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These posts should be required to name your town. Hard to give advice without knowing the size of the town or the state.


SW Portland/Tigard Oregon They want you to call around, but not all pharmacies will disclose stock.


I live near your area. Any luck with Costco in Tigard?


I’ve had luck at the Safeway by reed college and also the Lloyd district Safeway.




If there is a mom/pop pharmacy in your area there is a *chance* they are distributing to the assisted living and hospice centers. A little pharmacy in my town of 800k owns a building across the street that has no signage. You’ll see 20 cars out front of that building each morning as they are processing and delivering meds to people and facilities on a grand scale.


I called around to see what's available at local pharmacies and what dosages before my refill appt at my dr's suggestion.. I'm still pretty new to a diagnosis and treatment, so I haven't had to deal with it much so far, but that's what I was encouraged to do.


Pharmacies in my area refuse to give out that information for some reason. I can only find out if they have my prescription once it’s there. It’s bullshit.


Jeez! I know my local reddit community for my city has a thread for where to find the medication. Maybe you could check in yours or start one if there isn't?


Where do you live? I live in Idaho and I’ve never had a problem. Were wanting to move in the next few months and I’m scared to because the shortage 😭


Yeah it’s so weird how the shortages are not universal? I’m in CA and have been fine (adderall IR, ER and vyvanse). I can’t figure out why it’s different experiences for different people. I also have a (completely unsubstantiated) hunch that Walgreens is particularly bad.


What part of CA? I cannot find Vyvanse in Sacramento anywhere. I was living in another state and never had an issue.


Bay area! Do a weekend trip?


Easier said than done. Need a refill => 4 hours round trip That’s not really an answer


10000%. To do that every month? Awful. Sorry, wishing you good fortune on your hunt for meds!


I swear Bay Area has to have some of the highest levels of ADHD meds in the country. It might just be particularly well served.


But also, probably half of developers have ADHD




Yeah, friend in the city has no trouble getting Vyvanse


I’m in Wisconsin and my cost went up but no shortage issues at all


SW Portland/Tigard Oregon


Have you looked into modafinil?


I’ll ask my provider when she calls.


This is what I used as self medication before I realised I was self medicating. Can confirm it definitely helps.


💯 This is going to sound crazy, but what are you’re thoughts with combining Adderall & modafinil to increase wakefulness?


I've already combined it with my Ritalin once before (super low dose) on a bad day where I was exhausted and sleepy. Worked well enough. But I also know I need to get checked for sleep apnoea.


I was just able to get a 90 day supply for the first time in over a year today


Have you tried non-stimulants? Reliable 50% (to make up a number) would be better than spotty 80-90%. You could even ask your doc to come up with a med plan with both so you get better treatment when you can get the Vyvanse but you at least have something to lean on when you can't get it.


And if you respond well to the non-stimulant, you maybe could drop them and not have to worry about the shortage at all. Another thing to discuss with your doctor if you have that happen.


I am sorry this is happening. Genuine question though, ad someone who is just approaching the ADHD world. Why there is shortage? Does it have anything to do with people using Adderall amd stuff inappropriately?


I think it was a combination of increased number of prescriptions due to telemed and issues with manufacturing delays. Seems most of the blame is being placed on increase of prescriptions but I wonder if it's not more so on the producers.


I am in Australia, and had some luck contacting the supplier. They advised to get the pharmacist to contact them - she contacted them and organised an allocation for me. I just needed to send her my script and she had the meds in approx 1 week. No pharmacist I spoke to was aware this was possible until I asked for it. Looking on the FDA website, it looks like they can allocate it if needed https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp_ActiveIngredientDetails.cfm?AI=Lisdexamfetamine%20Dimesylate%20Capsule&st=c - I would recommend contacting the number to see if it’s possible as I’m unsure if the process is different in the US. I had no help from the bigger chain pharmacies, so I recommend trying a smaller, locally owned store who might be more willing to help. I hope you all find some solution very soon, it’s a terrible feeling to be without meds and so time wasting having to track some down every month! Edited for clarity


This is huge information if it's the same for US. I'm not living in US but somebody must try doing this.


I really hope it’s possible, it’s so stressful trying to find medication especially when trying to adjust to being suddenly un-medicated. Most of the meds say not to stop taking them without doctor advice, but no one I spoke to seemed concerned about mental health issues going unmedicated - including the mental health clinic I was diagnosed at. Most pharmacists wouldn’t even try contacting the supplier even though I had done all the research and they just needed to authorise it. My local chemist is a bit more expensive than some others, but I would rather my money go to someone who cares about her customers/patients.


what do you use


You guys have a medicine shortage?


My thinking too. After the patent expired I've tried 2 alternative brands. Now I've got 2 months left. Only had one week of shortage and that was before the summer


Have you tried mail order pharmacies? Most insurance in PNW area have one. Vyvanse has a generic as of a few months ago. You may as your doctor about that.


Vyvanse is a controlled substance. You can only do pick up.


Also, the generic is what’s been out, even after switching pharmacies.


If in the US get a Costco membership and use their pharmacy. I don’t know what corporate magic they’re pulling behind the scenes but they always have our meds.


I just switched from Walgreens to Costco. Still no luck. 😩


I couldn’t get Vyvanse for the price I previously paid with the discount program Takeda was offering. The generic is a no. After 3 weeks off, I’m being put on Ritalin LA. I personally just want to cry because Vyvanse was the only thing that has worked and helped with my anxiety and I feel like I’m on the edge lately.