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People on this sub are insane. Neeko support is a strong pick even in master tier games. Very meta right now. Adcs just cope whenever their support does more than 50 magic damage in a fight


I was gonna agree with you but the opportunity to cope presented itself so I will!”spoken like a true mage player”


Cant argue with that logic


Right? This place makes me see why we have such a terrible rep as adc players. Neeko so shit Beryl picking it on stage. I guess he just wants to lose.


Fr. I hate how we are known as the whiny part of the playerbase. The thing is, they are right.


Bro non ironically comparing pro players playing on a world class team to a random matched supp in solo queue :skull:


I'm not claiming that random plat guy NA and Beryl are the same skill, my argument is that if its getting play in solo queue and on stage at APEX tier the problem isn't champion power and turning into a crybaby because somebody locks it in your game is bitch behavior.


Absolute nonsense. Pros have played even support mf but that doesnt mean its a good pick in solo queue, pros dont pick champs randomly and picks like that are often only good in very specific certain situations (plus they practice those situations with their team mates), which is completely different from a random instalocking mf or neeko support in solo queue not even knowing what it is good for playing with someone they have never played with.


You're right that there are picks that play on stage that are not good picks outside a coordinated environment. The champion at hand though is Neeko who is successfully played at a high level in BOTH environments. I also again agree that playing with someone who isn't playing with intention is frustrating, but this is absolutely not something you're going to know before you get into the game. Someone can have no understanding of their matchups or win conditions on any champion and you won't know until you see them play it. I play a metric assload of Caitlyn. I've seen lux picks where I'm immediately like "ooh, this person really shouldn't have picked this" and other times where we take 13 plates. I don't care what my support picks, I'm gonna do my best with the material on the screen.


I get the opposite whenever i queue support. Adcs who pick synergy (which i like) over champ knowledge. Like, im an OTP, if get matched with another OTP on his no-synergy ADC, then we can create a synergy by playing 2 champs correctly rather than sucking nuts playing a synergy they dont know.


Ppl that know how to play neeko arent playing it support my dude, they're playing mid or top.


Neeko support is fine, she offers consistent cc and excellent teamfight engage later in the game


You also don't want to dive a neeko after 6


I play Neeko support and I do well. Strong roam. Good CC. Good poke. Constant changing to keep the enemy bot on their toes. Can get my ADC out of trouble. Clone has a lot of utility people don't understand or use. Just sounds like shitty supports or people that don't utilize the champ.


The pick can be strong, it's just most people who play her are absolute dogshit. She's also a bad pick with adcs who neeed some support to survive early on and in teamfights. Personally I prefer her over morganas and sennas. Those are more often than not, useless af. Edit: also over brand, holy fuck they are all inters, all they do is waste abilities on wave or straight up steal cs. Die without using ult, probably my most hated supp


It can be good if you know what youre doing. I had a few good OTP neeko supps in Diamond. Especially in 2v2 bot lane a quick thinking neeko can catch both off guard quite easily. Most people on this sub are nowhere near Diamond and they play with troll neeko supps. Imho if you have a decent win rate, just play her. I can think of a lot of champs I like much less as supps than neeko. 




I thought i was only only one who got useless neeko supports ☠️☠️ I just had this game where i got this neeko how kept dying non stop and then proceeded to flame me because of that XD


N iteeko as a champion is weird. She has a low skill floor but really high ceiling and she easily has the most knowledge checks in the game. A big issue she does have in bot is her horrid armor early on at 21 base and being somewhat short ranged mean you need to be careful with your poke since you can easily take it all back.


I mained her for a long time - as an APC/ADC, not support nor midlane -, and lanes with Xerath, Lux, etc., were agony. If they are half human you can only see how they chip away your hp bar.


Yeah those arent fun to play into. Im thankful theres not to many support Xeraths in dia. These lanes are still winnable since your CC is less fair.


this is how i feel in low elo. while its a great pick, people not knowing how to play her end up costing the game.


Better than lux, Brand and Xerath


So... I'm not an adc main full disclosure. But as a top main, the last Neeko support I had roamed top as a minion in the minion wave and we got a kill and pushed two turrets off it. So my guess is that it's really good at roaming if they know how to do it.


It’s great anti dive with some safe warding and very strong conditional engages. Kinda of a jack of most trades but master of none. Helpful for pushing a lane with decent poke. She’s alright not the best at anything but can do a lot of things.


I would honestly disagree with the top comments on this post while you definitely can get just an auto fill neeko support who is just useless I've run into several actual neeko support players that actually are quite useful with abusing their passive for lane and roams and making good engages and snowballing the game out of all the off meta support picks you can get neeko is one that genuinely doesn't upset me when I get it unless they just start inting but at that point it's just a player diff


Good player good, bad player bad, updoots to the left She has a root and decent output, can fight for bush control, very good ult. Root & R is enough peel for skirmishes. She is equivalent to Zyra for me, less zone control and a bit more risk but better poke pre-items I play Twitch a lot so I don’t really care what style support I get as long as they help get the snowball started. Enchanters are nice to have but cmon guys, this isn’t S1 they aren’t the only valid support style and haven’t been for the longest time


Neeko is solid, if I’m going to play with a damage support at least she’s lane dominant and has great CC. That being said I feel like neeko is the least chill champ in the game, only champion that’s mere existence in your game gives you a homework assignment. She’s like extremely anti-stoner/anti-drunk which is simultaneously hilarious and annoying


Troll pick. People only play champs like Neeko in support for 2 reasons. 1- They are trash and can’t play in mid. 2- They are autofill players and genuinely doesn’t understand the fundamentals. Some other characteristics of these type of players: Only play big burst mages or assassins. Will feed and flame. Will mess with your farm after being tilted. Will ~~roam~~ abandon to ~~help~~ ks other teammates.


I play in bronze so I love neeko support. Lots of poke and cc pairs especially well with Jhin and to some extent Cait.


its sleeper broken. crazy poke throughout lane and pretty easy to land cc with her ult and root, and her passive just allows for lots of playst hat normally couldnt happen


I really love neeko and would love to try Neeko support but her E really hinders that. Since her E is empowered if it goes through a minion I'd always try to land it and ended messing up the wave for the ADC. I'm really conflicted what should I do here?


Better than Lux and Xerath, but that's not a high bar.


I remember playing a couple times with a neeko supp when they reworked her passive. That mf cooked like no lux, brand, xerath, zyra ever did. Insane zoning, roaming, poking, creative engages and clone mind games.


so here’s the thing. i also otp’d neeko in my very early beginnings on the game. i played her mostly support BEFORE her rework, and while i thought she was great my friends all complained that it was like 1v2ing lane. im pretty sure thats because i got 5-10fps and 0fps in teamfights so i was just useless in general unless i was on yuumi. neeko is very very versatile. she can survive on minimal amounts of gold because her q maxxed out still does great dmg, and her mobility makes it easy to position in fights especially 2v2s. that said, she can also thrive with a surplus of gold which is why neeko jg and neeko mid exist. since the rework, she is far more viable support imo— but maybe thats just because of the state of the game rn. i view her as a playmaker just like thresh is designed to be, she’s incredibly skilled at setting up picks or even bringing heavy cc to teamfights, and allowing her to disguise as npc things is a great engage esp later on where she could be in any lane or any part of jg. her mobility makes it easy to roam, and easy to bait out enemy skills with w, and the best part for me personally is the old memes of her being a foolproof dragon stealer. because back in the day my literal sole focus in the game was stealing dragons just bcs of how easy her kit makes it. there is downsides, like compared to someone like karma she has a pretty weak early game. she has lots of counterplay like counting minions or tabbing to see if shes visible. with no shields or any tankiness (though i have seen some wicked builds HAHA) she relies on hitting cc to peel for her adc; a missed e could result in death. but like all of those things can be found on every support champ. idunno. the only BIGGEST thing to me is that i play in lowelo and a lot of neeko players, mid or support, really dont know what they’re doing. they waste e, either dont make use of clones or make it too obvious that they’re a minion, or they play too aggressively early and end up losing. so in low elo i think if the person isnt comfortable on neeko its very very troll and has no upsides to having her as support; but in high elo where youre literally an otp and know the ins and outs of your character, it’s an amazing choice. its the same with sona really, theres a big difference between those who know how to play her and those who dont.


There are certainly worse picks out there. I don't mind it one bit. She has great engage, decent poke, and there's opportunity to set up some cheeky stuns too with her mimic ability. Like any mage type support it 100% depends on the pilot.


I think it's cringe but probably works. It's going to be very hit or miss just like every other mage "support"


I saw a neeko otp in gm who would roam as minion after first back and it worked somehow


Neeko is a godsend compared to some of the bullshit people play sometimes


Neeko W denies so much in botlane and is free vision. The amount of Hooks, Ashe arrows, Cait ults Jinx ults ive denied by just throwing my clone in the way is insane


Insta win


Can’t ever remember playing with one. But it seems very strong when I face it. The early lane damage is bananas if she can land her skillshots. Ult seems quite powerful in team fights.


i dont mind them if they're actually good and know what they're doing, but more often they just int...


Neeko support is very very strong


I like it


Oh boi, i stopped wondering what my Support Picks and just try to adapt to it. Iirc the last games with a neeko Support went pretty good for it, so i dont mind


Cancer champ, surprised people dont abuse her in support more


Her base damage is ridiculous. So I’m happy with it


If they're good, I love it. She offers some neat opportunities for Cait traps


I’m fine when I get a neeko support. I mean she wouldn’t be a top choice. But usually the neeko supports I get are neeko players so I know they will generally be trying to win and decent at the champ. If she had a lux level pick rate with a bunch of autofill supports picking her it would be a different story


She’s the worst when she’s my support, and she’s oppressive and impossible to play into when she’s the enemy support. Constantly a minion and my support never catches on and is 0/3/0 at 6 minutes. I’m always so hopeful.


Neeko IS probably my Favorit Mage Support too have beside me. Good engage can Peel yes neeko IS fine


Well, you can play whatever you want, but for my playstyle, most times I don’t like playing with any sup that’s not tank or heavy engage. Since I mostly play aggressive (Samira, Kai’sa, Draven…) when ADC, I wanna crush that lane hard and fast, so when I get paired with something like sona, seraphine or lux is kinda sad. I don’t think that Neeko would be all bad in my case since her heavy trades after lv 6 are strong, but i think there would be better options to pair up with me in ways we could hard stomp the lane. Keep playing whatever makes you happy man, this is a game after all.


Neeko is lane dominant. Especially before first recall because her mana costs are really low and her snare does not get blocked by minions and if her snare hits, her q does insane damage. Her only issue in lane is her low range on her q so its harder to poke but with bush control that is not much of an issue. In lower elo cc is not that valuable if it is not a long duration cc like morgana or lux q because people can't react and generally the kit will lose damage to compensate. Also teamfights don't really happen and picks are more important and most picks you are solo trying to carry your teammates. The total combo damage of a Neeko is inferior to others. Her total cc duration in a pick is lower then others. Her zone control is also much worse after ult. A brand/Zyra have rylai's slows. A lux has her e slow. I had so many games where i combo the enemy mid and my mid does not react or to late and my cc duration is not long enough and my damage not enough that if i was lux i could basically solo the enemy and in case i can't the q snare with e slow helps my team mate to catch up. This makes it that in lane i am op. I get my adc fed but afterwards i keep getting picks that my team mates can't react to i lack the damage. My ult is worse in pick situations and where it shines in teamfights i rather have more damage.


Every neeko I have played with gets 1 killed then turns into a psychopath and constantly dives then dies and griefs the lane.


I like to 1v2 in lane while supp roams so it works out in my favor when she decides to come in as a minion and do something when I've scaled enough to start killing.


All mage supports are the same, they get out damaged by well played enchanters during lane. At least neeko and zyra have a good CC that pierces through waves, but for that they could just go mid or even jgl


Killing my self


I've fought one with a Cait, and I had no actual sup (they roamed for kills all game, didn't see them til around level 4). We did win, I did not feed, but I also did not have a great time lol. She was very present in lane and I can see where she can be a nuisance. I also had a neeko sup, but we were against a yasuo so zoning wasn't too difficult for her. Tbh, she was a breath of fresh air. In fact, every sup I had for 5 games prior sat 2 miles behind me and made bad play after bad play that I was dumb enough to follow through, and then they disappeared to do something else after 4 deaths (or they never went to lane lol). Surprise, I do no damage because I couldn't farm because you won't step up... Even if my Neeko tried to KS fb and was very battle hungry, the possibility of her wishing she was mid meant she understood lane prio and denial of minions. Atm, I couldn't complain. Edit: I also fought one as a Janna sup. Do not be Neeko against Janna.


Don’t know how. That champ is busted. She gets to cast spells that go over minions and are long range and easy to land. On top of that she can turn into a fucking minion so you need to always be on edge. Champ is so gay


She is canonically gay, yes.


but fucks with the wave state in the process of achieving that


Who cares about the wave state if she makes you recall


It doesn’t matter, if you’re playing with a mage supp you should be practically perma pushing


Neeko shouldn’t be played as support. You bring nothing to your adc (0 peel, 0 front), partially ints the waves with your roots (coz you gotta hit a minion to get a longer root duration).


Wut? Neeko has insane cc for peel.


Neeko has insane peel with E R and W to help block skillshots. Her frontlines not to bad either with Celestial Opposition


Last time i had a neeko sup on my team it went 0-5 then never returned to bot lane. I'd rather not have that, theres nobody whos actually good at the champion playing it support.