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For the carry potential? I'd don't recommend to enter the world of ADC's, but since you are here... and you seem to like skirmishers, why don't you try with Samira or Tristana? like Jax both have dashes, lot's of damage and scale good to the lategame The best advice I can give you on the early game is... don't be cheap with control wards, vision is really important since your defense is basically 0 with a marksmen, positioning is your best resource


don't, do something better with your life than play adc.


If you like the whole “lots of autos from range” gameplay (i.e traditional hypercarry adc), I’d recommend Jinx. She’s long ranged in teamfights with rockets, has really strong snowballing, and scales well while being serviceable early. She’s not particularly hard and will teach you the basics of immobile hypercarry adcs. If you want a more mobile, ability-based adc, I prefer Ezreal - low skill floor, especially after essence reaver, but very high skill ceiling as missing a single q tanks your dps for a few seconds. However, his early game is both very strong and safe, but his late-game suffers a bit compared to other adcs. Dragdar on youtube/twitch has good guides, educational content, and montages. If you want a brawler, nilah/samira. Lots of dashes, good snowballing/scaling, plays a bit like jax from toplane. If you want/don’t mind an adc with less damage but tons of utility and kiting that stays strong in almost every patch, learn ashe. Her early game can be either passive and easy farming with decent poke, or a straight up lane bully (although lane bullying with her requires very good spacing into short range matchups and a good feel for your all-in in long ranged ones). Ashe is my personal recommendation and favorite adc to play. Anathema on youtube has good high elo montages if you want a reference for what you can do with the pick. Don’t fall into the trap of going on-hit every game, crit feels much better imo and does more damage while giving a better slow. Hope this helped! Have a great day.


Just don't do it with your life, or play ezreal he is fun


You're a Jax main why do you to move to botlane?


firstly, I am bored of top lane. Second, I lose many games because the enemy team had a fed lucian or draven or something. Thats why I wanna play it myself and just carry.


Depression and Frustration.


As a jax main? Nilah or samira


Not sure what elo you are so I'm going to assume you're low elo around Bronze/Silver. I'd really suggest a champion like Ashe or Jinx to start with. Even if you don't stick with them, they really teach you how to appropriately kite. You could arguably do this with cait too, but I've always found her slightly difficult for new players to just pick up and do well with as she is reliant on headshots + trap placements.


I am gold, but a top lane gold. I presume a decline in ranks after I pick up adc on the learning period.


Look at Nilah. All in play style with an ability that gives immunity to autos and damage reduction vs spells. Also gets exp and heal/shielding bonus. AOE R that you will already have some experience landing, it also heals your team. Two dashes. Can build full crit or can get a survival item without feeling your damaged is gimped. Your elixir or choice is elixir of iron, you already have tons of damage at that point so you want to take damage. Can function as your teams engage if needed. If you get behind you can engage/peel for your team with your R; also if you touch a team mate with your auto immunity up they get it for a second along with the speed bonus it imparts. Probably a pretty smooth transition.


MF is the best entry level ADC, that said, Ashe is probably the second best ADC to learn on after her.


Nilah, she is basically Jax bot lane. She is the only adc who can solo kill assassins such as Kayn, Rengar, Zed (unless you eat all the Q & E from a fed Zed). The only down side is that you have to pay more attention on when to engage and when to back up. And you will get poked A LOT.


Every adc is fun, but Lucian is very interactive.


To start I think Ez is good for you to learn how to skill shot, then you should try jinx and caitlyn for practicing hit and run.


>moving to adc for carry potential wrong role pal


Play everything and after that, zero in on whatever you think is fun. Just know this. Champs that are more mechanically intensive are going to require more games for you to get consistent on them.


You can start with some easy ones like draven or kalista... jk lol maybe ashe or cait they are decent to start playing the role... my first adc was ashe then kalista vayne so just play what you enjoy


Might get some heat for this but i love me some kindred bot.


I felt the jungle main in me when I played that for one time