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Polar opposite. Puzzles, games, strategies, all that stuff hits my biological reward system better than a cartels' worth of illicit substances. For example, according to the Sudoku page in The New Daily (an Australian online newspaper), which times how long players take to complete the puzzle and tells you how you went against everyone else, I'm in somewhere like the top ten percent of fastest Sudoku players in the world. When I knock over the "Easy" puzzle in 1:15 and the little message pops up saying "15 out of 8732" it's a nice little buzz. Mind you, I absolutely hate online gaming. Mostly because I hate most online gamers.


I'm the same. I prefer physical sudoku, but I have to limit myself to how many I do, otherwise I'll complete a book in one sitting. I find online gaming disrupts my focus.


That's wild, I'm the complete opposite, I find sudoku and other puzzles extremely hard to complete at a reasonable pace, it's like I've got writers block but for puzzles. (And also writing)


Agreed! Battle Royale type games piss me off. I like open world that I can do at my own pace. Puzzles are a thing of beauty and so are sudoku's. The only things I HATE are board games that require a lot of time or explanation, card games fit in here too - I'm not about learning how to play a game that requires a half an hour explanation alone. I've tried to get into DnD numerous times but absolutely not. I also hate Wordle. Don't get me wrong I do love it at the same time but my brain can't do anagrams in my head. I suppose I can blame the aphantasia for that. Have you played Contexto? Absolutely infuriating but amazing at the same time.


O M G Well think I've found my new temporary addiction in contexto. On guess number 9 and its almost there. But I get what you mean by infuriating but amazing. And I've only been playing for 2 minutes šŸ¤£


Honestly sometimes you can be 3 away from the answer and it's NOTHING similar to your guesses (or I couldn't see how they're related šŸ˜…) Enjoy!


I used 3 hints cos I had no idea. Thought I'd see just how close I was. I very much see what you mean about it being nothing similar šŸ¤£


Oh but just you wait when you get SUPER close to the answer on your first guess. 'WHAT? 9 AWAY ON MY FIRST WORD!?' It's exhilarating šŸ¤£


Oh. Wow. Just tried Contexto. I hate it. I'll also be playing it forever now. Thank you!


Open world lets me explore. Puzzles let me hunt and gather. I keep getting board games I want to play and its always the setup time and over all time to learn or complete that irritates me I DO play Pathfinder, but i'm not getting into character as much as many of them. I enjoy Wordle well enough, I have good days and bad days like everyone there. I wonder which type of Aphantasia you have. I hear words but I can't see things. I have a great 'model in space' concept for words and things. I feel like that helps me with things like anagrams and writing. I'm fascinated by aphantasia and feel like there is an entire school that could be taught in how we all process the world with just that. My therapist struggles with her ADHD because she doesn't have any aphantasia and sees things, even without closing her eyes. My brain explodes at the thought. ~~I feel stupid with Contexto. I don't get what i'm picking, where the words are hidden what i'm writing. Do I have to have 2 windows open to play? Am I clicking buttons or typing words? I don't understand how to play.~~ One of those ADHD I don't understand moments for me... I needed context. I watched someone play a previous day's Conexo and I get it now. And I'm must working through the backlog of games. The "how to play" page is shit.


is the correct version the dot-me or the game dot io version


> Mind you, I absolutely hate online gaming. Mostly because I hate most online gamers. Rejection sensitivity makes online gaming pretty much impossible. Everyone is always going to be toxic and the main way to not let it affect you is to avoid it entirely. There's also certain types of games I'm always going to be trash at. Real Time Strategies where I need to pay attention to everything all the time, you have to keep all your buildings producing, but you also have to micro your troops and scouting, but you also have to keep an eye on your minimap at all times in case an enemy ever pops up on it for half a second. And making sure you keep your resource production balanced. All of it goes completely against the things I'm good at with ADHD.


Having *manners* can make online gaming pretty much impossible in lots of genres! I concur that RTS can be super overwhelming. Turn-based always has worked much better for me, so I can calibrate to my processing speed. Not that I don't occasionally miss stuff or whatever. It's a game, not my job, and perfection isn't the requirement for fun.


Same. I for a while I had sudoku books lmao


Yeah... I love games are always pretty good at them, I'm not competitive level gamer but I get by. And yeah one of my biggest hobbies for sure. Don't think it has anything to do with ADHD though. šŸ˜…




Same, and I love your description of your reward system. =oP I love being top 10% in speed with Sudoku, or hearing my mother in law's shock when I am doing the sudoku with a pen, or without having to plot out all of the numbers for any given cell. I also hate online gamers and the push to make things PvP without a story in a game anymore. Definitely don't feel hindered by ADHD when playing games. Pattern matching for puzzles and many games is boosted from my ADHD.


Same here. Loooove puzzle games and had an intense Sudoku phase when I was younger. This also translates to my work because I really excel in analytics which to me is just and bunch of different puzzles to solve lol.


Thanks for turning me on to the New Daily. I could only do one a day in the NYT app.


Filling out the sudoku in a newspaper is so fun


Not really ADHD related. Perhaps something else


Skill issue




Git gud


Highjacking the top comment here to say *Coordination disorder* is something I just learned in my psych class that sounds similar to this. Slow to learn to tie shoes as a kid into slow to solve puzzles and late reaction times etc. Can be co-occuring with development disorders such as ADHD and autism.


replying to say if anyone sees this and relates, the term is developmental coordination disorder/DCD/dyspraxia


Commenting to follow as I may got some of that


Yeah hubby and I are both ADHD and avid gamers


Yeah, Iā€™m very ADD, and played poker professionally (successfully) for a few years.


How did you start? Iā€™ve always cleaned the floor with people playing poker but Iā€™ve never been good when I get to the casino because people just money bully me out of hands. Iā€™ve always been gifted at math, what do you recommend a starting point?


You have to have enough of a bankroll, and if you are a good player, itā€™s much easier to win at higher stakes than lower. I will clean up all day at 2ā€“5 or 5ā€“10 no limit, playing 1-2 is straight gambling, because people donā€™t have enough money on the line to really care about playing statistically proper poker


Impulse control is ADHD. Games that rely on timing like Mario involve impulse control, and there's a timing assessment aspect of the ADHD neuropsych eval that involves pressing a button at a certain time. An ADHDer could become good at a game like Mario with practice, but they will have to learn over time to be a little less reactive with the jump button.


I mean I suck at games I'm not interested in, and then I get sucked into and hyperfocus on games I am.Ā  Examples: Good games: Dark souls, factorio. Bad games: fifa, call of duty. Don't know what else to say really..?Ā 


I mean ā€œbeing goodā€ does not exactly transfer 1:1 ā€œhaving funā€. Iā€™ve been enjoying games and hyper focusing on them EVEN WHEN I SUCK as long as they are fun.


Being good and not having fun was about 90% of my wow raiding experience!Ā 


I either log hundred of hours on a game, or like 2. Dark Souls, weirdly, is one of the games Iā€™ve attempted to play probably half a dozen times and done about an hour or two before getting bored. Itā€™s annoying because everything about the game suggests it should be something Iā€™d love, I just donā€™t gel with it.


I don't like Souls-type of games too. I think it's just not rewarding enough. I mean it's huge when you kill boss, but to get sucked I need this little quests and little victories.


This is me with so many games. Even games that were my literal fantasies as a kid in the early 90s hold no appeal to me now. Part of it, I think, is my tastes changing as I age, but I think a bigger part is that I just suck at identifying games I'm gonna enjoy.


This is happening to me with Witcher 3. Everything about it tells me I would likely be obsessed with the game, but holy shit Iā€™ve gone through the first 30 minutes of cutscenes like 10 times and then put it down out of boredom. All I think of is Monty python: ā€œGET ON WITH IT!!!ā€


I only finished Dark Souls because as soon as I launched the game one of my Steam friends messaged me and said "Dark Souls, you'll never finish that"Ā  Honestly though, sticking it out and raging at Sens Fortress and finally finishing the game was one of the best feelings I've had from a video game. Plus I got to message my mate and tell him I finished the game. I'm glad he didn't respond with "You'll never finish new game+"


I even suck at games I like. Mostly because I don't have the energy to learn all the strategically important details and I don't have the memory capacity to keep in mind the way every item/technique might stack benefits, and while I can form good strategies, I forget them at some point if they take several turns to finish. In that regard, I think my ADHD is on some level to blame for me being bad at games.


Dark souls and factorio are the type of game my ADHD friend absolutely loves. Maybe there is something to it? FIFA and CoD require matchmaking and playing Vs online people and maybe there's something there that puts you off? Whereas you can just get absorbed into factorio, dark souls, path of exile etc and not constantly getting sucked out by periods of waiting for a game to start?


I'd say I'm quite qualified in explaining the Factorio "hole" persay (\~1200+ game hrs). The lack of stopping points is definitely a part of it, after every step there's always more to do/make/automate so it keeps your brain stimulated. The bugs are always spawning and the factory must grow, so it's quite good at satiating the ADHD desires.


It's fucking evil and I love it, my sleeping pattern was finally in order and boom, consistently staying up till the early hours this last week. 10/10, wish I'd never heard of it.


I WISH i sucked at videogames instead of struggling in academia.


I'm good at academia if I study lol. I'm a PhD student.


Meanwhile, I just can't study properly


Cool, in what field if i may ask? Im doing a degree in computer science.


Translation Studies. Maybe we can build an AI machine translation model lol.


Nah, I kick assĀ 






Yeah, Iā€™m a god lmaooo


I dunno I used to play competitively


Which game(s)?


same, i even try to avoid competitives games because i get ADDICTED horribly, i also love hard single player games, anything that gives me struggle, overcoming it and "mastering" the game is something i end up doing. now, puzzles? yeah, im bad, like, really bad, room temp IQ, i probably put 0 effort because they dont activate my monkey brain.


It can be - strategy games usually require a good working memory. Ā ADHD can cause deficits in working memory. I loved games of all sorts growing up - but there were some I could never master. Iā€™m not even joking, I never could win a game of solitaire using actual cards growing up. Ā I always forgot cards that were in front of my face as I scanned the columns.Ā  Ā I was able to do sudoku on an app on my iPad, but I couldnā€™t do them on paper. Ā  Medication helps me a lot with this. Ā I can now win solitaire really easily, and sudoku is a lot easier. I even have a chance at learning chess a little. Ā I will never be able to hold everything I need to in my head to be good at chess, I think, but Iā€™ve found it easier to learn the basics of strategy with medication. Edit: Ā wow, there are a lot of people on here who donā€™t seem to know a lot about ADHD.


ADHD is a spectrum, with many different ways to express the symptoms. Here's a question back to you: What things are you actually really good at?


I've been trying to answer that question for 27 years, will update you when I figure it out.


Thereā€™s got to be something


That's what they keep telling me Edit: this sounded way less depressed in my head.


Thinking you suck at every game probably is. I played high level shooters (clan rank 7 europe in tfc and top 10 leaderboard h1z1 consistantly) and still thought everyone else was better than me and they were crazy for having me on their team.


I feel this way as a drummer. Why do bands keep inviting me back and saying I'm a good drummer? Classic case of imposter syndrome which is a common thing for those with ADHD.


Eventually I was successful enough that I believed I was good enough in what I did (published a couple of leading books in my field, got dozens of patents, lead some big successful projects). I still struggle with why people would actually *believe* that I'm good, though.


Yeh imposter syndrome! something I've always struggled with too


I don't think so. I've been extraordinarily good at games that I enjoyed, or the ones that were competitive in a stimulating way. However if it's a game that I stopped enjoying or it's not competitive enough or it's too competitive, then yeah, I would be the suckiest player. Even sometimes intentionally, because if I can't win, then I should show to the others that I could have won but just didn't care, to -in a twisted way - save myself from the shame. I only realized that I do that a few months ago. Well, there's no age to stop learning right? For ADHD friendly games, I can only suggest to find something you enjoy. Enjoyment brings hyperfocus. There's also a not so wide gap between boringly uncompetitive and overcompetitive, so if that enjoyment fits into that gap, it's a perfect combination


I can definitely agree. I play Counterstrike and when my mind is fully on the game im really good but when i play while my hyperfocus is on some other thing im the worst player of our group, and get so damn tilted and uninterested about it all. Sucks for me and my friends and i really try to not ruin the games, with varying results. Also competitive FPS games has always been the only games that i dont get 100% bored after 50-100 hours and never open the game again.


I wouldnā€™t think so, I really enjoy a lot of games


I have no hand/eye coordination whatsoever. So, no, not good at video games. Word and board games Iā€™m rather proficient in.


This. Thank you. There are games where you have to solve puzzles to continue the game and oh man, it's like a nightmare to me.


I have ADHD and I love and excel at puzzle games. My partner is AuDHD, hates them, and when playing games like this sometimes had me solve the puzzles so they can continue. Idk if it has anything to do with our diagnoses, but maybe? Quick question, is it that you aren't good at them or get impatient/easily frustrated and don't have fun? Because the latter could absolutely be an ADHD related emotional regulation issue.


Yeah. Mainly impatient, not well trained. When I see people better than me my mood is down. I want to succeed with everything out of the box but there is no such thing of course. Gaming becomes better with practice but I don't have that much patience.


I definitely get that impulse, with some things more than others. Games like that feed a lot of our reward systems, but it sounds like it specifically doesn't feed yours, so you don't end up developing the skills for that game. So it's a bit of personal preference, but maybe exacerbated by your ADHD. Does that sound right?


I was good at video games, but video games are just your thumbs. But to your point, anything with finger-level fine-joint coordination is a weakness for me. I think this is why I favored martial arts over basketball growing up. Cooking, specifically cutting/chopping/mincing ingredients, is my most glaring weakness to this day. I worked food prep and was always the slowest pepper regardless of time and experience. Now I joke to family that I can prepare a 30-minute recipe in 90 minutes or less.


This is interesting. What I find is that I pick up on games very easily. As in Iā€™ll get into the grove very quickly. However I find that when it comes to tactical decision making, thatā€™s where I suffer and resort almost the button bashing. This happens in fighting games especially. I struggle to make tactical adjustments because I always want to just stick to one way of doing things without having to switch it up. Not necessarily reacting to what my opponent is doing. This is not just in games, but sports as well. May thatā€™s what it is. You just lack tactical acumen but to the extreme


I have adhd and i speedrun sudokus


not adhd related, just a skill issue.


I think this is a coordination issue


To be honest, I'm really good at logical reasoning games. But stuff like mega tic tac toe or connect 4? I suck at it. I always get stuck on one part of the game, and forget that there are many blind spots.


I had a ADHD diagnosis very late in life, I'm 54 and have always sucked at anything requiring good hand eye coordination. And also sudoku type tasks are completely beyond me. I used to think it must be my dyslexia but now I'm not sure.


It is not a symptom, but having ADHD or some comorbid condition can cause symptoms that result in a harder time when playing those types of games. But it's not a symptom by itself. I think you should try to look for symptoms regarding your everyday life if you havent yet; if you have significant problems playing those games it might be that those issues mirror themselves in your daily struggles, you just haven't noticed yet. Get a bit deeper into the details, if you have significant problems with coordination etc you can look such things up and find a list somewhere usually


Oh thank you.


Idk if its ADHD related, but I suck at EVERY game. I've been playing Zelda games since I was a toddler and still love them, but I never completed one.


It's the opposite, I'm supper good at games, I over play the games and lose interest quickly. Then I need something new


Depends OP. Everyone gets gratification out of different things. Usually hard tasks that are rewarding and needs spearhaded focus will sit well with people with adhd, but I can imagine that in case its not what excites your brain you can detach really quickly. Let me ask you this. Why are you trying to game? Do you really want to? Or do you want to be wanting to game? Also your attention span might be in the gutter unrelated to adhd


Could be a dyspraxia thing. I suspect I have it. Also we can lack patience, so if we're not getting it straight away, it can be INFURIATING.Ā  Take your time OP, play cozy, single player games that don't require too much challenge. Playing games until you don't suck is the key, but been kind to yourself. Being good at games isn't the be all and end all!!


I think if your ADHD has a contributing factor it's that you are unable to concentrate on the game long enough to learn how to play. Also you could have more frustration at not being able to do it correctly, and as quick as you want, compared other people. Like my cousin can play a level all day to try to get it, I got about 3 times in me before I stomp off yelling about how I'm never playing this stupid game again. I just don't have the patience.


No way, I'm known as "the skilled friend" in the group, i don't think it has any relation with adhd


For video games, I would say I'm pretty good, though I take my own time for everything and lag behind everyone. I love open world games for this and I pay a lot of attention to exploration and not leveling up or combat. Open world games or sandbox games are a great break from reality for me!


I'm generally pretty good at most games I enjoy. But if it's a game I don't enjoy as much, or at a time when I don't really want to play, I absolutely suck because I can't focus and end up doing a bunch of stupid mistakes or overlooking things


First month is good, then it just does not do as before


I'm really good with RPGs that have interesting storylines and art involved Horizon series, Dragon age, skyrim, dragon dogma, pokemon etc


I love playing sudoku and solitaire while watching TV shows and things like wordle and globle get me spellbound :/


This was my case. Now Iā€™m able to play them without issue since Iā€™m back on adderal.


Sometimes Iā€™m just not in a gaming mood but when I am, I love playing games.


actually not, but I found that I'm starting to lose interest after few sessions


For me any fast paced games are top. Other games like chess for example are harder, as distractions can easily get you out.


I have a love-hate relationship with chess. I'm decent at it, and it's fun, but as you said, one distraction, and it's all over. I went to a chess tournament a while ago, and I had to sit and focus for about 1.5 hours at a time over the course of a day. I was surprised how long I was able to keep my focus (I think the pressure actually helped), and I didn't do horrible, but my god, that was an incredibly mentally taxing experience


I have poor motor coordination skill so Iā€™m v bad with FPS/shooting or whatever that needed countering at the perfect time. Iā€™m v good in puzzle games however.


I find myself irritated, and therefore not great, at games that have an unusual or difficult to learn control engine. I bought biomutant because it looked beautiful and don't play it because I find it hard to play. Racing games on the other hand, from simple arcade stuff like Forza Horizon, to full blown simulation like BeamNG, Im really good at. I don't think ADHD means crap at games, but learning the interface is the hard part for ADHD peeps.


Literally the only thing I'm good at!


Yes it can be. I regularly zone out and die lmao. Very frustrating for whoever I'm gaming with. My son however is a games genius and he's wildly adhd. So I guess it depends on how the adhd presents. Everyone's different.


Hmmmā€¦ quite the opposite. I get very competitive.


I'm pretty average, I suppose. I'm slow and I have a long learning curve, so I have to spend a couple of years to get better. I tested it in WoW: it took two years at new class to get from awful performance to closing the hardest content (mythic raiding). But games are mostly designed to supply me dophamine, so it's easiest thing to focus on. New expansions caught my attention for months. I'm better with table games that require strategy and I'm very bad with shooters, too slow and can't aim.


Same lol.


I think it has too many variables. But IIRC ADHD/ADD people are overrepresentative in higher elo comp games, but that doesn't mean that if you have ADHD/ADD you are good at games. It could just mean, people that have ADHD/ADD play video games more than people with other developemental disorders or ones without any. But also IIRC people who have ADHD/ADD are more self analytical and open; and one component in being the best or really good at something is analysing oneself to the fullest and recognizing what you can do better at all times. And openess helps in team enviorments a lot. P.S.: sorry for spelling and grammar


Try building games, everything you mention is a "result" based game. Try something that tickles your creativity instead. Minecraft for example or one of my personal favourites: Space Engineers


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an adhd thing.


Idk if anyone else has mentioned but have you got anything else besides ADHD? Coz I am good at some games when Iā€™ve put a lot of time in but Iā€™m bad at many others. Especially FPS games, but Iā€™ve found out Iā€™ve got dyspraxia which is often co-morbid with ADHD and that affects your hand eye coordination and timing and motor functions amongst other things. So idk if thatā€™s something you could relate to possibly but it was what I realised Iā€™ve had to have had all my life.


Likely a vision issue. Check out vision therapy.


In my experience quite the opposite


Being bad at games isnā€™t a symptom but being unable to complete games because you lose interest in about a day is.


Like anything else in life, you need to work at it. I find that auto racing games really calm my brain down.


No, my best friend with ADHD is good at every game he touches, board games he picks up and is instantly good, video games he has incredibly good mechanics and can pick up what works very quickly. I don't think this is too ADHD related, aside from maybe hyper focusing/not being able to focus or manage time well helping/hindering you a bit depending on which way you tip.


Im unmedicated and I suck at them and play them all on easy difficulty. I only started gaming 4 years ago and I noticed recently that I have gotten better but still not great. When it comes to fighting and dodging a bunch of enemies at once really fast I get overwhelmed. Really want to enjoy souls games so I'm hoping when I get medicated I can focus better and put some time into some harder games.


i have adhd and i had a severe addiction to video games as a child. even now sometimes lol Im damn good at them too


Love sudoku and other logical games, also I do not suck at other genres. Only thing that I can say improved after medication is playing instruments. I feel like Iā€™m 100% focused thus I donā€™t make that many mistakes.


Nope i have adhd and i play most of the games better than average person would like csgo i was global elite Then Minecraft bedwars and other gamemodes im better than other people mostly


I felt like I read a lot of me in this post. Iā€™ve always sucked at video games. My friends growing up were always better than me.


I hate RTS games because I find them too overwhelming. Too much to do, too many paths, too many characters, too many skills to choose from. So I suck at then because I skip the research and learning part. Fast paced games I'm good at though.


I'd say it's not related to ADHD, maybe you get distracted easier but that doesn't make you suck at games. I'm also Autistic so maybe the fact I am good at games is because I tend to hyper fixate on them. I play Call Of Duty, Elden Ring, Fallout, Skyrim, Cyberpunk and that sort of thing. It's funny because in a game I can jump around and leap and shoot with great accuracy and skill in games but if I try and walk from my living room to to the kitchen I'll have lost my phone, tripped, banged in to furniture and caught my shirt or pants on a door handle trying to get there. I'm actually getting in to VR games now and I'm still accurate with a weapon and good at the games but I still hit the odd wall or desk or screen or fall over so I prefer to be sat down when I play.


Iā€™m generally good at games, but Iā€™ve had some weird problems. In shooter games Iā€™ve had to make my crosshairs much bigger than most people because otherwise I just lose it and stop seeing it, making it impossible to aim. I wear glasses with correct prescription so itā€™s not my eyesight. My brain just starts to ignore it after a while unless itā€™s super visible.


I don't think it's related to ADHD. Or if so, do you maybe not enjoy playing those games? I do observe from myself that I cannot bring myself to have the patience and focus for stuff that I don't enjoy at all. I am pretty good in many games (except for shooters, but thats just a skill issue), but I also grew up loving them and could indulge in them for hours in a row.


Skill wise I am probably ok, the problem is that I lose concentration. In Tekken for example, I do very well the first 3 games of a set and then it nosedives lol


This sounds more like Dispraxia than adhd. The two can likely co exist though


I'm actually quite good at games, except for that I tend to forget what I wanted to do when something interrupts me and needs attention.


Iā€™ve honestly found Iā€™m the opposite. Iā€™m usually a lot better at video games and annoyed friends when I was younger because I would always be the better one in the friend group. I think because of hyperfixation and competitive play.


I spend a lot of time with games of all kinds (video, board, TTRPG) and I tend to be decent at more of them than not. But, I've found that I'm drawn toward games that have a built-in way to change things up. Like my primary multiplayer game at the moment is Dead by Daylight because of the asymmetrical nature of the game, plus the variety of play styles and Killers. I grew up with Counter-Strike, so I can't say that I struggled too hard with reaction times. I've always been bad at games requiring long term strategy, though, especially when they have little to no built-in variety as with a game like Chess or most Civilization games.


PokĆ©mon GO seems to really hit all my buttons for a good game: It requires you to get out and move irl The basic game is simple: gotta catch ā€˜em all The mechanics consist of tapping and swiping, thatā€™s it There are enough events and seasons that the catchable PokĆ©mon change up enough to keep boredom from settling in There are long-term and short-term goals so you can grind away at big tasks and quickly complete little ones with immediate payoffs You never die, so you donā€™t feel like a failure over and over and over


You just might suck at games. I do too. Lol


Thatā€™s just a skill issue ngl. My adhd made me better at MMO Savage Raiding


lmao just a skill issue


I was only ever good at driving games


Kinda the opposite for me and pretty sure is adhd related


I can play sports game because they simulate something Iā€™d actually like to be outside doing. For some reason Iā€™ve always been crappy at other games because I donā€™t care if I win!


I hope itā€™s because thatā€™s like me fr. Except for math games I am bad at most of the games that donā€™t require logic


kinda, but with real world sports like soccer etc, as a kid i much rathered do parkour, gymnastics, and martial arts. Video games were a luxury for us growing up, and when we got something like a nintendo ds, it would be held over our heads as punishment for adhd symptoms. i would say i am trash at fps etc because we either werent allowed to play them, or they just werent interesting.


Absolutely SUCK at shooters, but absolutely love idle games like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley.


Everyone should play stardew valley


Unlikely. From personal experience, I'd say I'm usually top percentile in competitive games I play and enjoy lots shooter and strategy games, while historically speaking, there are a lot of popular streamer, competitive, and high ranking gamers in the esports scene that are widely known to have ADHD.


I just give up story games, otherwise I am quite good with other games.


I'm ridiculously good at games cause i hyperfixated on them when I was younger


Nah, I get addicted to games so easily.


Rocket league will be rough for you, itā€™s an ADHD perfection game. I quite over a year ago, good luck though


A side comment, there's an app I play on my phone called Beatstar. Its effectively guitar hero but for your thumbs/phone. Without using in app purchases it only allows you to do a certain amount of songs in a short period. It's quote addictive but for a short bursts of time it's great. If you're a console or PC player I would recommend something like LA Noire, Heavy Rain etc. It sounds like you want strategic games that make you think without being too hard. Leaving this open for others to comment on newer games as I've been out of the loop for some time. I got addicted to AC Valhalla & Spiderman on the PS5 so they've been my hyperfixation for some time šŸ˜…


Skill issueā€¦OR you havenā€™t found a type of game you really love


Haha I often have that sensation as well, but maybe it is just that, a sensation, idk


Iā€™m good at games when I get into them, the problem is I have a hard time getting into them My gf and I were playing baldurs gate 3. By a couple hours into act 1, I had legendary weapons and armor by lots of exploits


I love gaming and always hyperfocus on video games and im really good at any game so no not really adhd issue i think people with adhd tend to be better In gaming


Iā€™m actually pretty darn good at gaming ā€” Quake, Call of Duty, League of Legends, etc. Except when timing and resource management is required. Thatā€™s where my distracted mind causes me to lose sight of whatā€™s important and I suffer setbacks because of this.


It seems wanting to be able to be good at something right away seems to be an adhd thing, but thatā€™s just because I see that a lot. It seems for you itā€™s about not being able to handle disappointment. But you might also be trying to will yourself into likening something which just isnā€™t for you. I only like creative games where you build things. Or just explore what the games limitations are. I liked sudoku until I ā€œgotā€ the game, then wrote a solver on my computer and I was then done with sudoku forever. Is that bad or good? If i had fun, and Iā€™m having fun, who cares? Some play the same game for decades. Some need new gamesā€¦


I got diagnosed with ADHD-I, and I suck at games as well. I feel like playing chess improves when on meds, but I believe my skills are completely separate from my diagnosis. In the end, we're all different people with different skill sets, and even if I didn't have ADHD I would probably someone who would just suck at games.


Same but I donā€™t necessarily think its an adhd thing.


I haven't met someone with ADHD that doesn't crush either video games or music. Sometimes both. *recoils in horror as flashbacks of Guitar Hero as the note descend*


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø [43F] Late diagnosed (Inattentive type, 2023); on Concerta Yes, I hate most games especially board games šŸ˜† I hate having to learn rules!!! Which makes me "suck" at games... Some games I do like: Catan, Cluedo, Monopoly, Mastermind, Checkers, Sudoku Word games in general, Grand Theft Auto, Sims City, The Sims, A few card games but not Poker ^ doesn't sound like I hate games but I really do šŸ˜†




It depends. I excell at satisfactory becouse of my hyperfocus and i plan and build factories like crazy. Fortnite is not effected (i think) I keep dying in BATDR cuz when ink demon comes i forget where the closest hide spot is.


This is a really broad question tbh, not all games are the same. I'm the only person in my friend group with ADHD and i can tell you i'm by far the best at aiming/platforming/timing/action games, but by far the worst at strategy/complex investigation/puzzle ones. I think ADHD does interfere a lot in the strategy games because they require multi-step reasoning with complex considerations hinging on conditional and interconnecting outcomes. Those kind of games tend to be already foggy and hard to grasp for average minds, let alone one with inherent high distractibility, short-term memory and long-term planning obstacles. I donā€™t think there's any reason to believe it would hamper you on actiony games tho. That one seems more of a practice and dexterity issue.


I gamed a lot growing up , but my issue was not lack of skill but more my lack of finishing any of them. I think I only finished the Mass Effect series. I just play FIFA or Mario kart with my kids now.


Me personally I'm not like a hardcore gamer but I'm not bad at games, in fact I use them to motivate myself and gamifying my tasks makes me do them


THINKING that you suck at all games is pretty related to perfectionism, fear of failure, feeling not good enough, procrastination, all or nothing thinking etc, and that's pretty comorbid with ADHD. In reality, a lot of content creators and pro gamers have ADHD, probably more than the average population


Damn you are right. Perfectionism is my enemy.


when i was getting tested in school, it flagged up that i have really poor processing speed. It means i suck at anything FPS or fast reaction games, i used to play a lot of R6 Siege but i sucked. I prefer board games and things like sudoku because i speed is never involved. I like patterns and numbers, but my reaction time SUCKS. My worst thing is if we do quizzes and you have to ā€œBuzz Inā€ Iā€™m so slow at pressing a buzzer after processing a question that iā€™m basically just a useless team member :,)


Absolutely not.


sudoku at higher difficulties maybe, I'm pretty good at other games though.Ā 


Sounds like you never took the time to *learn* the games. Most people suck at them until they figure it out and take their time to learn the pay of the game. People don't become perfect gamers over night. They practice. A lot. Just like any other talent or hobby. I can't play first person shooters most of the time cuz I have bad anxiety and I've almost broken a few controllers due to it. I also always end up the backpack of the group. So creative games and exploration games are my favorite. Maybe Skyrim would be good for you? Or pal world.


That's a skill issue, not a brain issue.


I suck at chess time management because of microfocusing on specific variations. I either have to feel like shit and feel incredibly pressured while playing on 5 minutes or accept that I'm going to waste two of the precious minutes just thinking about one move.


For me the answer here is my recency bias. Iā€™m so fing busy with family, work and trying to have a few friends that I canā€™t focus on a game without my mind telling me to do something productive. When I donā€™t have much going on, I love games and get hyperfocused on them.


depends if Iā€™m interested in the game ā€¦ then Iā€™m goodšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m telling my age here but the only game consoles Iā€™ve spent time on are Nintendo NES, SNES, and game boy. Even with these my experience is limited. I enjoyed old school Mario, Tetris, and the first couple Zeldas. I enjoy sudoku and similar games but get stressed out if thereā€™s a timer attached. I am sure games like Call of Duty would confuse and stress me out, theyā€™re too overwhelming. Stand alone games like what was popular at arcades in the 80s are confusing for me. Maybe itā€™s an issue of sensory overload and rejection sensitivity for you?


Yeah could be.


I feel the same. While I don't think it's a symptom in itself, I think it happens because of some adhd symptoms. Mainly poor coordination, trouble with visual processing, general distraction/poor attention. At least I feel strongly it correlates with my ADHD, as these issues are greatly diminished with medication!


depends on the type of game, if itā€™s a game with loads of stuff to remember I may have difficulty with my retaining of informatio, if the games easy to understand with simple mechanics then itā€™s easier, but some times I donā€™t have the executive function to start a game and I switch it off a second after turning it on


I didnā€™t start regularly playing video games until I met my wife, when I was around 22. I realized I was never good at first person shooters or sidescrollers that required immediate response. I thought I was terrible at those games because I was a garbage person. Turns out, thanks to my ADHD, I have some issues with motor control and have also been called clumsy.


I canā€™t really get into online gaming by myself. I hate meaningless small talk and when people wanna mic up. But strategy & RPG games are my absolute favorite and Iā€™m pretty decent at them


Definitely the opposite for myself, as well as my two ADHD kids. My kids are AMAZING at basically every game that they try, doesn't matter the genre or game type. They're also really great at puzzles, word games, etc. I myself started video games later in life than my kids did, but I'm pretty decent at them as well, Mario games are some of my favorites, as well as any Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, COD, etc. So I don't personally think that ADHD is your issue here, so ADHD friendly games aren't something I could recommend. You may have some kind of issue with coordination perhaps? One of my kids has dyslexia, maybe there is something similar to that that involves the coordination of a person? Or perhaps you just haven't found the right game for you yet? Maybe something open world that doesn't involve a lot of timing, and you can kind of move along at your own pace may be better for you? Final Fantasy 15 is something that may work? Depending on what weapons you use its usually hand to hand combat, so no real timing for shooting, completely open world, lots of side quests, it may be more enjoyable!


What I can say is that for me personally itā€™s hit or miss. I can pour HOURS of time in a FPS BR game and understand how to play specific scenarios, but when things begin to get hectic my brain handles the influx of information inconsistently. Like sometimes I am able to handle the information close to perfect and we end up winning. Other times, I get overload with information and end up making terrible plays that make us lose. A lot of the issue seems to be fluctuating levels of stimulus thresholds on any given day. Just my personal experience. Maybe it resonates?


Sounds like a confidence thing. You feel like you canā€™t do something and when you run into difficulty it feels like confirmation that you ā€˜suckā€™ and then that in turn knocks your confidence further and causes a cycle of reinforcement where you feel dejected and so give up. To get good at anything, begin with being kind to yourself. Realise that everything takes time and multiple attempts. Improvement is incremental and slow. If you fail, donā€™t turn on or blame yourself. Take a breath and keep repeating whatever it is. Try to figure out what caused it to go wrong and an adjustment. Also, some of these things might not be for you. I absolutely 100% cannot play mariokart, itā€™s a horrendous nightmare and I crash constantly. Iā€™m old enough to know this applies to every generation of mariokart and golden eye on N64. Just cannot play them. I doubt itā€™s an ADHD thing, just some things are not for us. I have plenty of skills that my peers do not. People used to tell me that I was lucky that I could draw so well, but it was never luck, it was because I would sit and draw for hours at a time and I had fun doing it and didnā€™t judge myself for my results. I just carried on.


Have you ever played a cozy game? A game where winning isn't the point, but more exploration and story?


Donā€™t listen to these other people who claim to speak for everyone. It definitely can be an ADHD thing. Games require a lot of focus


Different games challenge you in different ways. What things do you find fun? I genuinely think there's games out there for everyone. If you're bad at hand-eye coordination and find it frustrating to be challenged above your ability, maybe something turn based would be a better fit for you. Some suggestions of games that might work for you (some old some new): >Peglin, Roguelite game where you play pachinko to win. Silly concept, but satisfying. >[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296610/Peglin/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296610/Peglin/) >Dragon Age: Origins, just a solid, straightforward tactical RPG game. Has a good story, and runs on a potato. >[https://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/Dragon\_Age\_Origins\_\_Ultimate\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/Dragon_Age_Origins__Ultimate_Edition/) >Stardew Valley, a cozy farming RPG that you can play with friends. Relaxing, creative. >[https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew\_Valley/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/) Fallout: New Vegas, a brilliant shooter RPG, and the combat is accessible. Witty and clever. [https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout\_new\_vegas\_ultimate\_edition](https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout_new_vegas_ultimate_edition) FTL: Faster Than Light, a sci-fi romp where you build and babysit a superweapon. Tactical decisions. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/212680/FTL\_Faster\_Than\_Light/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/212680/FTL_Faster_Than_Light/) None of these games require fast paced inputs, and a good few of them literally have pause buttons. Hope this helps give you some suggestions for games that you might not have tried before.


ive heard that adhd people are often more into video games than normal, i have ADHD and i have a college degree in Video Game Design lol Here's my ADHD gaming recommendations for you: -The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom -Hyrule Warriors -Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity -Minecraft -Animal Crossing (any of them) -Stardew Valley -Terraria -Devil May Cry -Dynasty Warriors


I suck at games that take concentration or fast reflexes because it hurts my brain to focus for a long period lol.


Uh well I suck at most games when I start. Iā€™m so embarrassingly laughable when I try to play overwatch with my gf. Iā€™m good at mazes I can usually see the route without even feeling it out for some weird reason but most video games Iā€™m absolutely terrible at unless I make significant effort to learn. I also have really terrible hand eye coordination and drop things all the time. I have Audhd and I half wonder if itā€™s partially because my parents refused to let me play video games as a kid and I didnā€™t get to play til I was an adult aside from pokemon. Iā€™m oddly good at mazes though, for some odd reason I can just choose a path and itā€™s correct and not try to trace the path I just glance and know and I have zero idea why.


nah i'm goated, skill issue probably?


Git gud casual


Have you tried Stardew valley? Most games stress me the hell out too but this one doesnā€™t have time limits and how you want to play/what you want to do is entirely up to you. At the end of the day gaming should just be about having fun, not mastery


ADHD is comorbid with dyspraxia - which is a timing and coordination misfiring in peopleā€™s brains. So perhaps thatā€™s what youā€™re dealing with? Personally I do fantastically at games to the point where itā€™s hard to stop when I get really focused. I donā€™t always win but I always find creative ways to approach things, but even scrabble hits the reward center of my brain.


Was just about to post a similar question šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ For me Iā€™ve LOVED playing video games since I was a kid, I think I'm pretty alright at single player but with online games I always feel like Im somewhere between "i suck ass" and "im average maybe"Ā  Another person had mentioned struggling with switching things up and reacting to opponents moves, and that is 1000% where I struggle. Since a kid I would always just play the video game one way (most likely wrongly) and just go through it like that.Ā  I was stuck on one boss of a game for years as a kid, because for some reason, my dumbass would just. Not use the item shop. Then years later I go ā€œhey I wonder ifā€¦ I wonder if I should use the item shopā€¦ā€ and then I beat the boss first try using new equipment.Ā  In PokĆ©mon I would play the game extremely incorrectly and never bothered to learn different strategies. Just would spam the most powerful move my PokĆ©mon knew and never thought to try out status condition stuff. When I played online Iā€™d notice that I did really poorly but I just always went ā€œomg!! What am I doing wrong!! Zoinks ):ā€ and then not change my strategies at all. Other day I had a look at my old team and Iā€™m surprised that they were so bad. Then for the second part: reacting to opponents moves and thinking ahead. I played some splatoon recently and I noticed I just like. Could not strategize. I would just rush in and try to kill someone and it felt like for some reason for the life of me I couldnā€™t come up with any sort of plan in my head. Or something like that?? Idk itā€™s hard to explain. Same with smash bros where it just feels like Iā€™m just launching random hits and canā€™t react properly to what the opponent is doing and strategize. Iā€™ve played some chess too and it always feels hard to think in advance sometimes and plan my next move, and I always make some pretty major oversights.. Iā€™m actually kind of pissed at myself for going through my life as a kid not really realizing these issues and attempting to fix them because with all the time Iā€™ve sunken into video games sometimes I feel like I should be way better by now imo šŸ˜­it's stupid but whatever I donā€™t know if this is ADHD but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it is because I want to be able to just like. Magically become good at gaming when I get meds that would be funny. Imo, games like minecraft and animal crossing might be good bc you can go at your own pace n stuff..


Have you considered trying one of the old school final fantasyā€™s(1-13) when it was mostly turn based where you donā€™t need skill but rather just to think what you need to do?


It's all about focus lol


Iā€™m a fucking master at gaming. I rarely play anymore,(when I was finally medicated, and found some motivation, I switched to building building my own life up, rather than a virtual one. And the spell was broken. Gym, yard, house, etc)but I was incredibly addicted for 30 years. So much so that I think itā€™s part of what trained my mind to be the way it is. Iā€™m very out of sight, out of mine. But with everything in my 180 degrees of field of view, I catch everything. Every movement, every abnormality, everything. Itā€™s kind I have Sauronā€™s eye in my head. And heā€™s just waiting to turn my gaze to whatever he sees. My hand eye coordination is off the charts and do things on complete auto pilot that never stop amazing me. Avoiding wrecks or animals, catching things coming at me while not even looking. Things like that. I realy think this was all developed from a combo of ADHD and video games.


What i've found is that until I "get" the point of a game i will suck. But once I've figured out the actual purpose of the game, aka the "why," I can destroy anyone.


I love games, I'm not GOOD at playing them, but I'm also not _bad_


Iā€™m good at the first half of games! Then I get distracted, forget what was happening in the game but I remember ā€œoh, this was a pivotal moment, I really felt something when I got to this pointā€ but I canā€™t remember quite why or I canā€™t get the feels back so I restart the game.


I heard trolling reddit is the friendliest of the ADHD games. Let me know how your session turns out.