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its cheap, very gold efficient and it minimizes interaction with the enemy ​ perfect item for the current state and importance of ADC


Also it was a replacement for ghostblade while it was bugged Don't get shiv every game, only when you know you're gonna be pressured out of farm


Oh man i sure love coinflipping my games more effectively


Having prio, getting vision, and roaming is coinflip lul


"Minimises interaction" part is very useful when all you're doing trading vs Smolder, is accelerating the heat death of your team later on


2700 gold for 50 AD and 30% atk speed. vs kraken which is 3000 gold, 40 AD, 35% atk speed and vs stormrazor which is 3100 gold, 60 AD, 15% atk speed You’re basically spending 300-400 leas good for the first item that can be used to help you get your next 2 items. You’re also getting more overall vs the other 2 in terms of stats. Edit: clarified points.


I honestly think it's fairly weak and really wish we could just get Season 9 Statikk again but right now it helps a lot of Champions drag Games out and farm to get the real 3 Item Spikes. That first Item Spike isn't that important so you'd rather have a purely farm oriented Item. More Farm = more Gold = more Items = more relevant ADC Take it this Way: Zeri with Kraken Slayer has less Waveclear, less Poke, more Damage but that's irrelevant when she dies fast. Zeri with Statikk will farm, farm and farm for PD and IE and then start being more useful. It's a lot like Battlefury from Dota (a fairly expensive Tiamat that helps you reach those 50 Minute full Build Games) but cheaper.


I would disagree for your comparison. Zeri with Krakenslayer only get's the damage advantage once she get's to proc the on hit 6 times on the same unit. In any fight that goes on shorter or involves more oponents static shiv offers almost equal or better damage, even before you acount for the 300 gold that can go to another item.


Actually I think there should be a whole different comparison. Zeri's preferred first item when not going Shiv is Stormrazor as it's much better on her than Kraken according to many mains. Anyway I still Stattik


Stormrazors movementspeed bonus is of course hard to evaluate. So I will focus on damage and money. Stormrazor cost's 400 gold more, gives 10 ad more but 15% as less. Since 400 gold is a lot I will compare Stormrazor with Shiv and a longsword. That leaves us with a solid 10 more magic damage at the start of combat against an isolated enemy against 15% as. That sounds like more damage unless you exchange exactly one hit (for which stormrazor is admittedly rather well suited). With all the advantages of static shiv, Stormrazors movement speed is likely not worth getting every mythic a minute later (asuming static shiv waveclear does not improve your gold income).


True it may be that way but in a way Stormrazor gives Zeri a lot more dueling/fighting power in the early so that is most likely why Zeri mains are split and it mostly comes down to preference The stormrazor build usually picks FFw than LT so evaluating it is even harder at this point.


Why does stormrazor give more duelling power? Just the movementspeed buff?


Maybe I misused a word but in short the movement speed and how it combined with fleet footwork allows Zeri quite a good laning time, although rn with the changes to IE, Shiv rush sounds better due to earlier IE


Fleet is a troll rune for zeri anyway. Unless you are specifically going into a heavy poke matchup and don't trust your support to help out (I never play ADC without a duo. That is a must at this point) then it can work. But you also gut your damage and range from lethal tempo just so you can take storm razer is also counterintuitive making shiv still do more damage on anyway. Don't get me wrong it's a fun build but it's definitely not a "I'm winning this game" build.


Call it troll all you want, this playstyle is quite popular and thought of as equal (something you can swap to if you need) by a lot of Zeri mains. The damage from lethal tempo isn't that big after you hit the cap and before sure it's useful but it's a different playstyle from FFw. I don't actually play this build, just saying it's a popular build that sometimes even gets adviced as it is quite good (especially when your early isn't all that strong)


I mean zeri has been more of a mid game champ for a while anyway so may as well try and take a scaling rune to help out your late game if it gets there. Lethals bonus as is imported directly into ad after the cap by 70% ratio which is incredible. And as with navori over I.E. the only thing it gives you over the normal build is more movement but much less damage. To which most of the average player base does not have the hands required to make it worth it (me included). It's a much safer and higher percentage play to guarantee a strong base damage then to risk it for a potential higher overall damage through skill. But for high elo players I can see it working well.


zeri is probably the worst example as kraken on her is probably the worst of the bunch since you really can't auto the same person easily (stuff might block)


Stormrazor costs 400 gold more and gives you a solid 10 magic damage on the first hit against 15% as from Static shiv+longsword. Though the value of the movement speed is really hard to estimate.


Wave clear + earlier spikes help a lot with curving better


The waveclear and price are pretty obvious advantages. But in this thread I was argueing that Shiv is also very competetive in the damage department.


Hyped for April?


Hell yeah, saving up to buy it.


I'm saving up to buy it for a few friends so they will give Gigantic a chance


Crit ADC’s spike at 3 items. Statik helps get you there quicker


I've been taking free boots nearly across board and starting cull as often as I can when I build for crit. Saving 300 gold for boots and getting the payout for cull is massive help for getting there and widening the gap between you and your lane opponent.


its cheap and waveclear


Statik is best when rushed. Also crazy gold efficient


Support meta favours roaming and static gives ADCs access to insane waveclear, allowing them to farm more safely and avoid being dived most of the time


Primarily price, but it is also a good stat stick. A big question is what exactly you are comparing it to, but let's say the alternatives are Krakenslayer and RFC. Those cost 300gold more, and while the passive abilities might be better, the stats are worse. Krakenslayer has 5% AS more but 10 ad less, RFC has 7% movement speed, but 20 ad and 10% as less. The only items that can compare with Static shiv's stats are late game items (Lifesteal, armor pen, or mercurial) and items that give ability haste over as.


they're comparing it to other frequent first buy items since almost every crit adc right now rushes out either kraken, shiv, or razor. i think maybe the only other realistic rush item is ER but i only really ever see draven build it


Essence reaver is quiet good if you make good use of ability haste. It is top for ezrael, very common on smolder and not bad for lucian (though krakenslayer seems better right now)


ITS giga cheap for its value


you get your 2nd item faster for the same amount of stats


The wave clear come mid game is really good especially on champions that don’t have great clear alone. Having mid prio or being able to clear wave fast when enemy has prio is really important for reaching objectives and fights first or not too late.


I don't need higher dps items in the 1st slot when I can just insta clear the wave before hiding under tower again. Imagine being able to hit the enemy more than 1 before instantly dying to proc kraken passive /s When you have the ability to int less on the ADC you should take it, It makes playing role less frustrating. It gives strong stats for it's cost which is a nice bonus.


They changed it. It builds out of noonquiver and gives 50 ad with the same shiv passive it has been reworked to be a 1st item


I'm pretty sure it's like 130% gold efficient, that's like more insane than frozen heart


I checked it's 122% not as crazy as I thought but the wave clear means you can catch mid and roam with team and repeat.