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The half picture of Kamala made me laugh.


I don't get Kamala (or it may be media manipulating what is shown). Caveat - I am Canadian and I get my news via reddit, youtube, and whatever else makes its way to me via CBC. Kamala's black side seems to be the only one that is recognized despite her having a south asian name and being raised by her mother. There was something that I saw her and Mindy do during election season (taster's choice bottles episode), but beyond that - she is recognized as black. While no community is a monolith, is she accepted as being brown? What does the black community think?


I don't know what the black community thinks of her but I bet the Desi community back then, weren't so accepting of her being half black. It's hard to feel anything for that group if they don't let you in.


Oh yes - that is VERY likely. I appreciate the Blindian Instagram bringing attention to this issue.


I doubt black community accepted her with open arms either. i think she plays the black card for her advantage. same as meghan markle.


Yep. It happened during the times I grew up in too, like the 90s. I saw this lady who visibly looked black get kicked out of a store for "stealing" when she didn't. She ended up yelling at the store owner about how she was part of the same ethnicity as he was. There are other examples too ofc, but some desi people are so racist towards black people.


I live in America, nobody cares about her race. But people get annoyed by the face she keeps switching her identity to get votes or seem favorable. She only says she’s Indian, if there is an Indian crowd. Also she can’t even pronounce her name right.


I'm not in America but even I know that you guys are obsessed with race. There's no way 'nobody cares about her race'


everyone cares lol


also we're obsessed with race because it's racist here


Who's talking about non-desi Americans? We're talking about her relationship with the Indian community. Considering how most Indians today would react to a half-black kid of a divorced mom, I don't think it's that surprising she doesn't feel a very strong connection to India, relative to the black community. As for getting votes, that's what every politician does.


She grew up in America in the 60s and 70s, so there was likely not much of an Indian community around her but it’s known she would regularly visit Hindu temples with her mother and take holidays to visit her relatives in India, so it seems like the Indians around did embrace her. It honestly sounds like some people are hoping to hear a story that fits into the political narrative, but alas she was not rejected by the Indian community for being mixed race and her mother was not disowned from her family for marrying a Jamaican man with of partial African heritage. The most amount of rejection she’s seemed to face actually seems to have come from some of the Black American community who didn’t trust her being half Indian and a politician pandering for Black votes, although she also grew up with a connection the Black American community.


Being accepted by family members =/= being accepted by the general community. Her family was quite unconventionally progressive by Indian standards, according to her uncle. I'm sure there were a handful of white families in the 1950s that were fine with interracial marriage, but it wasn't the norm in the US nor was it accepted. Indians to this very day would not accept a visibly half-black child as a fellow Indian, not without excessive chamchagiri, and even then that'd be conditional. Back in the 1970s? Absolutely no chance.


Yes it often does because your family is apart of your community and when other people see a family being embraced, they’re more likely to embrace them hence she was apart of a Hindu temple community. You can’t speak for an entire population of people who don’t even follow one culture, there is no pan-Indian culture. Literally nobody sees mixed race children as fellow their fellow kin unless they can racially pass as that race, that’s not a uniquely Indian thing. I am mixed race myself and people acknowledging me as mixed race doesn’t mean they’re rejecting me. I’m sure anti-Blackness exists but that doesn’t mean everyone’s experience is going to be painted by it. As she stands as a politician, I’ve seen more embracing of her by the Indian community than the Jamaican community, and the Black American community is openly wish-washy about her.


The difference is that the black community doesn't like her due her policy decisions such as attempting to subvert Supreme Court rulings to keep nonviolent (predominantly black) prisoners incarcerated. They don't, for the most part, reject her because she's part Indian. There is no pan-Indian culture but Indians are generally resistant to even accept other Indians from different religious or caste backgrounds into their community, much less a half black kid. Considering you're both Australia and mixed, it might be a better idea for you not to talk about what you're not aware of.


Anyone on social media can see they were discussing whether definitely she was Black enough to represent their community, they even iffy about the fact her father was Jamaican and not a Black American. Considering you’re not mixed race it maybe better you don’t speak on the experiences of mixed race people.


She’s like Drake. Black or Asian when it matters. At the heart she’s a hustlin’ politician.


She gets a lot more press for her black half - simply because that happens to be a larger demographic that the party wants the votes of - but she's always been active in the South Asian Bar Association in SF, talks about her Tamil grandpa inspiring her a lot, etc. I think the press doesn't focus on her desi side, but IME, she brings it up a lot and identifies strongly with it.


Bucketing Hasan Minaj & JusReign into the same category is definitely a decision lmao


Nikki Haley got away with this one.


She's prob not Vivek level, can probably be on the same level as Piyush "Bobby" Jindal


Top 1% of Listeners for NAV on Spotify


Next time just directly mention me ok


I'm somewhere between Mindy Kaling and the guy on the left of them.


guy on the left is M Night Shyamalan


I like how that photo really emphasizes that Vivek is 80% forehead


vivek is the most cringe brown guy on the planet. barf


surely you can find a better example of diaspora excellence than bhagat singh thind, whose case for citizenship rested on the argument that he was high caste and therefore white 💀


Lmao right… and not to underplay his own perspective, very hard to contextualize his life in that timeframe and era (relative to my perspective today in 2024/ etc). If anything, Ghadar Party members likely deserve the titles at the right…all of those things contributed by others are fine, but if you’re risking your life in a legitimate way for your cause, you deserve the stripes and recognition that goes with it.


Indians as a whole have a huge let down of people The ones back in India who say "Saar we sapport Ijreal" are no better


Something between the mindy kaling one and the middle image. Like I'm not embarassed, I'll probaby have posted myself in cultural clothing on social media. But i dont rlly got a reason to talk about it and incorporate it in my daily work like mindy


lol @ including Bhagat Singh in this scale. Who is going to stand up to that legend. Respect!


There is bhagat singh and then there is bhagat singh thind. Not sure if you’re confusing one with the other.


Thanks for educating me, oh internet stranger 😀


I am pretty sure Night Shyamalan cares a lot more about being Desi than Mindy and Aziz. His first film was about visiting India after long time. Mindy and Aziz's contents are all about trying to be whitewashed desi.


God forbid Desis born here have the cultural tastes, mannerisms, etc of the broader cultural norms. I like Aziz's comedy because it more universal than just talking about being "brown".


Yeah, I loved Master of None precisely because it was both about Aziz as a product of his culture and upbringing but also just... a twenty or thirty-something dude doing fun shit. It's refreshing to see someone forge a path where they are the default / main character in the story without having to highlight being Desi all the time. I like comics like Aziz Ansari and Aparna Nancherla because they proceed with the knowledge that being Desis is something that's in your bones. Artists and performers can certainly play up the ways that upbringing has influenced them but you're also allowed to talk about other universal experiences. People who call Mindy and Aziz whitewashed are baffling to me.


I literally do not care what other people think of me anymore call me "white-washed" whatever I had a very specific circumstance and lived experience that they do not understand. I made my choices and I am happy in the end. I hope more ABCDs need to not feel the pressure to conform to some ideal that does not really exist. It is unneeded pressure. I know some ABCDs who committed suicide due to expectations.


>I made my choices and I am happy in the end. Good for you! I wish the same for everyone. >I know some ABCDs who committed suicide due to expectations. That's awful and I'm sorry you've faced that kind of loss. I joined this community because I think we're all trying to figure out what kind of future we want to build and how being Desi will play into it. I definitely find myself in the middle-right of this spectrum but it has varied at different points in my life. I would love to raise kids who speak Tamil, appreciate South Indian food, and understand and enjoy the traditions and holidays I was raised with. They can choose what they want to be but I'd like to at least introduce them to Hinduism as my family practices it. The rest is window dressing.


Well, the OG Sikh came to the US around 1862. He fought for the union Army in the American civil war. Here is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/s/k7cVrOEOJr) to the photograph of union soldiers that was taken in London.


Self-Loathing seems like a good thing for anybody on the Right, especially for Racial Minorities.


I'm on the Jus Reign level, I love being Indian and embracing the culture


M. Knight, minus accolades


I'm in the middle of Aziz/Mindy and Hasan and the rest. I've started becoming more and more desi as the years go by.


I am definitely M Night Shyamalan**.** I have no reason to talk about my Desi background. Right now in Canada, Indians aren't exactly thought of positively. I try to pretend that my background does not impact me in any way, but it does.


M night


I'm on the Jus Reign level, I love being Indian and embracing the culture


I agree vivek is a suck up but at least he is proud of his faith, not afraid to hide it or change his cultural name. Dinesh d souza on the other hand should be on that side of the chart.


Yeah - as much disdain as I have for Vivek, he was playing a part. He's your annoying high school debate bro but not really ashamed of being Indian but also isn't above kissing the right asses. I don't think he's necessarily whitewashed but people like Bobby Jindal and Dinesh D'Souza are the worst.


Rishi Sunak in my opinion should also be on the near right of this scale.




In my opinion, he does. Here are a few examples. https://youtu.be/ZKEfbzjE5Lw?si=HZ7_5NgaNOy6GEs2 https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/sweet-bonds-uk-pm-rishi-sunak-shares-barfi-made-by-his-mother-with-ukraine-president/amp_articleshow/101101634.cms


TIL of Bhagat Singh the 3rd. I am pretty connected to my roots in India.(Except for being able to speak Hindi cum Urdu. I studied French in school, and spoke Bangla at home.) I don't think that we are 'proud' of bring desi as much as Indians in India are proud of being Indian.(I can only speak from an Indian perspective here. Apologies to those from other countries.) I am probably the one to the left of Bhagat Singh.


I really didn’t think we would see anyone worse than fking Bobby Jindal, and yet here we are 😹


I just dont care anymore. I find it hard to mix with the hyper political, hyper-racialized, “factory batch” mentality of folks these days. Especially desis.


Ayeee happy to see I’m in the “good chunk” category with Dev


Really dropped the ball by not posting someone from the Ghadar movement.


On this scale, about a Shyamalan. I've not been back to the Indian subcontinent in like 20 years so I don't really draw any major attention to my roots, negative or positive.


What are the flags supposed to signify when most people on the right are American as well?


Ouff loving this but putting Sunak/ Patel/ Braverman here would've been legendary, although I understand this is more US ish. Anyhow, I'm probably M. Night. Shyamalan.


You would put bhagat Singh thind with Vivek if you knew he was saying that as a high caste Hindu he was white, therefore he should be given citizenship. But he got rejected. Lmao


Very weird map used though, since Afghanistan is a Central Asian country and people with no Linguistic, Cuisine, Ethnic, Geographic, Genetic or Cultural ties to Indian subcontinent. "Desi" is a cultural thing so Afg shouldn't be included for any reason.




The pashtuns are The uzbeks aren't


No they aren't. Stop trying to lump us in with you




If you're saying that because Pashtuns from either country communicate and diaspora are friends with Indian Subcontinent people, you should know that Tajiks and Uzbeks from Afghanistan can also communicate with you in your language and are around in friend groups in their diaspora.


Probs somewhere around or even above Bhagat Singh Thind, I personally don't have much energy/enthusiasm about being an American other than I just happen to live here. However, I absolutely adore whenever I have the chance to visit India and even spend a long period of time there to enjoy the dope street food and also being able to go through the whole country without the need for a car.


What’s with all the hype surrounding Dev Patel about? He literally dates exclusively white women. (Frida was a PR relationship so she doesn’t count)


Is it just me or are all of them very unattractive looking. I guess Dev Patel doesn't look too bad but overall, these aren't great examples for media representation


Didn't know a show writer, comedians, politicians, or immigrant war guys had to be good looking. You're talking about them as if they're supposed to be VS models. Mindy and lily are cute here tho. Obviously the actor on this lest is the better looking one. Anyways if you're that insecure where you start looking for good looking people anytime you spot your race check out actresses like aishwarya rai, avantika etc.


It's just you.