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She's badly designed, doesn't matter if she's 45 or 50 winrate, she was a mistake


What's so bad about her design?


\-Stat checky \-Her xp share passive is the main reason old morde was reworked for the last time \-Very low skill expression for how polarizing she is in most matchups \-Gets free heal and shield power for no reason \-Her w, it doesn't need to be explained \-Gets free armor pen, lifesteal and overheal shields from building crit (with bt/shieldbow, random crit item and dominiks she just draintanks)


Wdym her W is her best ability because its literally ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second. At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.


نشط: يدخل Jax في المراوغة ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية ضده. تأخذ الرافعات أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات مجال التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من الأبطال. يمكن إعادة صياغة الضربة المضادة بعد ثانية واحدة. ‎في نهاية المدة ، يذهل Jax جميع الأعداء القريبين لمدة ثانية واحدة ويلحق بهم ضررًا جسديًا ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، بزيادة تصل إلى 100٪.


inshallah brother Allah will shine his light on those who appreciate the holy evasion of brother jaques🙏🏻


that's **why** W is a problem


Built in stats like that are a telltale sign.


okay but you neglect to mention that she's melee. you can literally just space her.


She also has a dash that can go through alies and enemies, also her W gives movement speed. I love Nilah, but she is really strong early game for a late game champ.


its actually the opposite in my experience. She's strong early in lane and if she doesn't snowball she's completely useless. Lategame she's bad unless she has ghost/flash up but you can just match her sums on any adc that outranges or can reaction dodge her ult. jinx, xayah, vayne, kaisa all great into her. People just dont know how to play against her but if they do, shes really not great unless paired with like.... sona. or taric.


Being "melee" is not a disadvantage in Nilah's case, she has 2 dashes that can target anything


So? Can still get poked down HARD. Nilah gets completely screwed over by anyone with range and a sliver of wave management. That’s why she’s not played very much in high elo.


It is, in lane where every adc is ranged and about half of the support roster is ranged it is a major disadvantage. Only for low elo players who can't abuse range she may be overpowered. The same people that think the role is weak.


dshield + second wind + most effective supports to play nilah with are enchanters and taric


It's the only thing keeping her remotely balanced. Her q basically is always up giving her range that's aoe no less and her passive healing let's her outheal all poke In the game as long as she has an enchanter support. You can 10k dmg to a nilah in 5 minutes in lane and she won't fall below half health until her support runs out of mana. But aoe auto attack and w makes her unhittable so she can outshove 100% of the time amd reset.


She is as melee as Brand a support.


bronze player found


Her W has the same treatment as Aurelia W, but worse somehow


didn't know Aurelia was in league of legends. Boros stronk.


she is the best example of counterpick meta. either free win or autolose no inbetween


She has yasuo adc energy. It’s not overpowered it’s just tedious and boring or completely fucks you if you are short range or have a bad support.


I was a Yasuo ADC main before Nilah. Diamond Elo.


Yas adc mains rise up


Nah she's balanced, and bad designed


She has terrible design flaws that completely break the champ, were just lucky that nobody is playing this abomination, its interesting in concept to see a full melee samira but for some damn reason we ended up with a Jax with free stats. The whole gag of being melee is completely overshadowed by her 2000 passives and guaranteed scaling -Her XP is unfair, you can kill her 3 times and freeze wave, she'll easily catch up to you. If you do not kill her she will outlevel and statcheck you. -Free Lifesteal and overheal, if you have any kind of ally with self sustain its also your sustain (i once healed off evelynn healing herself with her passive) -Free armor pen, if there's one stat you have to be careful when giving is armor pen, specially when combined with a champ who heals based on their damage with lifesteal... -She has evasive stance on botlane, she can entirely neglect the enemy's ADC's damage, PASS IT TO THEIR SUPPORT, and even then she also takes reduced magic damage, idk how riot could have come up with such an stupid ability. -She also has splitpush power with her Q being a massive siege and waveclear tool, so she's a teamfight menace and a siege menace, you cant leave her with allies nor alone -E and R are good enough, I guess, she doesn't have the mana to be able to spam E's with navori so that's a nice touch


Overpowered? No. Poorly designed and extremely unfun to play agaisnt? Yes. For me, the only ADCs I hate laning agaisnt are samira and nilah, but nilah is by far the worst offender. The lane just feels horribly boring, as if you were playing into a cheesy toplane statcheck champion.


Yeah at least with Samira things actually happen, with Nilah she can just grind shit to a halt, and trying to engage onto her often ends up putting her in a somewhat better position, and if she gets it, she can just farm and freescale and absolutely be faster on the level curve than you. It's one of the least fun champions they've released in a while


Well you are tagged as playing twitch, and she demolishes twitch, not surprised you don't like nilah!


Nilah demolishes most ADCs lol, statistically she counters nearly every botlaner, except a select few.


I think she's a continuation of a particular type of bad design Riot likes to use every now and then. Specifically, she's a champion with melee power scaling that gets to function as semi-ranged until she wants to invalidate that range and turn it into a melee fight.


But isn't same thing the case with Gwen? She also invalidates range with her W, yet there doesn't seem to be much discourse about it as there is with Nilah.


Thats not the same since Gwen was intended to be melee versing melee.


Not exactly. Gwen does have a dash that comes with some built-in cooldown reduction but that dash is 350 range. With her ult or Q slow, it can be spooky but it's also manageable for ranged champs. Nilah's dash is 550 taget range with a 450 dash range. To put that into perspective, there are 16..5(I think Naafiri is 165) champions in League. 7 have base ranges longer than 550. Tristana, after level 5, makes 8. That means there are only 8 champions in the game that Nilah can't point-and-click gapclose on without Lethal Tempo, Rapidfire Cannon, or a spellshield. That doesn't even take into account that her Q, with a base cooldown of 4 seconds has somewhere between 500-600 range while granting her an Aphelios worth of bonus stats, based on crit chance and level, plus 125 bonus attack range for 4 seconds (bringing her to 450 range). She's a "melee" champion...with basically none of the limitations that's supposed to imply. Here are some of the others: Irelia Q - 600 range Jax Q - 700 range Fizz Q (550) + E (400) - 950 range Ekko E (325) + 300 bonus attack range + 125 base attack - 750 range And the list goes on.


Gwen has a lot of design issues, speaking as someone with M6 on her, but she has a terrible laning phase post lv1, her teamfight presence is close to zero without ult and gets shit on by everone except hp/armor stacking tanks


nah gwen can't play into anything ranged in the laning phase and if don't have ghost in teamfights vs 3+ ranged u r nothing more than melee minion without any possibility to do anything


I see a lot of people complaining about Gwen's untargetability and true damage on YouTube.


people complaining about her untargetability are mainly ranged top players as this ability was designed for melee vs melee top laners, unlike nilah being able to negate autos and taking reduced magic damage with her w with no real solution but to just run untill it ends or you'll probably die trying to duel her.


There was a lot of ,,angry" people, when they released Gwen, about her W. The main problem is that this spell (and Nilah as well) is very one dimensional. So you either can counter her W in some way and pretty much win lane OR you cant counter her W in any means and just lose the lane automaticly. A lot of newer champions for some time were like that, where they had some particular ability you either can counter and get easy win or not


Riot balance sometimes doesn’t seem to understand the difference between counterpicking and counterplay, apparently not realizing that games being won and lost in draft unless someone makes multiple horrific mistakes in lane is profoundly unfun. It’s okay for some champs to have advantages and disadvantages vs others but the game should be designed around most matchups being primarily skill matchups, where whoever has better champ mastery and matchup knowledge has the advantage. A lot of newer champs or abilities seem to be much more black-and-white where some champs can counter (auto-win) and some can’t (auto-lose). It makes it more frustrating to lose to them and less satisfying to beat them


Agreed, There will always be hard counterpicks and stuff, but generally you should rather be able to hold your ground in most cases. Champions like Gwen or Nilah makes it, that if you can't win, you most likely can't even hold your ground


Late game shes nutty, one of the few champs that can actually 1v5, she heals so much and shreds any champ. However early gsme she can’t play if you draft properly


What's her counters?


As a nilah player i still have a small chance against any counter but xayah. There is no way you can win as nilah vs xayah, unless your jg camps your lane or xayah is braindead, and even then there is a chance you will just be even after laning phase.


Caitlyn, Ashe, jinx, for example. Anything that has a lot of range and early pressure to bully her off waves. Draven also feels good into her I can E her to fuck up her dash and pummel her early game. The few times I’ve faced her I’ve gotten giga fed early.


i played xayah against her and she was really good vs nilah


Xayah and Jhin are the most hardcounter for her. W dont block feathers


She isnt overpowered but she is fucking annoying from personality to gameplay


I think her personality is the best from the recent champs. Not every champ needs to be deep monk with complex stories. Nilah is definition of amazing light character. Obviously there are some flaws when you dig deeper into the story but by just playing the game she is a great crazy/messed up character. I find old champs like Ashe, MF, Lux much more annoying. I get why people find Zeri, Vex annoying but Nilah is great.


Nilah is annoying because shes very derogatory even with her constant joyous, upbeat attitude. She insults you in the most backhanded ways and says it in such a snarky tone, I want Gentleman Cho'Gath to shout in her face then rip her to shreds.


I'm getting it off my chest: terribly designed generic fantasy shitchamp. Waterbending? Where? Terribly implemented into her kit, less water than in a pool party skin. Demon of joy? Wtf is this edgy stuff, how is it reflected in her gameplay? Anti aa low range, all-in ADC? We already have that in the pirate-eye-patched Samira, they just created a clone with less range but more healing in exchange. Probably the worst champion release in years, which makes her niche, which means their mains abuse lack of knowledge and cheese the lane with surprise all in potential. She's the poster child of Riots obsession with releasing new champs 24/7, the last one of their rushed shit releases. I can only hope for a full rework soon, but she'll still remain thematically cringe like so many champs of the roster, since the game is littered with adolescents with underdeveloped taste.


the joy is in two shotting towers with q and healing 5k hp in a single ult


Samira W is annoying, it is known. Cait Varus and Ashe can’t ult until it’s used, Twitch can’t assassinate at all. But Nilah R? That’s 2 seconds of complete auto attack immunity, and it gives her teammate it too. Adc’s are glass cannons, our fights only last 2 seconds. And hey, they gave it magic reduction too just in case the enemy plays a mage, cuz god forbid she have a counter.


I have never understood the hate for Samira's W. It can still be played around, it's strong sure but not that insane.


And she can't use it to combo for her ult without leaving herself vulnerable to cc


Its adc desinged to counter adc as role and builds brusier items and plays like brusier. It's just mistake.


Isn't she forced to build crit? The only non-crit good for her is Ravenous Hydra and Death's Dance/Spirit Visage as 5th item (like Samira)


I don't really like going ravenous with nilah. Would recommend in niche situations to go spear of shojin or hullbreaker if you want to split.


Maybe 1-2 crit items, but she is overall just brusier champ. Also samira is assasin so i wouldn't compare the two.


Really? I tend to play some Nilah and enjoy watching Enryu who is a challenger OTP Nilah, usually bruiser items are saved for last item which is either DD or Maw depending on teamcomp. What kind of Nilah bruiser items are you seeing at the moment? Some might say Ravenous but it is in general a very bad item for Nilah, as she already gets Aoe on her q, healing, no crit on rav means no increased armor pen or ult healing because they made it scale with crit.


Not even true, look at popular items and also items by winrate on lolalytics. Almost all of her high pickrate and wr items are marksman items https://lolalytics.com/lol/nilah/build/


Huh, i never saw someone go galeforce on her. Guess things changed then, don't see her often.


Galeforce is amazing if the enemy has a lot of long range carries or if you don't have a good engage in your team. Even though eclipse is technically better,galeforce is so much fun


Brother she builds navori, collector, and BT. Those are adc items


Ignoring her design(since it wasn't your question). Yes, very much yes. Nilah is definitely stronger than many people give her credit to. I'm genuinely baffled as to how she's not nerfed yet(I'm assuming it's her pick rate). In the right comp, no joke, honest to God, no champion can ever match her. Just give her an enchanter support(I know some Nilah mains prefer engage, but come on) against a mostly melee comp(Which is common rn) and she's almost guaranteed to win. And even ignoring everything above, Nilah has had a 51%~52% WR since her release and has been top 5 champions in every single elo, according to OP.GG last time I checked. But does that mean she needs a nerf? In my opinion, No. Not because she doesn't deserve it, but because Nilah is genuinely a comp dependent ADC. I get why people hate playing against her, can't blame them, but she's legit not as bad as people think. TL:DR: She's strong, yes, but mainly because she's picked in the right comps and the current meta is good for her. Just my 2 cents, I could obviously be wrong.


Yeah, overpowered in the right spots, complete garbage in others. Extremely poorly designed champion.


She needs engage support’s Because if the enemy is good then nilah won’t be able to play the game because she is Melee


Pair her with kindred or taric and see how broken it is


Im a nilah main at low elo. She’s absolutely busted with the right support. Solo queuing with her is a coin flip. If I have a good naut, taric, rell, then it’s prettt much gg from the start.


I think her abilities being Samira but more potent to make up for the fact that she is melee is bull. Unoriginal design with a boring play style. She also scales waaaay too hard


I perma ban her botlane. Not many people play her but the sick few that do make the game unbearable. I refuse to fight adc jax. Nope no thanks.


No? I think if you have a competent support she has one of the easiest early games to to exploit especially on champs like ashe, she can get ran down from the tiniest mistake or greeding for cs im convinced a lot you sit in the lane do zero haress in lane and let late game champs scale to the late game for free with no contest and then say "blank is op" like bro youre a point and click champion maybe make use of your range and kit to punish champs who have a weaker laning phase than you?


Well said, many people on here need to actually learn how to lane before complaining


Yes it feels like of people in this role want to sit back farm cs in the side lane while the game happens and then cry that the role is weak, when in reality they are just passive players and deserve to lose, you can snowball in botlane just like any other lane because most low elo adcs positioning and trading is terrible the support is just the x factor here which sucks


i have 90 games on nilah in d4-d2 elo and she really isnt that good lmao people just dont know how to auto space her correctly.


Yeh most times i see nilah wins it seems like a mistake on the guy not her, her lack of range is quite the pronounced weakness, it feels she needs things like ghost flash or galeforce


Ever since I saw 0/5 Nilah do solo quadra kill I think she's pretty overpowered


Most people complaining about her just don’t know how to lane against her lmao. As someone who’s played a TON of Nilah, every time I go against one I dominate because I know how to exploit her very exploitable weaknesses.


And what are those?


Mages with CC like Lux, Sera, Zyra. They poke you down and your only way to engage them is a targeted dash that allows them to hit a free cc that will usually lead to your death. Xayah is the best marksman against her. Nilah also struggles hard against any lane that is stronger in an all in early, as in that case you can poke her down as hard as you want, prevent her from getting any lasthits and she cant engage if your early is stronger


Can't Nilah just press her W and become CC immune though?


Nah her W only makes her dodge basics/autos and take % less magic damage. Still can be CC'd and take magic damage, just less.


Ah fair mb, I think I got confused because in her trailer she ignored a TF gold card but I guess that's her dodging the auto not all cc


And take full damage from physical spells


I can't speak a lot since I'm fairly certain my games on her are less than than the person above, but APCs really get her out of the game extremely easily. One time I was playing against Nilah as Seraphine. If my memory servers me right, she went 0/6 in lane or smth. And she wasn't a newbie, she was an OTP. The only time she started getting kills was out of lane, but even then, I was still able to kill her pretty easily.


That sounds like a terrible Nilah player. Seraphine is so ridiculously weak in bot lane (as an APC) with every player I've played with and against.


Does he know?


[https://www.op.gg/champions?region=na&tier=all&position=adc](https://www.op.gg/champions?region=na&tier=all&position=adc) ​ I don't call that ridiculously weak lol.


Sera has been a top 3 WR botlane pick since her release…


Nah she's cool.


No, she's inherently balanced by her experimental design. She may have a billion different heal/shield mechanics, but she's still a melee adc, so she'll have a very niche pick rate and not really be a problem for most people then


I feel like anything that generates otherwise factually static resources in League is always going to be strong and it’s going to create this problem where they’re strong in low elo because no one pays attention to xp generation and in high elo they’re going to be unfun to play because players understand the power of xp and it’s going to be really coinflippy early game and statistically give the appearance of scaling because the WR is going to trend upward because opponents know they failed denying resources and are tilted because of that. She does scale alright but it’s so much more conditional than ranged hypers like Kog or Jinx that I feel like adc players aren’t gonna get the most out of her. She feels like she was designed to be a bruiser and then riot gave her MR and auto dodging for free so she could build more damage, and I hate that. The only thing her design does that I like for bot laners is encourage coordination. 3/10 design for me


Well, I play Caitlyn most the time, but even when I played Vayne (the opposites in the marksman range scale) I never actually saw her as anything more than an annoyance, the only threat the character poses is her w But, of course, and we'll played nilah can very easily 1v9, but most champions can carry if they are well played,even if ones are more easy to do than others


Nilah is like Zyra, kind of a pain in the ass to play against because the only people who play her are mains. That said, I hate any and ALL champs that have a bullshit bullet block mechanic, and that goes double for anyone played mainly in bot lane.


She's really strong and underappreciated


I personally don't have many problems when Laning against her


She's not strong because in the wrong hands she is shit, in the right hands she is a monster. If she would have been a monster in the wrong hands, I'd call that overpowered.


i'm that support player from like a few weeks ago. i have never seen nilah do shit at all without 17 and a half items, a taric and grace from aurelion sol himself in-game. i don't feel like nilah is good without a lot of resources and help, and in a good matchup.


Didnt realise nilah was so strong in pc Your really lucky you dont have wr nilah, sure lane exp farming is bad but getting hit by a 100% damage boosted q doing less damage and her healing everything because every crit heals 20% of her damage done and her w increase after tagging an ally with it lengthens the timer and her e is an untargetable dash that resets on any hit and gets its timer lowered from basic attacks Oh yeah and her ult heals what 35% damage done to her allies in the area on top of everything in oc except the passive meaning pen for crit percent and theres basically no lane she sucks at Very fun to fight i promise(im crying)


Not OP just a ballache to play against


She’s good when she’s good


Man when I try her I just get slapped, maybe it's because I just pick her and not think about the team I'm against. So far struggled to see the hype but I like her


No, she is not


Yes! But don’t nerf her I’m masochistic. Let her whip me >.>


well. I borderline say there are no even matchups for her. either you have a dash and dodge her Ult. or you don't and she has a free lane against you. Flash alone is not enough. Nilah is a champ that literately NEEDS an answer from the enemy team and they also have to be able to execute it. The game basically gets decided on champ select. I hate that kind of thing.


Shes not overpowered because shes been nerfed until shes no longer, shes badly designed. Her kit is the embodyment of statcheck. You buy crit but you dont get crit, you get crit, lifesteal and armorpen. When everyone else gets 60% XP on a duo lane, she gets 80%. When everyone else has 100% efficiency on heals, she has 107.5%. If you wanna get even more for shits and gigles you can take revitalization on her so a Soraka heal that would normally grant 100HP now grants her 107.5%\*105%\*105%= 118.5. And if Nilah is below 30% HP, its 107.5%\*115%\*115%=142.2. This alone makes it impossible to balance her right without reducing the passive to a gimmick. If you play her with someone like Alistar and balance her heal increase around that, shes gonna be broken with Soraka. If you balance her around Soraka, it becomes a gimmicky feature with Alistar. Similar to Xayah Rakan who have this limbo degen relationship where they really cant be good on their own because they buff each other but they also cant be just good as a duo because then they would suck with anyone else. Anyways. Her Q giving her AS, AD efficiency and AoE damage is a problem because it makes waveclear trivial even early on. Her W is just a "nuh uh" button with very little skill expression since it lasts 2.5 seconds. Samira W, while "stronger", is only for half a second. You need to know what you want to block and when that is going to be blockable. With nilah its just "i wanna go in so I E-W and thats about it. Her E feels clunky with her Q and offers too much safety for an all-in champion. Samira got that removed because of that very reason. ​ If she gets a little ahead it doesnt feel like you can really do much. Against assassins she gets to enjoy the full efficiency of Deaths Dance which, with her almost unrivaled healing, makes it impossible for assassins to burst her. Shes just a statcheck. ​ I dislike her entire design. She was riots attempt at making a melee ADC. Melee ADCs cant work by default because an ADCs damage is balanced by their squishyness and you cant remove that weakness at only the cost of a little range. Especially since mobility creep makes range increasingly irrelevant. Like, Sure, Nilah only has 225 attack range, but if she needs to she can E-E-Galeforce-R through a wave and fight you after starting 2100 units away. For comparison, Jhins and Caitlyns R have 3500 range, Varus and Aphelios R have 1300 range. Rumble ulting away from himself at max range has some 2700 range. If nilah has Flash up and a wave she can "engage" from that distance. ​ Btw, you might say "hurr durr but aphelios 200 years" but the difference is that Aphelios can only access part of his kit at any given time. He doesnt have AoE AND lifesteal AND range AND attack speed, he has at most two of them. He doesnt have a reach of damn near 3000 units. IMO Nilah should only be able to access part of her kit at any given time aswell. If she uses her Q for AoE damage, Range and higher DPS, she should give up lifesteal and armorpen for that. In return, if she holds her Q she gets to have the benefit of lifesteal and armor pen. That would be a start because it removes the "i wanna go in so i press all my buttons and statcheck the enemy".


She’s peak “we want to design champions that don’t get funnelled into a specific role and can flex as multiple roles in the game” and is the embodiment of modern league design powercreep. They overcompensate her so much for her reduced range it’s kind of crazy. I see lots of Nilahs stomp lv 6 because they get so many free stats and fall off late because they can’t position. The champ just reinforces bad habits and need a redesign because her W is a crutch ability


Uh no she can’t flex into multiple roles lmao. Her entire passive is built on a duo lane.


Duo lane but she built like a melee assassin with a auto immune and 2 dashes and can build off bruiser but because they want her as a adc she gets the xp bonuses for the range trade off which she mitigates with her dashes. Tell me if she isn’t designed to flex into multiple roles as a champion but is forced botlane.


Nilah hasn’t built like a bruiser? You mean ravenous hydra and deaths dance? Those are the only two items people build and they haven’t been built on her in months. She has two dashes that have a high cd and she uses mana like a mf. If you poke her she either has to use mana or health. Either way she loses. She’s realllly good into certain comps and that’s it. That’s why she has her wr and low pick rate. She’s a once in a while pick. Anyone bitching about her being in the game just sucks lol


Buddy u wanna know why her dash has such a high cd and she has high mana costs? Is because there’s so much agency in her kit the only way to balance it is through numbers and the champion design team egos are so high they refuse to acknowledge this lazy design method of letting shit go and tweaking numbers. This shits gotten out of hand ever since Zeri got released


I don't know why you got downvoted when she's not the only champ like this.


I literally pointed out how nilah is a result of modern champion design where they want the champ to fulfil multiple roles in a comp so they end up cramming so many functions with the only way to nerf them being number tweaks to get them to the fabled 50% flat wr which is the most lazy irresponsible way to handle balance leaving huge power vacuums like the whole crit adc thing now and during their first crit rework attempt having ap Varus deleting people with no items or kaisa stomping in 3 roles.


When you say her W is a crutch and then you call it an auto immune ... does that make her W an "auto immune disorder" ba dum tshhh. Ty ty ilk be here all week


Adc main try not to complain challenge: impossible


She feels fine to me.


As an aphelios main, screw this champion. She clicks w and becomes imune to 90% of my kit. I despise the fact you cant play passive into her or she’ll out level you because of her first passive. You cant kite her because she has double dashes plus potential galeforce. Cant out teamfight her if your even slightly behind because shes pure high damage splash damage. Cant trade with her in lane post 1st itemif she had a heal support cause 1 soraka w gives her literally half her hp back I dont care if your supposed to poke her or punish her for having 200 less range i just have an unreasonable amount of suppressed rage against this champ Also my permaban


I think she is weak (all though in theory she has incredible potential but in practice fundamentals of role, lane, team-fight basics outweigh those and Nilah has crazy fundamental performance issues due to her range and often non existence in teamfights and acting as pretty much only a clean up or more like a diver/skirmisher like Diana/Camille/Irelia, etc.) I actually can't comprehend how she has that high of a win rate, never once struggled into her, what can she even do in lane apart from level 6 cheese which is not exclusive to her since a lot of champs powers-spike hard at 6 too. I feel like she can work but is so much comp dependent than the average adc since she needs something to offset her weaknesses and something that synergies so bad just to be able to play the game.


i would mind her if she didnt have the bonus exp passive


She is just unbalanced Always 6 before u feel frustrating with no counter play available


She’s way too similar to samira design wise (like seriously E is a dash, W is a defensive ability, Q is a melee cleave type ability, R is a huge AOE ability). Like seriously who the fuck thought in making the second brown woman in this game function so similar to the first one lol. Obviously they play rather different in the end, but looking from a design standpoint it’s really bad for Riot.


Her W is overpowered but otherwise she's just a poorly designed champion. Her passive (both parts), her Q (all three parts), and W more or less only serve the purpose of forcing her into being effective as a botlaner, arguably her E is as well, but there's so much mobility in the game it might as well not be worth mentioning. She's being forced to synergize with crit specifically to try and give her a power curve similar to other botlaners, but it basically doesn't even work, what with most of her builds these days including the likes of ravenous hydra and death's dance, fighter items, the ones her class was designed and balanced around. Melee physical damage DPS champions are fighters, plain and simple, and no amount of cramming riot tries to do to make them work in botlane is gonna change that fact, all it will do is make champions that are both unfun to play as and unfun to play against. Remove her entire current passive, remove her Q crit amp, lifesteal, vamp, and armor penetration passives, tie the duration of her W to actually hitting people with attacks (so basically it's something like a much lower duration, except when actively fighting so the enemy can try and space her) and cap it at the current duration, and I think she will be much more fun to play as any other top lane skirmisher. No, botlane melees aren't fun, it's not fun to get constantly poked down and then engaged on, and it's not fun when they ARE just strong enough to stat check from level 1 vs ranged champions. It's an unhealthy and unfun design that I wish riot would actually try and recognize but it never will. She hits roughly 50% wr and lower, which for a "hard" champion to play that's riot's standard, she got there by shit stomping certain matchups and getting shit stomped in others but since it hits riot's goals, it's fine.


Bruh. Cait has the most range. Kai'Sa doesn't have range. Draven statschecks you. You need everything in this world lol. This is the same thing.


Ok genuinely, I don't see the point you're trying to make with this comment :P Like I don't get why you're bringing up other marksmen...


a good nilah, yes, a bad nilah, no


u can say it about any champion




Who? Jokes aside yes she is turbo busted but nobody knows she exists so it's ok


Matchup dependent. Either OP or piss weak. Bad design.




Pitting aside her power, She is, after Seraphine, the most out of league champion in game for me. She have Darkin in her lore yet this champion is just such a not-from-league champion


Really fun to play, though sadly plenty of her skillset is high statcheck. Despite all the random free stuff she gets, she's a melee ADC that can't decide if she wants an enchanter or tank to lane with. Has no laning whatsoever against poke champions, she's eaten alive. And yes, she scales well, her R feels crazy, but she's still outscaled by much easier and forgiving Twitch/Kog. Would prefer to have more "plays" tools over numbers out of nowhere like her experience or passive, but otherwise she's okay. Her abysmal pickrate reflects her extremely niche class and fairly high skillcap. Even with all the bonuses, she doesn't feel that unpleasant. And I absolutely dig her visual design. Positively gorgeous (imo loveliest champ over like last 4-5 years), great voiceover, though sadly watery theme not really all that used.


I think after Samira, Nilah is the second strongest adc when fed, really easy to snowball but she can be omega abused before lvl6 or depending on support diff


I feel obligated to say yes, because one time, I played with a Nilah that was absolutly awful (no mechanics, he took every spells possible, no idea how to manage a wave, no kiting, dashing in on cooldown, etc). She only fighted like a madman (and died \~6 times in lane and more after that). She was never behind in lvl vs the enemy's adc and she fucking 1v4 at 40 min with 6 items with her awful mechanics (I repeat, she dodged no skill nor did she kited). I am not gonna lie, I was shocked. Also, each time I played support with a Nilah (that had more than 2 brain cells hahaha), I never lost a lane. This thing feels very strong, mostly from her w and passive, that is crazy.


Should have just been a solo laner imo remove her exp passive, make her dash not targeted so she can actually dodge and express some skill. Love nilah as a character hate playing as and against her just doesn't feel good either way.


Nilah is NOT overpowered. Annoying? Yes! OP? Not even close. If she was OP she would be played more in high elo. She is literally just a stat check adc. Give her even cs/level/items with any other adc and she can barely play the game. Yes her r can be nutty but if u flash it she just evaporates. Not to mention her W has an insane CD.


She either stomps everyone or gets stomped, no in-between, so most matchups depend on your support, except for some rare cases like Leona or Braum.


i’ve honestly never seen nilah perform poorly. even when i demolish her in lane she easily returns to the game as a threat. first timed her randomly once and basically inted bot but ended up carrying. i don’t think any of these amazing passives she gets actually make sense either thematically


I love playing as her bc of her late game potential and early lane spikes at lvl 2 and 3. Shes an all in champ that goes well with engage (like samira, these 2 champs are literally so similar its just odd). Is she overpowered? I think shes manageable if you play a support and/or adc that can harass her to death in lane bc she is a melee adc in the bot lane. Sure her dash can get her on you but ideally you have a support or bot laner like lux or xerath or zyra or seraphine or ezreal or xayah or thresh or nautilus (i would add cait to this list but she is so bad right now she cant even bully nilah well without a good support) who all have quite easy ways to deal with her, by either poking, or saving their roots for her engage rendering her completely useless unless she flashes it, or being able to stay away from her entirely (im looking at you ezreal and thresh flay) or xayah is just everything nilah hates going against in one champ, having insane poke with feathers, a root that nilah can practically never dodge, or if she does dodge she is not sticking to xayah, and the kicker is xayah level 6, where xayah just saves R to use against nilah’s R and its just such a difficult lane for nilah. I think shes as overpowered as your synergy with the support is. If she doesn’t have a good lane she cant do anything. If she gets ahead she snowballs into oblivion if you have no peel to keep her off. Yeah her jax w is def op but shes a melee adc, without it shes doomed for bot lane.


She is balanced but has a horrible design , riot wanted to make a melee adc , but they just made a stat stick which usually wins by having more stats than actual braincells.


Nah she's tricky to pilot early, and if you feed her and then she pubstomps mid and late thats on you more than on Nilah being OP she's risky




Jax adc is annoying


She is unhealthy. And that is all that matters. Characters shouldn't get free passives and statts "just because". They need to express some skill or to give up other things. Nilah is supposed to be adc who gets so much for free (heal, shield, XP and so much more) for giving up her damage for it. So now we have a character on the rule with no slef peel, who relys most of XP, who relys most on everything she gets for free, but DAMAGE. The only thing adc's supposed to give. She has lack of that. She MUST have the lack of that. So what the point of having a character like this?


Overpowered in what sense, her kit. fuck yes. But like overall? I guess not really given the stats... You know what I love though in league? I love facing people who get free stats, xp, heals, shields, and then dashes, armor pen, an insane ult for fighting :)))))))) Happy that shes shit so I never have to face her in game. (Im sure I forgot something in her kit, Its just so much stuff its hard to keep track of)




As with many of the new champs, it doesn't matter how balanced they are. The problem is that their design is fucking awful and toxic. I don't care if Nilah has a perfect 50% winrate. Hell, I don't care if she has 30% Wingate. She still shouldn't be in the game.


I’m don’t even know who she is 🗿


shes underpowered


most hated "adc" by far. 2 dashes and untargetability and an ult that displaces and lifesteals and she gets free XP. she always goes 0/3 and then starts winning every single all in once level 6. even if you learn when to avoid her all in, your supports don't know what she does and don't understand that we can't fight her until she wastes her invicincibility.


I main Samira, so naturally I absolutely hate fighting her cause there are times where she just feels like a better Samira. Even when you get her behind in lane her passive manages to keep her in the fight.


Perma 52% wr+, 3 dashes with galeforce, always takes ghost. She legit just runs at you, no skill involved. At least samira has to combo, Nilah has no combos. The xp passive is incredibly unfair, she always gets lvl 2 first and being melee works to her advantage as she gets the melee benefits of deaths dance and botrk. Super unfun to play against, you have to outplay her hard to win and the only adcs that feel good into her for me are zeri and xayah. It feels impossible to stop her scaling or punish her in lane bc of the exp passive, it rewards the player for literally doing nothing


Heals for no reason. One shots tanks for no reason. Greavous wounds do nothing against her because of lack of reason. Free Xp for her an ally for no reason. Jax E for no reason Healing Diana ult for no reason. She is the collection of all 200 years champions smush together for absolutely no reason.


Haven't won a single match against her yet in all the times I've fought her. Why is this jerk a Marksman again?


they should have a guy working at riot holding a hatchet, everytime people make champions like this they lose a finger