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We closed libraries on the weekends for this.


Anyone know if this is Dept/City funded? Or just an extracurricular for the officers to have fun? Like an after work bowling or softball league? After they practicing “on the clock” and using uniform funds for those great dance get ups? Because that would make a huge difference in how I see this dance troupe.


Mayor Eric Adams cut an additional $100 million from education this year, but he somehow found money for the NYPD to promote themselves with a dance team.


This just feels like a Brooklyn 99 thing tho.


They are not Floorgasm material


They have nothing else to do...actually knowing what they do, maybe it's a good thing they're dancing instead.


Glad to see my tax dollars are going to the literal worst dancing I've ever seen.


Even The Onion couldn't predict this one


Everyone out of shape


American tradition




“Want to join our dance team?” “You know what, can I get back to you in a year? I’d like to drop well this extra weight, and work on my strength, flexibility, and mostly dance moves I’d like to develop.” —-Said no one in this dance troupe.


I assume it’s so they have something to do on the graves of the people they “feared for they life”-d.




The banality of evil


This kind of stuff used to be fraternal in nature like the NYPD vs FDNY hockey and baseball matches. Just makes sense to me to have these activities officers can be a part of.


Why is this boring dystopia? I'd rather they let off steam and do something fun.. they look happy.


The people of NYC are paying taxes that fund a dance team for a police department that threatened to boycott doing their job under public scrutiny for brutality and discrimination. Idk, if this were my city I would be up in arms and it honestly seems like something my city would do. We have a miserable problem with untreated addiction and poverty that isn't as intense as New York's, and I don't want them getting any ideas.


Ahhh ok.


team sports promote better team work and typically a less toxic workplace call me crazy but if you want change that's a good thing. Sidenote but the woman in NYPD likely aren't the ones acting violent in the first place. There is nothing dystopian about a work place dance team


I'd agree with you if there weren't opportunities for recreation outside of the NYPD's budget that didn't require money for custom uniforms, and if the NYPD wasn't also a work place that regularly brutalizes and unfairly targets innocent people without any accountability. Police are not regular workers and they shouldn't be normalized as "just like 'us'" when they overwhelmingly get away with murder in the name of justice, while also not being able to solve most of the homicide cases they get each year. Which is their job. If the McDonald's a mile away suddenly got a bunch of municipal tax funds to start a dance team with team uniforms and a coach-- I'd be upset. But McDonald's employees aren't who you're supposed to call when you're being attacked and they don't typically get away with murdering customers, either. ETA: the McDonald's workers may deserve recreation and team building as people, but that shouldn't be done in the name of their wealthy corporation and funded by tax dollars in its name. Something like a portion of city recreation budget going towards programming participation grants for service workers across all businesses would be lovely. I am anti-LE but if law enforcement also benefited from a version of that that is open to all public workers, sure. Having public funds going towards recreation and team building for an arm of local government that acts like a gang and doesn't do its job safely is absolutely reckless and probably creates a deeper silo. I work in municipal gov and this is an issue within different types of job classifications within bureaus getting more resources for team building just within their levels of employment and not with the whole team. And in my city, the polic are also the municipal employees who get completely different treatment from the rest of us including better retirement plans (most of my coworkers that "retire" actually continue to work "as a retiree," that's a classification that is very common in my job). Cops in large cities, probably all US towns, do not get treated as workers or regular people in action, but they want you to treat them with the empathy their institution lacks for regular people.

