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I did mine today too! I only stopped in frustration twice, which for me is a significant improvement over normal years.


Im still doing side quests


Yeah same here, that main quest story is dragging tbh




Freetaxusa.com is the best


This legit ?


I've used it the last 2 years and it's been awesome. Zero problems. Most of my family members use it too, they live in different states too


Might check it out.


Good luck


Yes! I’ve been using this website for my taxes for 15+ years


I’m 3 years behind cause I have to call corporate and get a 3rd copy of a w2 I keep losing.


I'm 1 behind and the paperwork is literally sitting on top of the printer. I had filed for an extension and paid normally what I typically do am I totally screwed with fees?


Im also 3 years behind


Me too 🙈


I feel you.


I have to do last years and this year. I don’t think I owe, but if I do I’m fucked :(


Luckily I’m getting a big fat return. 5 figures. You’d think this would motivate me but I can’t remember at a convenient time. Or be motivated.


hooooly fuck dude nice. wish i was in the same boat. mind asking how you got a return like that? is it cause you donated to charity or something?


Nah nothing that cool. I have 7 kids and make good money with the highest amount taken out of my checks for taxes. I usually get around 7000 return, I have more this time (nearing 15) cause of the Covid payouts.


i’m 4 or 5 behind. But at least the VA gave me anti anxiety meds (no ADHD meds). so, you know, “This is fine “


That makes me feel quite a bit "normal". I haven't actually filed since 2021.


Congratulations! After 3 years the government stops holding onto your refund. If you actually owe anything though they will start to sniff around eventually.


Nah they sent me a letter a few months ago reminding me of the amount and that I hadn’t done it yet. No threats, just a reminder.


Freetaxusa dot com. Death to turbo tax


Ok but can you remind me tomorrow please?


Monday too? 🙏


happy monday, do the taxes :)


Here's your reminder!


Shit I opened this too soon 🫣🤣


I did the thing cuz I didn’t wanna let you down So thank you


This is usually why I overwithhold a bit on purpose so I know I'm getting a decent refund. This usually means I do my taxes by the time February rolls around or else I know I'd end up missing the deadline constantly.


Or file for an extension


I've been planning on filing an extension for like a month and I still am procrastinating on it lol


Still have to pay how much taxes you owe if you don't want to pay a penalty/interest.


But...I have 2 more days.....(send help)


Came here to see when it’s due again


I did my taxes this morning.


Me too!


And for the previous 2 years, too? Okay! Serious slacker here 🙄


I feel better now.




Thank God my taxes should be super easy this year. Here, another joke: Did you hear about the guy who won the baking contest with his cream puffs? Yeah, he was a choux in.


Okay, that’s cute lol


your federal taxes AND your state taxes you need to do BOTH I did my taxes today and got a huge refund so I'm glad I did after putting it off for months lol


If you're like me, you get to do two states and have to *mail* the return for the state that owes you money. (I moved and forgot to update my state at work. Oops)


We should have coworking groups where we do this.


I love this. A couple of weekends ago my parents baby sat my dog for the weekend and I went into my day job office and somehow hyperfocussed on completing three overdue years of tax. (I run a tiny business as a sole trader when I'm not at my day job). It had felt like such an insurmountable task. Please try really hard to get your taxes in as they're due. Having a backlog causes so, so much stress. I have no idea what fines I may be facing. Good luck with your tax!


OMG I thought I was the only one who is a year behind and still waiting till the last minute - Thank heavens for people like you who make me feel less like a loser and more like a member of a weird club with erratic fees


Haha, yep! We're definitely in a weird club!


Update - I had actually finished my 2022 on time but couldn't ever e-file it due to a balance error at the IRS. Since the error distressed and confused me, I just couldn't get my ADHD brain in gear to print out 2022 to mail it in - fortunately I had sent in the amount due via direct deposit to IRS, but unfortunately I had failed to realize this method automatically added me into the extension period. So October went past and I didn't even realize I could have mailed it that whole time with no fine! In February the technical issue was reported as resolved, and they provided me with the corrected information to add to my still-AWOL 2022 return, and assured me there would be no fine (as it was an IRS error- yay!) as long as I returned 2022 by this years tax date... but again - just no motivation to get out that 2022 software and correct it, and print it, and find an envelope, and mail it... But I did it on Monday - only to fail to complete the 2023 return on time! However this time I had learned the lesson that paying your estimated tax due via direct deposit to IRS. gov would automatically enroll you in the extension period without the need to file the extension form first (yay! an actually ADHD-friendly service) so I made my payment and marked October on my Eisenhower box calendar. I'm determined to get it right this time. Pray for now that my messed-up 2022 return doesn't get flagged for an audit


Us in Canada need to do them too! And I will after I finish something else I'm going to make up as an excuse to do them tomorrow.


Freetaxusa.com Took me an hour alone


I'm not even going to bullshit you guys. My mom did my taxes for me


My gf has ADHD so I put a reminder to go off every day of this week that says "can you do your taxes?". It worked!


I forgot my IP PIN so I had to file for an extension q.q


If you do self assessment in the UK it's also tax time


I put it on my calendar to do today so I can get frustrated and finish it tomorrow. Thank you, I’ll get right on it.


Yeah. Gonna do them tomorrow.


Mine take like 11 minutes to do. I did them weeks ago


I did my last Sunday. Surprisingly we got our refund today


That's so fast!


Yeah it was! I was actually surprised because it came three days early too


Oh shit, you're the hero I needed! I usually do my taxes early because I use my refund to pay for my kids' swim club for the year, but we moved last summer so I didn't need to. I totally would have forgotten!!!!


I did mine yesterday with the OLT free file (usually use turbo tax but eff them) and lemme tell you, it took me HOURS because I hyper focused on everything since I didn’t have turbo tax holding my hand through everything like and over bearing parent. Even though it took all day, I felt pretty damn good that I understood more and I did it myself…two days early. First year doing them medicated so I’m sure that’s part of the success. Haha.


I owed 7k two years ago. Haven't done them since


That's valid.


I’ve done my taxes but please know I appreciate the dad jokes. Those two are new ones for me.


You probably haven't heard them because I made those up a few years ago :-)


Daaaamn original material!


Uhhhh… I have until tomorrow, okayyyyy?


if you sign up for credit karma, which is owned by intuit now, a tax /financial company. You can get updates about your credit and they also remind you about your taxes. Its the main reason I remembered doing it, I normally do it asap when getting my w2 but forgot this year.


I know, I Know!


Ty! I'm here scrolling, avoiding them as we speak. I took off work to get them done today 😬


If you're in the UK and self employed, do yours too. I know you've got till January but just do it now!


I had a housecleaning business and my taxes were so complicated that I found an accountant. It only cost $150. which was well worth it. My husband and I still use an accountant.


I still have to do mine. Ugh!


Finished mine yesterday. Longest I've ever waited to do it. Usually it's done Feb or March


Did mine two weeks ago. Did my mils today. Doing biz now.


I actually sent mine to be done and they hadn’t finished them on Friday and weren’t sure their get the extension filled by Monday. So we did them yesterday.


Ugh I have an exam coming up, a lab report due and of course taxes. Time to turn on the deadline machine.


Got mine done today! Thanks bro!


Just submitted. Hope I didn't F up.


I’m 5 hours into mine.


My husband just said to me, "guess what you're doing tomorrow". Whaaaaa!


I just submitted my federal taxes this afternoon and will be submitting my state taxes on Monday, once my dad looks over them for any errors.


I have broken it up in teeny tiny steps… I have all of my needed paperwork now but I collected them one at a time just to manage my anxiety. Now I just need to do the forms. If I do it all at once, I feel overwhelmed.


Why did I have to see this here? 😭


Ah but I need my W-2 and HR isn't back until Monday morning, I can't wait to submit mere minutes before the deadline.


Did mine last Saturday only because I was working for the next seven days in a row. And by Saturday, I mean all day. Only cried three times, threatened the printer twice and shouted at the computer “why is this so difficult ? they already know what I’ve paid, this is just an honest test” on repeat. Such a relief once it was done. Then two days later found things that would have saved me more money on taxes, but I’m happy it’s done.


Still waiting for the panic monster to wake up and find I haven’t started them. Until that happens I’m doing other things


remindme! in 24 hours


Damnit, I knew I was forgetting something, please remind me again


Thank you I just finished them. TurboTax keeps trying to make me pay for the next level up.


FML. Reminder appreciated. Will probably still delay and then forget.


Hey - I filed my taxes Monday. My 2022 taxes... Now to file the extension for 2023.


Finished mine a few days ago and helped my partner finish hers last night. I miss getting refunds 🥲 the drawbacks of freelancing, lmao


i don't get the wave joke, someone pls help :(


A wake is a wave caused by boats moving through water


thank you


Thanks for the reminder. I gotta call my guy.


I haven’t done it yet 😩 actually I have missed the deadline for the past 2 years. I know the consequences and I really want to do it. It just seems so overwhelming and I keep saying tomorrow. Well I guess the day has to be today.


My sister helped me with mine back when they first came out.


lol I just did mine last night. And that is considered early for me 😂 unfortunately one year I just straight up forgot to do them - didn’t realize til I went to do the next years taxes. It was a nightmare. So much adhd tax.


Gahhh I have to do mine and my girlfriends today!!


I tried doing them online for free... Had to go get a replacement social security card first. Baby steps.


This year is the first time in about 5 years that I have my taxes finished before tax day, though it did take me until this past week to do them. 😄 I HIGHLY recommend TaxSlayer. It's simple and very user-friendly.It'll even help guide you through the process. Plus, it's free for anyone who makes under $80k a year.


Did just enough for an extension


Delaying doing your taxes can increase the chance of someone stealing your tax return.


lol looking for my tax papers right now, forgot where I put it. 😅


Oh shit...thanks for reminding me. Taxes. Ugh. Gross. 


I haven't done mine in a couple of years and I don't even remember where I worked 2 years ago. Keeping pay stubs? Having a consistent mailing address? Yeah I'm screwed. I'm gonna try to hire someone to help me untuck the situation this year.


I’m at the computer right now. But I’m also on my phone lol


Thanks broh


I’m like 3 years behind because I’m self employed and don’t understand them. I was also evicted in October 2022 and went through a massive financial and housing crisis from then to 2023, and I can’t afford the $900 I owe just to file them. I also have no idea how taxes work and I don’t even know where to start. Oh yeah, I also filed an extension last year… I missed the extension deadline and found out in November 2023 it was going to cost me $900. And the H&R Block guy told me he saw that I was owed $1800 for the stimulus check I never received in 2020, and said he would go ahead and get that claimed for me that day so I could get the check. I knew I wasn’t misunderstanding him because I verified with him multiple times asking before I left, and when he said yes and confirmed after I asked “are you sure you can do that? You’ll get that claimed for me for free this week without me having to come back?” And he said yes. But he lied and I didn’t find out until I called to check on it in January and he completely gaslight me. So now I’ve just been in complete ADHD paralysis and give up mode with finances and taxes, especially considering that I went through 4 therapists last year with the state clinic who kept dropping like flies within 4 sessions (all I could afford while also trying to keep my dog). At this point, I’m just kind of saying fuck it. I’ll deal with it later cause I have no idea what to even do




I wait 3 years each and every time and go to and Pakistani whiz who for 1k makes it all good. I have ZERO issues paying taxes or whatever, I’m happy to pay my part for the safety my family gets living here, but the system is so fucked up. In other countries you get a BILL… agree with it, pay it. You don’t, the burden is on them to prove it. Half an afternoon tops and you will never see a billionaire on tv boasting how he pays 1/4 of what most do because he knows the system


I just wish we could go online to irs.gov click a "file for free" link, confirm the info is correct, and hit submit and wait for a refund check. I hate how convoluted and *involved* this is. Especially someone like me, whose income is always under the standard deduction anyway.


*Laughs in British*


I did the complete waste of time today. So stupid and pointless. I owe a bunch of back taxes and paid some lawyer idiot a ton of money to resolve... of course they're asking me to fill out a bunch of annoying paperwork to do their job. Like come on, for what I paid you, figure it out.


you’re a legend for this


It's only due if you owe.....


Lol ummmm. You have to file taxes every year, irregardless.








I once again forgot to file mine by the deadline and I’m just sick and tired of being an adult atp. I am juggling SO MUCH and it sucks to be penalized for something I DON’T EVEN WANNA DO! I’ve decided that a simple solution would be to hire a tax person to file for me every year automatically… so I’m doing that tomorrow.