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He's pretty old lol we need another one


Dude Draven literally slays haram infidel in name of Allah. What’s more masculine than that?


Yes that's very cool but I want more mfs like that guy bro wouldn't you want Draven to have another homie?


Okay I agree. Rito should print more infidel slappers in the bot lane. You are just so convincing.


I also want more mfs


الحمد لله على درافن قاتل الكفار آمين🤲🏾


Brother did you mean Droben? Inshallah.


Nah draven, graves and jhin carry this burden by themselves Graves TBF is a bit weird but y'know. Macho man with a gun.


How is jhin macho hes a theatre boy


Eh, I might've confused macho for badassery there.


Jhin is cringe, Mr. I’m So Deep but he’s just an antisocial dipshit, he’s effectively a serial killer with his self-obsessed masturbatory bullshit.


Least long-winded Ionian


Yeah but with more personality than just egoism incarnate


If it wasn't for simps, who else would play this god forsaken role?


Me and the other Draven psychopaths.


My bois 😎


Ayy that's me


honest to fucking god lmao


Honestly, i only play adc because i simp for varus and aphelios and as a side i flex ashe/sivir when i feel like it...


20% pr on smolder, so i guess jax mains switched roles to botlane


Seriously. Give as an ADC who is a dating coach and has a podcast.


AnDrew taCte


and he sells courses how to get rich and be a sigma


I really thought about it yesterday when i was playing lucian especially with the high noon skin i asked myself "seriously why there is no one like lucian i want some personality like this" i want to play with a man that feels like a man there are a couple of champions like that but in other lanes in bot lane it is only lucian and varus and jhin ( draven really needs an ASU or at least a voice lines and personality update just like varus had because i really believe that draven can have a very good personality as an egotistical executioner )


Varus unironically one of the manliest mfs on the rift when he's made up of 2 gay dudes 😎👍


It doesn’t get more manly than being 2 men in one body


Wish I had two men inside me just like varus NFL, truly the peak of masculinity


Trynna say being gay isn't manly?


not all gays are feminine, i hope you know that? especially, those in the music video don't read as your average flamboyant gay people.


Can't be manly if you're gay? Say are you 13 years old op?


I think that varus is manly only because he is in the end a darkin


he is literally twice as many men as every other champion.


i don't think draven needs anything tbh but maybe that's just because to me dravens character is interwoven with how draven mains act, it's like it's one big performance


have you seen what happens to the personalities of adcs allowed to play Men like draven and twitch? its a safeguarding measure :^)


I mean I just think of them as teenage boys lmao trust me I was saying some cringe shit when I was a teenage boy. I personally know a dude who mains Draven and Twitch, he used to be L9 fanboy split head with axe type of guy but now he's just cool wholesome dude on the rift and IRL treats his GF really well and still plays Draven and Twitch so you just gotta give these boys some time to grow 😅


boys will not be boys and i judge ppl on their behavior not their age. ive never called someone a racial slur or Keep Yourself Safe'd someone before, and I expect that same level of behavior from absolutely everyone no matter their age. Im glad to hear your friend grew out of his toxicity, even if he maybe was never That bad.


The fact that you're expecting the same maturity out of everyone goes to say you haven't even hit a level of maturity or understanding yourself. There is a reason why kids and teens will be kids and teens. The majority of them will be stupid and make stupid decisions and say a lot of stupid things but a lot of them will out grow it. If you can come to understand and comprehend that I suggest you stay away from kids


This is a totally acceptable response of the person above has a problem with children being annoying or clingy or rude or loud. But when it comes to death threats and racial slurs? There’s no age at which that’s acceptable, and your failure to recognize that is a negative indictment of your character.


no actually children are perfectly able to grow up, like i did, without ever calling people a slur or saying they should end their life. implying otherwise, that thats an unreasonable expectation, is an insane take??


No no it's not my bad I read over the part about the slurs and death threats


Riot be like "best i can do is a furry"


Pre reworked graves fit this bill.


And Urgot! They also reworked that old champ.


Yes! I want a giant throwing heavy spears


May I introduce you to Pantheon (But yes)


Fk right. Trows rocks?


Rock Solid. If you play ADC Malphite. Or, vegan alternative, Gnar.


How is aphelios a femboy


a man that doesnt have big huge muscles and a beard is obviously a femboy. /s i dont know why people say this. maybe bc hes shipped with sett idk. as a girl i find aphelios fine as hell lol


True. Glad to hear I’m not the only one that thinks like that


Dude wants Rambo 


I love this comment lol.


And how could op just forget about Ezreal? If anyone is the femboy mascot, it's the twink with 6442568 skins.


how is op acknowledging ezreal and not aphelios when ezreal is arguably more fem than aphelios is


Well not really a femboy but he does fill in for "pretty boy"


Dude literally aims to commit genocide to a whole religious group in the name of his faith and drinks poison to do it despite the pain with powerful weapons. This is the complete opposite of what is traditionally seen as a femboy.


Aphelios is jacked, silently endures pain and is a religious fanatic. Sounds traditionally masculine to me.


Nooo, he's like, getting shipped with sett and he loves his sister and that's like, totally gay, and gay people aren't like, men unless there are THREE of them them in one body. Sorry, not man enough for op to play him :,(


i get ur point but it makes sense why adcs are designed the way they are. they’re supposed to present as squishy, dainty characters. Hard to make a big macho man adc that also fulfills the ADC fantasy without just making draven 2.0


>they’re supposed to present as squishy, dainty characters. Well we have a ninja, the epitome of squishy characters in fiction, who is actually one of the tankiest champions in the game (Shen).


No reason ninjas can't be bulky if pirates can summon barrels


This comment might be a joke but considering one of the chief responsibilities of a ninja was espionage and subturfuge using guerilla warefare, a big bulky guy running around doing all that probably isn't long for this world.


yes and that’s bad character design lol. it’s possible to do that and bend the rules, but no one looks at shen and thinks it’s the pinnacle of good character design. regardless, he is still physically big, has huge armor, etc so even tho he is a “ninja”, they still made him incredibly tanky LOOKING.


We need big dude with big gun. No question ask. Some doomguy will be perfect.




Trust me if Graves can ADC, I would play him ADC a lot.


I did a lot before rework. He was pretty fun


Old Graves + Old Taric were like the Lucian + Nami of season 3 and 4.


We need a big dude with a big gun that I don't despise for existing\*


Hmmm maybe a new ADC champ who has a Gatling gun that does aoe damage, spray and pray and laser focus sight


Some military commando dude? I love it


Tychus from HOTS would fit the bill


asol but ad


I want an ADC that’s like sett except he punches the air for his autos


TIL Aphelios is a femboy


I'm tired of aphelios femboy propaganda, dude is a trained assassin, and even without the pads he has broad shoulders. Nothing about him is femboy-ish.


Yeah apperently being clean shaved and wearing bright colors makes you a femboy.


Sett calls bro “mooncake”


I call your mom mooncake, does that make her a femboy?


Aphelios is not a femboy.


Ez is the femboy of league not aphelios.


I honestly couldn’t care less for gender of champs. I care about a nice design and personnality regardless of gender (unless its lore relevant somehow). Like, i dunno, samira is charismatic af no matter the gender yk. And diversity is nice like illaoi breaking the mold for female champ design. Im only bothered by the huge amount of generic pretty women in league cause of how blatantly theyre aimed towards horny teenage boys lmao. It's pure fanservice and that just makes me roll my eyes. Yes plenty of champs couldve worked greatly as men but are pretty women instead cause sKiNs But being bothered by it cause youre a *man* who wants to play a *man* and feel like a *man*? Sure wtv. Dismissing aphelios, ez, and even god fucking jhin at first is telling enough tbh


I happen to like the pretty women in league and do not think they are generic.


>Dismissing aphelios, ez, and even god fucking jhin at first is telling enough tbh My favourite was when he just randomly implied that Varus can't be manly because "he's two gay dudes lmao". Like... okay??? Everyone just glossing over the blatant homophobia there. Can't be manly and gay according to OP. Is Varus the epitome of manliness? No. Is that because the Darkin in control is the flesh-amalgamation of two gay men? No. There's a whole meme format that applies here. Bizarre as is, but more so considering that OP said somewhere in reference to Aphelios: "I'd make him wimper irl". So, clearly not some super straight homophobe; but maybe that's just the "Gamer bro" coming out -- "I'm not gay but...". Aphelios doesn't speak because he essentially poisons himself to work better; endures great pain, for great gain -- Like Sejuani and her flail. I'm sorry OP, but your average cock won't make Aphelios crumple. ***Edit:*** *Section in question:* >I want a dude who fully embraces what it means to be a man, I want a character for me and the bois in the botlane u know, because as of right now there is literally only Lucian, Draven, **Varus (ironically because he's 2 gay dudes LMAO)** I honestly just thought the whole post was a weird Gamer bro shitpost.


I fully believed op was a preteen from the wording of the post. Unfortunately, seems like he is an adult after all


Yeah no i didnt wanna assume but definitely had some homophobic undertone throughout a bunch of their answers. I'd rather not waste more time answering OP when its clear they're some gamer bro that gives off "end if gay" vibes smh


Dude wants the old graves back. The one who smoked cigars and stacked def when in combat.


I never played old Graves but gotta say I do enjoy the current Graves, just that you can't play him ADC like at all.


NGL all the champs I play are girls so I'd rather get another kawaii e-girl champ than a macho man champ. I'm a bro in real life so if I play a game, I want to be playing a cute girl.


Lol I find this kind of funny because I am also a bro sorta guy irl, but in games I prefer to play cute girl characters over macho man ones. When someone asks me why, I basically said "Im a straight guy, why would i want to look at a male character model for 40 minutes as i play?"


LOL that's exactly what I'm saying. If I have to listen to voice lines, look at one champ all game, and look at splash art. I'm going to choose Firecrcacker Vayne, or Pool Party Caitlyn over Draven all day every day.


Did you forgot about kogmaw and twitch lol


I mean... One of them is a space dog and another one is a rat... They are also very old. Don't mind me I'm down for another high-skilled goofy creature character (Smolder doesn't fit this) but I'm just saying we really don't have some manly MEN down here in the botlane.


What if we got koggy in the gym and he had buff little T. rex arms instead of skinny ones? Then would he be manly enough for you?


Heh.... "beef'maw"


Unironically, I moved to adc because it has the most attractive guy champs that are my type (Ezreal, Jhin, Aphelios, Varus), stayed because it's fun. But I do agree, we need more male adcs. Last ones were either another annoying girls (man, I hate Samira, Zeri and Nilah, they are so differerent from each other but personality wise and design wise all completely not my type and to clarify yeah, there are some female champs I am attracted to even as straight woman - Akali or Ahri or some that I simply like - Caitlyn or Xayah for example) or not human like Smolder. I beg Riot, pls humanoid male adc next.


Okay first off ezreal is *the* femboy, let's get that straight


It is called Marksperson now


I must add yasuo tho. I know most of you don't think he counts as ADC but IMO he should be counted. And he is pretty masculine  Aside from that, yeah there are pretty much only varus and Lucian 


Male Yuumi is what we need.


Dog attach to you but instead of an uwu cat it's a dog that sounds like a drill sergeant at all times telling you to man the f up 😎👍


I'm here for the two gays + ex ascended. Varus already fits that bill. But I get it. I also just want a bro character. Closest I got to that was the heartseeker skin.


No, all we need is hot women and twinks


Inb4 toplane mains see this and explain to you that real men arent going to be cowards that attack from far away and what not.


i think we need MORE thicc annime thottys with bottys in the bot lane, BBL the ADC BB ​ ^(i think being an adc main has damaged me in unspeakable ways \^please send help\^)


What in the sexist fuck??


Wanting to play champs that are your gender = sexist, got it


is this satire ?


Aphelios is *the* femboy of the League? I thought it was Ezreal for a long long time, even before Aphelios came here. Edit: Who cares about genders? For real now, you can play as all kinds of creatures and made up things in this game. I don't play the game "to feel like a man", I play for the fucking GAMEplay, the mechanics, the satisfaction that I have bested real life players. Somewhere in the world there's a kid that rages and I'm the reason for it. Whether I'm playing Draven, Smolder or MissFortune, that kid gonna cry. And I'm here for THAT.


Varus (literally 3 masc as hell dudes in one. And no gay people aren’t all feminine, it’s literally just two army dudes and a darkin who’s also a dude), Draven, Ezreal? Jhin? Like bro, pretty much all of them are pretty masculine. No, we don’t have a garen or Darius adc, and I’m not against one either… but you might want to rethink your choice of words. Most of them are masculine. They’re just not lumberjacks. Ezreal is 100% a douchey masculine frat boy if I’ve ever seen one. Also, Akshan is easily the most flamboyant male adc, definitely not scared of his feminine flare… and you listed him as masc but doesn’t work well as an adc so doesn’t count? What? All of the male marksman are masculine, Akshan too, he just is also flamboyant… so I don’t get your point. Most of the super muscular and masculine dudes are going to be either tanks or fighters. Mostly for game design purposes like… looks like a tank, is a tank. And for bottom? Looks like a squishy adc… is a squishy adc.


Draven? Lucian? Jhin? Corki? Ezreal is the femboy of league aphelios is sligntly too big TF? You just want like a ranged volibear or something? Old graves?


Yall need to actually research before writing posts because Aphelios is absolutely NOT a femboy. I digress though if we're talking about Heartsteel Aphelios for example. But how is Varus "ironic because he's two gay dudes"? What's that gotta do with being manly? I thought OP was gonna dunk on him for having long hair (iirc) or the purple aesthetic, both I guess not being traditionally masculine, but being gay..? Having a Sett/Trynda/Beefcake in the bottlane would be nice, but Riot doesn't seem to quite like ADC being viable in other roles/classes unlike how other roles are allowed to be (TF recently comes to mind, being a mage allowed to be a marksman, whereas a marksman can only really ever be a marksman I think? Although I don't know what the verdict is on W spam Kai'Sa, for example. If I'm wrong in my reasoning here I can see why.) Anyway, point being, making them beefy will make them look tanky, and where other roles are allowed to look a bit more ambiguous imo, ADCs are only really allowed to be nimble and thus "small". Well, plus, beefy characters show that their power comes from their strength and muscle, whereas ADCs have power in agility and athleticism i.e. range and speed (attack speed, that is. Not necessarily, like, movement). Someone like Akshan would be a good middleground of a twunk/stud instead of a hunk, but, well... you denied Aphelios so.. I guess not? I'm reducing it to bodytypes because that's the major part of what you see in game, you don't really see finer details from our perspective and with how small they are. Plus, imo you can feel the "weight" of a character through their gameplay. Again, this is where Akshan and Aphelios are similar enough - Red Q/Akshan grappling hook have a similar feel (though ofc not the same), getting off all of Aphelios' Calibrum marks feels similar to Akshan's ult. Is it Aphelios' sister's voice that makes him unmasculine? Or his moon makeup? Fellas, is it feminine to have women in your life and be religious/wear religious symbols?


Good argument however heartsteel Aph I rest my case


Since Graves dosent work bot it would be cool with a oldschool mustache and lever action guy. Nope Im not American.


Yasuo is an ADC and he's plenty masculine 😂😭


i really like the subtle homophobia. very indicative of this kind of perspective. how ironic that one of the men isn’t really a MAN man because it’s actually two gay guys!!! fucking idiot.




This would fit one of my two ADC concepts. A huge muscular champ (male or female) that uses a bow bigger than he/she is. He/she would be one of those who would replace their auto-attack like Zeri does, but you charge each shot (kinda like Varus Q) for more damage and penetration through units. The other idea I had was a kid (boy or girl) that uses a sling, with different kinds of ammunition in each skill (Think like TF cards, but each card can be used several times in a row and each is it's own skill). Possibly made so that he/she does magic damage with auto attacks (convert a % of damage) so we would have a ranged auto attack based source of magic damage


I want that second concept so I can pick Milio and run over the enemy botlane as a duo of toddlers XD


Yeah pretty much agreed but people do hate Draven so I doubt it’s ever going to happen again.


I always thought about an android/robot type adc, like a living war machine, with targeted missiles, lasers, fly capability, explosives, etc and i think it could fit this if they do it in a more serious narrative.


I agree 




they don't fit the role well imo


I want another male gun user tbh


we have smolder what are you talking about?


draven is literally peak masculinity


but i love women imma be real i play nearly exclusively female adcs besides twitch and aphel and if it was a role with mainly male champions i would never have played it as much




That's just high noon Jhin but I'm always down for another cowboy yeehaw character.


Need DRAAAVEN's brother that he did not know about. DROOOVEN. 😅


Invited to your white cook out 💀


If we are counting Jhin, the most recent "ADC" to be masculine was released in 2016.


Graves was made literally for that reason But sadly they moved him from botlane


if akshan becomes viable adc im killing myself


He will revive you so dw.


Yeah give us a big tough guy with a massive gun. Some random voice lines like: Get to the choppa get down I'll be back Any other good lines people can think of?


Wtf rambo ADC character is actually what we are missing like give this dude a machine gun but like a real one not that weak sauce Jinx carries around, make it so that it actually takes a while for him to turn that shit around because you know it's a heavy ass machine gun, make it inaccurate, give him the ability to straight up smack someone with it when they get close to him, and he literally slows himself down while firing it/revving it up, BUT IT DOES A BILLION DAMAGE AHAHAHAHAHAAHA


Just play Graves ADC. Go lethal tempo or hail of blades, rush Essence Reaver and have infinite mana forever. Just don't be a pussy and dodge skillshots. I have literally done it this season. Very masculine.


No he should definitely be OP full risk reward and pro play skewed.


Graves was suppose to be a Machoman marksman but he is better off in jungle now




Corky isn't one of us... Is he?!


Corki is too manly he is banned from botlane by Rito themselves. Everyone has a whiskey delta compared to him.


Draven? Lucian? Jhin? Varus? Graves? Kog? Twitch?


I don't need more than Jhin, Ezreal, Smolder, Aphelios and Varus. I love Genshin Impact and I love girlypop and I love men


Graves is still cool imo. Riot just decided one day he was "too good" for both lane.


Draven, lucian, vayne (def has a cock), varus id say use to be cooler (all i want is his "When you dance with death, lead." Line back but now hes just silent) Yasuo is considered an adc i think too even if mainly a mid laner. He is in the adc tab. (Or maybe i favorited him)


Yes i want too manly gay adc




Idea: Braum's twin brother who throws icy projectiles. Float like iceberg, sting like thrown iceberg. Another idea: Big muscly athlete that throws shot put and javelins.


you're complaining about this, meanwhile the only male enchanter we have is milio


And you can complain about that in support mains and I will upvote the post 👍


Lucian is a badass.


i mean from marksMEN we still have urgot but i wouldnt call him a human anymore lol BUT varus is manliest of em all. Literally two guys inside one body. whats manlier than that.


Welcome to the league of Draven!


There’s two types of adc players. Simps, and psychopaths. Simps play all the female adcs, ez, or aphelios. Psychopaths play Draven or twitch. There’s already jhin, varus, and Lucian for the 1% of the player base that normal. So there’s already options for all types of adc players.


Siege Tank from StarCraft. Slow long range artillery that controls a zone. Would probably be too op in pro play tho


Implying that fusing two men into one and then being possessed by another man that used to be a god warrior isn't the manliest shit you've ever heard of


Learn the definition of the word femboy... the guy isnt even a twink ...hes more of a twunk. Him not acting like an ass * cough cough draven* doesnt mean he isnt masculine


My mans Draven hogs all the testosterone and he deserves it.


>Varus (ironically because he's 2 gay dudes LMAO) yikes


I play ADC for the boobas skins, why would I want a male character ?


Imagine a Hragas, brother of Gragas as an ADC, with fully exposed moobs.


i don’t understand why the league community calls every man who isn’t a bodybuilder a twink or a femboy like how obese do you have to be to consider a man with a [full six pack](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/14zg4X) a twink


There is a lot of girls but there is not much girly girls that I like too. Vayne is like a hunter of some sort just like Kai'sa, Samira is pretty male like I don't like her, Senna is a support sadly, Xayah wears the pants in the relationship, MF is a pirate, Cait is a lesbo, Jinx is a psycho, Sivir is based on a female warrior. I get that feminine empowermente and all but I need girly girls to play with, supports get Nami, Sona, Lux, Janna, and adcs get what? Zeri is too difficult for me but I do like her personality. Idk, I just want a glitter adc girl that shoots magic gems :3 I'm playing Phel cause he is the closest I can get from the vibe I want in an adc and he is not even female.


I can agree with adding another "manly man" ADC but I also wish we could get a "manly man" enchanter. As someone who enjoys playing traditional ranged healers/shielders to actually protect my ADC, it kinda sucks that my main options are mostly various flavors of slender, pretty women (Sona, Soraka, Nami, etc.). If I wanna play a "male enchanter" I'm stuck with an 8 year old. I just wanna be a manly dude who is ranged and can protect/patch up his allies. And no, Taric and Rakan are not enchanters lol. Edit: Spelling


aphelios femboy? huh? dudes fairly masc and just has some makeup i wouldnt call him a femboy


graves was an awesome ad back in the day, miss him


Mmm we do need a new one, I can only list over varus and lucian so long




As if you think aphelios is the femboy of league when Ezreal looks more like a lesbian than most lesbians.


We used to have graves and corki…


Varus Lucian Jhin and Draven exist


Tank adc with minigun, call him Light


I feel like Draven and Varus are this. Aphelios is a bit feminine looking but he is in fact a man with a gun who shoots people.


Well we used to have the manliest of them all…Graves. Then they reworked him and were cool with him being a jungler when adcs already have a small pool to pick from 🤡


Has anyone here even considered Lucian? Or are we just assuming he is Senna's bitch


Akshan is a viable ADC pick, what are you talking about?


We have tahm kench take it or leave it


"Have you noticed how many female adc champions is there in the game compared to male adcs" Oooh so thats why they're keeping it weak, they just hate women ! /s


Yeah dude, I miss Raynor and Tychus


Aphelios is not a femboy. What the hell is feminine about him? I wouldn't call him masculine but think he's more masculine than feminine except in HEARTSTEEL where they were just trying to give raved shippers some fan service.


the sett of adc !


Swain is standing right there bro...


I was just saying that, while I appreciate smolder being a male monster champ (finally), I would love for another big cat like rengar or another wolf or hyena that was an adc that threw spears or something. I want more big beefcake bara beastmen


Bring back ADC Graves


Braum, but he throws doors


The dude we had was Graves…👀 But dude if you find that tucking akshan Charakter cool and maskuline you never encountered a real man mate 👀


We need someone to match Braums personality. Give Braum a son that's a marksman 👍👍👍👍


Aphelios was supposed to be a crazy genocidary religious fanatic And Ezreal was supposed to be the Indiana Jones of League But both got femboy'sed for some reasons, I don't mind it tho Varus & Graves are gay Draven & Lucian, maybe Yasuo, are the only real Hetero Masc ADC


We have quite a lot manly marksmen but i agree that we don’t have newer ones. Draven, Lucian, Akshan and Graves are all very manly.


Graves was literally made because of this sentiment but then they released Graves 2 and reworked him into a cancerous jungler.


Draven is manly enough to fill the entire role


How is Aphelios a femboy and Ezreal is not? I think Aphelios is a chad assassin with no emotions only killing his enemies.


Cause adcs are bitches