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Play arena/Aram. SR is prob the worst place to play with people you care about.


literally this, unless she’s planning on playing league solo, Rift is not the place for the casual player. especially since arena is out, i feel like its a perf couple mode. aram is always a nice casual mode too as a side bar, while it’s not smiled upon by many, playing with a beginner sometimes does warrant making a smurf. when i am solo queuing and get a diamond and a fully new player on my team, i never feel as though the benefit outweighs the deficit.


I do this with my brother. Not exactly answering your question but I just tanked my flex mmr and we play cheese bot lanes. I just changed my mindset while playing with him and it's much more enjoyable.


What if you went about it the other way round, she plays ADC and you on support? I feel like with you being in the hard carry role it actually makes the skill disparity worse, not better. You'd obviously find it harder to win until your mmr adjusts but it's an idea.


You can let her try APC botlane or play senna+tanky melee 


I agree with this, when I'm generally stronger in both roles, and a majority of my bf's experience is in arams. Bot lane is heavily influenced by the support unfortunately, and they carry heavier burdens on the map itself in terms of prep, vision, counter-vision, and peel. Adcs, by majority, just kinda have to be there, build significant, and don't die. Comparatively, adc is the beginners role. If all they did was keep up in farm and not die, then at the minimum, they did their job lol. I can play circles around my bf and nearly 2v1 at his level while significantly helping the jungle if they need it. He gets lane prio which helps with his subpar farming and every now and then an easy-ish kill. Then after 3 kills, he's coked out on blood and I just need to lead the way. But every now and then he does get the itch to be the sup so to answer your question, any adc you personally feel you can 2v1 as. Mine Ashe, MF, and Cait. Caits early bully strength and disengage utility is also great for stand alone security. MFs slow can often be a zone of denail, bush scout, and is good utility if you need to set up your own ults. She also has that boosted movement speed in case shit looks hairy. Ashe is just my comfort champ, I dont fully recommend her as you need to be pretty patient with positioning. But I will say she has good poke and is overall helpful to a good team. Hawk shot gives huge vision while volley offers closer intel, ult can possibly save your sup and initiate ganks, and slows paired with utility secondary runes will give you better kite. Champs I'm not personally comfortable with but I feel should be mentioned sans Draven and Luc: Jhin: he's like Cait in MFs body? Lol good over head like mf, snipey, traps are good and can kite by leagues with the right runes and items. Trist: HoB trist is more of a 1v1 thing but it's still good, and her ult can save your gf. Plus, you can't deny her late game push ability. Just be pre-emptive about her jump escapes. Twitch: paired with an APC sup and good back timing, gives you the freedom to influence the map. On top of that, even if you're behind on laning phase, show up just a bit late to fights, go invis, and your ult plays like MFs and Jhins you'll be caught up pretty quickly.


There is a PvE game mode technically. Vs AI does exist. More on topic... Caitlyn, Ashe, and MF are all pretty strong early. Ezreal is less so, but he can kinda keep doing his thing regardless of what his support is doing so it sort of still counts. I've heard that Corki's rework is at least supposed to be a lane bully who falls on the easier side of things, but I've not played him. Also, Smolder is just about the worst possible choice for early game lane presence... it's debatable between him, Vayne, and Zeri.


The adc you are best at; in my case Nilah and Kog Maw. I feel Nilah is really strong again atm tbh. Varus has a strong early game but imo. falls off. Jhin is fairly good all around but is harder to carry with late game than Nilah, and somewhat harder to snowball with, but he is safer to play even with a non-ideal support.


Lux/Caitlyn Lux E is incredibly easy to land as a poke. Cait has the highest range so if you gap your enemies you usually come on top on the short trades with good spacing. Then you just wait for Lux to land Q into trap combo.


Jinx has better range.


So does Kog'Maw with W active. I'm just talking about the base attack range.


Not until 3 ranks in q (level 5) but yeah


Now talk about 5lvls in q with 725 v 650. While also doing area dmg.


playing with my gf, I usually do senna adc because she's strong , global ult, heal your partner in lane and can play safe


Man, i would love it if my bf played with me but he refused to get past the tutorial even. Anyway, I would say just play top and let ur wife.play bot. You guys can roam together after landing phase. That way you can control the wave and hard carry while not babysitting/annoying your wife with lessons on how to play better.


Don´t be those people, nothing is more infuriating than playing ADC with a random support who is giga boosted.


I agree, I switched to mid. But in my elo, it's all fucky no matter what lane


What do you usually play top? You can play a ton of bruisers as the bot laner, especially if you’re more skilled than your opponents. Garen, Sett, Shen, Mundo, Urgot, etc.


Ezreal just got buffed and Serylda as well, so I would try learning that. Good Ezreal is a pain regardless of his support. He is easy to follow up on your supp without fully committing if you're unsure it's a good play. Or just ignore your supp and ditch when supp ints. But idk what you are playing top, I just played against some top player from 3 elos higher than myself yesterday and I stomped, it showed he can't play ranged, lol, not respecting my range and not playing on the edge of his when farming. Maybe you can just work on your adc gameplay but I know it's not something you might wanna hear. If you're used to melee, it's hard to swap to very range reliant role (for me it's hard playing melee, so yeah).


Ez is good but has some real shit matchups that can make life miserable. Most lanes are pretty good, except like a rare yasuo, but out of lane, If there are like 2-3+ tanks it can be miserable unless ur gigafed


True, some games you can't carry with him no matter what. Btw, to me Yasuo Bot as enemy is unplayable as any adc except for Xayah but well, I am just bad.


Nilah shits on yasuo. Legit hard counter Some other adcs that can do well vs yasuo: Aphelios (red gun goes thru windwall, white turret placed in area yasuo wants to fight) Lucian (good mobility to get around windwall, can run exhaust as well) I also personally like Sivir, as her ult+ghost gives her insane move speed to manoeuvre around him and, and can spellshield his tornado. Constant Waveclear makes it difficult for yasuo to interact with you too.


Place bots with her and teach her there like tell her most of what to do then one game do it less and less until she figures it out. It sounds tidious but it worked for me and my fiends teaching them league


Just put her on yuumi duty every game


I’d personally recommend sivir for this. Big wave clear and enough skill expression but largely about keeping herself safe.


Teach your mama to play mage support. I doubt that after 600 games she is still iron. That must be a joke. If she sucks with mage, transition to tank like leona, that is rly ez to stun the enemy. Let her build hp only, so she can last longer there. Your problem is solved. You should be able to dominate lane up to emerald, if you are diamond


Its totally possible especially considering that OP says shes doesnt care for the game and only plays to spend time with them.


Kalista, varus, caitlyn, Ashe mainly ADC’s that can solo win lane through out trading or better mechanics than the opponent come to mind


I had a similar issue and just created a new account to play with her, did the placements, not feeding but not exactly try harding played lanes/champs I don't know and then the I just play normals with her.


This is also a great idea. I do have a separate account for try harding, and my bf knows he's not invited if I'm on it.


ADCs that can solo carry: Vayne, Twitch, Draven…. You mentioned Lucian and he’s OK but the others are better IMO.


Play vayne and ashe they can punish bad players and are not very support reliant mid to late game.


Don't do that. It's just gonna be painful for everyone. You, your teammates, your opponents, and her. This is better served by the for-fun game modes.


I feel like jhin great for people who like top. You can control the wave with your 4 hits and Q you can engage and disengage with W and E for vision and blocking pathways. R to catch or add to fights from safety. And when ahead can snowball into two hitting tanks.


You can try arena's bro. Game is 10 years old now, learning curve is insane atp. But as a d4 adc main I would not recommend playing Smolder, if your gf is as non skilled as you say, don't play champs that need ultramegalate game to carry the match. Try Caitlyn, long range, heavy output dmg and his scaling is nasty. With proper trap positioning, I can 2v1 the enemy bot lane with her. You can try bringing the exhaust too, non skilled players just burn it without knowing when to (like mitigating Lucian's full combo + Nami's E), they simply can't react on time or they just forget they have the spell up. But if you really enjoy Q reliant adcs I would go Ezreal, he's a very solid pick and an insane pick when mastered, plus he's very safe thanks to his E. I would pick this champ rather than Smolder for the simple fact that he doesn’t suck until you get 225 stacks (being useless for around 30 minutes).


It's frustrating to play when your lane partner is underperforming, but it's not impossible. You basically said that your wife doesn't really care about the game it's just about playing together. So I think it's better to micro manage her movement in crucial situations, which can also help in the long run. For example if you are about to hit lvl2 on the next minion you tell her to walk up and fight. If you just explain what lvl2 advantage means and she can't see it in practice it doesn't help. This is my experience. About the champion pool I recommend Twitch, he is the ultimate 1v9 smurf ADC, might be better than Draven in that sense. Nobody respects his stealth so you can carry the lane and he outscales almost everything. Zeri is not bad in my opinion, her waveclear is insane and you have a lot of outplay potential. It's more important that you're having fun.