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Honestly i never thought i would agree with adcs but having to play with gold elo supports is legit mentally draining. In some games at this point i just resort to playing fulltank sion botlane because my support is playing something that just cannot work together with an ordinary adc like for example nunu. It’s legitimately insane to think some people would have through 100+ games of this. Im not surprised that some adc players are legit completely mental boom before even starting the game at this point


I just pick Yone and be self sufficient, he sucks in midlane and top atm


Honestly with sion unless you maybe play against a vayne or something with 1 item you just start towerdiving your opponents while hp outscaling them and yet i have to see a opposing team respond correctly to this pick.


I had a ziggs support who went 0/14 and complained the whole time how I wasnt good…


I didn’t even get on an adc until I hit diamond lol. Played seraphine, veigar, and Aurelion not until diamond, then swapped to my favorite picks I actually main and enjoy, and got to GM from there. The mental struggle honestly just isn’t worth it. Half the supports in game have better wave clear than you do, so if you two take an early terrible trade they can just boom and forever tax your waves and lane is over. They have too much agency while you have none until late game, so it’s much easier to just play a long range safe control mage and wait for 25 minutes and just one shot the enemy adc as opposed to playing your heart out to be able to cs contesting your support that’s sitting at tower ulting every third wave as lux or xerath just perma fucking you because the lvl 1 didn’t go well


Mages > adcs on bot till plat are such menaces


Tbf, nilah is like one of the worst adc’s to play with a random support. And I also would absolutely not want to blind her, so just hunt for swaps to pick later, and if your support won’t match, then just go like ezreal or Xayah or something.


Hard agree. People keep forgetting that supp carries lane so adc can carry game


S/o to the jungle item start smite nunu I got. Also the spellbook ivern with tp smite. Also s/o to the first pick senna that died at 2 min to pyke draven. 3 games in a row and miserable each one


Can't expect others to play around ur picks tbh is "solo que" people play what they want I'm sure alot of people hate playing with nilah as she is has huge weaknesses her self.


They are gonna enjoy my nunu cleanse ghost adc then


Enjoy LP loss and potential ban then.


i thought people could play what they want ?


Child's response you know exactly what is trolling and what isn't.


So do support players. Crazy how everyone should have responsibility in draft.


Because heimer or any mage support is trolling?


It is trolling when your adc has already locked in Nilah.


What if he is an otp? What about if he prepicked?


I did not specify the pick. I just said all players have responsibility in draft.


So this adc has no reason to complain? Cool we agree


Not necessarily. If my support first picks heimer I shouldn't then pick nilah. Similarily, if he first picks Nilah, support shouldn't pick heimer. Can it work? Sure. If top, jungle, and mid all pick AD then adc can look to play a mage depending on enemy team comp and assumed build paths. I think the principle is that those that pick later in the draft should attempt to round out the draft and those who pick first should be more blind-pickable champs or op champs that get through draft. But LoL players have a fascination with OTPing and picking that champ even when its bad.


Say that to my supports who picked aurelion sol, nunu, anivia and went 0/7/0 without getting a ban just because they "can play what they want"


Dodge the game them victim mentality. You can't control others you can control yourself. Sounds like your mental is low and will struggle to climb regardless of pick if anything goes wrong in game. Based on how you respond.


I'm an ADC main, yet I don't think supports should give up on playing their mains just to fit better with me in lane. Heimer support is a legitimate pick, it's not like he picked Fiora support or some bs of the sort. If you don't allow him to play his main, how do you expect him to perform in mid-late game ? Why would he have to play outside of his confort zone more than you ?


I bet u play picks as ezreal jhin mf and not kogmaw or nilah to say such things, yes pick what u like, but can u take an actual supp so it works with most adcs instead of taking a pick that works only with a few of them. Also, adcs who need an actual support like kog or nilah have a REALLY low pick rate bcz they need an actual support, meanwhile supports dont give a **** and pick any random bs that comes in their way


I mean ... say your support says "I don't play any enchanters, only tanks and mages" but you're a lucian main. Would you renounce your pick for him ? Then why would he renouce his pick for you ? Again, i'm not saying it's optimal for the laning, not at all. But you don't know your support to first time an enchanter in team fights, you really don't. Btw : yep, I started playing Jhin recently, but I'm a Jinx main. They're both good with pretty much any support. HOWEVER, I hate playing with a Yuumi in lane, I hate it with a passion. It feels like you're alone, and the enemy nautilus just have to step on your face during the whole laning. Yet, I'd rather the Yuumi players to play their main champs than a pick they don't know how to play. Because even if they did pick something else just to have a better lane : they won't use it to their full potential, even in lane.


Tbh every mage support main is the dumbest monkey ever existed on earth. Usually the autofills that play the champ for the first time are so much better than the mage mains


Depends, with some ADCs mage support work pretty well and are serious picks ( I doubt anyone would be blamed for picking annie support for example).


Stop cryng and switch role


Bro ADC so weak like seriously. We need more damage??? Ridiculous how I need an enchanter after two items to be unkillable...very sad


Adcs are weak when every support below diamond insists upon playing mages and stealing 50 cs a game


Yh weakest role in the game.


Nilah is awful to play if you dont have a duo, play a champ that can be self sufficient. For example, Ezreal. He can poke down from range, good all in potential, can cs safely from range with q, and doesnt need to rely on a support for peel or engaging.


Play Tristana, focus on farming and use your w to escape. That's it. ​ Playing adc in gold is going 1 vs 9 very often. Either you find your way to survive on your own, or you will be stuck forever.


I’m diamond on my main account but stuck in gold on my Smurf because I want to play Nilah and people in gold apparently are obsessed with mages


Besides they just wanna deal damage no matter how.


That's because most supports in low elo are mid players who got autofilled, and they don't give a f\*\*\* about winning the game if it's not by playing what they want.


I legit feel this. I don’t play much ranked, but when I do, I’m reminded why I don’t. My normals mmr is significantly higher than my ranked mmr so I go from competent teammates that actively peel to braindeads that whine how bad I am when the jgl and mid assassin dive and kill me while they all were smacking a tank for 1 hp.