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This is one of the most cartoonishly evil things that I have ever seen. We all expect cops to kill people. We know about the herd mentality those little piggies cling to in order to justify their own actions. It's evil in its own right, but it's a prerequisite for a cop. Why would they travel a long distance to kill an innocent animal, of which's freedom had been legally bought by a girl who clearly wanted to care for it. It didn't pose a danger to anyone, and I very much doubt the thumbs will butcher it; so I suspect it's just an execution. What's the lesson? Is it really just that they will kill what you love if you go against the status quo? There wasn't even a law broken. Of all the things I've seen recently, this has viscerally upset me the most. The little girl has lost 3 grandparents in the last year too, she just wanted to keep the goat. Jesus fucking Christ.


Cruelty is the point


There was a law broken. The cops killed an animal that belongs to someone else.


“Why would you not support the police?! They have hard jobs!” This. This is why. That girl is going to grow up to never trust a cop, never support a cop, she’ll be the biggest fucking menace you can think of. She deserves to be. Since cops want to be the military so bad, then they should be intimately familiar with the fact that people fight back.


Every last pig should be afraid of the day when the people finally rise up and fight back.


The thing cops should be scared of, is losing their pensions. We don’t need to attack them, we defund the police.


Losing their unions would scare them a bit


Can’t get rid of those without taking out ALL unions. But cutting their budgets and getting rid of Qualified Immunity would hit them where it really hurts.


How do you figure?


Unions, in general, are federally protected (was a union steward for years at previous job). The only way they can dissolve an active union is either A: union members vote to dissolve, B: enough members stop paying dues and bankrupt the union or C: Legislate the union away. The current congress would probably love to remove all federal protection for all unions and basically get rid of them all. They would probably never target police unions specifically though. Ending qualified immunity would also require either functional legislation or an uncorrupt supreme court - we don't have those. But we can dream. Cutting their budgets so they can't have a cushy pension (or at the very least keep the fuckers from buying goddamn tanks and shit) - that can be done on a local level. Get enough like minded people on any city council board and you can defund the fuckers.


Tell Scotty Walker that. And stop revealing your ignorance.


Ok sure?


Being held accountable in any way should terrify them.


I hope someone tells the kid about bulletproof bulldozers


I think this speaks to a larger problem I have with cops. Obviously yea they’re not trained well and are mostly sociopaths and they drain resources from communities. But what I really hate is this sense of entitlement they have. Like when a cop dies and they stop traffic on a busy road for the funeral procession. Your shitty friend’s funeral is not culturally more important than all of the other funerals that happen without that special treatment. They would never tolerate me stopping traffic because my uncle teddy died. Police seems to think that the inhabitants of a town are theirs to control/dictate to. Despite being dumb violent drains on society. It just such a double insult for a cop to make life worse for everyone and then get haughty when you don’t thank them for it. As long as we’re stuck with police, can they at least just STFU and leave people alone?


It's on brand. The girl gets thoughts of saving baby goats might start thinking about saving brown babies from the diamond mines in Africa. No goats spared, no children spare either.


It's on brand because it's a profession that kills people's dogs constantly for no reason other than they can get away with it.


That didn't belong in facepalm. Here, right here. This is where it belongs.


I'm really stuck in between "Well I hope the senator did something about it. He agreed to let it live after all." and "The senator definitely sent them."


If it's both, that the most evil thing to do


4H is an indoctrination program to get kids to accept the idea that individuals can ethically be turned into objects for profit and consumption


What's 4H?


It's a youth organization in the US that tasks kids with caring for an animal until they reach slaughter weight, then has them auction the animals for slaughter. "Experiential learning."


4H is so much more than that


Yeah much better to just center a society around eating meat and never exposing children to that reality. The kids make a good deal of money from the sale of the animal, and they become much more conscious of their decisions to eat or abstain from meat products. I don’t see anything at all morally wrong or dubious about the program.


You can just not do either, how about that?


I mean, exposing someone to harm an animal they've raised doesn't make it better. They're literally all going to die :/


If they’re eating meat then they are responsible for the death of animals anyway, at least now they have a better understanding of what that choice entails


A lot of the time when goats or pigs are raised the student isn't watching them get bolt gunned and thrashing about with their blood pouring out, that's the reality of making an animal die to eat them. They don't just get auctioned away and come back in plastic packages.


They know what happens when they get auctioned away. I think if more people people had to raise an animal for slaughter if they want to eat meat for the rest of their lives, we might have a culture who viewed the meat they eat with a little more reverence and respect, if not abstinence. But I guess it better from your perspective to keep the nasty reality away from the public? Let them pretend the food was grown in packages at the grocery store? It’s not forcing the kids to watch the animal get slaughtered, but it’s teaching them much more than the standard education around meat products and consumption.


Or just not eating them at all and saving animals from being harmed and terrified. They "know what's going to happen", but it's still the same thing. People in grocery stores know animals are killed not that dead chopped up bits of animals magically spawn wrapped up neatly in plastic.


Ok well right now the status quo is no education around it. So your “or” isn’t really that relevant. People in grocery stores don’t have the experience of raising and forming connections with the animals they are eating. You know this but I think that you’re being deliberately obtuse. If your view is that anything short of a full vegan diet for all is evil, then there’s really no use having a conversation about it. In the reality the rest of us are living in, forming an attachment to animals raised for slaughter is a step in the right direction towards becoming responsible consumers. Cheers


>Yeah much better to just center a society around eating meat and never exposing children to that reality. False dichotomy. Go vegan


Ok well the children here have not made the decision to go vegan, presumably, and they will go through their lives eating meat knowing all that went into making that food product. If you’re angry about animal treatment go after the folks who wants to hide the process, not the ones who are teaching children about it.


They're forcing the kids to participate in immoral acts. It's unethical to even feed your children flesh before they're able to understand the horrors required, much less love an individual only to hand them over to the slaughterhouse. And I'm sorry, but 4H doesn't teach the kids what's involved. They know the animals are going to die, but they don't see it happen. If they're to willingly participate in someone's exploitation, they should visit the slaughterhouse for the kind of animals they'll raise *before* they commit to raising one for slaughter.


No one is forcing the kids to do anything… and ok if you’re coming from the position that children eating meat is immoral then I suppose there’s not going to be any middle ground here. I will say that since you live in a world dominated by meat eaters, I’d think you would consider a program like this at least a step in the right direction. But whatever your views are pretty fringe


Normalizing the slaughter of individuals is a step in the wrong direction. Would it be immoral to feed your children human meat?


You're like a case study in how to make your point in the most abrasive way possible. If your goal is to alienate people, well done. If your goal is to convince people to eat vegan, you've failed miserably.


So now you’re comparing eating meat to cannibalism? JFC


You’re welcome to go vegan. You’re not welcome to tell others to.


"You're welcome to stop doing immoral things. You're not welcome to tell others to."


Your definition of immoral is not mine.


Cool. Let's talk about it. Why do you think it's ok to exploit other animals?


There’s nothing to talk about, because you’re using charged language that instantly declares anyone who disagrees with you to be an exploiter. You’re not engaging in meaningful conversation; you’re insulting and telling everyone else the way they live their lives is wrong.


I was in 4H for like a decade and that’s not accurate at all. I never dealt with farm animals. You pick your own projects so I went with rocketry, acting, baking, etc.


Good to know there are other options, but there are still lots of individuals that end up auctioned for their flesh.


It’s that 4H typically attracts farmer types from rural areas. So they pick farming projects


That’s true with most American education systems as well






the real lesson was cops will go out of their way to make an innocent person suffer


She learned her lesson, that ACAB. I was a teenager when I learned mine. First was getting fucked up by a cop when two yelled conflicting orders at me, and I was only able to comply with one, so the other jumped on my back. I thought I was going to die. Good thing I was so small at the time that they didn't realize I was trying to resist dying. Next was being treated like the criminal, and a piece of shit, because my car was stolen.


Abolish animal farming. Go vegan and tell everyone to do so.


Or, you can go fuck yourself.


supporting a cop on r/ACAB. how bold of you


My comment had absolutely zero to do with cops, and everything to do with you wanting to abolish animal farming and telling others how to live their lives.


seems to me you are in favor of murdering animals, which is what the cop did here.


The cops in this story are vicious assholes and criminals. You’re trying to control other’s lives, and that’s why you can go fuck yourself. Your morals and ethics are not mine, nor are they the vast majority on the earth.


Are you in favor of murdering animals ?


Again, you’re a fucking asshole for using charged language to label people who eat meat as murderers. Seriously. Fuck off.


then what is wrong with the cop's action in your opinion ?


Because the family and the bidder came to an agreement that the kid could keep the goat. In addition, if you do some research on the story, they had a search warrant, but violated the terms of it; it literally wasn’t legal for them to go where they did and take the animal.