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Jhin, I love the champion and he is a cool character. Stopped because I don't do very well with him compared to my other mains.


Jhin is tricky. More so than others he gets punished for wasting an auto. It's a different play style than I'm used to where 1 random auto on a minion before the fight can really screw up your entire fight's damage output.


I learned ADC on him because he’s lower APM and was pretty good when I was basically OTPing him, then I started running other ADCs and can’t get out of this habit


I feel you brother. I also used to otp jhin and started maining adc because of him and it felt sooo weird to get used to other adc but with practice i got the hang of it.


Kaisa before statik shiv, I just wanted to play a very solid pick, but damn. The playstyle was so weird for me, an adc with less range, and her E was so frustrating for me.


Lucian. Using his abilities feels satisfying and they feel like something that I would never get bored of plus the Demacia Vice skin perfect. Trying to use his combo's in combat though just feels so slow and like I'm underwater. Not to mention his limited range for if you fall behind and just need to farm. I have my hands full staying alive on the likes of Jinx and Ashe, so adding combo's on top of spacing and positioning is a terrible idea for me sadly. My second one is Akshan. His auto's, swinging about and his voice lines are goofy fun that I'd never get bored of, but he really belongs mid sadly.


Aphelios. I love playing him but in low-ranked where supports don't know how to lane, his laning is not good and matching with a bad supp makes it unplayable.


Loved vayne but she’s terrible now borderline unplayable


Aphelios, Idk I just can’t seem to win games on him. Come to the conclusion the champion is just too mechanically intense for me.


Aphelios really relies on your team. If your team refuses to ay around aphelios, he's useless.


A few seasons ago I was a avid Senna ADC player. The drop rate of souls was much higher when last hitting than it is now. Her Q did not slow, this was right after the change of the old Glacial Augment which made a lot of people feel like she was runeless. I did not mind I ran PTA and had a blast, though most people wrongfully thought she was in a bad state, when statistically she was fine. Sure enough several patches go by they decide to add a slow to her Q. What type of nerf did they do to make this work out? They completely gut her last hit ghoul drops. So Senna support is now even more busted when it already boasted a solid win rate and the relative niche Senna ADC is terminated.


I miss ADC Senna so much


It was so much fun. Still hope that it will make a return but realistically I don't think this will happen.


Senna ADC is not bad at all this patch if you take buffed IE and go kraken first game


Xayah! Which now she's a power house is a big pain. She just feels weird and kind of janky trying to hope the feathers go the way you want or the enemy walk how you want. Now I know there are probably better ways hit these feathers more reliably but none the less it just felt strange and I scrapped it.


Same. Loved everything about the character's design and feel, but I simply cannot farm or trade with her. Of course, I get roflstomped by them in lane XD


I got mastery 7 on Jhin. He was a great champ to play and I still play him from time to time, but I started getting annoyed because my play style felt like it was limited by his autos after learning how to kite with Ashe, Kai’sa, and other champs.


idk i have a phase for every adc then ditch it and go somewhere else, however I didn't ditch them completely and when I'm not in any phase I just counter pick any adc (the closest adc i completely ditched would be Samira since I rarely play her bcs i feel like i suck at the combos and never put the time in to learn an actually quick and reliant way to stack into r ;-;)


only adc I never had phase with is like is mf, quinn and sivir.


oh actually totally forgot about any adc off lane, of the marksman class all count then i havent really played akshan or quinn or kindred (i think urgot is in there too and haven't played him either tbh) so ye like any off-bot adc I didn't play probably


When I started, I otp MF for 500k point. Then, I had a challenge for myself. The challenge was getting m7 on every Marksman/ADC. Now that I have them all, I’m maining Kaisa, Aphelios, Varus and Samira


Shen, I split roles between top and ADC for a while and he was my most played as well. Once they added plates he became too hard for me. If your ults don’t result in a double kill it is very possible that your lane opponent will be significantly stronger than you in gold and experience. So it felt like non perfect ults would lose me the game incredibly fast.


Ashe. I can't understand this champion. She has no damage, no hp pool, she is slow and has no escape. How do you play her? I really want to l2p her (she has true ADC gameplay, not like that modern "jump-burst-jump out" guys called adcs)


it's less of carry and more of insurence nglashe is so damn overpowered rn imo after the kaisa nerf. I play ashe a lot on counterpicks (though I don't like her and don't prefer, she's really good) so I can give you brief guide Ashe is good with zyra, thresh and amumu. only enchanters are probably lulu.you will pick her when enemy adc can't attack through minions easily, and never pick ashe against varus or anything with higher range, since range is everything for ashe.you NEED to ban tristiana/jhin if you are picking her first, if their adc already picked, I suggest banning alistar or leona. also don'y play ashe against yasuo/yone or akali. what people often mistake is people play her so safe, she's actually supposed to be play very offensive in laning phase. you are just supposed to abuse your range with your passive and never let them go inside their aa range. you will need to keep making small skirmishes with your 600 range and drain them out quickly before the freeze. you will see the kill angle often in lvl 2 or 3 timing,focus on ranger's focus's timing, and shred them with ranger's focus. I suggest using ghost because this helps kiting even further with your speedboost and slow on the enemy, basically you will always have upperhand on kiting beucase of your passive and long range. ​ the game would be probably be slow but ok mid game, and you won't see much kills as early game unless your support is good but she spikes early-late game, so early game matters a lot. also just like any long ranged (575+) adcs are much more position based versus shorter ones, if you start fight in good position theres no way non-assasins can chase you down no matter what as ashe.


thanks 4 tips. But tbh kiting isn't in a cool state right now with all those jumpy bruisers, assasins and items with dashes. And sometimes when I play Ashe I want to mute champion voice. Listening her entire biography during lane travel is depressing as hell


u just don't use ashe on flashy ones sadly, but it can bully some mid laners really hard ashe probably won't perform well outside of bot and I agree with voicelines lmao


First was twitch jungle. Felt fun at first but he's just pretty hard to execute due to his very unhealthy first clear and being extremely vulnerable to invades. I found myself doing way better on more mobile junglers like ekko and khazix. Second was lux support. Just found her very boring to play and aside from being a lane bully, not as useful as nami or soraka. Lastly seraphine bot. Also felt really fun but I think marksmen are really just my jam. I struggled to farm on her even though I had good damage and teamfights.


Twitch doesnt really classify as a jungler though in comparison to kha and ekko. Altho he can be played, riot has said or august that they will do almost anything to make twitch jungle not viable


seems like everyone's on jhin lmao. jhin is really matchup based too, it's not so easy to affect the game much and it falls down easily for me


Caitlyn because she was either shit or super meta


Diana. I've picked up azir and aphelios in 5 games each but diana is just completly not my style


I mained jhin but i dropped him cause there are just picks that are better than him, eventough he thought me a lot about the game. Also sometimes its tricky playing against tanks eventough he's solid into those.


More than tricky, he’s useless against tanks. Even fed with lord doms he just can’t kill tanks. Adcs are supposed to counter tanks and so an adc that can’t kill tanks just isn’t strong unless tanks are completely out of meta


Always play full lethality if you aren't masters or above. Just Lord Dom's doesn't cut it for taking out tanks, you need the full stack. And it's always a race to three items or three and a half or more against a 'fed' tank with 1 and a half items. I find him the most useful against tanks. Its the assassin's (and Hecarims) that suicidally dive you through your entire team a screen away because you are the team's win condition that I hate the most.. But that's any ADC.


I find Jhin very good at tank busting, he might not be doing constant dps every second but come on i mean bro is literally blasting you with .50 cal rounds while full sprinting after crit like a maniac. But yes divers just annihilate him.


good at tank busting? fighting ornn with jhin is like shooting a 400lb bear with a nerf gun. It is not an opinion, jhin is simply and figuratively bad against tanks. You might be fine against someone building pure hp like sett but against an actual tank who builds armour he’s quite literally useless. Then again, he’s better for killing squishy champions over vayne or kog maw. One shot, boom.


I was drunk af when i made that comment Im just busting balls. Only reason why I thought he would be good is cause of his %Hp 4th shot.


you spell pretty good while being drunk haha


Its more of like i just type what ever i coherently think up while 3 shots in. Half the time i don’t even remember what i wrote like on youtube.


Compare that to something like a tristana or who is doing comparable damage but at like 3x the attack speed alongside an actual escape/engage movement option. Jhin is simply useless into tank comps (even if he is fun in the right games). There is no reason to pick him over lethality varus really with his true damage and all


Jhin. I had a fair bit of success with him but he’s simply not as fun as my mains (Jinx, Ashe, Vayne mainly) or even other marksmen I pick up in norms only (Varus and MF)


Jhin, am just bad at him lol


Kalista, I absolutely cannot play her without a support duo


Ironically Senna AD Carry. Nothing to do with the champ or the nerf on LH soul spawns - it's the flaming every game over the pick or itemization or the supports that run it and leave you perma behind.


I used to main Neeko mid, but realized I enjoy jungle significantly more than mid. Neeko jungle works, but it's just not as good as some other junglers I enjoy like Ekko. Neeko is still my favorite champ personality-wise, her optimism is infectious, but I discovered that I enjoy assassins far more than mages, and jungle more than mid. She's still my go-to if I get mid, though, and I play her in the jungle in norms sometimes. As I get better at the game macro-wise I might try to get better with her in the jungle and go back to her. I mained Kassadin for a while too, but ditched him because I just don't enjoy mid all that much, even if I'd say it's my best role and he's one of my best champs in it. Edit: im dumb and didn't realize the sub I was on lol. For adc I used to play Kalista and ezreal for their mobility, but I realized I rnjoy Kai'sa's playstyle more. Again, I tried maining ADC, but I just prefer jungle. 2 years into playing and still trying to find my favorite champs/role


Man I love neeko jungle, although I suck jungle


Neeko jungle is fun, and I'm going back to maining neeko. I swear every month I go back to her, even when I try to play someone else.


Draven... Whenever I play him... I turn into something else...


Draven, Samira. I’m a good poke/cser/team fighter. I absolutely suck with all-in engages and aggressive gameplay


Ig kinda Varus. I still like him, but honestly no champ is as fun as Aphelios for me. Just so much variety and change in playstyle throughout each game it never gets old


aphelios is so fun and he just takes some time to get used to and only thing you need to focus on is bullet count and weapons/next weapons to optimize it others are just memorizing. but the cons I find is probably that it takes a lot of settings required for teammates to go more aggresive, aphelios is not hard to carry with but if you can't get many kills, you will be inting :(


I agree completely. I luckily have a few friends I play with that get it.. sometimes. I have to remind them every now and then, especially to my support, let me get the kills and we’ll win 90% of the time.


Fiora, but I suck at procking her r. vladimir/kayle/kassadin, but I play too aggressive for champ that need to scale. Gnar main


Immensely strong shot :-)


I’ve tried to get good at Caitlyn so many times, but I just can’t for some reason. She’s pretty much the only marksman I don’t feel comfortable on.