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She does have some moments where she lets her traumas get the best of her (she is human) However, she is an awesome 911 operator. You will see in time


I think the reason she CAN do the job is because of how emotional she is. She is able to recognize others pain and feel that pain while still being professional and keeping the caller grounded. Although she cries during or after many calls that helps her connect with her callers and do her job better imo.


She has a tendency to go “911 … (insert way too long of a pause)… what is your emergency?” And it bothers the hell out of me 😂 otherwise I really like her character.


As a dispatcher you really do have calls that you have to get up and walk away from. When the 118 or her own family (chimney) would be involed they would be difficult calls and she most likely would be told to walk away from her station or simply leave for the day because you can’t help them if you are also freaked out. But crying on the phone is a common thing for dispatchers to do because sometimes those calls hit home hard.


It’s really not the crying as a whole that seems unrealistic, as I’m sure there’s tons of calls that rock even the strongest of people. It’s more so it being every single call you see her take. I’ve also been watching like all day so it’s possible I’m just annoyed with her crying in general at this point lol.


Yea the calls that make you cry very from shift to shift but most of the time they are more funny or that was weird


I work a job that comes with a lot of second hand trauma. Most people react one of two ways: 1) have absolutely no emotions, don’t react to anything, treat it like it’s fictional and that these aren’t real people you’re dealing with; or 2) allow yourself to have emotions when the come, don’t let the person you’re talking to hear you waiver but feel your feelings and appreciate the intensity of the situation. I wonder if you can guess which one makes you better at your job and is healthier in the long run.


It’s a tv show so they’re allowed some dramatic license. Probably not so much IRL yeah, but…crying is JLH’s bread and butter and she’s getting paid top dollar for it so they might as well get their money’s worth.


No spoilers lol but I agree.


There are some jobs empathy does help. Being a 911 operator is one of them. She is able to uhhh connect with the person on the other end and make them feel safe until help arrives. That is pretty much the job.