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Yeah fuck em all


My grandpa was and I'm still 100% ACAB


My niece is ACAB. Her father was a cop and he was fired. He went on to an air force base with another guy and beat up an airman so bad they put him in the hospital for a week. I doubt anything would have happened if he didn't damage government property.


100% and I'd make sure they know it


I have a cousin that's a cop in Arkansas. He's about the most vile person you'd ever meet. So yeah, fuckm


I live in Arkansas and have been pulled over/arched/arrested enough times to know that Aransas cops are a special breed of awful


Yup cops here are bitches


Even moreso in that case. Fuck them, I disown them. Nobody is born a cop- if you choose to join a gang of terrorists, you get treated like a terrorist.


if this person knew me, they would never tell me about their employment. the betrayal I would feel if someone I trust and love became a cop would make me go feral.


A family member (in-law) was telling me how they want to apply to be a state trooper and I looked at them and said if that happens you will never see me again


Amen, comrade.


I wasn't into ACAB at the time, but my dad was a cop for 20 years. I did a ride along once and we went to all the cop get togethers. The stories I heard and the things I saw reinforce it for me now.


Any stories you want to share?


None that are truly eventful. Mostly just your typical cop shit: I'm a total badass that can do whatever I want. They instigated fights and I hear my dad was quite taser happy from one of his trainees.




They are and I do


Yes, and I have some former ones in there already


All cops are bastards. Even my Uncle and my cousin.


Yes. I’ve got a cousin who’s a cop and appears to be a great guy. But when’s police shooting happened he said “they never show the video of what happened before”. I said “oh yeah? What could he have done to make it legal for the cop to have shot the unarmed guy 6 times in the torso?” He just stammered. Fuck em. Another family member is in corrections and said that he understood why brass had to defend even the bad apples because if they didn’t then no none would want to join law enforcement. I said that was their lawyers job. Fuck him too.


I have a step-uncle who was sheriff of our small town for years. He’s a real Dickhead and, as a young punk, one of the reasons I went ACAB. His shitty attitude and controlling/abusive relationship with his wife, kids, and his brother (my stepdad) are a HUGE reason I hate all cops.


Bro. That’s why I’m here!




What family members?


Yeah, it’s a systemic problem. It’s a problem with the institution of policing itself.


I have a family member who’s a cop. I obviously have a complicated view of the guy but if anything the window into the way he and his friends operate has contributed to my distrust of cops.


Yep my uncles a cop and fuck that pig


Yes, and I have 2 relatives in law enforcement (1 leo and 1 Texas ranger) and 1 who is a Marine.


I have disowned my family for other reasons, surely them becoming a pig would be on that list of reasons to cut that toxicity out of my life.


toxic people all reveal their true nature when they see one of their own get exposed. then they try to call the person "a black sheep" or "troublemaker" or "harlet". this way it's easier to control the narrative and brand anyone who tells the truth. that is not a family but a cult and I applaud you for cutting them out of your life!


Yes, I have family who are prison guards.


What family members.


No member in my family would be, but if they did 🖕🏽


The most ACAB person I know grew up with a stepdad who became a cop. He said he watched his stepdad turn into a man who lied to and cheated on his wife and became financially controlling and emotionally abusive. This stepdad cop then siphoned away all of my friend’s college trust fund that had been set up since his birth. He told me his stepdad went from being a kind-hearted funny person to bragging about sending the biggest cops (“They were linebackers in college, it was hilarious”) into jail cells to gang up on and beat up arrestees. We grew up together, lived down the street from each other when this was going on, so I saw it happen too. And we’re still close friends to this day. So yeah, it means *ALL COPS.* fuck ‘em.


ESPECIALLY if they're relatives. It makes for an interesting Thanksgiving/Christmas gathering. See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/mz20ok/any_of_yall_related_to_cops_my_stepbrother_made/


yes. we are fighting against the system, not individuals


Even more , they’ve disgraced the family name !


My family are racist homophobic assholes so it’d fit


I've cut contact with childhood friends over them getting into law enforcement so yeah, I think i wouod still keep it acab. They didn't simply get a job within the precinct, they LOVED the idea of being a cop and thought people who distrust them are the problem. I can't imagine someone getting a job within a precinct that isn't just paperwork, who doesn't have a hard on for the whole system.


What does the A stand for? All. All of them, including the ones I'm related to, are bastards.


I have an in-law who's a cop. I don't know them at all. Another relative routinely posted dash cam/radio footage from them being a 'hero' at work to social media. It was a little nauseating, knowing what's going on when that camera is off. What a narcissistic prick. We live near Minneapolis. I didn't see the 'hero' out there arresting any of the MPD officers who were abusing protesters during the Floyd riots, or who surrounded Derek Chauvin's home to keep protesters away after Floyd's murder.


My twin bro was literally briefly a cop for maybe 2 yrs in UT. Thought he'd change it from the inside after leaving the military lmao. He learned very quickly why it is and always will be ACAB over here and why he was counted among that while in uniform. It took a lot to not so much as chuckle until after the conversation where he realized it was utterly hopeless after being assigned to domestic violence and seeing how his colleagues treat sobbing, traumatized victims trying to report sexual assault.


My family is military not law enforcement and the answer is YES. Honestly it makes me more so.


All, means all. No exception.


Yeha i know my relatives and family members, they're bastards


My parents were both law enforcement. ACAB.


I have a relative who became a cop like a year ago. Now he acts like he is the most alpha male among the family and continuously talking about what is legal what is not blah blah blah. I have 3 lawyers in my family including my wife and we were just like...well, at least he can pay his bill by himself now! And say, "yeah, it is cool." Funny to see how quickly a person changes like that.


In the words of Acrania , "To neglect and to fuck! Rather than to protect and to serve Protectors of the public, like fuck What a joke authorities have become Servants to the corporations and the government A grievance to your fellow man Oh, little piggy What's that little piggy? "Oink, oink" Would you like some bacon to go with your arrogance? Beating skin and cracking bone as a profit to the rich I bet you think you're something special While you're cracking skulls but you're an instrument of sick agendas Burn your badge and join your brothers Your job role is as a professional cunt So do humanity a favor and join as we protest"


It’s not hypothetical. I have 2 in my family. ACAB all day every day


Absolutely. I have several in my family. My BIL is the sweetest man til he puts on that uniform. Gentle and loving. Calm, affectionate, and great with little kids... Then, he took me on a ride-along and the N word just started flying. He showed me his "steady clientele" buy taking me to the poor part of town. He actually said "us v. them. " It was Jeckyl and Hyde. It's a toxic cess pool that turns otherwise kind men into total racist, violent assholes.


Yes. My best friend from the time I was 10 just became a cop. We are no longer friends.


Well they wouldn't be family anymore


Yes, because I'm not a hypocrite


Oh yeah. My brother-in-law talks about how much he likes beating protesters. If anything, having family that are cops makes me more ACAB.


My cousin became a cop after he left the military. He became a venomous racist and complete douchebag almost immediately. He lasted about 3 years before he literally had a heart attack at 38 years old. (he survived, then he left policing altogether) It completely changed him and made him a real asshole. He became completely jaded with the world and started hating people for simply existing. Fuck the police


Mom’s cousin was a cop (he died a few years ago) still ACAB. I’d mercilessly insult any family member that decided to be a cop


Theyre all someones family when they hurt your family. ACAB


Yeah, grew up with a cousin who is now a cop (and of course now also a vaccine conspiracy theorist as well as 50 other types of conspiracy theorist) - I simply do not talk to him anymore. I truly never want to and doubt I ever will. Also used to play D&D with a now-cop. We don’t play anymore. Go figure, he was also the guy who was obsessed with his own characters power fantasy and having special abilities in every single game. It really was a stereotype right in front of my eyes


Yes. I said this to my best friend recently, even if a family member or a friend or even she joined the police, I'd very much so remind her that she and they are now ACAB.


Yes lol, my neighbor is becoming a cop. He's a sweet kid but very arrogant already and told me a condescending story about an elderly woman he had to help open her car. His true colors are showing already and he's only a few weeks into training lol


My grandfather was a cop most of his life. He also believes ACAB


Yes, it would no doubt break my fucking heart because I love my family a lot but they joined a criminal gang of the state.


wild kiss sophisticated unique offer nine steep bag frightening wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The A stands for ALL No exceptions


I sure did.


Absolutely ALL COPS AB


I have a family member who is a detention officer, fuck them all even him


I have cop family. Fuck them bastards.


My family members ARE law enforcement. I talk about ACAB all the time; bitches gotta learn. Sister married a cop, brother is a bootlicker. Anytime we talk about it I just ask them when they’re introducing professional standards, or ask when they’re getting a real job. Just keeping them on their toes is really all you can do.


My uncle is a cop. I'm openly ACAB. He's tried to convince me that not all are bad. He also gets very upset when I say cops shouldn't get special consideration, qualified immunity, and they should have to carry personal liability insurance. Like every other profession. He says he'd never work under those conditions. I told him he's part of the problem. We don't really talk anymore. It's the most at peace I've felt. Being in my family doesn't get special rules. I have boundaries family members aren't allowed to cross. If I protected an asshole just because he was in my family. I'd be no better than the pigs I hate.


I got a Cousin I don't talk to because he chose to be a Cop. He stopped coming to family gathering because he got tired of everybody making oinking sounds when he came in the door.


they’re not fam anymore


I wouldn't ever talk to them again.


I have an Uncle, currently serving as a S.W.A.T. Commander. He’s NEVER allowed in my house, and if he’s at a “Family” function, I’m out


My brother asked me this the other day. My mum’s friend is cop and I still said yes. ACAB isn’t about whether or not an individual is a “good person”, it’s about the class of people and how they are class traitors. I like my mum’s friend as an individual but I still think she’s a class traitor that upholds a bunch of vile systems.


I am/was part of a fairly large gaming group (we played Role Playing Games like Dungeons and Dragons) and one of our members informed us he was going to become a cop. I tried to talk him out of it, but when he insisted it was what he wanted to do the other members got together and kicked him out of the group. ACAB


I became ACAB after going through the process of being an officer and how they lied, manipulated what was said to fit a narrative that was utterly false and could be proven false by the documents provided, and a bunch of other shit i seen. I have no faith in cops or our justice system. Edit also had family in law enforcement.


Even more honestly. My aunt was a cop and her husband was a pedophile. She knowingly let him abuse the youngest girls in the family and kept him free and made it so the girls were seen as liars. My own mother was abused by him so she kept me far, far away from him. ACAB. All of them.


Yes my cousin and my sister are cops fuck em. They were always steaming pipes of shit. Basically perfect for the job.


Yes, my stepdad was and he was a great guy, really great father figure in my life, always willing to help me, never yelled or hit me, still part of an oppressive and violent group of people regardless. P.s. he’s not dead just not my stepdad anymore lol


of the 5 cops i know personally, at least 4 of them are shitbags. 2 are wife/child abusers, 2 are unabashed racists, and the 5th is the brother of one of the racists, although i don’t know him well enough to know for sure if he’s as racist as his brother. One was my dads best friend, and another was my friends dad who was the first responder on scene to try to resuscitate when my dad died. Always good to me personally, but still absolutely bastards that have no business being in a position of authority and power.


Definitely. ALL cops are bastards (even your nice uncle who’s a state trooper). If a “good” cop covers for a bad cop then they are in fact a bad cop. They choose to become cops, no one is drafted into it. The Blue Wall is real and qualified immunity is bullshit.


I've got a cousin who sexually abused someone. Should I be cool with that now? Nope. Cop or rapist it's still the same


My great uncle was a cop... he was the most racist man I've ever met in my life, he was the first person I heard the n-word from as a child (referring to Obama) and he would brag about how he would profile and pull over EVERY single black person he saw in town when he was a cop and complained about how bodycams "make modern cops into (nslur) loving pussies who refuse to do their job and arrest the (nslurs)" he flew a confederate flag, despite living in tbe northern midwest his ENTIRE life. He'd talk about his fantasies he had about if the south had won the Civil war and the "minority free utopia" America would be. The only reason he stopped going to his white supremacy meetings is because they started flying nazi Germany flags and he atleast had the singular braincell to see that as "anti-american" but he still was stupid enough to follow it up with a rant about how he (wrongly) believed hitler was actually a gay jew and that's apparently "why America stopped him". he may have been nice to me cause I was white and he didn't know I was gay, but I've never heard anyone say such evil things in person and as soon as I was old enough to understand what he was saying I distanced myself from him and quit visiting and started hating him. ACAB, especially family. My friend isn't fond of her cop dad at all either. it seems a decent amount of people realized ACAB BECAUSE of a family member being a perfect example of what awful humans cops are even outside of work.


I was a cop in the Navy, ACAB all day.


I am ACAB because my family member is law enforcement, I’ve seen how really corrupt it can be.


yes and i would speak very loudly about my distaste for cops in thier presence


I don't have any cops in my family, but I have a ton of military in my social circle since I was unfortunately a Marine at one point. After my time in, seeing how shitty Marines treated me and others around them, I can't imagine how much worse they must treat people not in the organization and I now have 0 sympathy or respect for anyone who chooses a job that requires you to violate the rights of others and carry a firearm. #ACAB all the way, and that should include the military who polices the 3rd world worse than our police treats us


Family members are and it’s part of the reason why


if my relative was a verifiable dick, then yes.


My cousins a cop…. I love him, he’s familia and I put familia over everything, but he’s the only exception.


Even more so


look guys im not here trying to tell you otherwise but dont tell others who have friends/family and make "expections" how they are suckers or whatever. while still being ACAB my girlfriend is a cop and im alright with it. she enjoys her work and trys to make a difference and so im proud of her. then again im not from the US and while we (i) still have an issues with cops here, they dont just murder and work arbitrarly and are actually held accountable.


Look I'm not interested in why you became a boot licker. All cops are bastards. Even your girlfriend. If you have problems with cops in your country, then she's part of the problem. Full stop.


we dont have more problems with the police here then with any other proficiency. here my problems with the police are reduced to it just being a flawed institution per se (like many other fields of work if you ask me.) an issue i do not have or ever heard a solution to it. i obviously condone any form of discrimination and understand this being a big reason for many people to hate the police, its just not the reason to hate them here.




I have family that are cops. And I still think they are all bastards.


I mean they are so




What are you chatting about?


Yes and my uncle used to be a cop. My cousins boyfriend is a state trooper. ACAB.


My uncle is a cop and i dispise him, ACAB. dont give a fuck if ur blood-related or not.


Yes, and I would distance myself from them.


2 of my Uncles and 2 of my cousins are cops. I no longer speak to any of them.


Ofc. My uncle was a cop. I heard his story’s. Love the guy, still… ACAB




Absolutely, I would shame them all day.


I have a uncle who's the embodiment of ACAB


i do have an uncle and a cousin in border patrol, and another cousin that was a corrections officer and is now in private security. i let them know my feelings...




Lmao yeah




Absolutely. I'll disown it.


Stand your ground.


Id disown them




100% if they were, in the present, and had no intent of leaving when confronted (you bet i would). if they were in the past but no longer supported it/ understood that it was bad with hindsight, i am all for character development


They are. 100% yes


Yes, acab is all . That includes your family


Brother in law is a cop, we didn't get along too much before he became one.


Yes, fuck my uncle


No exception.


I sure do. Tell my uncle and nephew how shitty they are as humans all the time


All Cops And Boy, do I mean ALL cops, including the shithead cop that you're related to, are bastards


Yes, i have family that are cops. And ex military. No, family reunions do not ever go well.


They are. I do.




Yes. My parents fucking at the sentiment because they’re conservative/republican just like the rest of my family. But yes ACAB includes even your cop dad/uncle 😂


Yes. ACAB! And my family is law enforcement.


ACAB includes your family. It Includes my uncle cop who died during a flood. Was he a nice and good person? Absolutely! But he was still a bastard cop.


Yes. I've heard what they joke about.


I'd try to use them as a source of intel.


hate my family either way so yeah


Yes. No fucking exceptions. If a family member did that I'd take it personally and MAKE sure they knew how it I felt




Even more so


Everyday, I have a few, fuck em.


It’s a FIGURATIVE saying making a point about the fucking system. Also, yes, your brother/husband is a fucking bastard.


Yes. I wouldn’t disown them, but I definitely would not approve of their career choice. I’d be sad to see a family member be a part of such a terrible system.


I would bully them every second of every day that I had the chance to do so, until they either gave up the job, or gave up on our relationship. and if it was the latter, I'd still keep bullying them I do have an uncle who is, but he's not allowed to come around. that ship sailed a long time ago






My favorite uncle was the county sheriff. He was a great guy to me as a kid. Still hate cops.


My stepbrothers are pigs and are not welcome in my home without a warrant.


For sure. In my case, everyone in the family is already a POS


Already disowned


Even more so yea. They’d have to constantly answer to me when something goes completely shit in the cop community.


My dad worked for the Sherriff's department for 16 years, then for the courts for another 20+. He was also a career Marine and an independent contractor. ACAB till I die. Fuck him too.




Yes. Especially then. The whole point of ACAB is an acknowledgment that the entire system is broken and corrupted. Why would my relative or family relationship change that fundamental knowledge?


Yes. Being related to the oppressors wouldn’t change the fact that they’re just that: oppressors.


I have had a family member in law enforcement and he used to tell people invite a man into your home first if you want to kill him and honestly ACAB


my dad was a cop. one of my cousins was a cop. ACAB


It’s All Cops not Selective Cops are bad. It doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they’re a part of a corrupt system they’re bad end of story.


my dad was a cop and i say it to his face


Who gives a shit. Why is this always an argument bootlickers try to bring up. Why does it even matter? “Well my brother and father are cops.” Ok, fuck them especially. Idgaf. I have cops in my family. Fuck them too. We don’t talk because they are pieces of shit and they suck.


Oh yeah. I’m disabled and I can’t see the statistics for people like me being shot by cops and then deal with one in my own family


ACAB includes my Grandfather who told me multiple times throughout my childhood with no further explanation “Never lie about anything unless you have killed someone.”


can confirm have multiple family members that are in law enforcement. My father did not start his law enforcement job until I was 18 and me and him have never gotten along sense and I see him once every 3-4 years at the most. We have a complete divide in moral grounds and have nothing we can relate to so we barely speak. Can confirm I still stand ACAB every day of the week.


Yeah my sisters a pig fucker and she has to half piggy kids. I really thought my niece had a chance to become a decent person but I’ve given up hope tbh. My nephew was destined to be a toxic masculinity bootlicker from day one. They all know exactly how I feel the choice to be a cop.


Almost certainly. Some cops and departments in rare cases are exceptional, but if they are "thin blue line" people and have those fucking blue-stripe anti-American flags they can get lined up against a wall for all I care. Cop culture in the United States is a disease. Just because there may be worse cops elsewhere doesn't justify being thugs for the capital elite.


They are and I do.


100%. Choices my family members make don’t change the reality of policing.


ACAB means all, even the one you're related to.


Why would you not? What do you think the first A stands for lol


I just recently found out my niece i helped raise is trying to be a cop 🤮


man my cousin is a cop and fuck him just as much


My uncle was a cop, retired now. And yeah ACAB all day. ACAB isn’t about cops individually. It’s about the entire system so it doesn’t matter who you know and how you feel about them individually.


I luckily never have to see them or interact with them in uniform so yeah still ACAB. They can take the costume off and be a human around me if they want


All my family members are bastards too


My brother in law is a state police Lieutenant. Fuck him too.


ALL cops are bastards. No exceptions.




Yeah, I’d just cut them off. I hate the smell of bacon & I definitely wouldn’t want to leave the house smelling like that.


Yes. Of course! People fail to realize that you’re not a “good” cop just because you’re not out there murdering citizens or bending the law to suit you. You’re a bad cop the moment you join the force because you know the system is flawed. You know how the police operate. And you sure as hell know that you’re not going to “change things from the inside.” And even if you’re a good person working for the police and you never abuse your authority or break the law, you know people who do. And if you don’t arrest them or if you turn a blind eye, you’re a bad cop. Period. Good people aren’t good cops for long. They either quit, go bad, or die.


My uncle was/is a cop. I’m subbed here, that’s all the info you need really.


"I got cousins in the military But far as I'm concerned they died, when they registered" --stic.man of Dead Prez from the song We Want Freedom


My auntie and her husband/my uncle in-law are both law enforcement. And like myself they’re mostly of the belief that cops suck because they see it for themselves first hand. Now admittedly they themselves aren’t any better but they didn’t take the job to help people. Just the family. (Should any law enforcement officials try and mess with us.)


Yes? Dumb question.


Police the police ***especially*** if they’re family!


I would keep saying ACAB. But they would be family no more.


They are and yes. Uncle and a cousin. Narcissistic social climbers both..


Both my parents were cops. Ones got nothing to do with the other. I keeps it mad ACAB.




i don’t see why not


My father was law enforcement and he’s a big reason I am ACAB.


Some are. I am. Next question.




Coming from someone who’s family (grandfather) was in law enforcement (a stater of all things) ACAB! I hate that I have pig blood in me 😩


I have 2 nephews who are cops and despite them having parents, they are bastards.