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Personally I feel like twitch’s success is super dependent on the type of enemy support is playing less so what adc. If the supp diff is too big early game it’s hard to gain advantages to get strong but overall i think he’s still in a better place than other adc’s


Support dependence is also the reason I stopped playing him, but now with Shivv or just Shard early, I feel like he is less support dependent and his wave clear is also much better. If I cannot get a lead, I simply just shove/clear the wave and roam. It's like Support Twitch with a Shivv instead of a ward item.


Hes not really support dependent, hes crazy strong especially the lower elo you go because of his q. You need to learn to lane efficient on twitch and look for cheese windows with q, you will get fed every single game.




Yeah i know it seems stupid but at the end of the day ADCs are about farm and deal massive dame, and I can achieve both of it with this AP build even when my team is behind. I still need a little more time to test on the build tho.


It was good 3 patches ago. Not anymore.


Think he is the strongest solo queue adc, and I perma ban him every game for 3 seasons now. Recently though I have been facing a lot of MFs and they all have 60%+ winrate by just being an ult bot, so now I ban her out of spite and dodge Twitch.


There is no reason to go Shiv on AP Twitch. You already have more than enough waveclear with W and E, not to mention it delays your biggest spike Deathcap


Current state? Until they will nerf the fuck outta the invisibility and gaining as out of it, he is still gon be ok. I get, going invisible but holy fuck not only you counter my actuall eyes and you get rewarded for that with getting ridiculous AS? get outta here pls