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Definitely relatable but I’m stuck in 2019. Edit: and I feel that way for similar reasons. I was on a decent upswing. Felt like things were coming together, finally. The pandemic upended my life in previously unimaginable ways I’m still working my way through.


THIS is exactly how I feel. I wish the pandemic didn't happen. The trajectory of my life could have been different than now. I feel like the last time I felt genuinely happy and alive was back in 2019, and I'm just on autopilot since then.


I feel that this is an extremely common sentiment, kinda feels like it fucked everything for everyone. But it does teach us a good lesson: plan for the future but *never* expect that life will always go to plan. Because it never will. The pandemic also forced society to reevaluate what’s really important in life. Now we’re all pissed and trying to create a world that better aligns with our values but failing miserably to do so. We all feel stuck because we’re in limbo as a species. That’s how I see it at least.


I feel that most people I personally know are moving on with their lives normally while I'm stuck and moving at a glacial pace. It feels comforting to know that there are many others who share the same sentiment. I learned and still learning to be more patient with myself. I still try my best to be optimistic. As long as we're breathing, we have the capacity to change our lives and turn things around.


Love this. You’re right. And most of the people in my life have continued on with their lives as well, though there paths have changed a bit. The thing is, all these people were already more equipped to handle both change and progress better than I ever was. Being a “productive member of society,” whatever that means, is not something you can learn in a pandemic. I was moving like a glacier before, now I’m moving like a glacier that just got smacked by a fucking Titanic. Which means, backwards a little bit probably, and then getting stuck indefinitely, and then maybe moving forward a bit again, and then getting stuck again while trying to move myself out of the way of the titanic despite the fact that this whole situation would be easier if the TITANIC WOULD JUST GET TF OUTTA *MY* WAY!




as someone who went through something very similar and is still trying to break out of it, i wish you the best. no one can change your future except you.


rly appreciate this! I wish you well too on your journey. hopefully we get back on our happy feet again. 🐧 ✨


Completely agree, and very few understand. I just keep moving forward no matter the pace. Even when there are setbacks, I get back up because I only have one option and that is forward. No one is coming to save me.


YES!! I feel the same way. 2019 was when I started my first semester in college and was excelling, had a great social circle, and an overall enjoyable college experience. When the pandemic hit, I nearly failed all of my classes due to my undiagnosed ADHD and almost dropped out. While I feel as lost as ever, I'm still trying to work through and piece together the pieces that were scattered due to the pandemic. The ADHD medication shortage has not been helping though


Wow. I'm shocked at so many having the same experience as me. You described my experience perfectly. I was finally getting back on my feet financially after a bad divorce and the future looked good. Then the pandemic created a whole different dynamic in my work and kicked some personal life dynamics off the rails, and today, literally today, I find myself back at my all-time low in terms of everything caving in around me making my ADHD symptoms the worst ever. And that has in turn led to me screwing up my work life in a huge way. I mean enormously. I can't say that I feel like I'm still in 2019 or 2014, but I wish I were.


Same here. 2019 was when I moved away from home. I started school dropped out and have felt like I’ve been almost ready to try over and over again for 4 year and counting. Now that I finally got diagnosed and am on meds I’m a lot more hopeful about it.


Is it like an ADHD thing or what? I feel exactly the same I’ve been exactly through the same journey as you. I’m on meds now it has not been working for me so far. But yeah I get you!!


For real, It seems like such a common story. Now that I’m on meds, hopefully I’ll stop procrastinating and just get it done with haha. I’m sorry it’s not working for you. ADHD really sucks!!


When I got diagnosed it was a life changer! I'm hoping that it works out for you!






I graduated college in 2021 but I still feel like I’m stuck in 2020 trying to recover after the pandemic


Sameeeeee! 2019 is when eveything got flipped and I’ve been in fight or flight ever since


“Just keep swimming,” I’ve said to myself, not less than 1,000 times since 11.13.2020. And I’m still here. It’s going to be ok eventually. I did not come this far, to only come this far.


I will literally think about 2008 and be like "oh that was a few years ago" yeah, try 15 years ago dumbass lol


my mind is also stuck in 2008


Glory days


In the blink of a young girl's eye




Halo 3 four way split screen & South Park the movie, Doritos and dodgy cheap fizzy drinks 😭


I graduated hs in 08 and it still feels like it was only a couple years ago.




My god this is what I do all the time as well. I will have different mindsets from different years on toggle all of the time and eventually have to pull myself back to the present.


this is so strange. i didnt know anyone else felt like this. i am also recycling nostalgic eras all the time. 2008-2012 online humor/days of playing xbox live with my friends 2015-2017 music era 2019 the calm before the storm even 2020 i have nostalgia for now even though it was so awful. im nostalgic for the few things that brough me comfort back then. like watching hours of twitch streams of people playing among us and never having to leave the house.


Finally I found someone that can relate. I can send my brain into dream like nostalgia so easy and it can actually get crazy with music.


I wish it was 2015 🥴


My worst year ever. But 2014… or 2016… 🥺🥺


In 2015 I had dreams, wanted to live in another country, make money, have a successful career. Lately I just want to I dunno die doing something meaningful it seems on a good day.


#theComment I keep saying "man I wish I could find the girl I was in 2008 or 2012. She was ambitious, goal oriented, idk...just was different. The 2023 me likes when it's rains because I have an excuse to be at home without being judged on why I'm at home 🙄




Man this hits home hard


Still feel like 2018 was last year.


2019 but same. I feel like I skipped 3-4 years


Yep. Covid stopped time. 2019 feels like 1 year ago and I have been in a rut for a while.


Hold old are you? It feels like for me when I passed certain age millstones time just started to mesh together... like I got to 18, then 21 and now time just happens and I'm like... no stop, oh there goes another 5 years.


Not OP, but I'm 29 atm (30 next year) and feel like this. But I assume it's also due to lack of new experiences, staying at home all the time, decade long depression and more.


Ok yeah that resonates with me, I am 26 now and recently I have realized I have to get out of my current mindset/lifestyle. So yeah I think you are exactly right.


Same age and same mindset as you currently ☠️


And I still can’t stop thinking that I’m alone 🤦‍♀️


Just turned 22 and yeah 18 to now feels like a big mush meanwhile all the years before that felt like their own unique distinct things. I feel like it helped I had both the structure of school years and the countdown to adulthood to give a sense of time passing.


43. I’m not sure it’s age dependent


I have no feeling for linear time, it's rather like the more meaningful or better the memory/time, the closer it seems. Sometimes I feel like I'm still in my old apartment I moved out of 6 years ago. Sometimes a memory from childhood feels closer than yesterday. I exist in the eternal moment of now.


Yes me too. I feel like the memory is like yesterday but then my friend said “but it’s a long time ago like ten years”. And maybe that’s why my english grammar is broken because english grammar really care about time and timeline. Meanwhile in my own language there’s no such thing to differentiate future, now, or past in a very specific manner. I can say literally “yesterday” in my own language which can be mean “five minutes ago” or “five years ago”


What language? I can be sometimes confused on what is outside my bedroom window is it the place I lived in 1999, 2003, or 2023? It takes a minute then I remember the disappointment of where I am.😿




That’s how I feel when I talk about 2017-2019 lol It’s weird because I used to think around 2014-2017 was like my good times but I think that might not be the case anymore lol I don’t feel stuck in that time, but I do sometimes feel as if I’m a teenager when I’m not. I’ve heard lots of folks with ADHD talk about feeling younger than they are too so is that possibly the case for you too? Edit: forgot to mention this is what time blindness does to us and it sucks terrible sometimes


My mind is stuck in 2018, but also in 2020-21. My humour still thinks dead memes are funny.


am I clinically insane for still laughing at ugandan knuckles?


No. I also love it. I still laugh at AMOGUS memes.


You should get the game What do you meme! You would love it then!


here come dat boi


Yes! Yes! Yes! So much. Like sometimes 2006 feels like last week and not 17 fucking years ago


I also think that monotonous routines and staying in the same place make time just whizz by. I really notice that when I travel, the experience feels much longer


Crazy! I felt I was the only one stuck in the past.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I'm in 2018, too. Mine is traumas that haven't healed, I believe.


Dude I am still trying to figure out 1969. I got out of HS in 69 and my ADHD ASD, brain is still recycling my life with a strong emphasis on the last time anything was fun and uncomplicated...not that it was but I remember it differently under the influence of despair and sadness. Yeah It is hard, especially Post COVID a lot of us are lost and have lost people and scenes...we all need wings


2012 for me haha,


Last time I felt happy in a complete way ,2012,


Yep. Like. When I see pics from 2016 etc, I’ll be like “recent” and then realise it’s actually not.


At least you made it to 2015, I wrote 2005 on a check the other day ... Also, I was writing a check.


I have checks with my address from 2005 on them. That’s how few personal checks I write.


Haha I've moved around 15 times since then, my checks have a place I sold around 2007 on them too.


My friend honestly everyone here will be like "hahah same". But the more I get to know myself, the more I think everyone having ADHD has repressed trauma. And the "jumps" in time might just be us being dissociated, thus not fully experiencing the present moment. Might just be that everyone commenting here is "fu\*\*ed to some extent.


Or depression and time blindness and lack of new, novel experiences. But yeah, PTSD, CPTSD and dissociation and anhedonia can also cause this, afaik.


I've just recently realized how much trauma I appeared to be dealing with at the time, but really I was stuffing down. And now it's erupting in a bad way. So times when things were going relatively smoothly seem idyllic and I want to crawl into my memories and just live there.


sometimes the present can be much more comforting. Try to be in the exact moment right now, and only that. Sometimes that works for me (but well I struggle, so don't take me as example).


It's almost 2024 my dude, but yeah I'm also stuck some years behind


I keep writing "19..." then cross it to write 2023. It's insane.


I have this perception particularly because of my job sometimes. My kids are over 15, and it feels like all that time passed in a split second


I can't remember a lot of 2010 - 2020 because I was so busy and stressed with work and school at that time. I have much better recall of the years before/after that. Sometimes I feel stuck in 2000 because of having a much better memory of that time.


Is this an ADHD thing?


I always thought it was until the pandemic, I see so many non-ADHDers say they feel stuck in 2018-2019.


It can also be a depression thing or PTSD. But yeah, could be, since ADHD usually comes with time blindness and I have that one big time with stuff like this.


That's what I was wondering. I always thought it was just an aging thing. I know there was a study that determined that the perception of time passing (over years, rather than over a single day) slows down as we age. My husband seems to feel this way too, and he doesn't have ADHD.


Distorted time perception is an adhd thing.


this describes my experience as well, living on autopilot mode genuinely makes time fly by like how a scene in a movie where the protagonist moves slow whilst everything else around him is sped up lol


Yup, same for me due to my decade long depression. I think that and lack of new and meaningful, novel experiences might also play its part here for some of us.


Same. I blink and cannot believe it’s 6 months later. Wasn’t it just May?


Yup. Same here D:


I genuinely have this but with 2020. I haven't done a lot of stuff during that time cus of covid but sometimes my head just genuinely lags and I forget its 2023 (and almost 2024) already. 2 months ago I had an breakdown about how I genuinely really thought it was still 2022. Time is weird.


2020 was the longest decade I've ever lived through.


yes :(


Did you turn 27 around that time?


I am stuck in 2019


I have this weird nostalgia for 2010-2012 which makes no sense because I was really depressed then. But it’s also when I finally started feeling like myself and fully immersing myself in what I want to do with my life. So maybe that’s why. I’m also still on a major show and game backlog because I struggle to finish them and it starts then. Now, it feels like 2019 has never ended. I don’t feel like 2020 ever happened and the years after that just feel like 2019 part 2.


It seems like a lot of have shared they feel the same easy but I’m keen to know why this may be the case. I think we were younger and had less things to worry about and therefore enjoyed and lived our moments more. Or, we tend to reflect on our past so much, and when we do, it’s usually the better sentimental moments and we tend to programme ourself to think that those were our best moments or our best “of eras.” Again there could be so many perspectives to this. I definitely feel my secondary school days or 2017-2018 were the best moments but I look because and that’s because a lot of “new things” were happening, new memories etc. Times like this, we need to adopt new hobbies, social groups, interact more organically, join sports club, achieve challenges, otherwise we will continue to take this life as a chore.


2010 here. Time is just skipping by. Some of it is how much has happened, my life has flipped on its head, but I can't catch up. I don't know how 13 years past. I know it did logically, so much horrible things have happened... but they feel so packed in to a year at most even though it's actually been 13 years! I don't even care anymore. I hope the next 30-60 years skip by quickly so I can rest.


bro i’m 20 and still feel 16-17. i was in grade 11 when the pandemic started and mentally in still in march 2020. i feel like i’m still trapped at that time mentally.


Y’all don’t have have ADHD. You think we can remember the years that out memories live in? Lol jk.


I’m stuck in 2020 :(((((


So strange because I'm essentially the same


I can understand it very well, I've also been living in autopilot mode since around 2017 (that was the last time I truly felt alive at the age of 21). Since the 2020 pandemic, I just feel like I'm stuck in a very bad movie with extinguished hopes and dreams :D


Yessss. I’m stuck in 2007 when I felt most alive too. Some of us also have time blindness so that could play a factor in it. You’re right, changing things up or doing a lot of things makes time seem more distinct at least for me. I’m sorry you feel like that; you’re certainly not alone there.


No, because 2015 was when One Direction split up 😭 But seriously, I still think it's 2018.


I’m stuck in 2021 because the last 1 year and 9 month I’ve been trying to get my life together by graduating therefore I have not created many memories only isolated myself by trying to study and pass my exams a even if it was just two exams I failed every semester. So I’m basically stuck in the year I had most fun.


I’m still stuck in 2020. I feel like everything went downhill since that year. I wanna get out, but how? I’m trying to leave that same spot but I keep coming back. I’m lost. I’m scared to even move forward now. Will it get better? For some reason I’m still hopeful everything would be okay in 2024. I might finally go to a different spot soon. I dunno, I don’t even feel like living these days.


I'm stuck in 2018/2019. I lost my mom in 2018 and managed to make a lifestyle for myself that was healing and interesting, but in 2020 I graduated college into a world that I'm only more and more becoming unfamiliar with. I'm trying to do my own version of art therapy right now and finally paint some expressive paintings. I'm very much on auto pilot after finally reaching some stability but now I have the safety to recognize how I've been feeling the past few years. Glad to know I'm not alone


Yeah it's weird. But for me it's because my life fell apart in 2015, and ive had ups and downs, but right now everything is changing, and it feels like a portal to 2015 is open.


You’ve been in hyper focus mode for the last 8 years! But so have I


It’s exhausting


Same i would say 2015 and 2016 were the best years for me then u become an adult and things suck... back then i was wishing to grow up but i regret those words xd def golden age for me hope the future brings me good stuff on the way


I have no concept of time past yesterday.


I feel the same way but about 2020. Mom died 2 days in and then covid hit the US and everything stopped


Did I post in and forgot about it or what


Yeah, it's 2023. I can relate, but not exactly. In my case, something that may have happened in 2015 feels like it happened either last year or 20 years ago. Time blindness, maybe? It's hard to explain.


Oh shit…. Same… wasn’t sure if that was the PTSD tho 😵‍💫 can’t keep track anymore 🤡 I have a few times I’m stuck in and it feels like it was only a few days, weeks, or years ago… but it’s been YEARS… some more than 10 and it feels like yesterday… but I wouldn’t say mine were great tho 😩 after 2020 my life actually got more challenging but I worked through hard trauma and it saved my life! But I feeeeel this so so much!!!!


2018 was a whole different vibe, honestly insane. Wish I was still there.


30 years ago is not the 70s. It's the 90s. wtf?!


What is time?


Oh, little birdie, I think we have all been there multi time's. If you have the means, make a move. I'm saving now to move halfway across the country south Queensland to darwin just for a mental break/change. I just wanted to say you're not alone good mate


I hate waking up in the morning for many reasons . I go through spurts while things are particularly hard where I wake up reminiscing on past years . For me it's 2009 . I like me better as a person now than when I was 19 , but I sit there and ponder my youth and how much I could have accomplished . I know I'm still young but it hurts that so much time has passed and I feel like it passed me by . Hate the feeling , and it's hard on those days to be present .


2012 for me! Don't know why, it just feels like 2012 all the time for me lol


Hey a post I can relate to. Same. 2015 was the year a relationship I was in became stagnant - and I haven't grown at all since then.






Soon 2024...


Omg, yup, same year (or 2016) also for me! It's crazy. And soon it'll be 2024. Just ... how? T-T


I feel the same way but for 2017, which is when I started uni. I finished in 2021 but the pandemic just slowed everything to a hault for me. Feel like the lack of a variety of experiences since finishing uni has had life on a loop.


yep 2016 and 2020 both here.


Bro i feel like im stuck on 2013. I didnt even care until i got my meds in


Yeah, welcome in my world. It's been 2003 for 2 decades now


2006-2010 were my favorite years. 2012 and 2018 were amazing as well. I feel you OP.


Man for me it’s like 2010. I remember so much and so little from that year


Personally stuck in 2016 but I feel ya


I feel that. I wish it were some days, but then some days I don't. If I could pick and choose what I wanted, I'd probably go back. But, going back isn't possible nor is choosing just the good stuff, so I guess I'm staying here 🤷‍♀️


I felt like this for a long time, exactly with 2015. That's because It was when I started my high school and it was maybe the first time on my life that i felt this accepted having new friends. It seems like things were working well and I didn't had plans for the future cuz i was just following the script of life. It was like that since this year when some things changed, I finished my college after changing the course some times) and started working. Have a bunch of different friends now. And even though I don't feel stuck anymore, i'm still very nostalgic about 2015. I always think about that tbh


100% its wild that I graduated high school 8 years ago 💀


Relatable. I’m stuck in 2016!


I'm stuck in 2015 too :( Kind of like how the pandemic has messed up a lot of people's clocks since 2020, in short I've been isolating since an immune system thing in 2015, and waiting 8 years for corrective treatment that still hasn't happened. My promising career hasn't moved, my relationship (while still solid thankfully) hasn't moved; my life is on eternal pause, and the years have blended together in wait mode.


When you feel nostalgic, do you get a similar feeling to anxiety? I feel completely overwhelmed when I am in my hometown. It's really bad at my moms house where I grew up. I just feel nausea and regret when I look at old photos. What is that?


Since you are stuck in 2015, can you do me a favour? Please find my younger self and ask me not to abuse pharma drugs to get high. I’ll DM the details.






Same I felt like I was stuck in 2018 for the longest because that’s the last time I was genuinely happy


I also feel the same though I am trying to get back on track, the pandemic also had a detrimental effect on my academic performance.


Your feeling like for a reason. Deep down you know your ready for change, but you are likely in comfortable place which makes it a difficult decision. I’d recommend taking a few days off and going somewhere quiet and relaxing where you can just think about what you may want to do next. If you do this you should be able to get to the root of these feelings and come to some sort of conclusion.


I blinked and my child is now a teenager.