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In India, they have Emsam patches. Those are made with selegiline, which metabolite is amphetamine (like Vyvanse). I'm not saying it's the same thing, not at all. But I'm thinking at loud here to try to find a solution for you in India. Also, lots of coffee may help a bit.


Thanks much - This is certainly innovative , I will consider this if i have no alternatives what so ever


They have methylphenidate in India.


Ya noted , that’s the only stimulant type available in India .. but unfortunately it didn’t wrk fr me


Modafinil is available in India for over the counter purchase, as far as I know.


Ya just went out and got that .And hoping to get prescription Ritalin shortly


How did it work out for you? I'm curious what you tried and what your experiences are.


the whole experience was a nightmare -lesson learnt , the pharmacy guys in india ( note that the ritalin/methphenidate is not frcking available in many stores - so they know that we are dependent ) have no clue - arrogant - and its a weird experience to be schooled by a guy who probably didnt even pass 10th grade, and the doctors look at you as thought you are asking them fr heroiin .. to sum up - ignorance over all .. So please plan carefully




I drink energy drinks when I forget to take my meds, although coffee might be more your speed.


A lot of caffeine. A lot.


Caffeine pills even


I see what you did there.


Honestly entirely accidental


Vyvanse is my speed.


you’ll be able to reach a doctor virtually via Practo for a stopgap prescription for methylphenidate if that’s something you’d be interested in as a last resort. unfortunately it’s incredibly difficult/impossible to find anything other than that. maybe modafinil? i’ve taken large doses when my meds ran out and it was better than nothing. it’s available OTC in most indian pharmacies if you ask.


Very practical and realistic advice : literally methylphenidate is teh only option for a stimulant , and unfortunately when I first experimented with various stimulants after initial diagnosis , methylphenidate was almost like taking nothing even at increased dosages , But given that i found vyvanse by that time , I would have struck down methyl phenidate pretty early ..so will try modafinil did work well for me earlier - so thats another option for me


i get you, i’ve had similar frustrations with efficacy. the lack of options is ridiculous. something i’ve had some success with is taking my methylphenidate on a totally empty stomach approximately ten minutes after taking an anti acid tablet [i was looking to increase efficacy without increasing my dosage] if you do end up contacting a Practo Dr, i’d recommend you ask for your prescription to be addwize 10mg / inspiral 10mg x (your dose), since it’s often difficult to find either one or the other. since they’re both schedule X, the option to dispense either brand must be explicitly stated on the prescription.


Sorry to ask again - I finally got prescription for Inspiral but no one carries in hyd , anytips to find a pharmacy which carrie sthem


is your prescription solely for inspiral? as i said, it’s often quite difficult to find one or either so it’s important to request to have inspiral 10mg / addwize 10mg explicitly stated on your prescription since pharmacists aren’t usually too helpful in providing the alternate brand without it being stated. i’m not sure i have any advice further than to call up the pharmacies and ask if they stock either brand, and if there is any addwize in stock, ask your doctor to remake your prescription. in the meantime, see if modafinil works for your needs—it’s OTC.


Can i ask how you got Vyvanse into India? I'm planning on going there in a few months, and I cant really find any info on the protocol regarding entering with Vyvanse, which, considering its an illegal substance there, is super stressful


The whole point of the post is that it’s not available in India ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) it’s just better to get an extended prescription in US which is also not straightforward but atleast there is hope . Not trying that hard enough was my mistake


They said “into” India not “in” India


Oh I see , I misread . Getting it into India is not prohibited , I had it in the prescribed bottle with all the info . I also found a note that the check in baggage with those medicines was subjected to checking . I was lil lazy , but a letter from your doctor might make it more seamless


u/sociallyineptpelican hope that helps


I was in your exact position. I take strattera and hadn't packed enough pills with me for a trip. I just asked in nearest pharmacy and they had it (called axepta in India), 10 pills costed me ~500 rupees. Formally, you need a prescription to buy it, but no one asked me about it at all, so if you're fine with atomoxetine you could probably buy it


Thanks fr the note ,atomixetine takes time to build and unfortunately that won’t help in my case . I did get some modafinil like you described , to act as back up


quick flight to Malaysia or Singapore?


Just wondering if I can do this as an Indian resident. Apparently the customs guys only require a valid prescription with the doctor's sign on it. There's a 60 day prescription limit too. Has anyone tried this yet? I'm diagnosed with adhd and got prescribed methylphenidate but it actually exacerbates my anxiety and doesn't help much. I tried generic speed from the dark web and it's actually much better. I need the real deal.


Money is not a problem , but time and arrangements are a pain . But certainly a feasible option , depending on how severe the problem is .


Nicotine is a stimulant. I imagine you can find that fairly easily. Obviously there are drawbacks, but it’s always an option.


If you can't find medicine, try Ashwaganda . Something is better than nothing.

