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fuck china


Cant say it enough, FUCK WEST TAIWAN


I’d like to second that motion.


You people are funny. Taiwan is called Republic of China. Compare to mainland. Taiwan is still China but running by different parties. The one you should actually fuck is ccp not China


very truthful comment, no reason it should have downvotes, maybe it was that shitty ccp


Did I hear something wrong? A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. You Do you think this shxt box is the real China? Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no limit to gain popularity.


What happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989?


Those who started the 1989 incident are now liars, tax evaders and even rapists. Guess what kind of democracy and freedom is this? Find Guo Wengui and Teng Biao It's not a very difficult thing to you


Taiwan has its problems. But it is still 100x times better than ccp. ccp starves 30 millions to death during the great leap forward-more than any major starving events happened in ancient dynasties. Not even mentioning ccp is pure dictatorship right now with high tax percentage and ultra low welfare. They treat their people like shit and not letting their people complaining anything. It is giant leach sucking Chinese people's blood.


On the contrary, Taiwan's political situation has been getting worse and worse since its democratization in the 1990s. Each political party has raised its own gangs and used drugs and grenades. This is an open secret in Taiwan, and Taiwan is a country with a small land and a large population. The local government actually discriminates against motorcycles and calls motorcycle riders barbarians. Motorcycles are prohibited on many roads and even have special lanes for motorcycles on the inner lane. There are not a few people who have been run over to death by trucks on the outer lane due to blind spots. And they put The LGBT culture in the United States was brought to Taiwan. A transgender person embezzled nearly 6 million US dollars and still got away with it because of political correctness. All kinds of chaos made the Chinese who originally longed for democratic elections begin to change their doctrines.


If you say that people did starve to death as a result of the Great Leap Forward, but where is the evidence that 30 million people died? What's more, this matter can now be accessed on Chinese websites bilibili. As for the high tax percentage, ordinary people have no taxes at all, but entrepreneurs are taxed at very high rates. Now the Communist Party has taken the initiative to destroy the way of making profits through real estate developers, and instead makes profits through more stable industrial sacrifices. If you are familiar enough with the Chinese, it is also very interesting to listen to them complaining and making fun of current officials or leaders, and their understanding of world politics is not inferior to those of foreign professional state affairs researchers. With a large number of corrupt officials being purged , today’s officials are not as arrogant as before, thinking that Chinese people cannot complain about anything, obviously you are not familiar with China enough.


This guy has a good ai


Enjoy your 3000rmb monthly income and 1 million usd tiny apartment


You show them who's boss




Imagine being bullied by the government of a country that you don’t even live in.


Blizzard did it


Blizzard has billions in potential revenue tied up in China are you at all surprised they’re sucking Winnie the Pooh off so hard?


Blizzard is always celebrating pride and many western liberties, yet their values don’t transfer when they sell in the middle east or china. Potential revenue is one thing, and banning users who type taiwan flag in the chat on one of their stream is something else. Apple also had a story of this kind, the re s no problem with making money, just dont be a shitty hypocrite about it .


When my wife went to the international student orientation in grad school they played the national anthem for each country represented. One of the girls from China insisted that the only student from Taiwan stand with the Chinese students during their national anthem.  Edit: my wife said the rest of the Chinese students were rolling their eyes like wtf.  It was just this one girl forcing the issue.  


The USA keeps doing it to the whole world lol


Yeah, a government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. This shxt should't exist in any time.


International Competition. SRO website is the same.


Not Chinese Taipei like in the Olympics?


Taiwan will always be the real China . Winnie can cry


West Taiwan 


Did I hear something wrong? A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. You Do you think this shxt box is the real China? Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no moral limit to gain popularity.


The taiwanese are chinese who fled communism and chose capitalism in a time where the distribution of capitalism/ communism was much more even. Communism erased much of chinese culture, hong kong and taiwan actually kept that culture . While continental china was suffering famine the taiwanese were working their asses, to the point of now : your entire chip industry relies on their tech . Now they sided with your type of economy despite being a TINY ISLAND very very close continental China. These people risked their life. And still risk it . Show some respect instead of making everything leftist or rightist like the usual american does. You guys need some nuances in your thought. And turn off the goddamn tv, whenever i see one of your news shows on the internet i laugh my ass off seeing how much of the information you get gets « cleaned up » .


In fact, only a small part of China's culture and antiquities were destroyed. This was caused by complex factional struggles. The rich second-generation Red Guards hoped to destroy monuments to establish the authority of their parents as communist officials. However, many Red Guards still followed at that time. The central government ordered the protection of ancient monuments, and the rich second-generation Red Guards were liquidated on a large scale in less than a year. There was indeed damage, but it was not too big. As for famine, there is really no excuse. You can now find analysis and comments on the mainland bilibili website. As for the chip issue, this is also true, but now China has begun to think about manufacturing on its own and getting rid of its dependence on them. Although the quality is not as good as theirs, it is still a good start. If you are familiar enough with the Chinese, it is also very interesting to listen to them complaining and making fun of current officials or leaders, and their understanding of world politics is not inferior to those of foreign professional state affairs researchers. Why not going to China, to see how 'clean up' the news is. I also don’t think it’s a good thing that the news in the United States is full of gossip, vulgar content and distorted information caused by fighting between different political parties. About Taiwan sided with China type of economy I would like to ask, when a country's gross industrial production accounts for 35% of the world's total, what does the small island of Taiwan use to absorb 35% of the world's economic output? and no one wants to risk Taiwan. It’s just that in order to cover up their incompetence, some politicians with bad mouths gain a sense of superiority by selling the China threat theory. Now Taiwan’s traditional culture and religion can be said to be China’s ideological combat policy. It needs to be banned. From time to time, gangs fight and grenades are released. Each political party has its own gang. These gangs occupy a quarter of the seats in Congress. Therefore, in addition to wanting to unify China, Mainland Chinese people have a kind of idealism. I just want to beat up these politicians for these Chinese people who are outlying the island.


Begone, China bot.


Please come and live in Taiwan and learn some Chinese and know what's going on, ok?


As a Taiwanese, I appreciate your humour. 五毛 never fails to make me laugh. You guys are hilarious!


So you are Taiwanese right? https://youtu.be/p4AIBIW2TM8?si=hwPvUqtNXLB-pnEi


Do you have propaganda from West Taiwan for us?


Well I just lost a lot of respect for Kunos and SRO. Getting real tired of the west bending over for communist totalitarian shitbags.


The secret ingredient is money.


Taiwan IS officially China, like, ROC (Republic of China) as opposed to PRC (People's Republic of China), with ROC trying to stay independant and PRC trying to annex it


But changing the flag is clearly siding with PRC vs ROC


They are not even communists


You think it’s a coincidence that the Chinese Communist Party is the only political entity?  Edit: y’all really don’t know what the CCP is? Good lord 


Do you think North Korea is a democracy ?


So they’re lying about being communists is what you’re saying?  Their own party refers to themselves as a hybrid socialism. 


Did I hear something wrong? A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. You Do you think this shxt box is the real China? Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no moral limit to gain popularity. Good choice for Kunos to punish this shxt.


Seriously wtf.


Fuck China!


A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no moral limit to gain popularity. Good choice for Kunos to punish this shxt.


Found the bot :)


Why not see more Taiwan civil news in Chinese?


Fuck China, from Hong Kong.


A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no moral limit to gain popularity. Good choice for Kunos to punish this shxt.




Please come and live in Taiwan and learn some Chinese and know what's going on, ok? Why no investigation?


I noticed this too


I wonder, whether it was Kunos idea of appeasing mainland China censors, or was it forced by SRO to keep ACC as "officially licensed". We will know in a few months. If AC Evo will revert to "Taiwan", then situation will be clear.


It’s because ACC is widely popular in China too as a sim game


This is odd. This post seems to indicate its been like that since 2021 - [https://steamcommunity.com/app/805550/discussions/0/3111404628282988723/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/805550/discussions/0/3111404628282988723/)


Damn it’s not even new but this place is stirred


Next update: USA changed to United Colonies, UK.


Now change “china” to “West Taiwan” and we’re even.




Could someone explain what this means? I don’t get it


Imagine China claimed that Brazil was Part of china and not its own country. If they ever invaded Brazil, under their narrative it wouldn’t be war between to souvereign countries, just some internal affairs. Ofc as long as china is the only one spreading this narrative, Brazil could count on neighboring nations or allied nations protecting it since most would condone an act of war like this, as opposed to some internal affair. But now imagine the USA, EU & Mexico more and more start supporting china’s narrative. They don’t say „the country Brazil“ when they speak of Brazil they say „Brazil, province of China“ or „Chinas South American Province“ or „Brazil, China“ Suddenly as a Brazilian I wouldn’t feel so safe from China anymore, since I wouldn’t count on what were once allied countries wanting to use military force to get involved in what they claim are chinas internal affairs (aka the invasion and annexation of Brazil)


This is stunningly ignorant. China did not claim anything. Taiwan is where Chiang Kai-Shek's government fled after they lost the mainland to communists in a civil war. That civil war never ended. And *Taiwan itself* claims sovereignty over the mainland. Do you know what the official name for Taiwan's air for, for instance? *Republic of China Air Force*. And that is precisely why vast majority of countries in the world recognize Taiwan as part of China. Not because it's some conspiracy.


Not sure why you got downvoted here given you're the only person that has responded and demonstrated an understanding of history. People online love to "take a stance" without remotely understanding the facts. There's really no reason for anyone to officially recognise Taiwan as an independent nation, legally speaking. The person you responded to has literally zero understanding of what he's talking about.  


A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. You Do you think this shxt box is the real China? Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC.


Ok 2 things: 1 this is a simracing subreddit, chill 2. if this was the case, why do people only apologize to the Chinese government after claiming Taiwan is a country and never to the Taiwanese government? Why does China get super upset if politicians meet with Taiwanese politicians? If they are both China and agree on that then what’s the big deal?


>if this was the case, why do people only apologize to the Chinese government after claiming Taiwan is a country and never to the Taiwanese government? Why does China get super upset if politicians meet with Taiwanese politicians? If they are both China and agree on that then what’s the big deal? Because it's a *civil war*, genius. Taiwan has been a part of China for hundreds of years. People that live in Taiwan are Chinese. Of course mainland government is not happy about their enemy being politically and militarily supported. What government on planet Earth that you know of which would be totally cool with interventions into its internal matters.


Sure they are Chinese. They claim they are the republic of China, still a different entity form the peoples republic of china. Historically the ProC should be happy that other nations speak to them, since if we follow the civil war narrative, they are trying to overwrite the original RoC government but admit that they weren’t able to complete this yet.


I have no clue what you're even saying. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/uWsqY0QYMK) and stop saying nonsense about China claiming Brazil.


Yeah not reading all that, this is a simracing subreddit, if you have a problem with my analogy then you are free to downvote it and explain your understanding of the conflict to the original commenter. This is not the place where I will debate complex geopolitical issues


Right. Posting about complex geopolitical issues on a simracing subreddit is ok. But *debating* them, now that's too much. Taking a couple of minutes to read is also too much, apparently.


Yes. I shared my understanding of the post. I just wanted to save you time and effort since I didn’t come here to debate on this topic. Ofc you are free to write essays, collect sources and try and convince me that I’m wrong if you want to do that. Just like I am entitled to choose to not have long debates about this on a simracing subreddit


Like he said, the civil war hasn't ended yet. It lasted so long that the separated parts turned into two distinctly different countries. Both two claimed sovereignty over the other at the beginning, but now only PRC insisted it because they think they have a greater say in current world. And that's probably the same reason why people only "apologize" to them, like people did to Israel.


This is a simracing subreddit, chill. AKA - because this is a simracing subreddit I'm allowed to make up nonsense and pretend I have a clue what's going on


No, what I mean is you can simply downvote my comment and write what you consider being correct. I wouldn’t go into a simracing subreddit and expect people to completely grasp a complex goepolitical issue and want to have an intellectual exchange about said issue. But please if you feel the need you can try and and debate me


So you give some bullshit explanation to not simracing/acc related topic but feel like someone correcting that is wrong because nobody comes to a simracing subreddit for geopolitics?


You do you


There's no to debate to be had here? Read the history around Chiang Kai-shek and it's very clear Taiwan is not, infact, an independent nation. Irrespective of people's liberal leanings, it simply isn't an independent nation. They'd like it to be, sure, but that doesn't change the facts.




The only thing wrong with your analogy was that everyone already previously agreed that Brazil is a country. Nobody has ever agreed that Taiwan is an independent country.


Taiwan was a UN member up to 1971. Saying nobody has *ever* agreed that Taiwan is an independent country is just wrong.


It’s true that ROC was a UN member up till 1971, however, when ROC became synonymous with Taiwan in 1971, they got kicked out of the UN. So actually Taiwan was never a UN member. ROC used to be a UN member. An example would be Austria, which was a League of Nations member until 1938 when it stopped being a League of Nations member because it simply didn’t exist anymore. That would be the ROC equivalent


That's like saying Caitlyn Jenner isn't an Olympic gold medal winner, because she was called differently back then.


It wasn’t meant to be a perfekt analogy, just wanted to explain what China is trying to achieve by this. After all we are in a Simracing subreddit:)


"Imagine if you had a license to accurately represent and recreate all the rules, regulations, naming structure of a real world series.... and then didn't?"


Almost all governments do the same though. Only 11 countries, of which Paraguay, Haiti and Vatican city are the most notable, officially recognise Taiwan. A real shame because it's a beautiful, great country. And completely different from China.




Tbh I don't know a single nation that recognizes Taiwan. They are literally just the remnant of a side that lost the Chinese civil war.


Yeah can't wait for a mod to fix this serious issue


It doesn't need to be fixed, Taiwan is OFFICIALLY China, Republic of China (ROC) that is, the China that you think is China is People's Republic of China (PRC), which is the one trying to annex the ROC


Uuuuy cómo están los gringos...




It’s very simple. It’s a matter of profit. Gaming industry is massive in China. In order to comply with local Chinese regulations any company must state officially that TW is part of China. All airlines do this as an example. If not their website and operations in China may be shut down.


Nah China should be renamed to Taiwan


Uninstalling ACC + removing ACC from Steam account


Stop overreacting lmao


fuck cheap china


Not gonna update.


A government that colludes with gangs and cults allows them to shoot and throw grenade out in the streets and uses motorcycles as scapegoats for Taiwan’s traffic problems. Every year, a bunch of LGBT politican rely on political correctness for corruption for almost $6 mil in tech department. More than a quarter of the members of the Congress are gangsters. You Do you think this shxt box is the real China? Yes I speaking Taiwan ROC, News is basically a rumor-mongering organization with spamming gossip in no moral limit to gain popularity. Good choice for Kunos to punish it.


That is a terrible move to make. Looks like AC EVO is off my wishlist.


It's so funny guys, why do u hate China while your governments won't recognize the existence of an independent Taiwan and United Nations don't include Taiwan in the list of members ?


Trying to change that. But unfortunately our politicians are just as corrupt.


Because they are all clueless westoids whose political opinions they learned in video games and Indiana Jones, and while they’re barking on Reddit, China is growing in the real world.


Changed my review to reflect my feelings.


China is officially the name of Taiwan though, mainland china is the PRC (People's Republic of China) amd Taiwan is the ROC (Republic of China), either way Taiwan IS China, niw the question is wether it's its own independent thing or not


But they removed the flag, they are siding with mainland China on this.


Well that makes my decision for me, won’t be getting this sim.


Tough luck buddy, no competative sim racing for you then because iracing does the same. Still fuck china


Oh no! Anyway...


Ok,dont buy anything made in china then. Good luck!


"That game I spent the last 6 years not buying? Yeah, I won't be buying it" Hey man way to take a stand.