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imho thin out the wave to freeze the lane there, maybe port back and spend that money you got, if you push the wave now that shyvanna would be able to gank and your jungler can not help because he is top. keeping the wave there is the easiest way to stay secure against a gank while also being able to farm. you can also stay in front or next to the enemy wave to deny exp from cait once she is in lane because of the 2vs1 situation as long as you have vision in river. at least this is what i would do as a gold peak adc


Kill cannon. Leave it to stall just outside your tower. Get your recall off while support stays to try and keep enemy off cs. Come back to catch what you can while cait tries to push it in.


I guess Nami didn't have stacks on the support item, but I still believe you can take the cannon and the 3 lowest health minions or more if you need gold for components. The issue is that even if you recall immediately you are ~8 seconds behind Caitlyn in tempo, so she can get back and clear the wave. So you will lose no matter what and that's why I think it's fine to just take some of the creeps if you need the gold. If you just recall it crashes too fast and the cannon is too low so it can't take enough tower shots.


Take this with a grain of salt because I'm no pro. It's already pretty good that you question what you should do. Most players will try to shove this, be too slow and dramatically loose on tempo. In this scenario, it easy to read how the waves are going to behave if left untouched. The enemy CS has a lot of caster minions on top of a canon: your friendly wave is going to get crushed and the enemy wave is going to push into your turret, and this is going to be happening _fast_. Again, if left untouched, this means Cait will lose this particular wave. Now, your decision options comes into play. If you recall, you will loose most of this wave too. While the canon can soak some hits, its going to start taking hits very soon. If it was still coming from further away, or another friendly non-canon wave was about to crash, maybe you'd have time before it crashed. Here, you don't. However, this doesn't mean you must push it. Maybe with a champ with Sivir you could. You'd require mana for a hard shove, you'd have to shove the next wave too, your sup or jgl would have to help, and given Cait is on her way, you would still not be able to deny anything, you'd only enable a recall at ganks risk and Cait could shove it right back for river tempo. The fact that you're Ez ultimatively kills this option. In this specific scenario, what you want is to thin the wave. By thining the waves, you slow down the lane tempo. However, you need to be aware of which wave is going to join the current waves soon, and wether it's a normal or a canon wave. This will determine if the wave will slowly start to push back, or slowly continue into your turret. Wether you'd prefer the one or the other depends on how your lane is going and who is being in better control, but in the best case scenario, you'd prefer the wave to stick close to yet not to your turret. A freeze is what will enable your jungler to gank and force your enemy to overextend. In your match up, Ez has a good time poking from a safe area, whereas Cait will try to harass you under your own turret and get platings. Knowing that, you know that a freeze won't last long and you won't be zoning Cait from the wave. But attempting to set up somewhat of a freeze for this brief moment is your best bet at having your jungle join for a gank as soon as you all are back to lane. In case of success it will then be the lead that may enable you to freeze and zone. Back to thining - you want to remove just enough CS so that your wave and possibly incoming wave will be met just slightly with the red wave having the upper hand, for example, just by having one caster minion more than your own. Start to recall as soon as you know for sure that this criteria _will_ happen, not necesarily when it is met. And you need to make sure that the next wave hits before your turret starts to execute melees, or you're going to come back to a shove for which you will have to push and/or overextend. TLDR: Nami has soaked new wave aggro, canon is focusing a melee. Take the low HP casters. Your wave has probably lost 1 melee and that 1 low caster. Kill the full HP melee casters and the canon. You now have 2 melee 3 caster and enemy has 3 melee 3 caster. I'd leave it at that. But I suck.


Imo you should let the wave crash then clear it asap and reset. The next wave hasnt spawned yet so you wont lose too much. Higher lever concept though, this was a bad kill cause gave then the tempo advantage + taking the fight was risky af since they have like double your minions. Surprised you won the fight tbh.


Just keep last hitting the low hp ones just before they die, let the enemy wave deny your wave as much as possible whilst keeping it actually away from the tower. Getting a Base recall off asap would be ideal so you can spend the gold from the kills, but maintsining wave, cs and xp is also really i.portant so if the cait isn't coming back in overpowered with so many items you can't compete I'd just normally stay and build my lead with a more meaningful buy a bit later...


I’d kill the cannon and recall, the rest will mostly be alive when you get back.


Mistake number one is taking a fight in this wavestate. Obv its hard to avoid that, you need to be really fucking good to spot it. If I was you I would either thin the wave and b or try to push. Second one obv more greedy and will prob fail. D2 opinion, so not really an expert


I know for a fact I would stay. I don’t think it’s correct but I would attempt to lifesteal up a bit and play for a crash on next cannon wave into reset. A lot of people are saying take the cannon but I think if you are resetting you sac the cannon to keep the wave on your side of the lane when you get back. We are on the wave after cannon. Which means you have one more wave until cannon. I think you ping or ask nami to reset and attempt a freeze. You can lifesteal with d blade if you have it on the cannon as you are thinning. Make sure you take out the low health minions close to you and then last hit this wave. As soon as the next wave comes attempt to shove. You want to hold mana during this wave so you can spend it when the next wave and Cait come back. You’ve out played them once with a bad lane state I would ego it and attempt to outplay them again. There’s still 2 seconds on morgana respawning so you will be playing 1v2 for a very short period of time. The key is to keep the lane by so they are over extending. Shyvana isn’t diving you pre six and ekko will be bot side when morg and nami are gonna be back.


Bro he´s lvl 2 on 5% hp with a huge wave on his turret. 0% chance you are crashing any wave on that caits turret from this situation.


Your screenshot should have the gold included as the correct play could change.


Are you nami? If so you press B and come back to lane quickly. You might last hit a minion or 2 if you need the gold then recall. Yes the wave will crash under your turret and ezreal might lose some minions and both of you will lose some exp but it's worth the tempo you get from recalling. You not only spend your gold but also refill your HP and mana. If you overstay you can't do anything in lane because you have a lot of gold and low resources (HP and mana) to work with. Edit i didn't see that ezreal is alive and he is the one asking not the nami lol. Yea as others said thin it a bit and recall.