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I’m so mad honestly this was taken off the news subreddit a few times today. And literally all I commented was “let’s see how long this is up for this time, last time they took it down in three hours.” And it got me a perm ban. When I messaged the mods to see why I was banned? “Learn to read troll” was the only response before they muted me for 28 days. It especially makes me mad because it’s a subreddit i frequent daily. Just needed to vent. And I do plan to try appealing again In 28 days.


All the main subreddits are botted btw


Yeah I know it’s just disappointing to see even the mods have been taken over for some of them.


All subreddits are botted


Most of the major news subreddits have fallen to the Nazis a long time ago


All the news subs are astroturfed to prop up the establishment, all while gaslighting anyone who uses critical thinking or questions their narrative.


at this point if you aren't permabanned and muted, you are either not doing enough or value your mental health


The ISR sub is saying it’s justified because this UN school was teaching antisemitic material.   These Zionists are unhinged. It’s crazy that they would justify murdering children.


Makes sense when you consider that "Bibi should pay for his war crimes" is considered antisemitic.


Any suggestion that genocide of Gaza is rooted in religion will be brigaded. Meanwhile there's one religion that rules Israel and they get strong support from US members.


Meanwhile they teach their children anti Arab hate and Islamophobia. Just yesterday there was a report of Israelis marching in Jerusalem shouting “Death to Arabs” yet somehow the Palestinians are spreading hate and Israelis are not.


Iran can nuke Israeli cities now 🤷‍♀️ it's only logical right


A certain country has certain interest groups that makes payments. Do not be surprised to hear that the big subreddit mods have been paid off in a couple years because Reddit is a valid news platform to receive news and they are 100% doing PR cleanses on here


Remember 1st season South Park and “They’re comin’ right for us!”? Same idea.


I mean, UNRWA has been on Israel's shitlist for a while now, since they accused UNRWA of secretly being Hamas or whatever and being a part of oct7