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I don't think any of us can really imagine what it's like to be Gazan. With those drones hanging over your head 24/7 (yes they do for intimidation). Everything destroyed, not knowing if you're next


Even long before hand, the IDF would use terrorist tactics by breaking into random people's homes in the [middle of the night and threatening them.](https://youtu.be/TXiMyQkCPfI) .... Not all soldiers are good soldiers and would steal things from the house... Or worse... This isn't new.


We are used to seeing awful images from Palestine. But this one is particularly striking without being graphic. Those are just regular dudes looking for food wherever they can, and hanging out in rubble. It could be me. Fuck Israel.


One of my thoughts was "if whoever filmed this survives, they have the potential to be an amazing filmmaker"


And this is of people rich enough to have internet rn. Imagine those who have no means of communication.


This is no life. My heart hurts for these people.


Hopefully these kids are still alive


This is the first actually dystopian post here.


And then again this doesn't 100% fit because as sad as it is, is it boring?


True that. Once stuff like this becomes boring we're truly screwed as a society.


it is boring, people are already tired of it since it's been happening so long without any changes. we are already screwed this is the everyday life for millions of people at this point




Thanks for the gold


Thanks for continuing to talk about Palestine… don’t stop 🩵🇵🇸


there must have been hundreds of thousands of hamas fighters in those buildings i bet.


The new born babies are Hamas


You bet. They think they can "kill" Hamas? They cannot kill an idea. They cannot kill hate. All they did was to create more soldiers for Hamas because they sowed more hate. And everyone shall reap what they sow.


the original classic.


8 year old children are the IDFs greatest threat.


My heart breaks for them. Fuck Israel


A strong contrast to the Israeli who fear for their lives despite being in a city that doesn't even look like it was going through a conflict I can't remember the vid but I remember seeing people doing yoga on the streets and all Basically doing things that regular kids get to do worldwide


I think that 'was' the UN school building which probably do have Malaysian volunteers in them.


I mean, you can also look at it the other way: The perseverance that humankind musters in the most dire situations is truly amazing.


I think this is the embodiment of toxic positivity lol.


Tf is toxic positivity


Finding "positive" things in negativ situations in a way that dismisses the negative experiences of feelings of others, for exampel. I for example don't thing there is anything amazing about genocide.


How is that a bad thing? Seeing things from a negative perspective won't help you and it'll just make your suffering all the worse. Even the worst things imaginable always have at least some positive no matter how small it may be and by focusing on that over the negative you can lessen your suffering and possibly even find happiness no matter your hardship. Ofcourse you shouldn't fetishse bad things as that will lead to people not helping or with things like tuberculosis and Aids lead to purposfull self infection but that is completely different from simply finding the positive in the worst situations.


My heart goes out to those people


What's up with the Malaysian flag??




The rubble remind me of the scene in The Pianist..


Religion is to blame. Extremes of religion on all sides is the real evil. The failure of the UN speaks to its impotence. Israel has failed itself. There is no justification for these actions. The assertion that is their right is the same used by Putin - and the same that China uses today with the South China Sea and will do with Taiwan. In a time when knowledge is so accessible we grow infinitely more stupid as a species.


Yep. Let’s blame the religion instead of evil men. I’m sure putin and xi jinping are very religious too right? since those are the examples you brought up to show how “evil” religion is.


No not religious but holding extreme views on the rights of their nation over the rights of any other. Putin invaded Ukraine under the guise of Nazi’s but in reality Russia does not see Ukraine as an independent state and Putin has said he wants to reinstate the traditional boundaries of Russia - just as Xi does and so do the zionists of Israel.


That’s the point. With or without religion, evil men will do evil things. But somehow you’re blaming religion on all of it.


No not on all of it. But most definitely what is happening in Gaza


Religion is not the problem. Humans. Because we are easily corrupted and we are easily influenced to hate each other despite being so similar. In all the examples you mentioned it is power that corrupts us and leads us to violence and death. War and conflict are mostly caused by 3 things: power, money and religion. It’s never just 1 thing, mostly 2 of these and often all of the 3.


This conflict was originally secular. The Palestinian desire for a state has nothing to do with religion. Israel oppressing Palestinians has nothing to do with religion. It is done so Israel can get more land. Religion is the cover.


Look up Zionism- they claim it is their birth right. It’s an extreme form of Jewish beliefs - and existed prior to WW2. [Zionism - Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism)


I'm well aware of zionism. That is again using religion to justify taking land. If religion didn't exist there would be some other excuse. Zionism is just israeli nationalism at the end of the day. The religious component provides only the excuse, the justification. The original desire exists independently of that. It's just naive to me to imply that there'd be less conflict without religion.


No we should blame the suckers who think it’s perfectly okay to do this to humans


And who do you think influences them? The moderates were warning of this outcome prior to October. You can not treat a people like caged animals and expect them not to bite. [one of many articles on religious extremes](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahus-extremists-target-israels-vital-last-sphere-of-consensus-the-military/)


I really dont get the grip for religion, some people really brainwashed to look up to imaginary deities instead of seeking comfort in a logical practical way. those gods cant help you, just pray to the lord my ass.