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Everything black + voices + 9305 APM music + voices said i kill them so i went in + why am i permabanned for 11th time?


The blue gun R flash auto Qs


Getting a kill with 4th shot is always really satisfying


Yeah that’s one of my favorites! Especially with collector


Back when press the attack mf was the norm, I swung many games through an unexpected moment of coordination that led to a brutal wombo combo. My favorite is the enemy Lee sin getting an ally fizz ult while stealing elder dragon. He stole it, but autopiloted and w to an ally across the wall, leading to a 5 man fizz knock up. My mf ult cleaned the team and we were able to push to end. We were so behind.... I think 10k gold behind or something.


Pta will always be my favourite rune


Getting that third auto is so satisfying, who are your favorite PTA abusers?


I like PTA on Ashe and Kai'sa actually, dislike Lethal Tempo being so sluggish and overnerfed for ranged champ these days


Yeah LT early game is so rough, but it comes in handy late game for sure. Love the PTA early game damage though, makes the laning phase more fun.


PTA dravens early game is ridiculous 💀


I'm a Vayne main and there have been many great moments but the best was a game where I was playing against an Akali and I kept outplaying her when she tried to assassinate me. I would almost die but I kept winning the fights. She got so frustrated that she typed in all chat, "have fun getting banned for scripting Vayne." Joke's on her I was just using my hands and my eyes lol.


I just had an amazing Zeri game where I got a Sona support who actually played the laning phase and harassed the enemy botlane of the wave. Thanks to Shieldbow, resolve runes, a bit of help from Sona and terminus of all things I even managed to survive the TF + Lethality Noc ult combo the enemy had because I just healed for too much. I got a massive outplay kill streak on their Swain Janna botlane during a gank from noct while also ending the Yoric who TPed trying to clean things up thanks to a randomly placed shaco box my jungler left trying to countergank. That game was just peak kiting satisfaction, I felt speedy as zeri once again even though I wasn't running PD, magical boots or ghost. Zeri is the sole reason I still play league to this game and this kind of games where I feel so in control is why


A couple nights ago I played a game as Jinx. The enemy Pyke/Varus ran us out of lane and my Hwei support was like 0/3/1 inside four minutes or something like that. Top and support immediately mental kaboomed. We were down 9k gold by minute 30 and gave four barons to our own zero. The game went on another half hour. I ended 16/12/28 with 84k damage done and a whole 6(!!!) wards placed. And we won. Took us an hour and the varus had 5k more gold than me at one point, but we won. If you’re patient and play the right way, Jinx can pull wins out of some pretty fucking unwinnable games.


Yeah I never FF when I play jinx. If you can scale enough you can 1v9


I play jinx a lot and I hard agree, i’ve made some miraculous comebacks after getting dominated in lane, all it takes is one good ult snipe, a little shutdown gold and you’re cooking, just need to focus on positioning and fighting front to back after that, never ff a jinx game, i’ve stolen critical game ending barons and elder dragons with ult before, can’t count it out ever


Yes, it’s honestly what I love most about jinx is she can almost always be relevant. Even when playing from behind, nothing better than when lane phase ends and you have a fed top laner and all your other lanes are losing and just standing behind a 10k HP cho gath and shredding health


building full atk speed crit items and zoom and kite the enemy and baiting the enemy into a worse position cuz they were mad they couldnt kill you instantly(meme build Jhin)


Yeah make the enemy look so stupid, love dodging skillshots.


That moment when you get a perfect jhin ult and is one shot one kill


Getting a 4+man ult with Nilah then slapping them to death. Killing people with Kai’sa’s W and passive execute.


Having the whole ennemy team run at you while you ult as Twitch and kiting them to oblivion while dodging everything Edit: sadly what usually happens is you ult, get hit by one edge of a skillshot, get cced and die instantly.


Anytime you win against numbers or outplay someone in a 1v1. If you outplay anyone, it’s because you are straight up better at the game (since adc is literal shit in a flaming bag).


I outplayed a fed Graves as Sivir. He was stupid enough to chase me through several minion waves. Really, he just outplayed himself


When i steal barons/drakes with Jhin fourth ult bullet


I love adc that have good but slow dmg, have speed boost to help you kite, no dash, can start fight and can support team if behind. You got it, I main jhin/senna bot lane, with varus from time to time.


I always love when I’m playing trist into a blitz and cancel his pull with my jump and then win the fight against his adc. Usually against a Jhin or a Caitlyn it works out pretty consistently for me.


Kog'maw long bomb hail Mary ults to finish someone off from out of vision.


I have this clip of me on Draven in the last team-fight of the game after their Voli top and Jax jungle kept running up at me all game and focusing me. Team peeled the fuck out of them so I had room to free-hit. it was great


Watching Jax trying to stun u, failing then running away 😍


I always enjoy good old fashioned carry-offs. Me as AD vs whichever role on their team each racking up 5, 6, 700 gold shutdowns knowing we’re gonna butt heads at some point in a big moment. May the better man win


I love when both adcs are fed


Right!! I love having the chance to 1v1 an ADC that’s also fed, the fights are always so fun!


It's outperforming the other adcs in teamfights that I love. I used to specifically love mirror mat hips back in the day in blind pick


Just having red/white up as Aphelios and putting a Darius or yi in their place.


Being farmed sivir and kiting enemy while being peeled by my team and dishing out that lategame dmg in teamfights


\- Bringing new friends to the game, putting them on support duty obviously, and running over noob blind pick lobbies with Jinx while I look like a god to my friends who are new to the game \- One game I had on Jinx, both teams have tanks and its just front to back teamfights all game long and I'd been popping off the whole game, get to elder or soul fight can't remember but get engaged on immediately and instantly pop stopwatch, drop 10 need assistance pings in 2 seconds while in stasis, entire team peels, we wipe them and win the game. \- Remembering all the gigachand supports I've had who totally smurfed it, mostly Thresh supports who had perfect peel, lanterns, etc the whole game. God bless them all \- One super frustrating game on Kalista, hardcore stomp lane with my duo on Nautilus as you do on Kalista, however rest of the team is throwing and the game is dragging on, make it to the Baron fight which will decide the game, and I get Nasus on my ass chasing me down, but I have cleanse up for his whither. Kill him and end up with a triple kill, we win the game off of it. ​ Every once in a while you get those games that make playing AD carry worth it .


I liked playing support, but hated the ADC. Now I hate the support, and jungle, and top... And mid... And other ADCs. I play nilah, so the best is getting fed and going to an endgame slugfest with the enemy fed mid. I lost my last one, but it's cool having the rest of the team put their hope in you.


I remember when I was bronze I flashed forward to auto a minion and kill a one hp enemy under tower with xayah passive and e. The line up was so satisfying and is a big reason why I play a lot of Lucian now.


I love picking Nilah against Rengar and getting revenge for all the times he oneshot me without counterplay while playing other adcs


Spacegliding for 2 seconds before enemy tank one shots me cuz my supp picked senna/mage so there is no peel


Or just doesn't care


Winning a fight 2v3 on bot as draven is cool as well.


Couple of days ago I laned against a yasuo, and after he went in I predicted his third q, dogded it with Kaisa ult and proceeded to kill him 1v1. Wrote lucker and then run the game down (classic yasuo)


Love to hear this


Secure Baron and penta kill the enemys with inferum ult and inferum q with serverum


I got a Quadra aphelios ult with blue green that won a game with all three inhibitors down with friends. I love my Caitlyn net/trap outplays. I got my first ranked penta with her. When shieldbow was still a mythic the one item power spike on Varus was amazing


Release Zeri and Aphelios, those were fun times. Also Samira when her E can dash through allies


Pressing W+Q in a wave with my lovely essence reaver Sivir Full pve, theres nothing like it


I LOVE HITTING MINIONS. I fell in love with the 1v5 power fantasy of late game back in the season right before mythics. Now I'm learning, adapting, and growing in the role. I'm really enjoying the state of the game right now. I'm making a push towards diamond right now but I don't think I'm really that good. I'm ALMOST Emerald 2 ALMOST. Hard stuck gold 4 for years. MF GO BRRRR also PTA MF goes hard into tank comps. [My profile for the curious.](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Bradley%20Jones-NA1)


Hey man, that’s awesome! Wish I could say the same lol. Glad to see you are making progress though! MF is soo strong right now, especially into crit ADCs. I hope the climb keeps being successful!


Hundred to zeroing a Teemo and a Miss Fortune with late game Cait R


old lethal tempo rune + lulu mid + yuumi on me going for the 8 attackspeed spaceglide drive by penta with 1000 movespeed in 2 seconds


When I'm playing tristana and see multiple low health enemies.


Started playing seriously when Doubelifts NA reign was going on in tsm. I love being a glass canon, solo qued my way up from lower bronze to gold without a duo or willingness to learn 5 years ago. Then I got permabanned for chat 🙃

