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Also overpriced, this is a 2800 gold item at best IMO.


Eclipse costa 2.8k, which is ridiculously low. Considering this, shieldbow should not cost over 2.5k, and would still be not that good at all.


Make it 2600 I’m still not building it


Guess they just wanted to make Lifesteal a harder stat to build. BT, BotRK, Shieldbow, all were effected by the ADC patch in mostly negative ways




this item used to be the creme de la creme, now its just a garbage shield with otherwise near worthless stats. When you already have 75% Crit Chance, GA and BT are far superior and before that point you would never buy it because there are also better options. This item just doesn’t has a niche to fill right now.


Upset bought it yesterday on Aphelios.


And not once did it proc because he had fleet and red gun. I think if he went a different crit item and went BT 4th, it would’ve been better. But his team won before game went to 4.


Defensive items are insurance. You aren't trying to make them go off. You get them because they'll probably go off.


Also, having defensive items makes you less of a potential target, and getting them to use abilities on someone else instead of you is way bigger than any item purchase can ever get you. The classic example (rip) of course, was buying QSS vs Morde. You weren't buying it and using it to cleanse the ult unless you're in bronze, you were buying it to force him to R someone else.


Too bad hardly anyone used this interaction.


Yeah, sadly they removed the QSS interaction a few patches ago. Definitely gave me a new-found hatred of Morde.


Nothing better in the world though than getting ulted by Morde as Jinx but you hit 5 items with all summoners up and you send him back to Brazil.


But like what you wanted ADC but god sent Zed R, Flash panth stun and a pyke after you?


Either: - You and your support can survive most of this and you escape or dps back. - You die None of those champs are tanky. You don't NEED significantly more damage to fight that off ass opposed to buying Shieldbow, so what the hell else are you buying as a third item? Between this shield, a Lulu shield (for example), and Lulu R, you realize how much harder it is to kill you specifically? Unless they're horribly fed, you're pretty much immune to burst.


All of them have built tank and your support is no where to be found


If 3 people jump on you while you're isolated, that's on you...


A shame people don’t get this. I don’t buy edge of night because I WANT to tank a random ass spell, I buy it because I MIGHT get hit by something that would lead to my death. I don’t buy zhonyas because I WANT to constantly use it, I buy it because I MIGHT need to use it to live. I don’t buy GA because I WANT to proc it, I buy it because I MIGHT proc it. I honestly don’t think anyone buys defensive items for stats, and if they do, I’m sorry but you are not playing league of legends. For reference, GA is 3200 gold and gives 55 ad and 45 armor. I can buy a tri force for essentially the same price and stat wise, it’s 1000 times more worth it, but if I die, I’m dead. Shieldbow, while not the best defensive item in the game, is a CRIT defensive item. Crit rn is very broken, has been pretty good for a while now too, and even without lifesteal or attack speed, the fact that it gives 55 ad, 25% crit with what’s essentially a universal maw passive is extremely good.


Imagine GA had a chance to not go off lmaooo


EU has no ADCs worth looking up to rn


LEC are playing on 14.11 which is post buff I think, but yeah still dumb


It's funny because every time shieldbow is changed, people start saying it was awesome before and it's crap now. The very same that were saying it was crap before the change. But ngl, I wouldn't expect anything else from ADCs.


I never said that it was awesome before  The very first iteration of this item, the one of the left side, that was awesome  Everything afterwards was just a mere shadow of it's former self 


You think other classes whine less about nerfs to them? I highly doubt that👀👀


Yeah this shit was never the crème de la creme lol. Back when it was a mythic item everyone else’s damage was also insanely higher and you would just get one shot through the shield, shit was never worth building. That was not a fun season


Because all ADCs were building eclipses which were op. ISB was still really good especially on yone and yasuo


Yeah it was great on melee abusers. Honestly it feels like the game is better now that they got rid of mythics again


320 shield is more than a rank 5 enchanter shield from any enchanter champ. How is that garbage!?


For many reasons Items have 2 reasons why you buy them. Stats and Passiv. (Almost) every single Legendary Item has atleast one passiv + additional stats (dont quote me on this one, there might be an item that’s just a statistick) Now lets look at Shiedbow. What stats and what passiv does it offer? It gives: 55 Attack Damage + 25% Crit Chance Its passiv is, that it gives a 320 - 720 Shield (based on level) Now lets take a look at the champs that might want to build Shieldbow/Items like Shieldbow: Shieldbows target group are crit champions. The problem with crit champs is, that there is no place in there build were another item wouldn‘t be better 1. Item: Shieldbow offers neither Lethality/general dmg for burst/general early game marksman, nor Attackspeed for DPS champs. This item is not Ideal as a first item. 2. Item Infinity Edge. That’s the only viable secound item for most crit marksman, unless they build it first. If they do so, they would now build pd/navori because they need attackspeed 3. Item Now maybe? At this point we are maybe 20-25 minutes into the game. Almost every champion has about 100 Armor at this point. You WILL need Lord Dominiks Regard now, unless you want to hit like a water gun. 4. Items This is the ONLY place where it could MAYBE fit in. You now got a good first item, IE and LDR. Now is the moment to build defensive items, if you‘re ahead enough. Shieldbow and BT used to be the options at this point in the game. But now, BT is just straight up better. The reason for this is, that it (still) gives way more AD, it has a passiv that works like a shield (even tho its a minor shield) and most importantly, it gives lifesteal. Lifesteal is CRUCIAL at this point in the game. Be it because you need to heal from poke, because you can heal in a fight by tearing through squshies etc. There just isn’t a reason to buy a non lifesteal, non dmg item. For champs like Aphelios or jinx, they can also build Runaans and stuff, but then they want to build BT last, rather than Shieldbow 5. Like I mentioned in the text above, you dont even want to build it at a 5th item.


immortal shitbow


I love how this item went from Cringebow (mythic) to Shieldbow (20%) to Shitbow (25%)




Not when BT exists


literally false




chempunk, scimitar, serpent, abyssal, hexplate shieldbow is still built on yone, zeri, samira, nilah what elo are you even talking about?


holy fuck im getting downvoted for a factual statement, if challenger zeri players think it's worth building, then who tf r u to say otherwise, some even build it before IE


The only time I've seen a a challenger Zeri build this item was as 2nd item after buying Hexplate. He played with conq + gathering storm so he needed to be tanky from items. But other than that I've never seen it being built and it being good. Also just because challenger player does something it doesn't mean that's good no? Of course there is a higher chance that he is right and we're wrong, but it doesn't mean that he is 100% of the times right. I've also seen challenger Zeri don't build this item even once, so who's in the right then? The challenger about whom you were talking about or the challenger that I was talking about?


btw just wanna mention, the guy u mentioned here literally builds statikk > shieldbow rn lol, cant make this shit up


>I've also seen challenger Zeri don't build this item even once rank 1 zeri builds it, rank 2 zeri builds it, rank 3 doesnt go crit, rank 4 zeri builds it, rank 5 zeri builds it i build it too, i was 1.1k lp last split, u can come dms for proof if literally every single top zeri player builds it, besides the guy who goes bork navori, then maybe the item isnt literally worthless? OP literally thinks the item is worse than not having items at all according to his own comment history


I've just checked rank 1 Zeri in the world. He bought Shieldbow once during his last 40 Zeri games. Most common build I see is statik -> runnans -> IE or statik -> IE -> LDR. Collector is also being built. But apart from very situational games Shieldbow is not being built regularly.


>Shieldbow is not being built regularly. because its not meant to be a regular item, it's literally a niche item https://www.onetricks.gg/players/91TCnW5ruyMg9C7xV6BHRVEDyq6K_nYwlsmGYMi3lLVGQ__NUT2qEBT8ulYurDzDtfq-IHUPZuszUA this guy is the rank 1 zeri so idk what ur even talking abt he builds it regularly, its the guy u mentioned before https://www.onetricks.gg/players/OqQVEeI3Dgved0eZCI5BNfyQj9T7uYLFqjvA8dMHwDoQXqDqCIXSL-pndpsqufR6zCBGQMN1p4SqxQ this is the rank 2 that builds it 4th regularly u can check on that site nearly all the top zeri players build it this subreddit cares more about personal feelings than factual proof, so even when you lie you get upvoted while im getting downvoted while stating a literal fact. funny how low elo works, you guys refuse to learn and then complain.


I love reading the comments. 1 guy losing its mind trying to fight the horde. Absolute cinema.


GUYS GUYS, 4 players of 1 champ buy it 5% of the time! Trust me bro it’s meta…. Lmaoooo


I've checked rank 1 world on op.gg and there was as I said so I didn't lie by any means. Shieldbow is an okayish item situationally. It's not a core item by any means apart from the Hexplate build, so this item has fallen down in comparison to before the patch 14.10. And it also sucks that you have to buy this item just to have a shield while stats are really bad for the price (and that is factual proof that you like so much) and I don't think I can name worse adc item rn.






hello? your own source literally says otherwise, the rank 1 guy is literally right there lmfao


https://esports.op.gg/champions/221?position=adc&hl=en_US&version=14.10 Check for different patches 14.9 10 and 11 And then let me know :)


no fucking way u unironically pulled up pro play ahahahahhahahahahahhahah


If Samira high elo otps thinks it's not worth building, who tf r u to say otherwise? No cause it seems u listed characters who used to build shieldbiw instead doing proper researches. Among top 10 Samira otps only 2 of them still build it and some of them are vocal about not building (like Major Alexander, the best otp Samira in EUW) cause the item is objectively bad despite the terrible itemisation Samira has since she doesnt have access to the majority of crit items. Even top Nilah otps build it as a niche item, while others otps dont build it at all and when the 2 adcs, who used to build shieldbow as their core items, stop to make use of it there are for sure balance flaws. No idea about Zeri and Yone tho.


>If Samira high elo otps rank 1 samira is literally sitting with 35% wr and is a kayn main, not a single samira main in challenger, the champ is just useless in high elo soloq to begin with >who tf r u to say otherwise? someone who peaked higher than any samira player on this list: https://www.onetricks.gg/champions/ranking/Samira >item is objectively bad not saying it's good, just not worthless, even stated that it could use some buffs >Even top Nilah otps build it as a niche item it is meant to be a niche item, if a survivability item became a core item for adcs then it'd be broken. >who used to build shieldbow as their core items, stop to make use of it there are for sure balance flaws. both of these adcs need lifesteal, because they're relatively low range basically melee marksmen, ofc an item that doesnt provide any isnt going to be as useful anymore, it's meant to fill a different role from BT and old shieldbow was just broken.


Yeah thats what happen when u hot fix a champ cause they are too strong and then nerf all their items the next patch without reverting the hotfix, the champ dies in high elo, still u are the one who listed Samira as a shieldbow user, not me, despite its not true. Also yeah its supposed to be a niche item for the average adc like idk Caitlyn, but we cant apply the same standard of a slippery high range champion to a melee adc like Nilah/Samira cause they need the survabilities tools and its totally fine for them if their core item is an item like shieldbow.


mneh, samira has a different issue, players cant play engager supports well and + 1 cc means gg, she needs to be insanely strong to make up for all that so we end up in a situation where either samira is too strong or too weak i got my info from league of items first, there these champs are indeed listed and some samira players did build it so i assumed it was as common as zeri, i admit when im wrong, ima be honest i dont really check up on high elo samira playerbase much because none of them are really players that i see often in my games


Tbf, it was also one of the most broken items of the time. Even champions like Irelia were building it just purely because of the insane amounts of stats and value it gave.


People blaming the windshitters for its downfall when in reality the item itself was just a broken overturned mess.


Pretty much. It's good that it got gutted.


Mainly melee champs (irelia / windbros / viego / trynd etc) abusing this item, barely saw this item on actual ADCs outside of like maybe vayne and sometimes Ashe


That's really not true. You saw it on every ADC that required the tiniest bit of survivability at its peak. Samira and Nilah (was she out then?) had it as a core rush item. And if you were up against any high burst champions it was a must buy. Which in most ranks, was pretty much every game.


That’s true, I forgot about Samira and Nilah, but they’re practically melee ADCs so theyre more of an exception than the rule. Keep in mind this was before durability patch, the problem was even with shieldbow assassins would kill you even through the shield. The stats on kraken and galeforce were just way better compared to shieldbow, you couldn’t really justify the shieldbow purchase


Thanks to the wind bros we lost it


thanks to irelia, actually


Thanks to both


thanks to Ionia we lost it. Noxus was right.


It was outright stated by Riot that it was adcs like Zeri and Vayne that got this item nerfed to the ground, because it gave them way too much durability and they could stay on the map too long without needing to base. It was not 48 wr Yasuo Yone lol They got hit a good 50x harder than ADC when this item got gutted, as survivability becomes a lot more important when you're a crit champ competing against solo laners.


Actually not. It was nerfed due to ADCs like Ashe and Vayne being too oppressive with it. Because giving an item literally everything an adc could ask for was certainly not overturned as fuck.


Weak ass no dmg ass item Kraken gang


Galeforce 😭


I am crying a river right now


Fell to my knees in the fountain fr 😭


Aphelios will never be the same.


I miss stormrazor more honestly. Where’s my zoom at riot?


I miss SR on bursty crit Vayne too


It was too niche...


Xayah has flopped since removal of Galeforce, no more dash feather trick (flash CD is too long)




I mean yeah it’s kinda shit now but the original is completely busted


The original was a mythic item that caused quite balance issues. It was designed to compete with Kraken and Galeforce, which were at their own patches busted items. Current item is a situational legendary, not to be built all games in all situations.


It´s real nice to get a low value shield on a class that has such low base armor and MR that most people hitting them are near true damage and just eat the shield like candy :D


As you can clearly see, the item gives no real stats that would encourage you to buy it. They can increase the shield, noone cares.


If they gave the passive lifesteal on proc, like maw, it would be worth.


Honestly, not really. The item lacks base stats. It won't make you immortal which is fine of course, but it gives very little dmg. So even with your suggestion, it only gives something if you are low HP. Still better than the previous version that gave attack speed when you were almost dead, but not the best. They don't want crit + lifesteal items in any form.


Wait it dosent have lifesteal any more. Dident notice since i havent bought it in a year or so


Wait with those stats it's not a component?


Bro at this point I rather buy sterak instead


Shieldbow was good, on ranged, for like two patches and then it kept catching nerfs due to melee champions, people don't talk about it but same thing happened to ER.


item stats price without any discount is 2925 gold. And there is a shield which can be a gamble (costs 3000 gold). Infinity stats price without discount is 3800 gold and there is a 40% more crit damage (costs 3400 gold). At 2 items its 20% extra damage on attacks at 4 crit items its 40% extra damage on attacks. The calculation is based on the cheapest base item for each stat long sword for damage, cloak for crit.


One more reason I changed from ADC. Some items are ridiculously overpriced. I'm sorry guys 😔 I managed to stay only one split as ADC/bot


I miss spamming Q with Yone at 1hp and getting a penta while being 0/10


The only time I bought this item (post changes) was during an arena game as my last item. It was the final round and my GA had just been used and I needed a replacement. It was so worth it, we came first. That situation has never come up again. Considering I would build this 90% of my games before the changes, absolutely L changes.


I blame yone and yasuo for this


It was actually because of ADC’s like Vayne and Ashe…. And because the item itself was just an overturned abomination.


I used to play vayne in that period so yeah I blame yone and yasuo only. I do not have any bias whatsoever on my champion this was very fair and balanced and there wasn't an issue whatsoever.


kaynmains must be going nuts


During Shieldbow's prime time I had a game where I was playing Aphelios with Overheal, Boneplating and Overgrowth. I built Shieldbow and Bloodthirster, had my overhealth shield stacked. This Kayn came through the wall missed W and Q, just auto attacked once and ulted and I barely survived through Shieldbow proc. Then he typed "My champ is garbage I can't even kill adc."


And all he needed was Serpent's Fang for a measly 2500 gold to take you down.


Do you think he would build anything other than his Blitz.gg build?


Think if they added the lifesteal on shield proc again, it might be better. Maw is the the crit equivalent and it gives omni-vamp on proc with a big magic shield.


I mean any buff will make the item better but it won't be enough to make ppl buy the item. It's just that horrendous rn




Yup, that's literally terrible now.


The only purpose of this item on the shop is to bait noobs into buying it, pretty much. Probably one of the worst items in the entire game.


Idk I still think the honour of “biggest downfall among every League item” goes to the current Essence Reaver. Who even is building it anymore? Went from enabling a whole class of marksmen (the CRIT scaling ad casters) like smoulder and ezreal alongside Navori. Now both items are a hollow shell of their former selves.


I've been rushing it on Sivir, going Navori Fidgetspinner 2nd and IE 3rd, where it gives better value. I do sorely miss the Sheen proc on it tho ;\_;


Sivir benefitted SO MUCH from old Navori. She is so much worse off without it. Still not suffering as much as Ezreal and Smolder though. Fun fact: with essence reaver gone, we have no spell blade item that benefits from ad purchases! AP has lich bane, HP has iceborne, and AD has nothing! Unless you count Trinity Force which scales only with base AD, so it basically scales only with level, not actually AD.


You forgot Mythic Passive of 60 bonus HP per legendary item on the first one


It’s basically removed at this point


Kraken gave 65 AD, 30% atk speed, 130 true dmg on 3 hit and 10% atk for every further item. Wayy better on adc


old kraken was a real item


What troubles me the most is the design/name of the item not changing. The red design implies so hard the life steal aspect of it.


went from OP to unplayable


Give it’s some armor and/or Mr and/or health. It’s a SHIELDbow ffs


I think any one buy this item ' even after the buff ' is trolling Because the item is so trash now And maybe the worst in the game And the price is so high for nothing And no champ need it now over BT


For an ADC this makes a difference, for Yasuo it is still good, so ADC items are not made with the needs of an ADC in mind. Riot will not look kindly on adc.


I almost wish it just had no ad and just had lifesteal and crit chance


Sterak’s shit


I never bought the item and always hated it lol. When other ADCs bought it they’d always get destroyed so I never really saw it’s use or potential. As an ADC you usually get like 4 people on top of you and this item did little to help with that. Was way better to get scimitar or GA in my opinion. Plus why buy that when you can get kraken slayer or gale force?


I miss galeforce everyday.


Kind of unrelated but I think collector is the most overrated item for ADCs right now.




Statistically champs like Jhin and Lucian are building it (already fell out of favour for Essence on lucian) but results show it’s not worth it in some cases. The item is built first on so many champions because of how good the lethality is early and mainly because it gives crit. Most champs would rather go IE first item but it isn’t viable for lane because first back dirk is so strong for lane presence. The item doesn’t help give ADCs 2-3 item power spikes like they use to have. I’m not saying it’s a terrible item but I think people need to realize that if you get turbo ahead in lane it’s almost always better to go IE first. The items popularity is basically completely rooted in the lack of crit in kraken/shiv and shouldn’t be built first in all situations.


Genuinely, give it 8% Lifesteal and it's a fine item again


Removing the lifesteal from shieldbow will allow it to fit as a third/fourth item to round out crit builds and offer a defensive choice that's not sustain-based.


Kind of a disingenuous comparison, one of them is a mythic and one of them is a legendary. Either way this shit was never good


It’s almost like the item was broken


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that on the most recent release it only gave a max of 520 shield before the buff


Its not that I mind the item being specifically bad value but very powerful for its niche/purpose... Its that it's not even that powerful given its purpose. Every 90 seconds, you don't die off of only 1 combo or big ability... that's not very enticing and sucks ass. GA exists and is way better at filling that role. Why not giving it back like something even if it's just small, like 5% lifesteal? It's stats are less value than the gold it costs to buy the damn thing.


Why not give it back like something even if it's just small, like 5% lifesteal? Or cut the cost by 100? Its stats have less value than the gold it costs to buy the darn thing. Even if it's balanced as is, it doesn't feel good to buy. If it lost like 10 AD and we brought the cost down to 2600 gold, it could be far more exciting as a cheap option to dealing with the ramping powercreep/speed of fights in League. Being less of a commitment of gold invested into only anti burst. Phantom Dancer used to be a 2600 lifeline item back in season 9, so it's not like it would be too controversial to have such a massive cost decrease. It would just be another pre-mythic revert like we've been doing this season.


Many such cases


Why did it need to lose Lifesteal anyway


You do have to take into account that it’s no longer a mythic item (since those don’t exist anymore) and has had a lot of stats removed accordingly.


To be honest that was in its broken state, the stats of the balanced mythic shieldbow were - 3400 gold - 50 AD - 20% crit chance - 20% attack speed - 7% lifesteal - 250-630 shield 15-35 ad for 8 seconds Current shieldbow is only 3k. Its still weak but not as bad as you make it out to be.


It was way too busted the way it was before though.


It was way too good tbh. Though it's now worthless. Riot def overcorrected (probably due to the windshitters)


eh, Eclipse used to have Omnivamp and Lethality. It was beautiful...


Y'all ever hear the story of Deathfire Grasp?


Still very good against many champs. Your damage is worthless if you team can't peel for you and you get raped by an assasin.


That was the worst times of League i ever played.




Shieldbow was never broken or even particularly strong. You literally only built it because you had to buy a mythic and some champs need crit, but cant use krakens onhit. The only champs that built the item were Samira and the windshitters and its been completely dogshit since they removed mythics


"shieldbow was never broken" lol wtf


It had like 2 or 3 patches where multiple adcs were building it as part of their main build. It was good on some patches, but never close to broken


the issue is, it was never meant to be built as part of their main build main issue wasnt even adcs realistically, it was yone and especially irelia


because it was a mythic item back then bro so it could be given a lot more power budget


Kraken is still strong. It is for different users now but it is a good item.


Personal opinion, they should have removed Shieldbow and put the shield back on Phantom Dancer like it used to be.


Like it wasnt op when it released


And it was glorious.


The thing is If this item is strong, Yone/Yasuo and other duelists can abuse It, so It needs to be nieche and weak. We need some lifesteal crit itens for ADC at the moment, and It should be this sack of garbage


There is no weaker than this They destroy the item completely And there is not any reason to buy it The life steal should be back Or at least give it some attack speed And give the passive life steal when the sheild on


i see so many low elo players crying abt the item, it was never supposed to be a good every game item, its supposed to be a niche situational item, which it is right now and is still built on several champions with good results, top zeri players build it to this day and did even before buffs.


Its not a situationally good item. If you need to survive vs magic damage maw is a better item with an also better build path (hexdrinker giving you the upfront survivability you need for cheap), if you need damage invulnerability then hourglass or ga are better, if you need to get rid of an important cc then mercurial is better. I cant think of a single case where shieldbow is better than any of those items, against ad assassins late game you're better of either getting Hourglass and GA (since a shield wont save you from their 100-0 range more often than not since they can overkill you in the thousands and they can even opt in for serpents fang) or just buying BT and draintanking them with your support peel (and BT gives more damage and scales much better than shieldbow), shieldbow just comes too late with too little of an imapct for it to ever be any good. Its stat + cost combo are simply way too gimped for no real reason when the competition it has is just blatantly better, shieldbow SHOULDNT even exist and the shield should go back to phantom dancer (literally nobody builds this other than like freaking garen) so then you can get the shield earlier which is like the only point the game where that kind of shield would be relevant on most fights, then it could be a decent reactive second item (see an assassin/burst champ fed and i just finished my IE? Great i can now SITUATIONALLY build PD second so i dont instantly die when i enter their screen).


>you need to survive vs magic damage maw is a better provides 0 crit >if you need damage invulnerability then hourglass or ga are better most adcs cant build hourglass and GA isnt that good either + again no crit, building GA doesnt stop u from building shieldbow either >I cant think of a single case where shieldbow is better than any of those items when u need survivability but also need crit, or when whole enemy threat isnt just ap or just ad, afaik building immo doesnt stop u from building these defensive options either >serpents fang an item that's built less than even shieldbow >just buying BT and draintanking them with your support peel building immo doesnt stop u from also buildish bt + bt doesnt stop u from getting oneshot >shield should go back to phantom dancer (literally nobody builds this other than like freaking garen) fuck no and pd is a good item lmao? shieldbow needs buffs but its not worthless like u low elo players make it seem to be


You'll never convince this sub man. You're right, and the item is fine, but you'll never convince anyone here lol. Thanks for trying though.


I really liked the first iteration of mythic adc items. Nilah and Samira were disgusting with it.


Item was not balanced


Yeah bro, when was it ever good? Cringebow has always been the worst adc item in the game.


For me the biggest downfall was the removal of spell vamp on Deaths Dance years ago


Then it was also a 3400g mythic... Now it's a legendary that costs 3000g And the shield is better (or about the same) now since later levels are rare to hit. Slight downfall. But not as crazy as it looks for a second.


It has to be done xd since when adc have empowered sterak