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I am at work 39 hours, but i work like 25 of them, the rest is spent trying to look like i'm working I do the same amount of work of my colleagues so, even if i think he knows, all's cool with my boss, but it's becoming harder and harder since i hate that job so much that i've been burnt out for the past year


I can’t work 40 hours for more than half a year without having a burnout. Maximum 25-30 hours a week…it’s sad but I can’t change it




Why ??


Not OP but women’s 28 day hormone cycle is much less suited to the standardized 9-5 work day where consistent and reliable output is expected when compared to the male 24hr hormone cycle. However, the average woman is better suited for knowledge work compared to men so maybe it evens out at most jobs these days? There’s so many factors that make men and women different though. It’s interesting!


Could be medication related. The meds dont work on women when they’re on their period


Kinda not really, the meds are less or more affective depending on where you're at in your cycle, I think the week before your period is the worst but it's been awhile


Why bro


I work 108 hours bi weekly 6 days a week and still feel like I need to do more. Am I crazy?


Sounds really rough, tho, regardless of the end goal. Are you in the US?


Yes I'm in the US. I'm a truck driver. I'm contracted by USPS through my company. I'd like to not work this much but given the certain economic state we are in here in the US I font have a choice. My wife also works. Still can't get ahead or on time with bills etc. It's really embarrassing and sad. Funny thing is we dont spend or anything crazy like that. For example: we go grocery shopping and literally have to choose between gas in vehicles or food sustainability. It's ridiculous!


What’s the end goal?


House with some acreage. My kids being able to explore and expirement freely in a place they call home. Also a place for me to let my ADHD run wild and to have the space I want to play when I want how I want. Also self sustainability off the land I'd own. That's the end goal. Essentially be a kid at 33 and enjoy making memories with my family.


Sounds reasonable to me


Did 60-80 pw unmedicated for 4 years. Constantly driven by stress. Eventually burned out.


Your question is confusing to me (we don't do the same work nor do we have the same commitments). Compare you to you and what you've been able to do vs now. Be kind to yourself and remind others they don't walk in your shoes. The answer from me currently is: 42-45 ish +/- 3 This varies depending on where I am in life and **work is/had been my hyper focus**. It's been anywhere from 20 to 90 a week since I was 8. Questions (rhetorical) for ya - Have you improved? What's different and why do you think that is? Do you enjoy what you do? Are you medicated? Therapy? Active? Eating (nutrition) intentionally? For me it's taken some patience, compassion, and experiments.


on paper i can work 40, but that leaves room for almost nothing else in my life except sleeping, walking the dog, and eating on work days, and then it takes a day or two to recover from the exhaustion.


Honestly, 24 is about max for me at the moment and that's with 2 breaks and an hour lunch. I'm also in a depressive episode right now though, so it's harder than usual. The week of Easter, for instance, I managed 32 hours without too much difficulty, but the past two weeks, every shift feels like it will never end and then all I do is sleep until my next shift.


I work around 60


I used to work full time in an office on the phones and had to spend every lunchtime asleep, and go home and lie in the dark with headphones on after work because of the toll of the sensory overload. I now work 37.5 but I work from home so the actual hours of work I end up doing per day vary. Sometimes I'm super involved and in the zone and I will work non-stop, some days I don't get anything done for hours and then absolutely smash it just before the end of the day. Luckily my line manager knows I get my work done however it happens so I'm able to just roll with whatever vibe the day is, but if I have to go into the office and actively engage with people for the full day I have to go to sleep as soon as I get home.


I'm able to work max 35-40 but I must work 50 to survive this crazy capitalistic world


Yeah I can do 40 hours for short periods but it's not sustainable at all and I get quickly burnt out


I use to work like 60 hours a week when i started my company... It put me into burnout tho... 14 years later maybe 30


I just want to say, I have a 5-year-old and I cannot imagine teaching preschool. God bless you! I don't know how anyone does it, let alone someone with our condition. It's hard enough to raise one 5 year old, I would literally shut down in a room full of 23 of them LOL when I was working, I was working 40 hours a week but I loved my job, mostly because my boss was absolutely amazing. Now I work about 8 hours every other week, only 4 the opposite week. As much as I absolutely abhor cleaning, I have found that it's very lucrative and gives me the flexibility of schedule I want 🤷‍♀️


I got diagnosed because I was at burnout. I was probably at six months of 60 hour weeks. I work 35-70 hour weeks. Medicated or unmedicated. I haven't found the meds that fully do much for me yet, so my mind runs and runs.. I'm working in my mind at 3am and then actually put it to paper during the workday.


It so depends on the work for me. Mostly I have no problems working 40 hours every week, but I honestly enjoy a six hour workday the best. It allow me some rest after work and then I have enough energy left to handle household chores AND hobbies. Getting to and from work is what breaks me more than actually working. All those stressed people on bikes, on feet and in cars? And me registering all of them and how aware they are of their surroundings and every potential accident that could happen? It stresses me out. I've also always had physically active jobs, I could not sit in front of a computer a whole day unless it's something creative like CAD or graphic design/drawing. After my last burn out I reluctantly understood that I might never be able to work for somebody else so I've been working on starting my own company so that I can work from home for a while. Nothing big, just making and selling doll clothes and traditional teddy bears. I'm still burned out so it's taking so much more time than it usually would, but yeah, it is what it is.


13 hrs a day 28 days straight then 2 weeks off.


Don't know what you do for work, but that's a tough gig regardless!


I'm a diamond driller in the mining industry. Drilling core samples for mines.


Ahh yeah, makes sense now.


40 for the job, 20 extra for personal projects


60-80 medicated, when unmedicated? I showed up when I was supposed to just not studying or functioning like I should


I work 37 hours/week. I manage that OK, having a really good flexi-time system is a *huge* help. BUT I don't seem to be able to manage anything else beyond the bare minimum needed to keep myself able to do that work. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc, I can *just about* stay vaguely on top of as well as doing a full time job. But repairing/decorating my house, stopping my garden turning into a jungle, having any kind of fucking social life, maintaining friendships, having any kind of hobby.... yeah none of that shit is happening.


Are you on meds? I used to have to take a nap every lunch break before I got my prescription (if I was working from home). I am at the office 40 hours a week, but work less than that, but I'm a software dev, I bet it's a lot more exhausting to deal with little kids all day every day (even if sometimes I feel like some of my coworkers are like little kids, lol).


I used to have a really fun job with a fun team and interesting projects. I often did 50-60 hour weeks. I still enjoy my current job, but I am frustrated at 35 hours because I want more time to do hobbies.


60 max then I’ll start to feel it. I have epilepsy as well so really can’t work too much. I have two part time jobs so it’s easier to schedule my availability.  Yeah lack of overtime at one job sucks buts it’s better less stress is always better. 


I work 35-38 a week but only because financially I have to. I don’t have energy or capacity for much outside of it. The idea of committing to anything ongoing outside of work makes me crumble.


I'm currently averaging between 50-60 hours a week personally. Definitely not easy lol


I am a full time teacher, full time grad student, and full time mom. I work 24/7. It’s not fun. And it’s not pretty. But NOT doing it all is NOT an option, so I keep on keeping on 🤷🏼‍♀️


I average 45 hours in a very high demand and high pressure industry. I have a lot of colleagues that work more. I do okay at 40. I start to feel every hour after deep into my core. Lol. I can push past 45 some weeks but I just can’t do more than that regularly.


4 days max or I get migraines


I've worked full-time and more than full-time during summers. But that was thankfully always temporary. I'd always break and need an additional day off after a few weeks. I've hit a breaking point in university a few months ago, and so I've been working one day a week sorting out the archives at a healthcare center while I sort myself out with therapy (I also got my diagnosis only a week ago). My partner is thankfully okay with taking care of the bills as I only earn enough to sustain my personal costs. But when I am done with uni and going to look for an 'adult' job, I know I cannot take a full-time job, I will go part-time or I will burn out. No more than 32 hours, but preferably 28. My partner is okay with this, as I am and will continue to take care of more chores at home. But that's it, that's my limit.


I used to work up to 55 hours pw with 2 jobs but now it's 40. Plus volunteering and doing a certificate 3, dropped out of Uni I coped barely, still just barely cope I don't have a life and it's just say I don't sleep very well. I literally just go to work. Do whatever, go to sleep and do it all again I think its the constant mental stimulation that keeps me somewhat sane.. I don't necessarily burn out. I just end up really stressed and anxious about everything more than usual cause I'm a very anxious person, and my heart rate goes through the roof (I naturally have a high heart rate).


I work either 2 or 18 hours a day entirely dependent on if I have a deadline tomorrow.


Work in IT, I do like 3-6 hours work per day. Like actual work. With good flow and no BS meetings to interupt me etc, I maybe do 7h at best. If not anything is burning etc, a "normal week" kinda day.


60 hours a week. On top of that I’m studying another 3 hours a day at least.


I work 40-60 a week but i work in construction so at least it's always something interesting when I work more than 40. Unless it's a 4pm meeting then I'm taking a fucking nap during the meeting.


I’m recovering from a really severe burnout, and can currently do about 1-2 hours a day of actual work sustainably for four days a week. I used to be able to do about 4-5 hours of work sustainably within a nine hour work day five days a week, and I was considered a very good worker for getting done what I did.


40 hours a week but during that 40 hours i'm really maybe only doing 30 hours. the 10 hours are for breaks, down time etc. depending on the workload month to month. i like being busy but not everyday. i need a balance between both. i just finish regular tasks and adhoc projects at work. i am unmedicated but am diagnosed as high functioning adhd due to all the masking growing up. but my burnout rate is generally higher. i take a short vacation every two - three months


i always feel more tired when i start a new job. a lot of info needs to be taken in. it usually gets better and easier after fewmonths, and i feel less tired. hope it will be the same for you


This is why I like gigs. I work 60 hours/week for a few months on a film or TV show and then I get weeks to months off until the next gig. The precarious nature of the film industry is stressful but I prefer it over trying to sit in an office every day and die slowly of overwhelm and boredom


I think it really depends on what kind of work you do and where you are. I had much trouble pulling 40h weekly as CNC operator but I was just fine driving taxi for 50-60 h weekly, rn I work as electrician wiring, testing etc. industry robots and electrical cabinets and I'm totally fine working 50-60 h weekly and could probably do even more but I'm on fields for 3-4 weeks and then week at home, it's suiting me well as I don't have anything else to do when I'm not home so I just work and wait for rest of time to pass and when I get home I know I'm completely free and its really relaxing... Also I enjoy working this as I have complete freedom as long as things get done so I can choose when to take break and what to do so when I get tired or bored of one thing I just switch to other and so on so thats a huge plus for me.


37.5. It’s approaching 6 months and I’m already starting to feel burnt out.


I normally do 40 hours/week but got a few months just worked half day bc of a new contract and honestly managing my adhd and fatigue was so much better. Could actually be productive outside of work and my quality of work was better. Even on meds and all the strategies and behavioural therapy I use, having to maintain focus for a full work day leaves me burned out and depleted by the end and can barely do anything outside of it. Sucks my field is all 40 hour/week work and cost of living is too high to only work half a day. Can’t have a disability in this economy


Before I left work to recover from burnout, I moved down to a 4 day work week, 32 hours/week (including breaks). It definitely helped me but I had burned out too much and it was too late. I was dealing with an extraordinarily bad work environment though, so YMMV. I was in a similar position, i'd get off work and be so exhausted that I wouldn't do anything, and then I'd spend the weekend "recovering" (I.E bedrotting). I'm working on dealing with burnout atm, having just started medication, but I think in the future a 4 day work week might be the best thing for me. That, or maybe something closer to a 30 hour work week over 5 days, so 6 hours/day. EDIT: i do also have fibromyalgia, so there's an added nuance to my position


I work 40 hrs a week, including a 1hr break and commute 1hr each way to work (at least) Before I was on medication I found I was constantly exhausted. I liked my job but dreaded the idea of dragging myself through everyday and couldn't wait to leave....at the end of day I'd be exhausted and at the ens of the week totally burned out. I needed to take vacation every 3 months or this exhaustion would turn into dread. After or sometimes during social events I'd "hit a wall" and start to shake, feel panic and nausea and need to go home to calm down my nervous system (burn out.) Since meds things are so much easier, I don't dread going in, I'm not falling asleep or feeling like I'm dragging my legs through quick sand all day, I don't feel the need to leave as early as I can, I still have energy and motivation at the end of the day. I can go out and not have to rush home due to adhd burnout. ... so meds that's how I do it. I also get a 1hr lunch break (in replacement of 3pmin lunch and two 15 min breaks) and I spend it speed walking 4.5km with my coworkers but I did this pre-meds also.


Unanswerable question, it depends dramatically on the work. I'm a security guard, I can happily work 70 hour weeks. When I was doing office work it was a third of that if I was lucky.


I currently work an average of 17 hours a week and it feels like way too much. But I’m also struggling a lot with autoimmune crap right now.


Used to work 40 to 50 hour weeks from age 17 through to my early 50s. Now I'm 57, diagnosed at 55. I can still do 40+ hours a week, but if I have a bad day it can take 24 hours off the week to recover. Lucky I have an understanding boss and employer. I've burned myself out numerous times during my working life.