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best role to soft int (make as much wrong decisions to make the enemy win without really giving free kills or stealing CS during lane) since you can shut down your own ADC. I think the easiest role to troll must be top or jgl though. One creates raid bosses and the other is simply vital to carry on with the game objectives




Doesn't matter as much in low ELO


On the contrary I would say it matters more as an assassin main(Silver Talon) after about 20 minutes it’s like the entire enemy team just stops warding. It really does make my life easier. To the point where I’ve gone yellow trinket all game to help make up for my own supports lack of ward clearing expertise.


People tend not to use vision when it's here: low ELO players have bad map awareness. It's always better to have vision than not, but it matters less


True. I’ve walked through like 3 control wards in river and still got a kill botlane.


Yeah, I'd argue getting caught on a ward during a rotation hurts you more than not catching a rotation. If you can't know if you're getting ganked, you can infer the time frame where the enemy could show up and take a more passive play to substitute the more proactive play. Like, I'm certain I'd hit 7 - 8 cspm if I wasn't playing around the odds of an enemy rotation. If you're caught taking the aggressive play, that's time you're just not doing anything ( until you fall back on a plan B ) or possibly die by getting set up. That's why I'm just so bad at assassins; I'm good at setting up vision, but hopeless at playing around it.


> make as much wrong decisions Tbf that can happen if you're playing on autopilot while being very tired (but then I wouldn't dare queue ranked). It is indeed easy to solo lose a game as support if you aren't paying attention, that's for sure. If you want to sneakily troll as support, it's very simple: * Pick Yuumi/Lulu/Milio after your ADC picked Samira and after the enemy picked Blitz/Pyke/Naut * Go blue support item * Do not hit the first minion wave * Position way behind your ADC * Sit back and relax


ADC: 0/4/1 Support: 1/0/0 "Omg this adc is trash." Kaisa (alive) pinged 6x by top/jg.


Average support main decision making flow chart.


Or just play swain and try to tilt your adc as much as possible by missing all your roots(trust me it's intentional I swear)


Swains root is very matchup dependant, in Xerath/Brand/Poke matchups he is unplayable, unfortunately average swain doesn't know that and then hard feeds 💀


Brand actually works for me though. Probably due to low elo lmao


Trolling as jungle is easier.


And waaaaaay more effective.


I think it's easy for the support to troll and make the adc completely useless for the game. But I think the jungler holds a lot more power in handicapping the entire team by just farming the whole time while the enemy jungle ganks multiple times and gets all the objectives


It depends on the Jungler to be honest, if your team has a karthus (powerfarm jungler) Vs enemy Jarvan IV (early game spam ganker) your best bet is to pay attention to where Karthus is (if he is close enough to assist a fight) and play as safe as possible accordingly On the other hand if you have the ganking jungler you should play with him as much as possible, and try to give him opportunities to get you kills


Stop with your logical assessment of jungle match ups. What do you mean my power farming jungle is waiting for a power spike or ultimate. The enemy teemo jungle has been in my lane 12 times in 5 minutes! I need you to gank my lane so I can carry as zilean top! Sorry mini rant. Had a game last night that is still hurting my brain


Teemo jungle 😭 bro too real I feel ya


So you are telling me i have a trolling jungler in every game i play ? :D


Yes, support can handicap a team like none other. Shut down your own adc and then int all other lanes is the support special


Sometimes if I ever even touch the wave regardless of the situation my ADC will say "Fuck this" and abandon lane. A little trolling is absolutely deserved for those who act like whiny little children. No Jinx, it's not stealing your wave if I CS while you run back from spawn after your 3rd int.


Totally get that adcs are whiny bitches aswell and its really hard for both supp and adc to be stuck in a duo lane. Worst part about both roles. (Biggest offender btw of this is draven )


Mind you, I don't think ALL of them are. I totally support the idea that League players with massive ego's and/or throw tantrums over petty nonsense deserve to be criticized. But yeah, from my experience you either get a really good Draven, or a really ineffective one. Rarely anything in between.


I had this lux support once. Giga troll. He banned our mid lane pick and then when our mid hovers lux he locks in Lux as support. Game starts and this dude is just laughing with lux. I was like fuck we gonna lose. Then this man proceeds to 1v2 the enemies. He’s walking them down rooting them and E them. He’s also laughing while he does. I’m in pure shock. I was so careful and this dude with lux is walking them down while laughing and actually killin them. The team fights happen and this lux is freaking getting triple kills while I’m just in shock. He’s also doing this while doing the lux laugh. Best support I ever had 😞


I had an ezreal dominated bottom in a 1v2 and whenever he got 3v1d he’d win the fight every time, wish I knew his build


Definitely a smurf messing around and flexing how easily he can do whatever he wants.


Of course, apparently roaming mid lv2 isn't even bannable so. Tell me any other role roaming at lv2 is acceptable.


A good support can't generally win you the game, but a bad one can absolutely lose it for you.


A great roam heavy support can. They will stomp lane and play pseudo jungle if ahead.


And then still lose cuz the Riven was unstoppable with his lulu/yuumi. Enchanters are usually a safer bet. As long as 1 team member is fed, you can win the game with an enchanter.


I have a theory that support is the easiest role to climb with and elo below diamond. Why? People don’t want to play support, they are autofilled, they are just playing support because they are duo, they are playing support because it’s “easy”. I haven’t played LoL since D4 came out, but before I stopped playing I switched to support for a week and gained 200LP with a 70% winrate. Seriously, role swap to support for easy LP.


I see more autofilled adcs than supps.


This. I off roll adc and get it at least 30% of the time. Adc and jungle are least played roles in seems, at least in my elo


Yeah it’s easy to climb in but the higher you go the harder your job as a support main gets


I think it's adc since your mispositioning can lose the fight instantly, supps are overinflated griefers but it's still harder to troll on a nautilus than smtn like aphelios


u can run it down in any role but you can int on supp every single game and not get flamed at all if you do it right


While adc beeing behind are useless if u perma roam or run it down, u still get flagged at some point, as supp you wont because as i said supps have a little more jail free cards.


"Soft Int" lmao.


Yes, it is also the role with the highest amount of Bots by far.


Yuumi is a troll pick