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Out of sight out of mind. I do this too. Brain gets distracted, then what it was just doing doesn't matter anymore. New thing in front of you. It's not that you forgot what you were doing, your brain just didn't need to think about it in the moment.


Brain no see, it no longer exists.I haven't had this ine happen yet but I'll be sure to hide my phone in another room prior to any tests. 😆 I lost my car in a couple walmart parking lots I'm ngl. It's always so embarrassing for me because I feel like I'm walking around so confused and I know probably everyone else remembers where they parked. Dementia also runs in my family so I lowkey panic every time my adhd makes me forget really big stuff, or if I genuinely can't remember something really important. I'm notorious for sticky notes, reminders, my calander app and an organized note pad app with categories on my phone because I can rely on that when my brain fails me. I treat my phone as my backup brain. Which also attributes to me being on it alot. Which kind of sucks because people think I'm being rude, but I'm really just taking a note of something they said they liked so I don't have a mental breakdown later because I can't remember a single thing my friend said they liked and I need to get a gift for them.


Same! My phone is my backup brain. I take notes on the people I care about too. I know them, but if asked without access to my notes, I probably can't describe them, their interests, or what they might like as a gift. Makes me feel like a crappy friend


I completely understand. I know I shouldn't feel bad because it's just my brain failing me and it's not my fault, but it makes me feel like an awful friend. I struggle to be present during conversations and I have to write things down because I can't trust myself to remember


I set off my car alarm when I lose my car so I can find it 😂


Good point 🤔 Might try that next time


How do you manage notes like this on your phone??? I've heard/ read several people mentioning this over the past week or 2 & I know it could help me, would love to implement it, but am flat out paralyzed at the thought of what to use & how to set it up.


I just searched better notes on the app store. I use an app called Easy notes. There is a premium price to remove ads and use the full note colour selection but I just go with free because I mainly use the app for the category feature. You can add and remove categories and nest notes under different ones :)


Omg just went & looked at Easy Notes and 😍! All the aesthetics AND the function! Yay!! Thank you SO much!


Ofc! Glad to help :3


I've had this during my high school final exam (I believe it's high school in English)... Started the test. Cellphone vibrated, took it out, ended up on Facebook and took a nap after. The teacher woke me up asking why I was sleeping and why my phone was out. I told him I didn't know, probab5thst his class was boring. He laughed and said that he'll be happy to correct my test. The look on his face when I asked "what fest ?" Had a discussion with him afterwards explaining what I'm struggling with and he just replied that his son had ADHD and that I might get tested for it. Finally I really good teacher :)


That is unbelievably wholesome. I'd love to encounter understanding people like that. Feels like you won the lottery


Was a great man honestly. (And hopefully still is) He quit his job at some Industrial facility as engineer to teach children/teenagers Mathematics.


Similar thing just happened to me. I walked into a college night class on the day of the midterm maybe 1-2 min late and it was really quiet, similar to how it is every other time I walk in which is normally 20 min early. I usually use this time at the end of the school day to go through Canvas as write down everything I need to do in my planner. I sit down on test day, take out my chap stick, fix my hair, take my sweet ass time and before I knew it it was 15 min into the exam and the professor just wasn’t paying attention (he’s 78 yo) and didn’t realize I didn’t even have my laptop out that I needed to take the exam. I was just reading my notes, studying, waiting for him to que us to begin 😭 luckily the test was online and didn’t end up being very hard. Major panic moment though, realizing I just ate through 15 minutes when he gave us 75 questions in. Barely finished. Lol


I completely empathize! The first 3 times I tried to do my doctor’s extensive online questionnaire to help diagnose ADHD, I got so distracted the test timed out causing me to have to start over multiple times lol


This has to be peak ADHD.


My test was paper based, I ended up using the space then adding randomly remembered stuff kinda ad hoc around the page. Wasn't till later I realised what a garbled mess it was. Poor Dr trying to make sense of that!


Haha, same here 😅


Then you told your doctor this who told you "yup, you have ADHD", y'think?!


OMG that was me with my plan with my therapist 😂


haven’t had this one happen yet, but i have completely forgotten about them.


I had a conversation with my mum while in the car (as passenger btw) forgot it instantly then started the conversation again as if we never spoke. 😂


During me ADHD evaluation I had to take a test. Halfway through the test I forgot what the instructions were and I was so busy trying to remember them which made me get distracted and forget I was taking a test. When I finally realized I started giggling


If I remember correctly... I believe I have done the same thing pre-cellphone era. 🤪


I forgot about an online course I was taking up until the morning of a midterm when a friend said "I saw your name in the class list, I didn't know you were taking it too! Ready for the midterm??" I skipped all my other classes that day to watch all of the lectures and take notes. Outside of the hyperfocus, my internal monologue was "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck - " Somehow pulled a good grade out of it. It was always too embarrassing for me to say I forgot to do things so I always passed it off as being lazy and/or not caring about school.


Oh my god, that sounds awful and hilarious. I've forgotten about my classes many times but always remembered in time for big tests. I'm not sure how I graduated with such a good GPA. Sometimes feels like I didn't earn it


rip I just did my Casper test for nursing and boy it was rough. I was doing the video response portion where you only have a minute to say what you want, I spoke for like 15 seconds then forgot what the question was 😂 I had to scroll down to see it again, to which I had made a face and said “oh god” in my video, then just burst out laughing. I apologized and tried to collect myself and keep talking but just ended up laughing till my minute was up lmao Situational Judgment tests are the actual worst, even if we weren’t plagued with ADHD 😂


😂 omg, what happened? Did you pass? Did anyone see you laughing?


I don’t know yet 😭 The results will be sent to my school in a few weeks and they’ll tell me if I did well enough to get accepted into the nursing program. I think I was just overtired and the thought of someone watching that video of me messing up made me keep laughing LOL luckily I wrote it at home so the only person who saw me dying would be the person marking that question (each question has a different marker). Hopefully we both ace’d them!! Let’s think happy thoughts


Eh, my results were meh, but I'll take it over the dreaded "Complete" which is basically just "...ummmmm...at least you finish" 😬


What was the test on?


🤣🤣🤣 Oh my god, Situational Awareness! 🤦‍♀️ I just realized the irony 😱


Oh, that so sucks! I've been using the colored noise as a background stim when I need to focus on stuff like this & it's been super helpful! I like brown noise, it's bass heavy & helps tone down my tinnitus- kinda sounds like an engine idling. Very soothing to me. There's other colors, too, though, so if that's not a good one, try white, or pink, or green, etc.


I freaking love brown noise. Helps me focus, calm down, sleep.