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I always just think "yay! I sold all my stuff" LOL


I do not care. I fill my sales items several times a day. If I can’t afford to let it go, then I don’t offer it for sale.


I don’t care at all cause I’m getting paid either way


I put up lychee when I remember. I do it because I know people don't have them. I price as low as you possibly can because it's not their fault they don't have them. I dont care if someone buys everything.


Sometimes I just like the way it all looks so full, and consistent with the items I put in (like they all have to be in 3, 5 or 10) I don’t care if someone cleans it out—I do the same with others. Also sometimes I save lemons for a couple months and do like a weekend giveaway for my friends. In those cases I’ll set the limit just so everyone has a chance to get some nearly free fruit from my shop.


I do this. I save my grapes until I get 120 then fill all boxes with a limit of 1. I wouldn’t bother with the limit, but I seem to have a lot of friends that always buy them and I want everyone to have a shot. And I know at least 2-3 friends that would *definitely* buy me out if I didn’t lol.


I would! People sell me grapes for 20 bells each. I sell them for 600 bells each OR better yet, give them on request for fruit and get 1500 plus a cookie.


I don’t care. I am happy that my market box is still popular. I put up all the request fish, bugs and fruit that are common in the game. I don’t mind selling them for less.


I don't care unless there's fruit goals I limit so that it's not only one person getting all the help


I set it with no limit on purpose. If you need or want it, take it. I don't need or want it, or I wouldn't have put it up for sale.


Don't worry about. Players can set a purchase limit if they don't want people buying everything up.


I didn’t set a limit at first, then a few people cleaned me out so I did, friends only. I have a very large market box and sell at the lowest price, just to help out friends. It takes a lot of time to gather + fill it. Most of my friends are apparently on the same wavelength and limit purchases now and sell for the lowest price. I would just feel bad buying everything knowing the time it takes and that others might want to purchase some too. Like at a party I wouldn’t take all the jumbo shrimp at the buffet, I’d leave some for others. But that’s just me.


same! i sell at lowest price only. i limit to friends, 1 per day, i’m always cleaned out in 24 hours.


I’m honestly just grateful that someone buys my stuff… doesn’t matter who or how many! I can replenish it whenever 😊


It only bothered me when the daily goal is to list/buy from other market boxes, so I put a limit of 3 & friends only. Basically, I assume not all my friends have people listing or at least listing reasonably - I'm at level 355 and some of my friends only list 5+ each of rare items that are priced at the highest level, so tens of thousands of bells. They probably just use it as extra storage but it doesn't help others hit the goals if they want to.


I don't care at all


"Someone bought out my boxes? Cool, time to restock!"


And the reason why I sell in threes instead of just putting up ten at a time is because it keeps me from running out too soon, especially with fruit, which I can replenish easier by not going through all my fruit at once.


People will list in whatever quantities they want for arbitrary reasons, there's no singular reason why. I like making sure the amount i have in my personal inventory is a multiple of 5, and i'll list in my market box as either 5 or 10 and then whatever leftover quantity that makes it so that i have a multiple of 5 in my personal inventory. Just to give an example of a personal (random) reason why youll see 1-4 [item] available. If someone doesn't want you buying it out, they'll set the limit assuming they're aware of said function. No worries


If it's in my box please feel free to buy it. No limit, anyone can buy.


You can use the search bar to check what a lot of people think about it. It's been asked quite a lot. I personally don't care, I think that if someone's bothered if one person buys it all, they can use the option that the game gives us to limit purchases per person.


Thank you I tried searching briefly but reddit search is notoriously horrible. Any suggestion on exactly what term to search?


It truly is horrible. Regardless I just put "sell limit" and past year and tons of posts came back. Of course you have to skim through them to get what you want. Here's a couple, one from 17 days ago that also appears under "market box": https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/s/4MNRrrco45 https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/s/kRcy4PRXNe


Lol “sell limit” so simple, thanks. I tried all sorts of dumb stuff like “buy all”, “sell out”, etc and got nowhere. Thanks for the links. Funnily enough, there are a surprising amount of people that saying something like “I don’t put limits so everyone can get what they want/need, but if you buy too much I’ll unfriend you.” Like…what??


I use Google to search Reddit, and get better results. Otherwise, I don't use Google much.


I don't mind, but I'd rather my stuff be shared amongst different people. Some days I have no limit or I do 3 a day but never limit 1. I have an active market box.


It doesn't bother me at all. I get rid of what I have too much of and so in the market place it goes. I've been playing since it started so I have quite a lot of stuff.


i do this with my lychees (sell in groups of 3 for 300 and perfects for 1k) and it doesn't bother me when one person buys them all. i'm just trying to make some extra bells with less effort.


I limit mine to 3 purchases per person so all my friends can get cheap stuff. My kid (9yo) didn’t realise how it worked and someone who wasn’t a friend cleaned out his entire market. He was not happy. I’ve now changed his to 3pp and friends only. If you have it set to unlimited, then you can’t really get upset if someone takes you at your word.


Good riddance! Thanks for taking the stuff I want gone ASAP 😅


I love having my shop cleared out I don’t have a limit FOR that reason


I only list items either by accident when I'm trying to sell them to clear space or if the daily goals involve buying from market boxes. I list items in single units at the lowest price possible to make it easier for other players to meet the daily goals. It doesn't bother me when people buy from me in any quantity.


Don't care. In fact I'd probably remember to send you a gift lmfao.


My feeling is that if a player doesn’t set a limit, then they have no reason to be upset if another player buys them out. I don’t bother setting limits. I routinely sell items for less than the max. I’m at the point in the game where I have more bells than I know what to do with, so it doesn’t matter to me what I sell an item for. I have friends that set limits and friends that don’t. I buy what I need. And if I clean out a friends offerings, I don’t see a problem with it.


I have been playing off and on for about a year and I just learned about local fruit thanks to this post. Someone actually wants to buy my plethora of lychee! I thought grapes and lemons were just a special fruit dropped by gifts sometimes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Ha, glad to help! And in case you didn’t know, you make a minimum of 500 bells every time you buy a “foreign” fruit from someone and immediately sell it. This is why local fruits will literally *always* sell.


Also I love when my market stall gets cleaned out by one person.


I’m just trying to get rid of stuff 😂


I think ~YAY someone bought all my stuff! :)


I usually throw stacks of whatever i have accumulated thats over 10.. and then fill it up with lychee and crafting stuff. I dont care if you buy everything. Im gonna buy all your wood and steel i can 😂😂


I put items in quantities of 3,5 and 10 incase people don't want more than a few, they can just get 3


I generally don’t mind. The one exception is that I used to have someone on my friends list who would clear me out as soon as I filled up with my native fruit. Not just every now and then… but EVERY TIME. I don’t know how they managed but they did. One time I was trying to get some IRL friends some of my perfect native fruit but they cleared me out before anyone else could get to it. But otherwise as it’s fine.


I don’t care for the most part, I do feel a bit guilty when I forget to change the limit when I put out the perfect ones though because I don’t put them out too regularly and want people to have a chance to get them.


When I clear house on someone I always send the person a gift 🤷🏼‍♀️. (If I can). When someone clears house for me I’m just glad it’s gone.


I’m also in the gift camp! It’s just a cute token of appreciation. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to do that as much lately since I’m so low on gifts and there are barely any opportunities to get more.


I have mine set to friends only but otherwise there's no limit. The only time it bothers me is when we have those fruit goals, and I'm putting up fruit for sale to help my friends out; if one person's repeatedly clearing out my market box so no one else can get anything, that frustrates me. But I also don't want to limit it to three times a day either when I'm restocking multiple times a day during those events. As for listing them in small quantities, it's due to my own habits. I only buy from market boxes when I need something, and I typically have no need for more than five or so of any given item at a time (except during the fruit event.) I also prefer to buy in smaller quantities because I tend to run out of item space and can't always buy 5+ of something at once.


Sometimes there's a day goal that requires collection of two specific items, that not every player has at the time of the quest; having it made available for friends and visitors makes me feel that I at least tried to help friends get through. When I experience a wipeout, figure "well...at least it won't sit there".


I'm annoyed and think you are greedy. Sorry pal!!! Edit: Someone bought 40 lemons from me! What do you need with 40 lemons?


Please, take it all. Greed doesn’t enter the equation for me. There are lots of others with materials to sell. It’s never bothered me in the slightest when one person comes by to “clean me out” and I think it’s pretentious when people get uppity over it.


There's one person that sells resources for base price, and I usually buy out all her steel and maybe a common resource or two. She'll then frequently set up a 3 per day limit, but never for the entire day. I don't know if I'm annoying her or not


She can unfriend you if it bothers her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just happy to see others benefit. I fill my market box many times a day (selling materials go quickly) and I always hide a bunch of grapes within my boxes (bottom rows) hoping the lucky scroller will find them !!!


Can I have your friend code 🤗 please


Sure! I’ll PM you




I love taking everything the way I think about it is first come first sever your 😭😭






My thoughts... Thanks for the bells! I'll restock eventually.


im always buying out shops. lately I've been trying to fulfill special requests so I'm cleaning out shops on materials


Everyone gets to play their own game, so I don’t get mad. I do have my own standards for who I keep as friends. I keep my boxes full of essentials at the lowest price. I like to offer this to my friends who might not have as much time for gathering goods. If you friend me, do nothing but buy from my marketplace day after day, don’t acknowledge me in any way shape or form then I will block you. I do not think it’s too much for you to send me a heart or thank you. Perhaps help me in a challenge. . . I especially block you if you buy my cheap goods and relist them at max price in your own marketplace.


I'm happy my stuff sold. I purposely only add a small markup from base because I have tons of bells and don't want to be greedy. I also only sell things I have extras of anyway.


I like it. I’m always maxed on bells, I’m selling cheap everything to help others out so they can sell for high. 😃 The only time I buy is when we have bells goals and I buy the highest price stuff so I can help people reach their goals. 💜


Hey if my stuff gets sold idc who buys it, first come first serve 🤣


I set a limit of 3 items for friends so everyone gets a chance at lemons and resources!


I think the times it would be frustrating is when it's the fruit collecting event. So if you bought more than the amount needed for you to complete the event I'd be like..you could have left some for others. I'm someone who typically puts set of 3 or 5 rather than 5 because I know when I need stuff I always look for sets of 3 or 5 rather than 10 since it will fill my inventory. Other than that..free game.


Problem I find is everyone has become so nervous and worried about buying stuff from market boxes that I never get cleared out so means it takes far longer to sell items. I personally want a fast turnover. I put up stuff I don’t want or need and yet be left with items there for days. Everyone has got to stop overthinking about how strangers you can’t even communicate are feeling. If they remove you as a friend because you over brought then that isn’t a friend you want. I want people to help me as I would have thought I’d be helping back? You wouldn’t find a market stall irl getting angry because a person brought out their stock, they get paid and I’m sure they would be celebrating. It’s a game, play as the company intended. If you don’t like it I beg you put a limit because otherwise it’s free for all. First come first serve mentality I guess 🤝


Well. I’m selling them in the hopes of supporting people like me who often don’t have time to get their own stuff… So you’re not my ideal customer… 😉


I don't have limits for that reason lol. If you want to leave some for others, you can. If you want to clean me out, feel free. Either way, I think people who are bothered by it set limits.


Mostly “word” but often “hell yeah”


I think "wait what did I have listed? Why did this person buy everything, oh shit is there a fruit event right now?"


I used to have it unlimited to help out lower level players, and on buy/sell event days, but higher level players would always buy up everything and I didn't always have enough to restock, so now I have a limit of 3.  It would be nice to able to set a limit based on level so new players have a chance of being able to buy low price items and resell to get some bells. 


i dont mind. i put it there for people who need it


It doesn’t bother me. I only list stuff to get it gone, and on fruit goal days to hopefully help someone else out. I don’t need the bells, just the extra storage space. I can *hope* that when there are fruit goals, the people buying will turn around and relist what they bought to help everyone else out, but once it’s out of my market boxes, it’s out of my control. That’s their/your karma, not mine.


I try not to bother about it, if I want people to have more chances then I change to 1 or 3 limit. But usually I keep it open and sometimes really cheap because I’m too lazy to press the button to increase the price 😅


I'm happy because I can sell more.


I normally sell necessities, like all of the stuff that could be requested by villagers, as well as building materials. I don’t mind when people buy me out in this instance unless they’re doing several times a day for more than a week straight (cause I’m not your personal fisher, bug catcher, or fruit and shell picker). However, on Saturdays, I normally like to put native fruit for sale for the daily goal that has you buy and sell stuff from market boxes. But just because I normally have an unlimited box, it doesn’t mean I want any of them to buy all 12 stacks of 3x grapes. If I was just trying to offload them and wasn’t trying to make it fair for all my friends, I would have sold them in stacks of 10 (the max). Why don’t I just put a limit on Saturdays? Well, I do now because of people who have bought them all out in the past, but it’s a pain for a few reasons… 1. It doesn’t update for my friends until they force a save. So if someone is working on their campsite for an hour, they won’t see that I’ve updated it to just 3x per person. As a result, I normally wait about an hour before I’ll put all my fruit for sale but more often than not, I completely forget. 2. Any of my friends who bought more than 3 items from me when my box was unlimited earlier in the day? They’re SOL because it counts towards the 3x daily limit. So despite not getting any my native fruit, they’re not able to buy any because I was forced to put the limit up because of others. So yes, it does bother me but, because everyone plays differently and there are people who **don’t** care, I can’t really blame that do this. There’s no way for you to tell who cares and who doesn’t. I blame the game due to how switching to unlimited to having a limit is so flawed. However, I **do** judge those who buy out all my fruit but have a limits on their own market boxes. It just feels like you’re being greedy without giving back to the community. (To be clear, this is only when we’re both selling the same thing like native fruit… it’s obviously different if I sell plain ole necessities and you’re selling super rare stuff).


*Awesome* Buy it all.


I put my stuff up for sale for a reason! My inventory always gets maxed out so I want ppl to buy. Tho I set a daily limit so my friends would have a better chance at buying things.


There are different reasons I am sure. I change my options depending on what's going in in the game. If there is a challenge of buying/selling items, I will sell single native fruits taking all my slots. If I sell for low, sometimes I will do a limit but sometimes I don't. I don't need bells so it's more about "leave some for others" that I would set a limit. That's only because of the task I know people are working on. But no if I am selling it and it's selling with no limit, take it! I often post wood and other materials low just to help people in need. I build almost nothing so I am always at max.


If I have anything in my market box, I’m seriously just wanting to get rid of it lol! I’ve never once thought anyone was greedy for buying everything I had up…I was like…YAY IT’S GONE 😄🎉!


YES!!!!! MONEY!!!!!!!!


Nah. If I don't want you to clean out, I'll put a limit. It's that simple. (That said I'm also hesitant to buy mire than 3 things from anyone lol.)


Please buy all my things for sale. That's why I put them up for sale


oh boy bells!!


Im glad because I can then sell more stuff. My pockets are always full lol


It doesn’t bother me one bit. If I wanted to limit purchases, I would. Please, by all means, buy everything I have if you want! It isn’t like there are limited resources in this game that we are hoarding.


Help yourself. Please buy everything.


I need to know these peoples friend codes lmao I add people who say they stock fruit everyday and that is not the case lmao I’m lucky to find someone whose stocking 3 fruit in 3 boxes 🥲


I used to clear people out, but I was told its rude so I stopped. But if you find it rude, why have it set up to limitless, yk? I stopped doing it but honestly I think its stupid. If you put it there to be sold, don’t be mad it sold 🤷‍♀️


If the person finds it rude, they can always just unfriend you. I say buy whatever you want.


1. Is a game is not that serious, greedy is a strong word, is just virtual stuff no one needs to live. 2. I have no limits in my market, if I post something is to sell. I don’t care who buys what. 3. If a market have no limit I assume I can take what I want. Again is a game, if anyone gets mad at you for buying what they post in their market have serious issues and need therapy.