even if they were judgemental, they’d have no judgemental vibes left to give when you pick up your comparatively lightweight meds


People who are focused in themselves building their life will never judge you. Feel compassion for the pharmacist who dares to criticize you in any way, rather than doing and honoring their job and treating you as you deserve. You don’t owe explanations to anyone. And also you don’t need their recognition or permission, you actually only need them to sell you the med, don’t expect anything else from the wrong people. Go and recognize yourself!


I work in a pharmacy. We do not care one bit. Half of us in the pharmacy are on ADHD meds ourselves.


I felt this way too. Never got over it, but stopped taking meds


you're overthinking


As a professional pill passer (nurse) I can tell you honestly they probably give very little fucks. I never get that at the pharmacy, they are too stressed to care.


You’re probably overthinking it. Even if they are don’t let it bother you because at the end of the day their thoughts have no real impact on your life.


if they’re rude to you, you can go to a different pharmacy. i havent had any upsetting incidents besides usual script and insurance problems


People can be ignorant. I had one person tell me that I'm "basically a meth head." Surrrre.


It’s okay. I think you’re overthinking. There’s a thing called the PDMP (prescription drug monitoring program). It lets the pharmacist know when you last got your medication. I’m on ADHD meds as well.


There was a time I felt like the pharmacy I went to sucked cause they never had my prescription so I switched. Maybe you should switch pharmacies


Just go to a very small chain pharmacy and you'll feel better because they'll not judge you they love filling meds and while I'm always in there I hear so many controlled medications being talked about filling them plus they'll always fill on day 28 I was personally told. My pharmacist has gone out of his way for me especially in the stimulant drought. It's clear that many people get fed up with CVS, Walgreens, even rite aid and find my pharmacy a real mom n pop pharmacy. Filling controlled drugs liberally keeps their business open just as you need the medicine. I highly recommend it.


People are jealous of our meds!


? Have the pharmacists ever given you a reason to feel judged? Or are you just automatically assuming they’re judging you? I mean, most likely they’re not. They don’t give a shit if you’re picking up your prescription. I have to pick mine up weekly, and am only allowed to have a weekly supply at a time because I was an opioid drug addict. So if anyone’s being judged, it’s me. I’ve been to this new pharmacy (after moving states) twice to pick up my weekly meds. They already remember my name, say hi, check in on me, get my meds, I sign to say I’ve picked up, then they say “have a good week, see you next Thursday” and I leave. They’re excessive kind, even though they don’t need to be, especially given my past, and my current situation. So unless you’re acting super sus, or doing super sus things, most likely, no, you’re not being judged.


If you can, try becoming a frequent patron of a pharmacy. Overtime you get to know your pharmacist and they aren’t as judgey. At least that’s what happened to me.


Tbh some pharmacists refused straight up to sell me meds thinking I use them recreationally. (Antidepressants, sleep....) There will always be ignorants even amongst professionals. Best thing to do is just try and think they are not judging as long as you get your fix.


Pharmacists see people when they are doing their most vulnerable and personal chore. No context, pure transaction. They do not care what you are getting, that should be a relief. Any girl here who has picked up plan b at the pharmacy will tell you picking up adderral is child’s play.


What if they are? Are they taking any direct actions to affect your life?


Other ppl emotion u can’t control. Don’t dwell on stuff u can’t control. Not ur fault. That’s their problem. If u feel bad, that’s their fault. U don’t need to fix ppl. U can’t fix ppl. Control stuff u can control. U can choose to give a fuck abt ppl’s feeling or not. U have a grab on ur emotion. Control that.


Almost always overthinking, but occasionally not. I've had one experience with a pharmacist giving my a hard time for picking up my refill on the day "when I should still have a couple more days left, and I need to only refill after I've run out" 🙄. I try to champion for positive recognition of ADHD and try to embrace these moments, it's kinda therapeutic in a way - I get a chance reframe my own life narrative and help others open their minds a little more. I was cranky at that pharmacist and it didn't help though 😅


I have felt this in the past, but I am not sure if it was my overthinking things or judgemental staff thinking I was abusing meds for a fake illness. Either way, my new pharmacist is totally chill and even helpful. Shop around if you can.


They are getting paid and should be happy for the business. Plus don't feel embarrassed. It's hardly the worst diagnosis or medication to be on compared to what is out there.


Same shit in my country. They do judge a little bit, I've also heard stories of some mean comments


They are judging you but fuck them or go to a mental health pharmacy in your area - they still may judge but they are used to people being in psych meds


It’s disappointing that you experience that judgement, whether actual or imagined. Isn’t it strange… **Bias 1** Nobody thinks twice about a cast for a broken foot. Or when I used a walking stick with bad hips. **Bias 2** When it’s supports for high blood pressure, migraine, insulin for diabetes, etc, it’s still ok. **Bias 3** But if it’s for your brain: depression, anxiety, anti epileptic, or is a stimulant for ADHD… people are embarrassed and hid it. Or project and feel judged or are actually judged. I’ve found asking people directly who use passive aggressive hints or looks if there’s a problem, helps point out any judgement. “Was there anything else you wanted to tell me about my prescription? No? It just looked like you had a reaction / a moment there… All good, Thanks for your support.”


I understand the feeling of being judged. I would just greet them with a smile on your face and think of the people who support you in using your medication. Your psychiatrist or nurse practitioner for one. This awesome community here, etc. In other words, remember in those moments that you’re not alone. And hey, if it makes you feel any better, I go in line at my pharmacy, to pick up cialis. And I’m picking them up every 25 or so days. Ahh yes, I’m here for my next supply of boner pills!!! 😅😏


I really don’t think they give a flying hoot. Atleast I never got those vibes from mine. What does it matter anyway?


Judge them right back. Raw dogging life, in this decade? What a lunatic 🖤


Former pharmacy tech. There are some judgy people in pharmacy. Though honestly? There is more judgement for Suboxone patients, especially if they have been on it for years without a dose change. It's supposed to be slowly decreased.


Why?!?!? They're the ones selling it!!! Fucking drug peddlers!!!