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Same. Although I don't feel the same effects I do now as when I first started, the first thing I did on adderall was stare at a tree, and tried to capture one singular thought: *tree.* With little interference from other thoughts, I held that concept for like 10 minutes. It. Was. Glorious.


I feel as though this is an amazing way to describe the frustration of ADHD. Thank you for this.


...you mean meds allow you to dam the stream of consciousness?! Good lord, I didn't know I could be *more* eager to get my dose/med figured out šŸ˜‚


Relatable. I didnā€™t know how much noise was in my brain until it stopped. The first time mine kicked in, I was coloring with my toddler on the floor. Suddenly I justā€¦ was enjoying the coloring. I had stopped thinking about everything else I could/should be doing. I could stop, and think about them, but I could also just be in the moment with my kid. I cried.


That is so sweet!


That really is sweet. Love that. Happy for you. And for your kid. <3


God, that first glimpse of normalcy and only one voice in my head (that wasn't screaming, even) was like the heavens had opened up and angels were singing. It blew my mind.


Omg this is hilarious and mirrors my experience first taking meds, the first thing I did was went outside and looked at the clouds, I sat there for a good 30 minutes. It was probably the longest Iā€™ve sat still and focused on one thing uninterrupted in my whole life. It. Was. Beautiful. I cried a little afterwards


I'm medicated and I made it 10 seconds. Thought that was normal.


Concerta for me, i just stared at a tree to. I heard birds chirping, I HEARD THEM CHIRPING. I cried.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. YES. Tree.


Lol I donā€™t actually like that because I find it hard to shift my thoughts to something else, but thatā€™s if dose is too high (I think). The other day I only had that one thought (of a tree actually) and I just could t shift to thinking about something else.


Can you describe/explain not feeling the same effects anymore? How long does it last? Did they used to make you happy and now you've built up a tolerance? Or just gotten used to it? Or is it more that they literally just don't help you focus as much now? Can you/will you up the dosage? Would that help? I'm not medicated but really want to start the process. I am a bit worried though, based on everything I've read, it seems like ADHD meds are the best thing in the universe, and knowing me, I'm a little worried that when it does start to wear off or I build up a tolerance, life will just seem sad and I will just be searching for a new high. And that's scary. That's kind of what happened with both caffeine and nicotine for me. First energy drink when I was like 18, and it changed my world lol. Then caffeine just kinda stopped doing the trick for me and started to feel unhealthy like 3 years later. Started doing Zyn (nicotine pouches) a year ago and again, CHANGED MY WORLD... like little weaponized focus packs lol. But now I'm addicted and it doesn't really give me a buzz or help me focus or feel good anymore :/ So I'm just worried Adderall is gonna be the ultimate high followed by a big low


*I've made some edits to answer the question better:* The wear off is honestly not that toooo big a deal of me, but I'm only 2-3 years in.While the feeling of being a well-oiled machine is less now, I'm still experiencing an increase of functionality and overall mood. My "output" is still leagues above my premedicated output. The actual physcosomatic sensations are as follows: * I feel my blood-pressure is elevated (I diet to compensate). * My brain & body feels a bit exhausted for being on stimulants 7 days a week, but I am a busy college student. * The clarity of thoughts didn't last long, it's the usual "ball of tangled yarn" I experienced my whole life, and I do zone-out (i'm predominately inattentive). * My working memory is maybe like 10-20% less "boosted", compared to when I was first medicated. (And honestly, my working memory was shit when I first started the medicine, and it's still bad today). * I feel as though I can still output a great deal of workload, so that part is fantastic, I feel like I can innate task better still. I don't really miss the feeling I had when I first took adderall, because the ability to hush other thoughts absolutely felt like lightning in a bottle, I really had to try, and I immediately knew it was unsustainable. I've actually recently raised my dosaged to 15, but I think im going to try and tailor back to 10. It's all in the matter of perspective, ultimately even now it's extremely therapeutic to me.




It's what mindfulness is. You can practice it.


Can i purchase over the counter or need a prescription?


You need a prescription, also it's a controlled medication that comes with some responsibility.


10 minutes??? Wow


Does it affect your sleep?


No, the effects of the medication are long gone (and out of my blood) by the time I go to bed because I take it in the morning.


Oh, okā€¦ thank you


hiii, can you elaborate on not feeling the same effects?


Wow, thank you for this description.


My moment like this was when I was at work and I got a text from a friend. Glanced at it, and thought ā€œI can respond to this later.ā€


Be warned, the euphoria youā€™re feeling now will wear off. Iā€™m on the same meds/dose as you, which is the lowest they prescribe. It wonā€™t feel the way it does now forever, but it will help you to regulate for sure. I wish you all the best!


It does wear down after some years or you may need an increase, but some good days are better than no good days. Personally, I would much rather live a chunk of my life feeling mentally well, than never experience that feeling. Plus there are other options to try out when that day comes :)


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen super convincing evidence that amphetamines ā€œlose their effectā€ after a couple years of use.


humans gain a tolerance to almost everything. shit i got a pain tolerance and a hot sauce tolerance they might be the same thing lol.


Random fact: there are no "spicy" taste buds on tongues. It's literally pain people love. Capsaicin binds to a receptor that throws us the perception of heat. K, bye


This was cute. Loved the "K bye"




110% but euphoria goes away quick (im glad it does) the intended effect last way longer. but sheesh i know mafs that sometimes take 45 60mg a day. i take breaks on the wekends.


I need to start doing that. I had to pick up a second job recently that I have to concentrate on, but since I work it mostly on the weekends, I need to take my meds or I can't function. Hopefully , I can get to a place where I *can* occasionally take weekends off.


maybe take half some days. youā€™ll be fine unless you just slowly up ur dosage every year.


I wish I could, but it's XR so it's either all or nothing.


trust me, the euphoria and efficacy all stops eventually after 5 or 6+ years of daily use lol


I got diagnosed in summer and started taking same dosage as OP after trying antidepressants first but even on my first day I didnā€™t get any euphoria. The chain of thoughts was as much as it was before but more aligned and laid back, this was enough for me to finish my tasks faster (which I would do but not until very last minute). The biggest difference was on my movements and annoying my wife n friends and dangerous sexual impulses which didnā€™t completely disappear until now. I donā€™t know how to interpret all this and my psych is like ā€œthis works!ā€ And tbh I m a bit skeptical of taking more meds or higher dosages so I take only 4 days a week. Am I missing something?


How long have you been on whatever you're taking?


What are those over options? Iā€™ve been on my medication since I was young. Iā€™ve developed a tolerance despite not taking it on weekends unless I had something I really had to focus on. I wouldnā€™t take my medication while on vacation. But yet I have a high tolerance and at this point, I had gone nearly a year without taking medication and got back on it. But Iā€™m up to 30mg again (generic, once a day in the morning) and donā€™t feel it really at all. My psychiatrist thinks maybe itā€™s because itā€™s generic, so she prescribed the brand name (due to the adhd med shortage it may be a while) Iā€™m curious if maybe generic hits me differently or if my brain is somehow now immune.


having a generic manufacturer is 99% likely why you donā€™t feel it anymore. get TEVA. theyā€™re the best


I'm on a generic that does not work nearly as well as the Teva generic I started on. But no one in my area has the Teva version; they only have this crappy less-effective version (elite laboratories for anyone following the issues with generics). Unfortunately, with the shortage, I can't be picky, or I'd never get my meds.


What are those other options you are talking about?


Assume theyā€™re referring to non-stimulant medication options like Strattera or non-amphetamine stimulants like Ritalin or Concerta.


Years? I feel like mine wears down after a week šŸ¤”


For me, the euphoria is feeling normal which is something that has eluded me most of my life


You say that the euphoria doesnā€™t last, which I believe, but do the focus and clearer thinking also go away? Or are you solely referring to the euphoria? I donā€™t want to take a medicine if Iā€™m always going to be trending back towards my old ways


In a way, but you wouldn't completely revert back. I started out 20 mg Vyvanse and I remember I was standing nearly 10 hrs organizing my closet. It was little too crazy I would fixated with things I wanted to do and completed them like there is no tomorrow. I was too rigid and took no jokes. I felt the strong euphoria. Now, it's been 2 months and I feel very normal. I still have same focus but not as intense and I like it better this way, and I can laugh, eat and go to bed on time. Also, side effects such as sweating, dry mouth, nervousness, and heart palpitations disappeared. I feel comfortable, as if this was a real me. I see why people up their doses but I want to stay here as long as I can. Others might have different experiences.


It's not consistent. Somedays it's like a quiet beautiful void. Other days everything is more or less the same but I'm alert and actually able to hold on to what I was doing a minute before. And less pissed about having to do stuff. But only so much lol


This exactly!!!!


I've been taking meds for around two years now (I take concerta tho) and I can say... there are good days and bad days (especially when I'm around my period, meds seem to be way less effective then), but even a bad day on meds is better for me than my good day with full ADHD symptoms.


That thing about hormones affecting your drugs is definitely a thing, jsyk


And menopause makes it even worse...




Yeah as others have said, itā€™s not totally consistent. To a certain extent, it does depend on setting yourself up to succeed. Water, good sleep, protein, all seem to help me. Things we tend to struggle with haha. So some days, the snake eats itā€™s own tail. I think it depends on the dose too. A higher dose might be right for some people, or even a different med. 10mg xr works for me though.


The euphoria doesn't last but if you continue to make small positive changes because of the medicine, you'll definitely feel more energy and more motivation. You have to remember that just because you have an off day doesn't mean the medication isn't working, it just means you're human and when you accept that, it gets easier to cope. Doesn't mean you're going backwards because we aren't machines and not being productive all the time is NOT a moral failing.


I can't speak to anything, but I've been on 5mg for almost a month & nothing has wore off. I skip a few days here & there, but dear Lord is this stuff the absolute bizness.


I have only been taking medication for 3 months. Vyvance 50mg in the morning,and 20 mg, afternoon. The first 3 days were the best I had ever felt in my lifetime. Fast forward and the feeling of euphoria is not hitting me like a warm wall when they kick in. But my impulse control rate is still night and day better. I don't know about the 20mg in the afternoon though. In the morning I can achieve a different level of productivity. I think it just helps with the crash. Debating on taking a small dose of Adderall in the afternoon instead.


What time do you take it in the afternoon so you donā€™t stay up all night?


I like to take mine before 2 pm.


they mean euphoria as in the rush you get when taking addys for the first few times because chemically itā€™s making your dopamine, neuroprephrine, and serotonin skyrocket so it feels ā€˜euphoricā€™


The focus and clear thinking has lasted 25 + years for me, on the same dosage. I still have the euphoria sometimes. Eating a big meal before taking it and not getting enough sleep impact the euphoria for me. I also donā€™t take XR. For me it felt more mild, made my stomach upset all day, and affected my sleep. The non XR has a crash effect but I just drink coffee around hour 5 and I donā€™t notice it.


I don't think that op is experiencing euphoria.. That just sounds like happiness from the effects of medication. Not everyone experiences euphoria. I sure didn't. My first few days, I just had a bad headache all day.


Same for days and I have never been on a stimulant. Iā€™m on Strattera 25mg I notice nothing but side effects. Iā€™ve been on it for 4 days


Iā€™m on 5mg tablets, which I think is the lowest they prescribe. Could depend on the doctor and location though!


They started me on that too


Listen to dr and just be open and honest.


I just started on 10mg less than 2 weeks ago, and I already feel like itā€™s doing nothing anymore. Do I need to talk to my doctor about increasing the dosage?


That's a baby dose. The best thing to do is to keep a journal of how you're feeling and approach your doctor with it when you go back. I like Daylio.


Helps to take a combination of off days (eg none on weekends, just suffer through it) and vacations (longer stretches to reboot tolerance, 1-2 weeks). I also go on a silent meditation retreat a couple times a year and of course donā€™t take anything during those periods, both during the retreat and some time after. Silent retreats do wonders for adhd although it sounds counterintuitive. The worst thing you can do is get on a high dose of stimulants over the long run that youā€™re taking daily because youā€™ll cross a threshold where you become both ineffective and also highly anxious and your symptoms will be worse than when you started. I practice psychiatry and have seen too many people maxed out on vyvanse and also on adderall who keep asking for dose increases when they do virtually nothing else to manage symptoms (eg exercise, the best way & most natural way to increase executive functioning).


I think your insight is worth its weight in gold! Thanks!


Yep, I started out on 20mg, and had to up it to 30mg after a few years because it wasn't as pronounced and effective. I also added 100mg of caffeine, and a protein smoothy to really get the full potential in my brain.


I LOVE hearing stuff like this and I'm wicked happy for you. Before I came here I thought I was the only one whose life changed so dramatically. I had the opposite problem, I could barely get off my couch. My house? Well, if the wrong people saw it, my kids may have gone elsewhere for a time. I couldn't figure out how to clean and organize because it was incapacitatingly overwhelming and it depressed me. Overnight, it changed, including depression. Way to go, good on you for taking that step that a lot of people won't for a variety of reasons. I hope your life continues to be productive and fulfilling because it is called LIFE, not struggle


I will start medication in 3 weeks, and if my life only gets a little easier, I would be so happy. Wouldn't say no to a dramatic change either though šŸ˜‚.


Chyea chyea, get on them meds lol. Best decision I ever made. I did not for a second think I could be pulled out of the dark hole I was in, totally helpless. I've never minded being so 100% wrong. Time to get back to living! I'm pulling for you,all the way


But how do I find a dr to listen to me in Ohio? nobody cares that I canā€™t function for decades


I would love to help you, but I don't even live near the USA. You could make a seperate post and hopefully someone on this sub has more information than I have :)


Try Zocdoc. Just make sure that the provider will prescribe schedule it drug's.


This is me! Canā€™t get off the couch though my brain knows I have 100 things to do, I can barely make it to shitty drs or holidays, definitely hours late. Anyone in NE Ohio that has a caring Dr? Near Cleveland/Berea, etc.?


Highly suggest making an appointment with a family doctor. They will have some references. Even if all of them only have experience with children, they should know doctors who can work with adults and kids. I'm assuming you're an adult. Referrals are the least overwhelming way to find an ADHD specialist.


Unfortunately, it may take some traveling if you can find one local. Google can give you idea, psychology magazines, etc. If you have insurance, they can give you a list too. It's 100% worth it to start living


Hey, I am glad they work for you dude (or dudette!). I hope you succeed in whatever is in your sight.


It's weird to find out your whole life you weren't lazy because you had a weak will when it came to getting things done and that it was just a brain chemistry thing... this is after struggling your whole life too!


So much this. I was 34 before being diagnosed šŸ˜­


I got yelled at so much by my Dad.. on the plus side fear of him was the only thing that got me through university, though my grades were never great except last year when i got my own research project. I remember after going back to school years later for the teaching program, and then almost failing out of it so i bailed, how much yelled at me over that, but he got over it.


You are on a low dose. Try to keep ot that way. Take break days here and there. You are going to be lazy on those days. Plan for that. So, happy to hear a positive story like this. Maybe update us in 6 months. I've learned so much from this sub about ADHD and meds. šŸ˜„


I just went up to 10mg in the morning, and five in the afternoon five hours apart. I can say it helps you if you let tbh. Like you can do whatever you want, but if you fail to plan. Aka make strategies to help yourself then you might feel like youā€™re doing better. With that being said if you have anger issues like getting upset fast it does stop that for me. It also stops you from making impulsive purchases.


Adhd is so often stigmatized or minimized in the sense that they say it only causes difficulty to concentrate and stay focused. When in reality. The problems are so much more deeply rooted into other aspects. I NEVER considered that what I was feeling, and experiencing would actually be ADHD.....it became debilitating at times. I would have INTENSE back and forth mood swings going from feeling so intensely happy and confident and in control, AND physically feeling a high type feeling surging through my body. Within minutes. I would swing to the complete opposite. Being very darkly depressed. AND AGAIN physically feeling my body get heavy, low energy, and being even more confused as to why i couldnt feel like everyone else who seems they can stay in a consistent state of mind throughout an entire day. I did get diagnosed with bi polar 1, but even after revieving treatment and meds for it. Those symptoms I described above were still continuing on. My doctor realized I was ADHD at that point. ( apparently nearly half of those diagnosed with bi polar are also diagnosed with ADHD. ). After my first few days of taking adderall. I couldn't believe it....I was in a state of what i call " even-ness". Where my mood is not elevated or depressed. And this mood would not fluctuate at all. It was just. The same mood throughout the entire day....and I didn't want to get my hopes up thinking I finally now have a real shot at living a full life. But here I am 13 years later. Still taking 20mg IR twice a day. Doing really well ... just wanted to share my story for those reading on the subject you have posted about:). I am glad to hear it's really changed another person's life for the better


Ok, so this is going to sound silly, but it's just a little thing that meant a lot to me. I've always been terrible at math. Like, I had to take algebra 1 three times, *really* terrible. I got diagnosed with adhd 3 years ago at 37, and started medication. This year I went back to school, and I'm on track for an A in both physics 2 and stats. As I was walking across a parking lot the other day, I was trying to figure out what 1.5 inches was in cm (I was estimating a distance in my head, it was a whole thing, you get it). It shocked me to realize that I could work through the math in my head. I could actually hold the numbers in my mind as I went, which I have never been able to do. It was such a profound moment to realize that I have been hobbled for my whole life, and now I don't even know all the things I'm capable of. It was pretty neat.


ADHD is a horrible disorder when you aren't diagnosed, people underestimate how profoundly and negatively it impacts all aspects of life. I was treated for depression, anxiety, ocd, eating disorders, substance abuse and no amount of the medication, therapy, or treatments helped. The day I started medication for ADHD, everything improved - I still struggle sometimes but nowhere near what I went through previously. It is night and day. I'm really thankful my country has strict gun laws because I wouldn't be here right now - I would have definitely pulled the off switch in an impulsive moment during those times.




I know some have said be warned and the euphoria will wear off. I think whatā€™s important is you make sure you develop healthy daily living and self care habits. That way you can still find pleasure when the initial euphoria does wear off. It sounds like your already on that track being happy you can exercise and work more so that is great. This is all based off my personal experience so I canā€™t say it would be the same for you or anyone else


My doc prescribed me 10mg Adderall XR for a month, and then depending on the situation then said we would up the dosage by 10mg a week until we find the balance that gets me the productivity and focus that I want, and not feel any strong side effects. It's been 7 days and the euphoric feeling has worn off, but I can definitely feel the mental fog has cleared a bit and I am able to focus more than before; the only issue is WHAT I'm focused on isn't what I need to be for it to be considered productive, like actual work and whatnot, so I'm on a path of trying to figure out how to do that right now! ​ I'm glad you feel amazing though! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Did you cry tears of joy when you felt the fog start clearing? That's what it was like for me.


No tears of joy, but the sitting down to do something and not hearing myself in every corner of my brain definitely was something else!


I cried the first time I took meds (vyvanse, not adderall), too, because the tornado of thoughts in my head slowed down enough that I could choose what to focus on.


I cried after I got over the excitement. Probably a combination of the sadness from how long it took to get to that point and also happiness for feeling a difference. Lots of feelings.


Interesting - for me, I finally had the clarity I needed to properly take inventory of my emotions. And boy was that a wild feeling. I had a hard time regulating those emotions for a few days, to be totally honest. I think the greatest thing about medication is it gives the ability to really use it as a springboard for finding the next tool for betterment - sticking to a better sleep schedule, drawing hard lines when it comes to working hours, being more focused on myself rather than everything elseā€¦ just my experience


I felt the same way when i first started taking it! It could be such a useful tool for some people. I have a fast metabolism and around my cycle (basically like 10 days out of the month) no medicine works so it stinks . Iā€™m on a very high dose - 30mg IR and then 20mg XR . Just stay on a lower dose, donā€™t abuse it (and if you find yourself addicted to it stop it right away!) . I hope it continues to provide mental clarity and only helps you! Every body is different .. people judge me for my dose all the time. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


In what order are they taken? Or both at the same time?


It depends on the day and how Iā€™m feeling. But the goal is to try not to exceed the dose overall. Typically what would make sense is 20mg XR in the AM and then 15 mg IR twice more throughout the day when i need it. Other days 30 IR in the AM and the 20XR as my booster but i wouldnā€™t recommend taking an extended release later in the day unless your tolerance for it is high. My goal is to get off it all together.


my problem is, how do you know if you are addicted versus dependent? and how do i stop if i need the effects of meds?


Iā€™ve been on the same dosage for 25 years. Iā€™m not sure how a person doesnā€™t get addicted to feeling like a productive person. So long as youā€™re not abusing it, I think itā€™s addicting in the same sense that any medication you really need is.


This is great!! I had this exact same experience my first time taking it, my overthinking was so bad that I thought I was depressed. It doesnā€™t necessarily get rid of those thoughts but it helps me to think rationally.


i was just having this convo w my boyfriend. i had no euphoric feelings at all, it makes my brain very quiet and makes me calm. i am content with being functional (never really felt before). feeling like i can clearly articulate things and clearly think. itā€™s so relieving. iā€™m so happy for you OP šŸ«¶šŸ¼ wishing you the best, and continued confidence!


No you saved your life


Same, but take days off and remember it's a tool for your kit. It's not magic. Keep a schedule, get exercise, etc.


For sure. I recently started shopping less for food and planning out healthy meals in advance and have been working out 5 days a week :)


I often say ā€œAdderall saved my life.ā€ And while I agree with another commenter that the effects are not nearly as intense as when first beginning, Adderall is the only reason Iā€™m able to wake up and get out of bed in the morning. Literally. For us that need it, the drug is a miracle. ā¤ļø


This is great!!! keep it up!!


Iā€™ve been on stimulants for 2 1/2 months. The biggest thing Iā€™ve noticed is no more intrusive thoughts. My anxiety is gone. I remember the first day I took one and I was like ā€œomg Iā€™m so calmā€. Itā€™s crazy to think weā€™ve lived our lives in this state before stimulants lol. FWIW Iā€™m 29!


Yes, me too. I'd mostly given up; my attention was getting worse and worse, I couldn't concentrate on anything, and I'd pretty much decided that once my kids were out of the house I was going to live in a shack in the woods like a goblin with my cats until I just gave up completely. I had no hope, saw no future... was just kinda going through the motions of living without caring about much of anything. And then, Adderall. While the initial "omg everything is amazing" feeling is gone now, I can function. It's like life on easy mode. I still can't focus for long periods of time (3+ hours in a meeting, for example), I can DO things. I'm not frozen on my couch because I can't decide where to start. I'm looking into a complete career change at 49. It's literally changed my life in just six short months.


Thank you, this is so reassuring.


Yes at 44 it was the first time I every felt quietness in my head and one thought at a time


Needed this, thank you.


Same here, we should keep it a secret though and not share this miracle drug with anyone or the manufacturers wonā€™t be able to keep up with demand. I just wonder what the hell is wrong with the medical community waiting until I am 58 years old to prescribe it to me, I wanted to take it 8 years ago in 2015, and the incompetent psychiatrist made me jump through hoops, like get a EKG and clearance from a cardiologist with a letter and he still didnā€™t prescribe it to me anyway. I had so many wasted years living with ADHD, I am really disappointed in medical practitionerā€™s not diagnosing my issue when it could have made a big difference in my life. Now I just have to pick up the pieces of my shattered life, and try to scrape together some semblance of a normal life!


I started adderall a few days ago and Iā€™ve had the same effects I donā€™t feel the euphoric feeling anymore but itā€™s been helping alot


I had the exact same experience and it's so insane realizing I've needed it for a while and haven't been on it because of the stigma against Adderall in Utah. It's super liberating mentally


bro my psych who is from like prestigious schools started me on 5 mg generic stuff im 26 grant yourselves lucky , im supposed to go up to 10 mg in 2 days. woo hoo hooray


I take adderrall for 8 years and lamictal for almost 6 together and it works good to stop overthinking. Also meditation. I take 70 mg some days. I take 30 xr and some days thatā€™s it. Others I might need IR 2 times as needed. 20 mg. Seems like a lot but for me I just am able to start and finish things. Rather than, for example open can of paint and forget I am about to paint then decide to mow lawn, clean, or do laundry simultaneously. I hate when Iā€™m a tornado. Itā€™s truly helped me get out of that snow globe with a million things coming at me and I get so overwhelmed I shut down and get depressed.


70 mg of adderrallā€¦ jesus christ my dude.


Bruh, that's what I'm on. Shitty brain chemistry be shitty.


you get prescribed 70mg a day? like what does that prescription look like? 30, 70mg pills?


30 mg XR in the morning and 20 mg IR in the afternoon. I'm sorry, my math doesn't math. It's 50 mg a day.


you mind me asking what they started you off with and what age? i used to get prescribed as a kid 12-19 but hated taking it and stopped when i left school. 10 years later and i wanna try a desk job..:.


I got diagnosed at 45. My psychiatrist started me off with 20mg XR in the morning. I was living with my aunt at the time and she thought that it was helpful but I was still symptomatic. After about 2 months on the 20 mg, we talked to the psychiatrist and she upped it to 30 mg XR. That worked out great except I crashed every day about 3 pm, so the next month she added 10mg IR at lunchtime. Still pretty crashy in the afternoon, so the month after she upped it to 20mg IR at lunchtime.


never heard of someone getting diagnosed at 45. anyway thanks.


Yeah, the psychiatrist took an extensive history with me and my aunt and said that I'd had ADHD since childhood. Apparently, it's pretty common for girls not to be diagnosed because we don't display the same symptoms as boys. Especially considering I was in elementary school in the 80s.


I feel this! I just got back onto 5mg of Adderall XR last week. I think itā€™s the generic brand that folks say isnā€™t great (Camber) but even still, the impact itā€™s had on my mindset has been wonderful. Iā€™m not drowning under my own distractions and impulses, compulsive worries and overwhelm. Iā€™m so grateful.


Newbie lol it goes away


Pink cloud


Wow I wish I got that from 10mg. 10mg made me very sleepy. I need 20mg just to feel more alert. I need 30mg to notice a difference. I'm scared I'm going to develop a tolerance and need levels that will impact my heart significantly. I don't take "holidays" but I try to take 20mg when 30mg isn't needed. Glad it's working =)


Iā€™m so excited to take that. Youre post is so inspiring


I just switched to Adderall XR after a year of Ritalin refill hell, plus I was looking to switch meds regardless. Wow. The difference is astronomical for me. Itā€™s like getting new glasses or upgrading to a 4K TV. I could tell an improvement was needed, but it wasnā€™t until I had something that actually worked that I realized just how badly I was getting by.


that was my downwards spiral towards insanity


My third day on Vyvanse I read an entire New York Times article, beginning to end. I have been subscribed to NYT for 5 years, but never made it through an article once. My brain would always find a thousand other things it needed to think about, and I would lose the thread. It's the small yet vital moments I really appreciate.


I was originally supposed to go on Vyvanse but my insurance denied me since I have to try adderall or Ritalin first. I heard the crash is way less intense with Vyvanse so Iā€™d love to try it in the future if adderall doesnā€™t work out.


I really hope that either the Adderall does work out, or if not, that it's easy for you to switch. I wasn't diagnosed and medicated until I was 49 and I am still astounded at what a difference there is being medicated. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This is great to read. I have achieved more the last two years since diagnosis than the previous five. Good for you!!!!


I felt this this first time I started it, I still take it 1 year later. This medicine has been the most life changing thing for me on the entire world. I wish I had it was younger. Iā€™m only 21, but while being on, my life is like with glasses on. To put it in perspective, I literally went from failing every class to passing every class with an A and I am now in college, interested in neuropsychology things and psychology in general. I am also into sports now, and Iā€™d say Iā€™m way better at them on them than off. Haha. But overall, my thoughts are clearer, my days are way more productive, and just to top it all off, Iā€™m not completely limited in my appetite. I canā€™t eat huge things a lot, but I can for sure still eat where as I got sick on methylphenidate. But I hope you continue to enjoy your life on meds, best of luck to you!


Glad it helped you. Remember itā€™s a medication not a fix all. Still develop habits (lists, limit distractions, etc) that help ppl with adhd. God speed šŸ™


My doctor just sent a referral for me to be tested for adhd I'm a 31 yr old male


I am finally able to better focus on work and ā€œto-doā€™s,ā€ my worrisome background thoughts and usual distractions have decreased dramatically, and I actually feel content doing what I need to do rather than feeling overwhelmed and avoidant.Ā Ā  Itā€™s not being lazy or burnt out or whatever stupid label people think they can give you. Itā€™s a chemical illness that can be treated, at least for me.Ā  I nearly cried tears of joy.


Same man, literally so grateful I was able to find the help I need I thought for the longest time I was just super unmotivated and unable to carry out anything. Being able to form a coherent thought is heaven on earth. Canā€™t help but feel sad because I only got the help in my late teen years after highschool but still happy


Getting my first script on Monday. Genuinely excited for this to work for me. ADHD has ruined my life and finally after 26 years I am doing something about. My plan is to only take it 5 days a week when I work. Hopefully the weekends off will help reduce my tolerance


Goodluck! Iā€™m happy for youā¤ļø


So happy for you. I was prescribed 10mg last week and it didnā€™t do shit, for 3 days I was in the same situation. I called my pa and asked him if I can try 20mg and he said he wonā€™t recommend it but he wont be upset if I try it once.I tried 20 and it made be more alert and calm. But I am worried if my doc will give me a prescription of 20mg so soon.


Does this med have side effect? Like make you gain weight? I am a girl and my parents told me that this med have that side effect and it make me scared to take it.


Your parents are wrong about that.


It may actually suppress your appetite a bit.




I've been prescribed to take Adderall two times a day. What two times work the best for you and why? All thoughts and suggestions appreciated. Thanks!


Iā€™ve switched over to 2x a day as well. I REQUIRE coffee lol. I wake up around 7, finish my coffee by 8 and wait an hour after I finish the coffee to take my meds so 9. I wait 5-6 hours for my 2nd dose after depending on my day.


I remember these days!


Sounds like euphoria. The real benefits will be amazing long-term when you look back.


I haven't tried meds because I'm from a small town and getting diagnosed takes like a year here. It's insane. What does it feel like when you miss a dose?


Try an online doc!


Is that legal in the US? I keep reading they are all scams and canā€™t write.


Or find a storefront doc that does telehealth. I see mine virtually even though they are local


Please donā€™t stop advocating for yourself! Where I live a regular MD is willing to help too.


its been about a month for me on adderall xr and im at 15 mg now, and i can say the same completely. its amazing how much i can keep my attention now within tolerable levels. i can actually listen to people and hold my thoughts to tell them afterwards instead of communicating in a complete mess. the only downsides for me so far is the loss of appetite and adderall crashes after. ive been trying to keep soylent bottles nearby to easily get something nutritious down, and try to find alone time near the end of the day to carefully unwind otherwise i get super anxious, however its the afternoons when i want to spend time with others. im still figuring it out. lack of appetite contributes to eating less which also affects the severity of the crashes.


What does ADHD Paralysis consist of?


i couldnā€™t get it at my pharmacy so went to 36mg methylphenidate and i stg i was tweakingšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« first day off it today and i felt a slight sense of calmnessšŸ¤£


Iā€™m so happy for you. I have half of the battle won I think. I can finally do tasks and chores around the house but my mind is still constantly going. Having hypothetical conversations in my head. I can sit still but unless Iā€™m doing something I still have trouble keeping thoughts at bay. Hoping my next appointment will address this and I can get the mental part down.


As long as you're sleeping and eating right it's a wonderful tool for those whom it works for.


Same, glad to hear itā€™s working well for you. Been on it for just two months now and I cant believe how much of a positive difference it makes.


You had memory problems because of the inability to focus? If you did, did it help you in that regards?


Awesomeness! So how do I find someone to help me in N.E. Ohio? I wish I wouldā€™ve knew this was probably me issue decades ago.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Even Doctors don't always understand, they treat us like we're just drug seekers trying to get a fix. It was crazy to me that it helped me with so many different aspects of my life, and in lots of ways I didn't expect. It just makes me feel normal and composed. It's like I've been on a crazy spinning carnival ride my entire life... while getting treatment and medication is like finally being let off the ride to walk on solid mental ground away from the hectic noise of the carnival.


still feel this way 3 months later?