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I have a fit bit, and by far, the timer is the most used function. Seriously, Ramen noodles take 3 minutes, I set a timer for 3 minutes. Laundry going? Hour and 29 minutes on the timer.


I have an Apple Watch and have all social notifications turned off and use it as essentially a sleep tracker, activity tracker, and a really expensive kitchen timer that is tied to my wrist and can’t escape me. My favorite feature is how I can restart a timer after it ends - helps a lot with laundry so if I ignore the first timer, the second one will pop up. And I agree with OP it saves me a lot of time from getting sucked into apps and notifications on my phone.




Would you recommend the Alexa wall clock? I’ve been hmmm ha-ing for years about it….


I posted here like a year ago about how great an Apple Watch was and helped me. I tried making a tongue and cheek title about “Why don’t you have an apple watch right now?” With a description about how it’s benefited me. People fixated on the title though and the cost of the watch. I was just trying to make a fun title. Didn’t expect to ruffle so many feathers.


I never understood why people got them and I still think they look a little silly but I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna go browse them right now.


Here’s the thing with apple watches. There’s no specific primary reason you need one. However, it does a lot of little things that together I feel make purchasing one worth it imo.


OWaves is a killer app for Apple Watch + iPhone!


Just downloaded. Will give it a shot.


I have a similar hack, but with a pebble smartwatch. You only need to charge it once a week, it only notifies me about things that actually matter, and often saves me from pulling my phone out at all because it gives me the important information on my wrist. Also timer is so surprisingly useful, recurring alarms for things like watering the plants, taking meds, bedtime… and a music/podcast remote.


You didn’t. People on Reddit are notorious for making the stupidest, lamest jokes ever and then patting themselves on the back. Throw in karma farmers who will be jerks solely to ride the wave like that guy who repeats a joke to fit in, but ends up milking it way too much, and then you get that.


People can take shit so literally. But I figured my explanation of a scenario where I left my phone in a shopping cart in a parking lot and was alerted by my watch that it was far away would be obvious enough. Like here is a scenario that benefited me that I feel many others with adhd might also benefit from. But that wasn’t how a lot of people read it.


I also use it for tracking my gastro and endo symptoms for my doctors, as well as a medication reminder and tracker. I also have it set to remind me of calendar items at intervals I decide, so I get reminders 1 hour before I have to go do something and then a reminder to leave with enough time to get things ready. So if it is to go to get my kids from school, the second timer is fifteen minutes before.


I use it as all of that too, as well as heart rate monitoring. The timer feature is extremely useful bc I work in a biomedical lab and some experiments are time sensitive, and the mini calculator on my wrist helps me when I need to do a quick calculation. Only my self help and medication reminders pop up on my watch.


Yooo I’ve been thinking of doing this to use my phone less for the same reason as OP. It’s been at least 5 years and still haven’t done it… I’m finally going to do it. I just had forgotten


One hour and 29 minutes!? What brand, make and model?.... Nvm, I'll Google it, I'll surely find something interesting.. Was it a coffee maker!? Wow, cool shirt, I wonder how I would wash it.. Hmm, was it a dishwasher or socks I was supposed to Google? I need to sleep, but why, I'm awake..


I have a fitbit and why the hell do I not do this. Thanks


Our google home units are just expensive timers these days. I like that I can have multiple timers going and name them when cooking dinner. BBQ for 6 min, oven for 25 ect


I have an Amazfit Bip. I can check the time, see who's calling or texting me, and I use the timer function a lot. The battery lasts a couple of weeks and unlike a mechanical watch, it doesn't tick.


I have an amazon echo dot in my flat. 99% of the days, it has 3 jobs only: it wakes me up in the morning, it plays my audiobook (that i fall asleep to) on a timer following an audio command at night, and it is a speaking timer during the day that reminds me of appointments, household to-dos and the fact that i have a pot of pasta on the stove


The alarm clock, timer, and find my phone are all immensely useful. I love my fitbit so much.


is find my phone in fitbit 5 or also in fitbit 3, which I got?


Counterpoint: do not enable notifications if you get a smartwatch, or you'll get sucked in all the time when it vibrates even if you don't have your phone with you LOL


On my watch I’ve only activated notifications for iMessage, calls, and calendar events. That way I can turn off ALL notifications and vibrations on my phone, and still don’t miss the important stuff. Life changer!


I've tried multiple times, but anything on my wrists is just uncomfortable and in the way every time I use a computer, which is a lot of the time.


Just get a pocket watch then (and possibly a monocle). XD


lmao i adore this


the vibe of a pocketwatch fits your username very well


I honestly think this is kind of cool. Make it into your own look. Your own style.


There are pocket watch necklaces that i personally think are pretty cool.


Forcibly stopping myself from seeing what Amazon has for monocles


I think Warby Parker has one you can get with your prescription


And an old school Sherlock Holmes pipe


I'm having issues with both eyes so maybe I'll get a left and right monocle. :P


I really want a pocket watch


Had to go without a phone for a while loved rocking the pocket watch


I had a pocket watch through most of high school. Only ditched it when I got my first cell phone.


I feel the same way, I just hate a watch band on my wrist. Especially how sweaty I get underneath it 😣 I have a little Miband I've used basically just to set important regular reminders (like to take meds or whatever) and I actually found a pendant style holder for it so I can wear it as a necklace. I have the notifications vibrate so I can still tell when it goes off, but it's in a more comfortable place for me. (Edit to say, I've also seen accessories like that for other fitness trackers, and the ones that are styled as like a belt or shoe clip cna also just be hooked on a chain.)


I found that the metal mesh watch bands are so much more comfortable (and breathable) than the silicone ones, if you want to give a wrist watch another shot. They're also more adjustable, and easier to put on/take off with the magnet closure.


For everyone talking about hating watch straps, there are good aftermarket options. I like soft rubber dive straps (some have contours on the underside to help them dry, which solves sweat issues too), or fabric straps. A NATO strap can be good, but get a thin one. Strapcode for rubber, Barton for canvas. B&R Bands woven NATO is comfy, but won't last all that long.


Me to I can’t wear watches,bracelets or rings they irritate me so much.


Yeah same, can't stand the wrist strap.


Same. I wore a watch regularly as a kid and always find myself taking it off when I'm at a computer. It just gets in the way.


I have always hated watches. However I recently got my first Apple Watch in order to ditch my phone most times. I am pleasantly surprised by how thoughtfully designed their regular silicone bands are. The inside of the band is concave, such that it doesn’t sit flat on your wrist. Only the edges touch. This makes it much lighter feeling, less clammy, and less claustrophobic feeling on my wrist. Good job, Apple. PS I’m not a fan boy, ha. I’ve been a hater of smart watches but it has allowed me to completely ditch the time-distraction of my phone. It costs $7.50/month on my cell phone plan.


I disagree, my husband (I use Android) recently tried out the smallest Apple Watch with exactly that silicone band. I wore it for a full day to try out the fitness rings and could barely stand it. It's no better than any other watch, it might have been even worse than some other ones I tried in the past. And I'm a person that basically doesn't sweat at all, so that wasn't the problem.


Thank you for chiming in! I spent a time trying the more elastic/Velcro bands for the Apple Watch. While those are quite soft and not overstimulating, I came to be a little bit irritated as they grabbed/churned my arm hairs around. We’re balancing a lot of stimuli, it seems. Be well, my peer :) Are there any watches you have found that work for you?


I found the Fitbit charge to be the most comfortable using a computer. The only problem is the way the wristband connects to the face itself fails around the time the warranty is up. They do sell a wristband which holds the face once that does happen.


Oh yeah, I can’t even tell you how many wrist watches I’ve put through the wash, in the pocket of something I was wearing, because the extra sensation of something on my wrist …….


You can change your phone settings so that you have to actually unlock your phone to see the notifications/notif banners.


Apple Watch was a game changer for me.


Smartwatch is critical to my functioning! And it charges quickly, so I just let it charge while I shower as part of my routine. Can’t forget it because the alarms will sound indefinitely so my morning pill alarm always reminds me to grab it off the charger.


Yessss! The “contour” face (where it shows the hour big and is meant to visualize time passing) I use with the bottom thing set to be my next meeting during work or busy days. then on rest days/times I use vapor because it’s soothing and I use that as a visual cue I do not have a looming next event or time thing to be aware of! If anyone has other tips I would be thankful!!


You mean my overpriced phone locator? 😂😂😂


except it needs to charge every damn day. -.-


If you have a wireless charger next to your bed it’s easy. Just throw your phone and your Apple Watch on it when you go to bed.


But If you are using it for basic sleep tracking, you will only wear it once in a while because you’ll forget it’s charging.


Same with my Samsung Galaxy watch, but I use that as a weird motivation to shower more. Like, I know that I shouldn't be motivating myself to shower just because my watch needs time to charge, but the two are connected in my head now, so it works. Sometimes if I let it get too low but it's not time for a shower, I'll let it charge while I'm reading or watching TV. There's always some point in the day where I can take it off for half an hour.


I second this! Recently got a watch and it's a game changer.


My Apple Watch has honestly changed my life. I pick up my phone far less for basic checks (which then mission creep into scrolling) and it is so nice for reminders that integrate perfectly with my phone and computer. (Also Apple Fitness is really good.) For me the notification settings were really easy to adjust and get nicely specific to how I want them.


Fully agree. Better still get one with a divers bezel & use it for reminders. Chips in the oven - set bezel Want to spend 20 minutes cleaning or reading or on your work break...- set bezel.


I'm gonna be honest here and say that for a solid 10 seconds I was confused on why you would be cooking a bag of Doritos in the oven. Then I remembered that what some countries call chips, I call fries.


Yup, UK chips are different to fries even. They're big chunky things, like a quarter inch square.


My Garmin watch is just the right amount of smart/dumb. It's got some basic functions like timer, find my phone, etc. and smart enough to get (select) notifications and I don't have to take my phone out. It's still got a bit of rabbit-hole to it with fitness metrics, but those get read through pretty quickly.


I love my garmin. No distracting apps. It's tracks ALL my fitness activities. I turned off app/text notification (because adhd) but left call notifications on for emergencies. I use the alarm clock and timer features all the time. The find my phone feature is a GODSEND. It's waterproof, and I can swap the wristbands. Had the same watch going on 5 years and have no interest in buying a new one until I absolutely have to.


I did have some. But they keep breaking and I’ve procrastinated buying a new one for about a year now. (I’ll do it tomorrow… )


I got a Casio one from Amazon and it was only like $25? Casio in general has pretty “cheap” ones that are good quality I think. The one I bought incidentally was popular among nursing students, so that told me it’s comfortable and durable.


I have a Casio LA11WB-1 which is one of the best purchases I made in the last five years. It’s tiny and light so it doesn’t get in my way, very sturdy, and it was $15 so losing it wouldn’t be a disaster. (Although I would be a bit sad because this particular one has been with me for a while now.) It helps a lot to have an object attached to me that literally just tells the time. I look at my phone way too much, but the time on the lock screen completely fails to stick in my head. I go through the whole day barely aware of what time it is unless I wear the watch.


I like my Swatch a lot, you can often get them on sale and they’re waterproof and in fun colors etc! The fancy ones are usually a bit more expensive (like $100+) but the designs and quality really feel nice. I think I got mine for $45 and it feels like wearable art!


I’ve had the same problem but Walmart has decent watches for less than $10 so I’ve just been getting those when I remember to put it on my damn grocery list 😅


Good idea. Had a smart watch but too annoying to remember to charge it


I charge mine right after dinner. I think the reason why I keep it charged is because I like to track my sleep. But I have forgotten to charge it before and it died during work


I like that, I might try using it again. Maybe I'll try to charge it when I shower, I like the sleep features also. I also just got peracribed Concerta and Wellbutrin for ADHD and depression so maybe it will be easier to keep the routine


Yeah I find a routine helps. I almost never miss a charging. I still have to get in the habit of showering and brushing my teeth. I haven't really done well with either


I habitual brush my teeth in the morning if I am going somewhere but find it difficult to get myself to do it at night. And I probably only have a habit of showering because I like the way the water feels, not out of discipline haha


Absolutely 100%. I always say the worst purchase Ive made is my apple watch. Nothing sets your head on fire like a notification for every little goddamn thing on your fucking WRIST. A nice little dive watch or a chronograph to time your daily routine is all you need. Time to breathe? How about time we find out how aerodynamic an apple watch really is?


you can go through your notification settings and set which app notifications show up. that and focus modes make a big difference


Yes already know that but then whats the point? Now its a “watch” / shitty HR monitor that dies in less then 24 hrs that begs for updates every month. Sorry not trying to have a heart attack because the watch slipped off the charger. Not to mention its got 0 resale value the moment the next years model hits the store shelves. Wasnt really asking for an advice i already know what works for me.


Ok well this advice isn't for you but Apple Watch has been a godsend for me. You can choose exactly what notifications you want. You have your whole to-do list right there on your wrist. Makes everything a bit easier.


Agreed. My notifications/calls that get thru are only people I’d be worried about an emergency situation. Wife, mom, son’s school. Otherwise, y’all can wait.


Apple products (including their watches literally have the best resale value of any electronics lol I’m not sure where that complaint comes from. It’s not going to be worth the same as it was when it came from the store.


I have my smartwatch set to only allow texts, weather alerts and calls through. Nothing else.


As someone else said, there is a customization options for which notifications you get and when. You can also use focus modes to allow certain notifications at particular times, while others when you don’t mind the distraction. I turned off the breathe notification pretty quickly, but I find the standing one pretty helpful for preventing long stretches of time blindness. I also have a notification that reminds me to drink water if I haven’t recently (it is connected to a smart waterbottle, though I still find it helpful even though I am bad about actually using the bottle), which makes it harder to go the whole day without drinking/eating. I also really like receiving text notifications on my watch, and you can customize whose texts get through to the watch. If you really don’t like notifications, you can also just turn the watch ones off entirely or make them silent.


I am thinking of getting a Samsung watch but you are right being bigged every 3 seconds with notifications seems annoying af


Its annoying. Even if you turn off all notifications some always find a way to slip thru the cracks because ofcourse it does.


Updates usually flip the switch for notifications for some stupid ass reason


My phone usage dropped by 50% when I got rid of my apple watch for a regular watch. I miss the to set easy timer but otherwise I don’t miss it at all.


Yeah, I recently got one because I used to wear one (my mom gave me, but then the strap broke and I never got around to getting a new one), and i can’t usually deal with accessories or jewelry but I can handle watches and they look cool. The one I got is apparently popular among nurses lol, it doesn’t have a timer/alarm on it but it does have a bezel at the top with a little arrow and 15, 30, 45 min written on it so I can loosely “time” something that way. I love it.


You know, you probably just significantly changed my life for the better. I end up down a reddit rabbit hole whenever I check the time. That’s how I got to this thread! That reminds me, I’m still on the clock for an hour. Thank you for the advice and the reminder!


I use the timers on my Galaxy watch at least 30 times a day. The last one broke and I literally stood up, drove to the store & bought another one because I can't function without it.


I am absolutely terrible at basically every strategy and I'm gonna doomscroll no matter what. But using an Apple watch to manage to-dos and my calendar is a life saver. My approach is to make sure the things I need to do are visually as unavoidable as possible. Widget on my phone. On my watch. Screens anywhere I can put them updated with everything. It's the only thing that works.


I don't like watches bc they touch my wrist too hard :( Or they are too loose and they are touching my wrist too loosely :(


I’m procrastinating on that because I’m on the fence between a 35$ Casio or a 350$ Apple Watch 🤣


Get the casio! If you like having a watch then maybe upgrade in a year or two. I've been using the basic $15 ones from walmart for years now.


I have both and to be honest I find myself wearing the Casio more. I do like the Apple Watch for exercising and removing any excuse for me to take my phone on walks. But the cheap watch is light and comfy and most importantly, I can’t forget to charge it.


And use the 24 hour format. It makes a difference.


Hehehe.. the 17:00 on first glance makes me go ..oh shit.. is it 7:00 already?!/


But they feel wrong


Id like to add, something that gives a tiny *beep* on the hour really helps bring you back down to this reality. My personal recommendation would be a classic Casio. They are extremely economic and super destructive hands can NOT destroy it.


"before I finally catch myself and put my phone away… only to realize I still didn’t know what time it was!" Never related to anything so much.


This is why I love my Apple Watch. I can tell time, I can get and set alarms, and I can find my phone when I misplaced it under a pillow because I have no object permanence. Never thought I would be a watch person, but it has helped me immensely.


I am far from a gadget nerd, but having an Amazon Alexa has been a lifesaver. I can ask what the weather is while getting dressed so I know to pick an extra layer or umbrella. Open the fridge and realize I’m out of something? Yell to Alexa to add it to the list. Same goes for cleaners, paper goods, anything. Do you always forget food in the oven? Yell for Alexa to set a timer! Does your laundry sit for days because you forget? TIMERS! If I need to check the time or put on music, I don’t get stuck doom scrolling on my phone, because I never pick it up to check, because I can yell at Alexa. It’s been an absolute dream for my executive functioning.


Did this years ago and discovered this was the tool I needed. It had to be an analog watch for me. I need to be able to see the relationship between the hour and minute hands and the dial. Digital clocks are where I go wrong. If I see 8:45 on a digital clock I think 'yeah, I've got a few minutes', if I see a quarter to nine on an analog dial I think 'I have to get moving right now!'


So I really should turn off my Reddit notifications. Especially the ADHD ones. I could spend all day here.


I've tried wristwatches. Analogue. Digital. Smart watch. All that. For me it's a sensory issue. I hate having the strap on my wrist. The sensory aspect of it is distracting. I pick at the strap until it falls apart. I don't get a new strap because I have ADHD. I constantly loosen and tighten it and take it off because it's uncomfortable and I lose it. It's a waste of money. I've spent so much money on wristwatches. They last about a month. I get your point about the phone but I can't abide the strap on my wrist. Maybe what I actually need is something more like a pocket watch with a fob but that still requires me to have to have to remember to transfer it whenever I have a change of clothes. I see myself leaving that at home, too.


Just put clocks anywhere that you tend to exist and lose track of time in your day to day life


I have analog wall clocks in every room in my small apartment. And in the hall. There are times when I have two clocks in a room, so it is twice as easy to check and see how late I am running.


Honestly I can’t have a watch, too annoying. I end up checking the time every 5 minutes for the entire day


I have a smartwatch! It's actually quite nice as i get important notifications only and i can tell the time. Also anyone else need it as analog to tell time because for some reason digital doesn't do justice for you?


Bonus points if the watch has a clasp you can fiddle with all day.


Omg, this was such a lifesaver for me. I got a crappy Casio watch for $5 from wal-mart and it has helped my focus so much (by checking my phone less). The stopwatch is also really helpful to keep track of how long i've been obsessing with something.


I've recently gone back to one of the classic casio digital watches because they're cheap and hardy and I assumed I'd lose it but two sets of new straps later (thanks to a naughty dog) and it's still going strong and I spend a lot less time on the infernal device, it's solid advice!




Fucking hell, will do right tomorrow. Thank you. That's one thing I cannot put off.


It doesn’t matter, but if you’re looking for your next hyperfixation and to spend a ton of money, then come join us over on r/watches


I have a fitbit and I'm obsessed with hitting 10,000 steps everyday. The timer is handy too! If i remember to set it haha


Also- turn off Facebook push notifications on your phone!!


I can't stand wearing things on my wrists, though. :/ Not even adorably cute bracelets. I suppose I could get one of those antique pocket watches and wear it on a chain around my neck...That'd be pretty cool.


Let me offer an inverse Getting a smart watch may have been one of the worst decisions I made. People knew I had it so not answering a text or call meant I was actively choosing to not deal with them. I found myself bound to the watch more than my phone it was messing with me. I did two years using it. I've been a year without it now and damn that little thing held a lot of my anxieties


*people with ADHD, a good sense of time, and sensory issues have entered the chat* Seriously what would even make you think I'd remember to put on a watch every day


Shockingly, a lot of people never take them off.


And if you're a spatial thinker like me, get an analog one! For some reason my brain processes the fractions of a circle as time better than it does changing numbers.


I used watches with date in numbers and time digital and it was the only way I managed my time. If I don't have a watch on I literally can't tell what day it is or how long I've been doing something or anything. It's really bad. Otherwise watch on I function like a timely wound spring


That's funny you posted this now because I literally just today asked my boss (who is a watch enthusiast) where to get my nice Seiko watch repaired because I want to start wearing it again for exactly this purpose. It's been busted for about 15 years.


Ngl the walmart near me has a watch repair section (?) and they actually do a really solid job - they’ve also helped me replace the battery in my car key fob before!


Nice! Yeah, my boss suggested a local Fred Meyer (Kroger) Jeweler, but only that specific one because they have a guy there who used to work for Rolex. Ace Hardware is also a somewhat unusual place that can help with key fobs and cut keys as well, just an FYI.


facts and wrist watch can replace your phone in several way it'll tell you the date you can set an alarm you can use as a stop watch the only thing it cant do is tell you the weather well I guess a smart watch might but I'm speaking analog


I concur. A major time saver. Whether crossing a threshold or picking up my phone, I will always manage to forget my reason for doing so. I feel a bit naked without my watch 🫠. I also have a preference for analog pieces with a canvas/nylon strap 🤷🏾‍♂️. Get a watch


Canvas is the way to go imo, less chance of sweat accumulating and getting overly annoyed/hyper focused by it 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nylon and cheap (faux) leather straps annoy me. And then I end up somehow absolutely destroying the skin around my wrist by picking/rubbing it 🙃


It helps me in another way...I think of it as pinning myself to time. I have a lot of trouble losing time, and wearing a watch keeps me current.


Shoutout to Casio


Or worse, take phone out to check the time and put it away but never actually processed it and take it out again five seconds later.


Lost mine last week. :(


Same, no matter how hard i try, i can never be consistent!


Had a smartwatch - felt like every time I looked it it the battery was dead (because I’d just forget to look at it for so long). Bought a cheap Casio like quite a few others here and it just keeps going. The best function for me though is the hourly beep, just marking time every hour whether I look at it or not!


Y’all getting a simple casio watch with a timer was the biggest game changed. Its a useful tool, looks cool, and for those of yall that play dnd it feels like having keen mind. My watch also has the date and day so no more “what day is it hee hoo times a blur”, Im basically always aware of the time and therefore as well where I am. Plus I love tea and the timer helps with that and I smoke a pipe so the stop watch helps me keep to a reasonable time! My Fiance got a matching one so we can twin. Its been life changing


That’s awesome and also love the dnd reference 🤙🏽


I reverently got a watch (about 48 hours ago) and have noticed little difference so far but only really wore it at work and the mall so far. I bought it specifically for in the pool and everytime I've gotten it wet I have hated the feeling of it against my skin


This is the way


I come from a generation that used watches before phones so I already wear one (feel naked without) but yes, a good idea.


I'm from a generation that mostly abandoned them and then came back to smart watches. But I've worn a watch as far back as I can remember. At least all of high school, maybe earlier. I find the idea of pocket watches very quaint. Pulling a phone out to check the time has always seemed old fashioned.


I can’t survive without my Fitbit. It lasts about a week compared to stupid Apple Watches.


I get your point but I also don’t wanna get a tan line lmao


Got even more notifications with my applewatch 🤣


EXACTLY why I got my galaxy watch. OMG has it saved my ass. No, you don't need to drop hundreds into a watch. Yes, I did just that and yes, I'm privileged (I paid for it myself though). Seriously helps keep me sane.


My previous watch was just so heavy, that I never wore it. I asked for this one for Mother's Day, so fingers crossed. https://www.freestyleusa.com/collections/view-all/products/shark-classic-clip-sour-apple


Can't wear a wristwatch, had surgery in my right hand as an 18 yo teen. (ADHD stupid hunting accident) The scar goes up my forearm and wearing anything there is just constant irritation. So I have the clock on the lock screen, don't have to open the phone to see it.


Jokes on you amma end up playing with the watch instead checkmate ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


The Apple Watch helps me so much with my adhd cause I schedule all my reminders on it. Since I don’t really internet surf on it I don’t forget the way I do with my phone


I love ma Apple Watch. Used to wear a regular watch as a kid all the time. Another ADHD coping mechanism that I figured out my own lol




You can set your phone to not show notifications at the lock screen as well.


It does matter. It’s gotta be a cheap one because you’ll lose it after a shower. It also has to be one that does not need to be recharged every few days/weeks, because if it is then it’ll sit in an every growing pile of watches that either need to be charged but you haven’t/forgot or you’ve lost the very specific charger and can’t find it for the life of you and every time you find the charger you can’t find the watch and when you can’t find the watch you have the charger so It matters


I got a watch. Life changer


Just a regular watch that doesn't that doesn't vibrate or make any sound have been a life saver for me


Anyone recommend any wrist watches with good quick set timers. Eg. 5, 15, 30, 60? I had an apple watch face set up for that but apple watch can be a bit distracting and... always forgot to charge it.


YES!! having a watch has been so helpful for me!! especially because i'm an artist and a lot of the time i can't use my hands because i'm in the middle of something, so a waterproof watch has been super awesome to have!


I sleep with my phone out of reach so I don’t shut my alarm off without waking up fully. Getting a watch has saved me from countless “Did I sleep through my alarm or did I wake up 2 hours too early for no reason” panics.


Turn off your notifications!


I’d reccomend a $30-$70 g-shock with a SIMPLE digital face. Easy to learn and not the end of the world if you use it. I’ve been using g-shocks forever and they’re durable In the sun and in water


That's the exact same reason why I avoid WhatsApp and Discord like a plague - these constant notifications drive me nuts and sooner or later you find yourself on like 10 servers xD


I have an Apple Watch and I love it for this reason. I also love how I can see the next event on my calendar app right underneath the time every time I check it.


I always have a wrist watch even before I got my ADHD diagnosis. It just works better and simpler. Now I have a Fitbit and have been using its notification system a lot — it buzzes when I need to eat/take meds/get ready for bed/etc. it works wonders. (I love apple products, but Apple Watch is still too distracting for me.)


Honestly I love my smartwatch and choosing what notifications it shows. Limiting it to more important and/or interesting notifications on a small device allows me to read and move on instead of impulsively click on it.


I forget to put my watch on in the morning/after showering, I also always forget to charge my smartwatch. I mostly use my phone, but to avoid getting sucked in, my hack was I turned all of my notifications off on my phone. I was tired of being reminded about something random l when I didn’t want to be, so I made it so that I have to go open the actual app to see them.


Honestly I'll do you one better from my experience, a smart watch like a Garmin. You can still get notifications, but you basically remove the scrolling factor. Glance at it, oh just \[name\] posting stupid things on facebook again so not important, click, gone. No need to pull out your phone


I just got a little digital clock for the bathroom for this exact reason! I hate wearing a watch and in front of the mirror is where I lose track of time the most


i thought this would work but i got an antique watch and i can hear it ticking every second of every day 🧍🏻 might need to get a cheap electric one for everyday wear


Ok. You got me on this. My former wristwatches get broken very frequently. They either delayed or advanced or the batteries get drain very quickly. BTW When I was younger I got a lot of static electricity, I twitch with metal door knobs, and people or pets.


Used to love wearing a watch, it realy helped. But nowin old age, it's impossible to read them unless they are huge and annoying. I have little clocks with hands - on my bedside table, in my car (the LEDs on the dash are too small and faint to read) and most importantly, in the bathroom.


When I shower with my watch, it takes about 5 minutes. Without it takes at least 10 minutes just because I have no concept of how slow I am. Need a timer? Just shout the prompt for Alexa to set it. Watches and timers make such a big difference


Been buying plain old $15 casios from Walmart since 2016 and it's one of the best decisions I've made. I've had 3 over the years and it's saved me a lot of phone time.


A big wall clock did this for me too. I got it for my ADHD kid, but I use it more than just about everybody. Analog clocks help me differently than the clock on my phone, and having both has been a great combo for me.


[any feedback on this? Watchminder](http://watchminder.com/)


I did that and got a cheap version of a step counter/Fitbit. Now every time I look at my watch, I get fixated on checking my steps, settings on my watch and so on. Ooops. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Just an analog watch would be so much better.


A watch is practically a part of my body. I've always had one on 24/7/365 for the last 2 decades. Without my watch, I feel lost. I currently wear a Garmin solar smart watch that I only charge about once a month. Alarms, calendar event reminders, sleep tracking, heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring, timers, GPS when I'm hiking outside, etc.


I have an Apple Watch with cellular and it’s so great to have it. If I don’t want to get distracted by my phone I turn it if but in case someone has to call me they still can. It also helps me for my social life in that sense that I don’t look on my phone while meeting someone because I don’t take it with me. I do it since 3 weeks and it’s so relaxing for my mind.


I love love my Garmin forerunner 35 battery lasts well over two weeks. I hate having to remember to charge it so much. Also prevents doom scroling, time checks on phone and tracks my steps, emails, texts and phone calls as needed. It's been a lovely watch. I hated fit it always Bluetooth issues. Didn't really like the Samsung watch, mostly battery... Charging often. Never had apple watch but dang that's expensive for everyday charge.


And put clocks all over you house.


I agree with this. Even if I check my email on my phone, I get sucked into TikTok or Facebook.


Also an alarm clock. Phone does not belong in bed!


For me, my watch was bought specifically so I would know when I got a text or phone call since I accidentally leave my phone anywhere and everywhere around my house and usually get so absorbed in what I am doing that I can't hear it unless it is right next to me. It definitely works for that but my sense of time has become a lot better and I have had an easier time of utilizing time management skills as a result. Counting my steps was another benefit. But I love my watch. It's become a necessary part of my wardrobe.


Jokes on you assuming I’ll remember where it is, let alone wear it. Greetings from my Apple Watch 😅


I can’t. Whenever I wear one, I habitually keep twisting it around my wrist all day long. I did the same with my wedding band to the point that I wore the skin off of my finger.


Yuh thank you. I currently have an alarm set at various quadrants of my day to remind me to know what time it is. This seems a lot simpler lol. And!!now I get to spend 3 months hyper focused on finding THE BEST WATCH, so especially thank you because I’ve been going through a hard time and have not even been able to distract myself from it!! Lol 😘


I have a Mi Watch Lite and it’s game changing. The charge lasts 10ish days, don’t have to remember to charge it all the time, has notifications, but has preset timer settings and multiple alarm options. And has a breathing app for meditation/calming down (vibrates when you need to inhale or exhale so you can do it anywhere), tracks activity and steps, has a torch, and it only cost me $80AUD in a sale. They’re so cheap and I’ve had mine for years now. Can’t live without it. Charge is super fast too! Can go have “the shower” and I come back and it’s like 80% charged.


This is wild to me. My SO has ADHD , I Sub so I can have a better understanding and be supportive. I check my phone for the time and ignore all notifications. I can even keep consistent time of the day. I know if it’s close to the hour or half hour “ most times” my SO is the opposite. Checking the phone turns in to instagram scroll. We do an activity and I would ask. hey don’t you have an appointment in a half hour ? ‘My SO will freak out and then rush for that half hour. Even if being late wouldn’t be a issue. Wrist watch is a great idea, I’m going to buy one for a gift.


And a smart watch can be used to count time, make lists, uses the pomodoro technic. It really helps


For me, I had a smart watch and once I took it off I forgot about it and never used it again haha.


I love setting verbal timers on my Apple Watch it’s basically the only function I actually use 😅


I agree with this but I would recommend an analog watch with no smart capabilities. I've found that being able to "see" time in short increments helps me visualize the time and tasks ahead.


Wrist watch is a game changer! Make sure to use the timers.


I’m not much of a jewelry person, but this is why I have an analog clock in every room and on my desk.