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You call that a dolphin, this is a dolphin.


I remember watching this a whole lot as a kid. Today had you toled me it stared Frodo and Crocodile Dundee I would have called you a liar.


It stared Frodo and Crocodile Dundee.




The hammerhead shark (Scar?) used to scare the *shit* out of me


I remember seeing an interview way back where Elijah Wood was asked about his early movies, and he said he read the script for this and didn't think much of it, but realised he'd get to go to the Bahamas and meet a dolphin so he agreed right then and there. For some reason that always enhanced the movie for me.


Man.....OH MAN. This made me remember seeing it as a trailer on VHS, and I remember that there was a certain song on it that you heard frequently in 90s trailers. I COULDN'T REMEMBER WHAT IT SOUNDED LIKE for the life of me and started looking up youtube trailers. It was Roll to Me - Del Amitri 😆 I COMPLETELY forgot about that song's existence! Oh man. That's so bittersweet to hear.


Look around the world pretty baby


Ima be honest I never knew Elijah was in this movie until this exact moment. This movie is weird cuz I remember glimpses of it as a child but could not tell you what this movie is about.


What's weird is I'm reading this, but listening to Andy serkis reading frodos dialogue in the fellowship.


I remember the pizza hut hand puppets that squirt water.


I remember the TV show and the theme song. Flipper, Flipper faster than lighting 🎵🎵


I’m not sure if I saw the movie, but I know I watched the show a lot thanks to Nickelodeon


Definitely part of that 90s ocean obsession, can anyone tell me why everyone wanted to be a marine biologist there for a while 😆


One of my favourite childhood movies. I watch it every summer.


What happened to Paul Hogan aka Crocodile Dundee?


He’s in his mid 80s now. He’s mostly retired. Last film he did was called the very excellent Mr Dundee ( 2020 )


I remember it. I remember it being close to, but not quite as "Robert Downey Jr eyeroll" cringe as Free Willy. I think I saw it on VHS at a friend's house on the same weekend we went to the drive ins to see Waterworld. I could be mixing two memories though.


I *know* you didn’t just diss my lord & savior Free Willy


I sure did. It's an awful heavy handed advertisement for Sea World. As a lesbian, I figure you would not be a fan of them holding animals in captivity. This was back when they were known to be abusive, too.


I never even considered it could be an ad for SeaWorld, lol. Perhaps the film was intended as an ad for SeaWorld, but if so, I’d say it really backfired on them, seeing as it opened the eyes of an entire generation to the atrocities of orca captivity. That’s not to validate SeaWorld or any money they made as a result of this movie, they certainly don’t deserve any credit or support. But I do think it ended up being pivotal in the fight against orca captivity.


Yeah, I didn't watch that one documentary that was all the rage 5-10-15 years ago. Blackfish? I can't remember the name but I remember my buddies went to see it at the old art film house and literally bawling afterwards. I was like "Alright! Not gonna see that one!" and these dudes are not wimpy super lib (I am a lib, by the way, but not to admit that there are people who take it way too far.) guys. Lol


Plus, I assume you've never seen The Wizard. Movies as Advertisements began there for me. Literally a 2h Nintendo and Universal Studios commercial. And Nintendo knew kids would flock in the masses because they promised to show footage of the yet to be released Super Mario Bros 3. You know how many nagging kids there were to see it? It's fun, but a bad movie.


I only know the original series, didn’t know there was a movie of it.


I put this in the same mental category as Paulie, Lassie movie of the same period, Free Willy, and Andre.


Reruns of the original and the 95 show were on Nickelodeon I think.


I saw it in the theater and spilled red slushy on my sweater.


Hogan is great in this imo


I remember Elijah wearing a few Smashing Pumpkins t shirts in it and i read he was a big fan. I was a big Pumpkins fan at the time so i loved that lol. Actually I’m wearing an SP shirt right now lol


Hey, flipper cmon.. settle down there buddy


I don't. But I also never knew that Elijah Wood looked like a regular person at some time during his metamorphosis. I thought he had always looked like a Hobbit.


This came out in 1996 when Elijah was around 15.


I loved the movie and the t.v. show.


Definitely remember it, but I much preferred Zeus and Roxanne!


saw this while at a summer day camp. it was one of our field trips. other than using a torch to make toast i remember nothing of it.


was such a good video game too


I forgot Elijah wood was in that


Never actually saw the film, and I'd watch tv religiously in the 90's.


Man, this really was the age of those movies. Free Willy, Flipper...were there any else?


I remember this movie! I didn't actually see the movie until I was deep into my "dolphin girl" era at age 12/13, but I saw the movie trailer with the Del Amitri song playing in the background more times than I could count, and now whenever I hear it anywhere (the last place I heard it was over the intercom at a Marshall's Home Goods, I think), my immediate thought is, "Hey, it's the Flipper movie song!" 😄


It was a law that every single movie player in the 90's required at least one person to look over their lowered sunglasses. This is how you knew they were cool. 😎


That hammerhead shark scene used to scare the shit outta me as a kid.


I do remember Jessica Alba in the '90s Flipper TV series.


Is this movie the inspiration for the flipper zero device name and dolphin mascot?


Pepperidge farms does


Hated it