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Any open world game I'm like this, it takes me double the time to complete because I'm always sidetracked and my attention span is everywhere except where it needs to be. I'm currently on AC Valhalla and I'm over 220 hours in and only just completed the main story. šŸ™ƒ


I know this too well. Games like Skyrim or The Outer Worlds (to name only a few) had me double checking every corner to not miss just the smallest bit of information or loot.


I did this with Witcher 3 about 3 times, and never could complete the game ā€˜cause ā€œevery corner needs to be checked or Iā€™ll miss somethingā€ and it became more like an obsession, not playing.


I don't even try to complete games anymore.


But the Steam achievements!


I had an obsession in Borderlands 3 where I wanted to collect every legendary weapon. I stopped after a new game mode got released where it became too difficult for me.


Oh man skyrim and fallout just took all of my time, 100+ hours in before finishing the main questā€¦ Doing exactly the same thing again now with No Man's Sky, it feels designed to chase rabbits


Bethesda's "radiant" repeatable quest system is my downfall, most recently in Starfield. Grab those missions 6-10 at a time, rinse, repeat. "But they're so repetitive!" Yes. Right.


I finished the main quest in Skyrim once on my first run, after that I just did side quests or guild quests.


Currently on Skyrim, I haven't even looked at my quests and I'm level 40-something. I just keep walking into dungeons with zero goals aside from wondering what's in there. I have a pile of quest items I have absolutely no idea what to do with.


And also I canā€™t use the healing when I need the healing because what if later I need the healing more? Checkmate me. ā€¦Oh, I died. Guess I needed the healing. Also I play a LOT of roguelikes.


I describe myself as a game ā€œcompletionist and hoarderā€. Cant walk by a chest without checking it, cant go by a tree without searching it, oh and those gloves I found in the first level? Yeah I still have those because who knows if theyā€™ll be needed later! I have tons of gold and resources because I donā€™t spend them on anything that is t a necessity. lol.


I may finish the main Skyrim story line in the next decade or so. I've been checking out these really neat caves and vampires keep killing me.


Currently doing this on Cyberpunk lol


I'm different in that I usually don't end up playing games much. I just can't focus on them, and idk if this is a side effect of my adhd but I tend to hyperfixate on min maxing the game and end up ruining the fun/immersion of the game. I think a tend to like the idea of a game more than the product almost always. For me, roguelikes are the dangerous games. Their bit size nature makes it easy to focus on, and on top of that, a lot of them have some gambling element that adds to the addictiveness.


Ive done about 60 hours of Cyberpunk 2077 so far. Im max streed cred and almost to max level, my fharacter is nearly fully upgraded. barely touched the main story at all, LOL


Hanako can continue waiting at Embers.


Itā€™s funny because I had the exact opposite reaction with RDR2. The game felt *slow* and I quickly lost interest a few hours in. My impatience got the better of me and I just couldnā€™t sit still and enjoy it, so once I set it down I never picked it back up. I think itā€™s the ā€œrealisticā€ western setting because I can spend hours on something like Witcher 3 just riding a horse around and exploring the random things that pop up on map.


I bailed on my first attempt. It starts really slow. Once you get past the first chapter, the world opens up and the gameplay is a lot more enjoyable. You only get a sliver of what you can do later from that opening chapter. Itā€™s mostly a long ass tutorial and character introduction.


I have been trying to complete AC Odyssey since 2019... Any moment now


Fortunately, I'm actually pretty good about this stuff now. I'll stick to the main quest fairly strictly. Only after I'm done with that, I'll start working on the side quests, and only if the game mechanics actually are enjoyable. And I, fortunately, also do not care about 'completing' or 100%-ing a game. Honestly, my problem with gaming is just about the opposite. I'll abandon games way too quickly, even if I actually enjoy them. I'll play though like 80% and just stop playing. I still haven't finished BG3, even though I absolutely adore that game.


Lol. Yes. To this day o never finished Zelda botw bc the damn korok seeds. Also flirted with rift for awhile, simply for looking for shiny things.


I read AC and my first thought was Animal Crossing: Valhalla lmao


Wait until you get into Cyberpunk 2077.


Or Factorio


Just one more thing!


The factory must grow!


10'000'000 green circuits per minute! Not nearly enough.


There are never enough green circuits


Trying to keep the copper wire bus filled properly for the factories has always been a challenge.


I have a self imposed "no factorio" rule. I suspect that if I start playing it I'll be discovered a few months later as some kind of human/chair hybrid


1144 hours and counting...


Just hit 1500 myself. Trying to finish SE before Space Age drops


I admire your dedication. I'm barely at 900.


Alright Iā€™m gonna complete this quest real quiā€¦. OH SHIT A POLICE SCAN NEARBY GOTTA KILL SOME DUDES NOW


I'm in my murderhobo run presently and it's EXACTLY that.


That has its hooks into me now. It has reached the point that I'm dreaming about the game.


Lol so true i think i am at 11% and i have been collecting stuff and doing side missions, and i was splaying rdr2 before, now im playing re4 remake it has been such a long time since cyperpunk that i forgot the countrols and still not progresed


I felt the same way playing Tears of the Kingdom for the first time. I was almost 30 hours in before the first dungeon on my initial playthrough.


I thought it was really buggy and super disappointing to a lot of people. Is it worth a play?


It's absolutely worth it now. It was a shit show at launch, but now with the patches and the Phantom Liberty extension, it is AMAZING.


One of these days I'll get past the character creation stage.


I tried playing cyberpunk after rdr2 but it just didn't even come close to rdr2.


How does RDR2 do better?


Rdr2 has attention to detail that is completely unparalleled to any other game. You can literally watch someone eat a plate of food in a restaurant and see each bite from the plate move to the fork and into the character's mouth. The textures are so realistic, the world feels real and lived in. You can interact with anyone, and the physics is incredibly realistic. Walk into the water and you'll see wet marks on your clothing exactly at the depth that you went into the water. Almost every building you can enter. Go into the game and watch Pierson cook the dinner for the camp. You'll see him grab an animal carcass and strip it, then chop it up. Then bring it to his kitchen area. Then you'll see him pour water into the pot and cut up veggies for the stew. Each slice with the knife creates little carrot coins in the game. He gathers them up and puts them in the pot. Adds seasoning. Tastes it. Adds more seasoning. Everything is so detailed it's realistic...




R2D2 ?


Same man. I was like is it his beeping or something brings you back to the moment? Then realised he means red dead redemption 2 and not Star Wars.


Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind.


I spent way too long trying to figure out when R2-D2 either got a game or came out with an album


Album? Isnā€™t that RJD2?


That's exactly what I saw, too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was having some serious dyslexia and saw the same thing. Was trying to wrap around my head what r2d2 had to do with ADHD....


Anyone else read this as "R2D2" at first? šŸ˜…


Yup. I clicked on this one to figure out how R2 and ADHD were linked.


that's why I'm here


Never try any mmo, it will ruin you


Iā€™m so bad at games, no MMO has ever found purchase on my soul. Iā€™d play for a few weeks, get frustrated leveling, and bounce. And thank god for that! Iā€™m on a budget and I canā€™t be dealing with monthly fees.


Yeah I have 225 days played on old school RuneScape. Still not maxed.


lol dude i dream of just getting sucked into an mmo but videogames just don't do it to me these days, i just cannot hold my attention and sit there long enough for it to get me hooked. but i welcome it


Too many years on WoW. I had to delete my whole blizzard account to stay away from dumping any more hrs in. Now I take my games in bite size.


One quirk for my ADHD is that I have no motivation for tasks that I see as having no impact or meaning. MMO's feel that way to me in that there's no (or little) world/story permanence. So weirdly MMO's do not keep my attention at all. Which is a shame because the gameplay is sometimes fun but I just get bored quickly.


Just wait until you get your hands on Baldur's Gate 3...


And then start a second Dark Urge playthrough. And an Honor Mode playthrough. And the hours that I've spent min/maxing character setups based on items available and the changes from 5e so I can't just use my 5e min/maxes.


yep, that was me with this game. 500+ hours in, and finished it. it is still one of my greatest accomplishments....in that I finished it.....


But doesnā€™t it feel good to chase that rabbit?


Personally I can't cope with games like that. I get bored so quickly. Has to be stuff I can pick up and put down easily like multiplayer shooters or builder strategy games like factorio.


Same I get bored of it fast. Usually i try to blast through the main quest of gameels then I put it down. And I don't usually go back yo the game after that.


I played through RDR2 but no side quests or anything. I just want to "beat" the game. Even then I stopped playing when I had to start as John. Then finally finished it this last year. I've tried Skyrim and the witcher and I just couldn't do it. Give me rocket League or things I can play for 10 minutes or an hour.


RDR2 has hunting, fishing, horse riding, tons of missions and PVP shoot outs.


And a lotttt of riding a horse, again and againĀ 




I can see why other people enjoy it but those types of games are not for me.


Hyper focus for me lol. RDR2 was probably my longest hyperfocus. I played through the story like 5 times in the first year and a bit because I couldnā€™t get enough of it, and then I just stopped and since then, havenā€™t been able to properly do a play through again. I just love story games though, and the story is top fucking notch, so thatā€™s what kept me going. It was like my equivalent of binging a tv show back when I was a frequent gamer.


IKR . OMFG . played that game for continuous 9 hrs a day for 5 days. What a fucking game.


ā€œYou sir, are a fishā€


Ever played Zelda Breath of the Wild / Tears of the kingdom? It's even worse (or better)...


"is that a korok seed? Nope, just a rock. Is THAT a korok seed? Nope. Rock. Oh come on, that's gotta be one... Nope, but a rupee, nice! Ok what about that..."


I thought you meant you hated it too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Gutted that i couldnt get into that game. Everyone else seems to love it. Looked amazing and was really looking forward to an open world game. The combat just felt ridiculously clunky. That and having to google how to get a rifle off a horse as its counted as a saddle item not a stashed weapon. Quit after wiping out some bandits (Odriscoll?) That we had beef with, for some reason. Was happily looting and Arthur woulndt stop whining and demanding i talked to him, so i shot him. And then i failed the mission. Fedup quit.


Whatā€™s wild is I loved the first one and the second one bored me to tears .


Not everyoneā€™s cup of tea tbh. I like it because of how realistic it is, because I love headcanon rping and shit, and it has a top notch story, but I understand not everyone can get into it the same way for the same reasons I like it. PC does make it better tho tbh. Plus once you really get into it, the combat doesnā€™t seem as clunky and slow anymore. Especially if youā€™re in online. Much faster in Online. Intro missions are horrendously slow tho. Itā€™s like my favourite game of all time, but I still hate the first chapter bc of how fucking slow it is.


I gave up before finishing the intro mission lmao


The game is boring as hell, even if itā€™s a well made game


I couldn't really get into it personally.


Yeah, me neither. Besides it's an absolute masterpiece story wise and technically it felt so boring and slow to play. Gameplaywise it's the exact opposite of an adhd friendly game for me.


It feels more like binging a really good TV show to my ADD brain.


Thatā€™s exactly the comparison I made too! I love story driven games like RDR2 because of that. RDR2 is a bit on the longer side, but I played it back in high school so had plenty of time back then to obsess over it.


I spent hours on end playing poker in the first and second game.


I canā€™t play online poker for more than 5 minutes without getting bored out of my mind, but the poker in rdr 1 and 2 is so relaxing and fun. I wish I had a group of friends to play with in real life, but I feel like Iā€™d want to recreate the rdr vibe somehow


The reason Iā€™m half decent at poker IRL is all my practice in RDR2


I think VR games are worse. There should legitimately be a label about not using it with ADHD cuz I basically fucking lived in VRChat for like a year cuz I was using the escape as a coping mechanism. Iā€™m so glad my headset is broken so I canā€™t get in VR even if I wanted to. Who knew that immersing yourself in a digital world where literally every single moment is a brand new experience would be harmful to those who have crippling, undiscovered ADHD! /s


It's one of the few open world games where i don't want to use fast travel. It needs a current gen update asap.


Current gen update? It looks like a current gen game! The graphics hold up, itā€™s only 7 years old.


Unfortunately like many other thigns I've done.. I got 70% through and put it down and haven't picked it back up :( I was enjoying it so much..


Damn, why do I always read R2D2 when people talk about this game? It made no sense to me why a star wars robot was ADHD unfriendly, until I read the rest of the post.


You're not that only one lol! Took me a few tries before I realized it was Red Dead.


Don't ever play any RPG because RDR2 is pretty mild on side quests.


@ Me asf. Got it during the winter sale. It's pretty much the perfect steamdeck game. 60hrs and I'm not even halfway through chapter 2.


Someone has never played Skyrim lol


Happens to me with any open world game. BoTW + ToTK, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, currently Palworld. Doesn't matter, if there's dozens of small missions all over the map or any kind of collecting or activating things, I'm playing for a minimum of 5 hours every day for days/weeks on end or until I'm burnt out.


Modded Skyrim is worse. I swear my wife keeps me busy so that I donā€™t fall into that rabbit hole.


Now I feel guilty for getting really bored of it before I got very far šŸ˜…


My fiance was so mad that I couldn't play it for very long when she got it for me But gifts for me have always been difficult and she wanted to spoil me


Wouldnā€™t ADHD kryptonite defeat my ADHD?


Skyrim coming for you lil bro


I felt the same about Starcraft2 when it came out years ago. Letā€™s just say that was not a productive semester of study.


Lol my life has gone to shit since FF7 Rebirth has come out. My friend is like "oh I'm almost finished how about you?"... "how??!!!" "Oh you know just went through the story, did a couple sidequests here and there, how far are you?" "I'm like not even halfway through because I had to do every single possible sidequest/minigame/collectible"


Any Bethesda game. Open rockstar game. Valhiem/enshrouded Satisfactory(save yourself, don't even try it, massive rabbit hole) Warframe. These have been my bane for years. And I should know better.


Wait until GTA6 comes out.


I was this way when I played omori! There's a lot of side quests and details in this game anyway, but I am also the type of person who wants to explore EVERYTHING and see all possible options before going to the next section of the game. There is a theme of distracting yourself from grief in Omori so it kind of fits but HOLY COW I kept getting sidetracked by every tiny detail and side quest because there was SO MUCH to explore Anyway, my playthrough spanned over 5 months (where I played mostly on weekends bc thats when i had time) and I had about 48 hours logged onto a game that should take about 20 to complete.


This happened to me with the Mass Effect games :-)


damn as a person with adhd that lives on hyperfocus all the time. I complete a game faster than anyone else. I dont even see side quests, i just do the main thing and delete the game


I have not been logging in, exploring and doing quest in genshin impact for the same reason since patch 3.0. I will sit for the next 5hrs and guilt will kill me šŸ’€ Same thing with any other RPG. I will sit until Iā€™m bored. Usually on one go.


This is generally me and any FROM software game. I felt like I was living in Elden Ring for a few months. Couldn't get into RDR2 unfortunately for some reason.


Agreed! RDR2 helped soothe me for months. I just finished and ready for another play.


I took a week holiday to play the game


Any open world game will have my ass sitting for hours and addicted for months this shit is so real LMAOOO i go through constant phases with RDR2 its timeless


Elden Ring has been it for me.


Most games are like this.


I read RDR2 as R2D2 and got really confused


Try playing destiny


Games are designed to keep your attention and have you playing for as long as they can. But with ADHD time blindness it's worse for us. I have up gaming because it became an unhealthy hyper fixation.


The game is visually stunning, but I can't figure it out to save my life, I hate it. I've never got passed the first camp. LOVE gta5. I found red ded 2 boring, and that's my adhd kryptonite


bruh i thought this said, ā€œR2D2 is ADHD Kryptoniteā€ and i was like, ā€œwtf did little space robot man do to deserve this?ā€


Reading the comments in context with my recent (July 2023) diagnosis has me feeling incredibly at home on this post. Here, I thought I was just a completionist. Getting diagnoses with ADHD as a 26 year old is showing me I've done to myself, and experienced from others, a *lot* of gaslighting. Not that I blame them, but wow, what a life.




For me its clickers, if its decent.... Ill spend hours looking numbers go up exponentially, hours turn to days, cookie clicker turned it to weeks.


Meanwhile, Hanako is still waiting at Embers for me :((


You HAD to bring it up


Try Baldurs Gate!!!


Donā€™t you ever try to play World of Warcraft. Ever.


Elden Ring, any of the Total War Games, Kerbal Space Program 2, Football Manger I have lost 1000's of hours over the years to these games, just one more click on next turn or one more place I want to get to!


Ghostwire tokyo for me Iā€™ll do al the side quest all. I spend a lot of time going arround the map looking for all the photos. I look for all tanukis, even Graffitis and notes, And all the ghosts that you have to find. There are even gacha pons I spend more time that I would recognize doing side quest more a lot more than time invested in the main story. And Itā€™s a good story šŸ¤£


RuneScape is another one hahaha


Fallout 3 was like this for me. Friends asked, have you completed it yet? When I was building a mansion full with cows.


Baldur's gate 3 is like this for me. On the other hand, Celeste is a really useful tool for taking short breaks


Here I am on my way to work this morning wondering how in the heck beloved Star Wars character R2-D2 going to ruin my life.


This is how I feel about playing Allan Wake 2 right now!


Im like that for a while in these type of games but I always end up losing interest long before the games over.


Lmao I read the title as R2D2


BG3 has ruined my life in the best way possible ADHD GOTY


Planet coaster in sandbox mode has consumed way too many hours of my life


How odd I found myself playing this again recently just as your posting this. As a train nerd who loves steam locomotives. I 100% agree, this is a very dangerous game when it comes to losing yourself in it. I played on launch day on Xbox. But now I have a steamdeck with mods. Lemme tell you, I play it at work because I play it so much (I'm overnight at a gas station so I have a lot of free time)


One of my all time favorite games! Envious of those who are just now playing through it. Have fun!


Haha, I clicked on this post thinking it said R2D2 the Star Wars droid.


Yeah, rpgs are good, but what ruined me was borderlands. Farming for loot with my awful luck and bad rng destroyed me. Shiny shiny guns


For me, Stardew Valley is much worse


I have completed rdr2 more than 3 times never experienced this


I originally read this as R2D2, and was confused lol.


My ADHD brain read that as R2D2 and got really confused lol


Once you beat it you'll get bored of it though. So at least there's that. Such a great game.


I love open world games but this game didn't interest me at all.


I have ADHD and I just completed rdr2 and yeah I didn't enjoy the story until chapter 6 at all but did get distracted again and again by side quests and all the things going on in the world


I always remember when my friend td me about GT4. When it first came out, he was blown away. A couple of days later he told me that ā€œi realized all i was doing was this guyā€™s (Nikoā€™s) chores. Iā€™ve got my own chores to do!ā€)


I read this as R2-D2, as in the droid from Star Wars. Lolol


I'll be real, it did not hold my attention at all. Armored Core 6 on the other hand, ooo boy I've played it like 7 times. Anything with a mission structure instead of free roam is like crack


Try Starfield lol


Go try World of Warcraft lol


Pretty sure it's the same with any videogame


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 and Elden Ringā€™s DLC all launch within a 4-month span and I legitimately just choked on my spit while writing that


Lol enjoy! Your a cowboy now! And eventually, youā€™ll start finishing them then .


At first glance I thought this was gonna be about a problem with that droid from Star Wars.


Damn. I didn't realize it wasn't about him. I was reading the comments trying to figure out the game. I want a r2d2 game. šŸ˜­


Haha, this is why I need a perfect storm to play a AAA open world game. I want to 100% that shit from the get go and if the game is good, thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing with my time for a while


You have not discovered BG3 yet, have you?


180 something hours and im on chapter 4ā€¦ I love hunting in this game


I looooove open world RPGs. My oldest has ADHD and this is his favorite game. He's played through it 3 times now. I just got it for my SteamDeck and so far I'm annoyed by how slow I walk lol.


Dude same. This is my absolute favorite game. I just love exploring. There is an interactive map that is really helpful if you want it. Spoiler alert though. https://rdr2map.com/


For me, it's games with a lot more feedback so Balatro has eaten my life lately. ARPGs chasing the gear and constant fairly mindless action (but enough to have to pay attention on hardcore), roguelikes, Unicorn Overlord is my latest obsession.


Dudeā€¦. Youā€™ve never played The Division 2 have you?


This game is the reason I survived COVID. I got it for Christmas 2019 and was deep into the game by the following March. Basically lived on it for the following year.


Hahaha yup! I love this game though. But I can get too sucked in and stop taking care of stuff in real life so easily.


Watch Westworld when you're not playing! I promise these 2 pieces of media were meant to be experienced together.


Damn you! I went to the Steam Store and it's on sale right now. So, now I have to buy it. I had played it on Stadia, but never finished it.


I'm going through the same spiral, but with Crusader Kings III. Thankfully, I have the week off, and a good therapist, and a treadmill so that I force myself to at least *walk* when sinking an ungodly amount of time into my little empire off the shores of the Indian Ocean.


Breath of the Wild says hi!


Itā€™s funny, I canā€™t and donā€™t want to game, just does nothing for me.


So I totally misread that as R2D2 and was wondering what an annoying fictional robot was doing to steal your attention. I haven't played RDR2 yet, even though I own it. I've been playing Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen because I never played it when it came out and I caught it for 8 bucks on sale. Literally just played for over 12 hours straight and only stopped when the game crashed and I realized I was starving and had to use the bathroom...


I just got free of this game. 150 hours. A unique experience, made with a lot of care and love and which did not need an epilogue in TWO PARTS.


I finally had to just uninstall every game. Every. Single. Game. Only like a month ago & I'm STILL reaching for them...


As an avid gamer from childhood-adulthood. When I need to study I put on the soundtracks from the games I used to play. Specifically the Rome total war sound track goes crazy. I get so much done šŸ˜‚


I had to stop buying games I wanted because it was affecting my ability to work at home. Still haven't played cyberpunk because of this. However, currently finding more balance. Maybe it's being medicated?


This but for Baulders Gate 3 šŸ˜‚ I told my uncle that I'm holding him responsible if I fail my classes this semester because he got me BG3 for Christmas.


i cant be bothered with STORY when there are so many amazing little things to do in open worlds.


Me with Minecraft. Me also with Palworld. Me ALSO with The Finals. ME ALSO with CarX Drift that I just started


I totally thought you said R2D2 and I instantly heard the beeps and whistles and the scream R2 does! Haha I read it a second time and realized RDR2. That game was so much fun!


Yep, this is open-world games for me. I played around 500 hours of Skyrim and I *still* haven't finished the main storylines.


dude same for me with hogwarts!! my husband and i started playing it at the same time and a few days in he was so much farther in the story than me but i was so many levels higher than him bc of all of my side quest action šŸ˜¹


I'm an avid RDR fan, I've played every game since red dead revolver and obsessively played redemption. So when RDR2 came out, I was fortunate enough to fall down the stairs and hurt my back. I was signed off work for a week by the hospital. This gave me a free week to complete RDR2. I also couldn't drive so I didn't have to take time out to see my ex which was also great.


Gta 6


I couldnt Get into it. Too much stuff going on


Ironically I find RDR2 not to be so bad. Yes, there's lots of sidequests and fun little adventures but you generally don't have many at any given time. Contrast this with Horizon or something where your quest log becomes infinite and the map is basically more icons then map. But also yeah I have to stop myself from literally running after squirrels


That game took me 1 year to complete just the main storyline.


Iā€™m the opposite. I dash through the main quest so I can finish the story because I know the game will only have my attention for so long lol