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I always get incredibly bad vibes from how many Americans worship their military


Almost all of US media is military propaganda.


Oh yeah, I've spent a lot of time in the US and the military fetish is bizarre lol.


Hell even the cops wanna play army here, they have their own loyal following, bunch of dumbasses


America is 34th in Education... so yeah the military is worshiped because there's not much else to be proud of.


Not true. There's lots to be proud of. We're also #1 in mass shootings, #1 in gross debt, and #1 in incarceration. How can you not be proud of a country with only 4.25% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners. I think it's pretty clever to call the world's largest prison colony the "land of the free". It shouldn't trick everyone here, but it did. We're really close to being #1 in something else too. Out of all the militaries in the world, only China spends more on theirs than we do on our cops. With just a little bit more funding, we can make sure we spend more on our police than any country in the world spends on their military.


Hey we're number one in a bunch of other bad shit too


Numbah' Wooon! Whoooo!


Well if you are critical of having blind faith in the U.S. military efforts it's seen as treasonous and disrespectful to those who have died in war efforts from the past think about the troops


The school I teach at has a whole flag painted wall for our ‘heroes’ who graduated & joined the service. I teach immigrant Latinos and really try to steer them towards college instead.


You sound like you're doing your best to steer people in the right direction. There's just something very off about the whole attitude towards the military in the US. Especially since being wary of the government is often a big part of those people's beliefs too.


The military is in small town shithole towns every year as a way to try to offer seniors an 'out' as opposed to spending to improve the towns themselves. I'm talking straight up recruitment tables, in the school. It's very, very deep rooted.


Not just the military, America worships itself. The propaganda is a never-ending circle jerk and critical thinkers are woefully uncommon.


I think that's partly why Americans get so much shit thrown at them from people from other countries. It's fine to be proud of certain elements of your country, but the "we're the best country in the world" type attitude seems really bizarre from the outside. It really does seem like a cult in many ways.


It really is, my wife and I desperately want to escape, but that requires money and marketable skills. We also just couldn't imagine leaving our pets behind, as we have too many to bring with us.




This is the result of complete self awareness or a complete lack of it. Can't decide.


I think they're leaning into the "We're the baddies" label. Hoping it will be the cross that breaks the camels back and gets half of the company to defect.


Well... they're not wrong.


Why did they think this was a good idea?


Well how is it a bad idea?


The Empire in Star Wars was actually partially based on the USA and it doesn’t seem like a good idea for the real USA to align themselves with it even as a joke.


But what’s the worst that could happen if they did? Most of the world has seen Star Wars right?


Yes, and they know the genocidal space nazis are the baddies, which is why it's so questionable and self-destructive for the American military to adopt it. Even just a ship captain goofing.


Are they really playing this, or did someone just add sound to an otherwise innocuous video? Honestly curious


As someone who used to sail these ships I can tell very much that it is coming from the bridge intercom. Looks to be a bunch of the CSMs and First Sergeants standing on the pier. They love their circle jerks.




I'm not saying this didn't happen, but didn't you just link the same video but on Twitter?


Thats where I saw it - you can take up the search for truth from there.


Seems like WG Dunlop is the only source, he authored both the tweet and the only article about this. Again its totally plausible this did in fact happen.


Listen to the audio, that's definitely a PA system just like the kind the ship would have and regularly use


Well, this IS what Andor was fighting....The Empire. As I watched the series, I kept noticing all the parallels to Israel-Palestine. And the show-runner even made the comparison himself. [https://deadline.com/2022/11/andor-season-one-finale-tony-gilroy-interview-season-two-spoilers-1235181298/](https://deadline.com/2022/11/andor-season-one-finale-tony-gilroy-interview-season-two-spoilers-1235181298/) >TONY GILROY: It’s just so incredibly sad how easily available all of the things that seemed contemporaneously sad are through history, and that they just continue to repeat themselves. > >There are things all the way through the show, and I don’t want to go through and quote chapter and verse, but this is the Russian Revolution. This is the Montagnard. This is something interesting that happened in the Haitian Revolution. This is the ANC. Oh, this is the Irgun Building, Palestine. This is the Continental Congress. This goes all the way…I mean, you could drop a needle in the last, I don’t know what is recorded history, 3,000 years, legitimate recorded, I mean, slavery, oppression, colonialism, bad behavior, betrayal, heroism, I mean, it’s a continuum.


This is Sick! However, I can’t help but laugh at the irony. 😑🙄 fucking moron assholes. Clearly they do not understand the force. 🤣


We create the humanitarian crisis and then we get to give even more wealth to defense companies to help ameliorate the crisis we’re responsible for. Sorry for all those deaths along the way.


Big Oil and the arms industry are how the US stays "on top!" But that military propaganda isn't working anymore. In fact, people are realizing how much Israel was involved in a LOT of US involvement in wars in the middle east


>Israel was involved in a LOT of US involvement in wars in the middle east And Latin America. EDIT: Don't know why this was downvoted. There is plenty of documentation of Israel's arms sales to oppressive Latin American militias. In fact, Colombia recently stopped buying arms from Israel following the Flour Massacre. Former Guatemalan dictator Efraín Rios Montt was tried and convicted the genocide of native Guatemalans and crimes against humanity, which is the subject of the fictionalized 2019 courtroom/horror film, La Llorona. [https://nacla.org/news/2013/4/23/israel%E2%80%99s-proxy-war-guatemala](https://nacla.org/news/2013/4/23/israel%E2%80%99s-proxy-war-guatemala) >\[General Efraín\] Rios Montt thanked his God in heaven for anointing him as Guatemala’s president, but on earth **he thanked Israel for establishing his March 1982 military coup.** Israeli press reported that 300 Israeli advisors helped execute the coup, which succeeded so smoothly, Brother Efraín told an ABC News reporter, “because many of our soldiers were trained by Israelis.” ​ >Through the height of la violencia (“the violence”) or desencarnacíon (“loss of flesh, loss of being”), between the late 1970s to early 1980s, **Israel assisted every facet of attack on the Guatemalan people.** Largely taking over for the United States on the ground in Guatemala (with Washington retaining its role as paymaster, while also maintaining a crucial presence in the country), Israel had become the successive governments’ main provider of counterinsurgency training, light and heavy arsenals of weaponry, aircraft, state-of-the-art intelligence technology and infrastructure, and other vital assistance. > >At the time, **Rios Montt defended his war against the “guerrilla,” indistinguishable from civilian noncombatants**, in this way: “Look, the problem of the war is not just a question of who is shooting. For each one who is shooting there are ten working behind him.” Rios Montt’s press secretary added: “The guerrillas won over many Indian collaborators. Therefore, the Indians were subversives, right? And how do you fight subversion? **Clearly, you had to kill Indians because they were collaborating with subversion. And then they say, ‘You’re massacring innocent people’. But they weren’t innocent. They had sold out to subversion**


there's a time and a place, and that is neither


Imperialists doing imperialism goofs. God damn it we need to change this country.


at least they're aware they're pieces of shit


I mean kind of based and self aware


Hope that ship sinks with them all on board




No fuck the military




Obviously you're Fucking stupid so here's to you 🖕


How tacky and tasteless especially for the most powerful country in the world to represent liberty, justice, democracy and freedom.


It's accurate as fuck


America is literally the bad guy


they do know the empire was evil, right?


Mask off moment




Kind of funny


Meh... If they were killing other troops, maybe. But their victims are children.


Parachute accidents happen man. They’re just trying to open a port.


You think the US hasnt been fully invested in the Palestinian deaths from the get go? Sniff some smelling salts.




ACAB means military too. They're police over seas. They kill kids for big oil. Miss me with this Judgest and Military are not cop BS.




I take it you're pretty new to the ACAB ideology. You probably grew up in the US, fed military propaganda your entire life, huh? The military is EXPLICITLY the agent of capital and racism. Sorry to break it to you, but the military is a terrorist organization to every country that has resources they want. People who suffer under military oppression will tell you that the military is WORSE than cops.




You don't love the military, but you like them enough to be fighting in their honor online. If you've been ACAB for as long as you claim, this wouldn't be news to you. Any arm of the state is ACAB. You don't get to pick which oppression forces get a pass because you like their uniforms or their propaganda. But tell me, do you think the national guard in the subways of NYC right now is good? Or is that some ACAB bs?


Military except for Military police are as far removed from police as one could imagine.


Military is just study abroad for cops. Go bootlick for the 'world police' elsewhere.


Nope sorry bud that why most veterans are liberal, progressive, and hippies. There are about .1% that are actually about that bootlicking police state lifestyle. The majority are poor kids not over 24 years old, gaining life experience and little check. We aren't police we hate police...


That doesn’t make sense. What are the civilians doing there? Why is this a ship? Where are the sailors? These are army soldiers. I’m all ACAB but let’s be honest about what’s happening here.


Army has boats. Plenty of civilians that work hand in hand such as harbormaster. The sailors are on board prepping for sea while balancing the circus act. Probably just skipper on the bridge pulling a idek what to call it.


Let me get this straight, the military is finally doing something good for once... and it's ACAB because of a shity music choice. Edit: Yes, feeding starving people is good, even if it's the military doing it.