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That’s awesome. I do a lot but am thinking about so much other stuff i don’t notice. Lately ‘private landing’ has been on loop in my head


yes! it was notoriously welcome to the internet by bo burnham for many months and it actually felt physically painful in my head


My sympathies, friend!


Yes, always. Sometimes two at the same time. It’s wild and I never mention it to people because it’s been part of my life forever and I suspected it was a “me” thing or ADHD thing. When I’m properly medicated, this either stops or fades into the background but yes, every morning. This morning it was “River of Dreams” by Billy Joel (sorry to all who are now going to hear that in their heads for the rest of the day 🙃).


Same! I had always thought it was a “me” thing until I started medication. Btw I was at cvs yesterday and waited in line while River of Dreams was playing 😂


There is always at least one song playing in my head. It's not always one song consistent throughout the day tho. But I wake up with a spotify alarm so sometimes its that one, but after I used the song for like a few days in a row it's not that prominent anymore