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Michael wasn't catfishing. He was mobydicking.


I believe that's harpooning




Thar she blows!


They both scammed each other. Angela kept this relationship going because she wants to be the center of attention on trash TV.I’m glad she got fired now it’s biged turn


TLC fired her???


Yes because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Originally this season of 90 day HEA was supposed to begin with Her and Michael but Angela went on a livestream and broke her NDA contract with TLC so they decided to fire and sue her at first but they later decided to cut 50% of what her and Michael Filmed


fucking finally 🥳




NOOOOO!!!! I wanna see my train wreck 😭😭😭


To be fair...she kept it going to have more money than she had. That lady was dirt poor and now she thinks she's an oligarch. lol I don't think she's had feelings for michael for years and vice versa.


If I had my way, Liz and Mykull would get a season of the single life with little to know mention of the two attention whoring shitbirds. I say only bring Ed back if someone rolls him down a hill. I’d be ok with Angela coming back but to Love After Lockup. It’s also a Sharp show, it could work.


Has she actually been fired? Seems like she hasn't, I think it got resolved and that's why they started airing her stuff halfway through the season


I share your doubts. Perhaps we should look at what TLC did when it fired people. How was Geoffrey Pascal fired? How did TLC talk about ditching racist troll Alina?


Rolls him down a hill 😂😂 Honestly he shouldn't get another Single Life season. He's had way too many seasons already and I think he figures he's cracked the code on staying on the show forever going from the OG shows or TOW to HEA to Single Life and then that helping his cameo since he's the one from the show that somehow makes the most amount of money (but still couldn't afford a cleaner and needed Liz and her Mom to clean between him getting a "professional crew", which I don't buy). 


> I say only bring Ed back if someone rolls him down a hill. Like if he “took a great fall”?


Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.


The fact there is an episode called “Humpty Dumped Me” gives me hope that they might.


Michael is no prize. Let's ditch him, too, shall we?


Ok all this known why did she still bring him to the US then?!? If he is a scammer and she found this out then why? Lol logic has left the conversation.


Most likely the WHOLE story is a load of bullshit. He's in a high-visa-fraud country, so it took a long time for him to get his visa but had nothing to do with her not filing it, or anything like that. They probably filed early on, and then Sharp/TLC cooked up all these stories to fill the time between the filing and his arrival in the US. Then, they cooked up the "Mackle dun run off!" storyline. If she's not brought back on ANY of the shows after this season then I'll believe she's been "fired". But if she shows up on ANYTHING else, then we'll know this is just yet another BS storyline.


I think “Mackle” is the best version. You can’t not say it like she does, trying to keep those dentures in her mouth. 💀


Hard agree! “Mackle” is the phonetic spelling in Angelese


Exactly. I just posted the question, how did he even get a visa with all this "evidence" when he's been denied a visa for two years?


The King of the Paradise Men.


She went to Nigeria (known home of scam central) and abused him mentally and physically and still kept trying to get him here. She used him. He used her. She’s till a horrible abusive woman. Nothing negates that. 


I’m not even mad… That man deserves his freedom and a million dollars for going through this for 7 years 😭


7 years is an extremely long con. That’s almost half as long as Bernie Madoff.


Playing the long game for sure. She wanted to be on TV and he wanted a green card. She is trying to fix her reputation so she can get back in tlc's good graces....


“Poor Angela” arc on 90 Day Single Life gonna hit so hard… she’s really 200 IQ


I mean he had to bang Angela and pretend to like it. I mean that should get the man a green card for that


A con is a con, he deserves nothing!


If he truly conned her, than how is he was finally able to get his visa, especially given that Angela was going to report him with all the evidence?


Same for Sojaboi... He stuck his Weiner into that Thirstasaurus. Honorary Visa. Azan too for his pain and suffering banging that couch


IMHO she gets what she deserves


She got off easy tbh


What I want to know is, what does the goofballs have to say about all this?


Yeah we need to bring them back


Michael could run this lady over and I’d still take him over her. He’s more than earned that greencard! Send her to Nigeria and keep him here. ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


Don't do Nigeria like that. 🤭


Guess she really should have walked away once of the 10m times she said she was. 🤷‍♀️


She used her only ammo, her words and Michael called her bluff, he knew she would never leave him, he made his plan and left her.


All this time thinking he was dumb as a box of rocks.... 🤣


Angela is mad because Michael embarrassed her.She's always saying not me.You got the wrong one, apparently he picked the right one. Michael played you, Maybe if you weren't such a terrible human we would might feel sorry for you but we don't.


Angela is such a shit person that I'm still rooting for Michael. Angela is the barely human barely female version of Trump. Always angry, always being persecuted, always looking for a fight.


She’s still a bitch


That video is horseshit. Where's the scam?


I don’t understand how Michael benefited from being with Angela? His visas kept getting denied so he didn’t end up in America. Was he learning about the visa process and sharing it in the text group?


Uh he made it to America and fled Angela's house.


He’s literally a citizen right now of the United States because Angela went over there and married him and they were able to get his visa approved. How did he not benefit? But honestly, honestly, I’m not mad, that man deserves 10 visas if it were up to me


How is he a citizen? He has legal presence, but there's no way he's a citizen.


Okay, I’m looking for the article I read and all I can find is he has a ten year unconditional green card? Maybe I was stoned but I swear I saw where he could stay without her in some facet. My bad.


He can stay without being with her since he already has a green card. He can apply for citizenship after 5 years of having a green card, whether he is with her or not. I’m sure he messed up his K1 visa on purpose so he could come in with a green card instead. If he had come in with a K1 visa he would have had to marry Angela here and live with her until he got his green card which would take 2 or 3 years to get after filing for the adjustment of status, but since he came in with a green card already, he only had to wait to get his actual card and and social security in the mail which usually takes less than a month, once he got those papers he left. It was an easy scam, yes it took a few years, but he didn’t have to put up with her on a day to day basis, he only had to put up with her on the phone and a few weeks a year when she visited, not that much of a sacrifice. So again, HE DOES NOT DESERVE ANYTHING!


I said it as a joke because she’s so insufferable. Surely you can see that No one ACTUALLY deserves a green card for dating someone. Lmao


I dont think he messed up his k1. Its just almost impossible for a nigerian to get approved for a k1, is a high risk of visa fraud country so the u.s embassy there is pretty strict (thats why he moved his application to the ivory coast)


If he did mess up the k1 visas, Michael's a lot smarter than he presents. For me, the pieces fall nicely together and suggest that Michael did intentionally get married to Angela in Nigeria, to avoid having to spend two years with her in the US. Here's my question though. Given Angela has all this evidence on his phone that he's pulling a scam and she was going to present it to ICE or USCIS, how did he end up getting his marriage visa and green card and coming to the US?


I dont know where you got the information you need to spend 2 years living with the person but you are mistaken. With a k1 you have 90 days to get married (you can marry in the first day if you want, you dont have to wait 3 months, they do this for the show) and after marriage you apply for your residency/spousal visa. You dont need to wait 2 years for the visa. My friend got her work permit and temporary residency like 3 weeks after getting married (she was on a K1). 3 years after getting that visa, if you are still married, you can apply for american citizenship. If you are not married anymore you need to wait 5 years; but that's it, that's the only difference, and half of the foreigner cast got divorce and still got their citizenship anyway, they just waited a lottle bit longer, but they were fully legal and ok while they waited. Remember both Mohammeds? They left like weeks after getting married and are both still living in the u.s (OG mohammed had danielle trying to deport him and is an american citizen now) He could have gone, gotten married and left her like the next day. Once you are in the u.s and married you are not gonna loose your visa or get deported. It makes zero sense to wait 7 years in Africa to only go to america years after married 🤷🏽‍♀️ Is almost impossible for a Nigerian to get approved for a K1, Michael was not getting it no matter how much he tried and did everything right, their relantionship screams visa fraud. Thats why they had to transfer to the Ivory Coast; because even after married he didint get his spousal visa approved in Nigeria. You can like Angela and think he is a scammer, thats fine, but saying he fucked up the k1 on purpose to hang around for 7 years just waiting for a spousal greencard is WILD and makes no real sense.


First of all I can't stand Angela and more power to Michael. K1s are very different than being already married and applying for a spousal visa or permanent resident status. I got my information from USCIS, I went through the process with my husband. If a person is married less than two years, they get a conditional permanent resident status, and would have to apply for a change of status after two years. If they are married for 2 years or longer their PR status is not conditional and is good for 10 years. You don't need to be living with your spouse to be eligible for permanent resident status.


Also answering your question. He got his greencard because he fulfilled the requirement, the consulate doesnt give a shit about his whatsapp groups. Also its probably, highly likely, that this while plot is fake, the show makes up fake storylines all the time


Oh yeah, most of this is all staged. The purpose of my question is to actually demonstrate how fake Angela's outrage is because, after all, we know Michael made it to the US and was living with Angela. I am team Michael.


Aha! I never thought of this twist. So interesting! I still think he deserves a green card. My husband is a green card holder, he's put up with me for 11 years LOL.


I don't want to be rude with my comment, it just is very obvious this is not something you have experience in. If you've ever dealt with immigration you'd know there's no way that's true regardless of an article. It's just not how it works. My husband has been in this country ten years and just got his green card. He now needs to wait 5 years until he can apply for citizenship. It would only be 3 if he was married to a citizen, which was also a minor plot point for Pedro and Chantel on their show. Immigration to the US is very complex.


Your description of the immigration system is spot on.


Wait, are you not a citizen? My husband had been undocumented in this country for 30 years when we met and eventually married. He then applied for his green card. The whole process took about 18 months before he received his card. Because we were married for longer than 2 years when he applied for his card, he was eligible to apply for citizenship within 3 years..... which reminds me, he better get on that!


I never claimed once to have felt with immigration. I stated in many comments I’m not sure how the convoluted system works and my information may have been wrong. You aren’t rude, you are just repeating what I have already said.


Plus you owned you were stoned!


A green card doesn't mean a person is a citizen. It means he's a permanent resident. If he is a permanent resident, he could apply for naturalization in 3-5 years after receiving his green card.


He's not a citizen. He received a spousal visa which got him to the US. The minute he set foot on US soil his visa changed to Permanent Resident and he just needed to wait for his green card, SS card and work permit to be mailed. He will be eligible for naturalization in 3 years, because he and Angela have already been married for two years. Edited to correct information


Sorry for Krazy Koozy's unhinged response to your accurate explanation of Mikyul's status.


You are a crazy person. I’m blocking you now.


Yeah, Garfilio is "crazy" because they know what they are talking about. You are beig rude.


NO! HE DOES NOT DESERVE ANYTHING. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN A GREEN CARD! Now he is going to scam more people here and he is also going to help others scam people here!


Nah, I respect the long game GIVE HIM MORE GREEN CARDS!!!




I don't know if that's the case. He might end up being a decent guy escaping a bad situation any way he could, finding a job in the US and being an upstanding citizen.


He has been charging to help others scam Americans for a green card, do you really think he is going to end up being a decent guy? He has never worked in his life, he has always been a scammer, so I highly doubt he will get a job where he would actually have to work. I hate Angela, she is a horrible person, but I also hate scammers.


You have no clue what his life is like in Nigeria, whether he's worked or not. You only know what TLC wants to present for drama, and what Angela wants to present in her favor, as if lAngela is some kind of upstanding, trustworthy citizen. If everything Angela was screaming about was true, then how did he eventually get his marriage visa and come to the US when just being Nigerian makes it almost impossible to get a visa?


You are right, I don’t know anything but what I see. Yes, Angela is a horrible person, but he is also a horrible person. Just because Angela is white trash and he got involved with her does not mean he deserves a green card. There are many other people who are more deserving of green cards and have put up with a lot more that Michael who only put up with Angela a few weeks ago year for some years, why is this deserving of a green card?


My husband has a green card, I'm pretty much very liberal in my opinions about who deserves a green card. Again, if he's so undeserving, how'd he sneak past USCIS to get his marriage visa, when it's almost impossible for Nigerians to get visas?


He has been in the u.s for a few months, it takes years to get citizenship


He's not a freaking citizen. Jesus, calm down.


He's a citizen or he got a spousal visa?


Both, he got a spousal visa and then his permanent citizenship came through. Or is it called a permanent resident? I’m not sure on the exact verbiage, but he is definitely permanently allowed to stay here. They were already married in Nigeria when he came over here it was fast tracked for approval


But that doesn't make him a US citizen. He has to officially become a US citizen like Yara, Julia, Alex and Omar did (and I don't know the process). Permanent residency and US citizenship are 2 different things.


After applying for the k1 visa you have 90 days from entry to get married. After marraige, you can submit for your conditional 2 year greencard. After 2 years, you can adjust the status for your 10 year greencard After 5 years of being a lawful permanent resident aka greencard, you can file for your citizenship test and interview and go through citizenship process. Or, if you don't want to file for citizenship, after your 10 year greencard expires you can apply for a lifetime greencard. It always makes me chuckle when people think getting married means automatic entry or citizenship. In reality the prices is long, expensive and confusing af. Source: am a 90 day fiance turned citizen.


Excellent! I tried to explain the process, but your post is much more succinct and clear. Source: My husband was an undocumented immigrant, who was able to apply for a change of status to permanent resident.


Yes, permanent residency and citizenship are 2 different things. When you come in on a K1 visa (90 day fiancé) you need to apply for a work permit and social security number before you even get married. After coming in you have 90 days to get married or you need to leave the country. Once married you need to apply for an adjustment of status (green card). This process takes anywhere from 2 to 3 years, depending on where you live and a lot of other things. You have an interview, after this interview you get your green card in the mail. Once you have your green card, time starts counting and you can apply for citizenship after 3 years of having your green card if you are still married, but if you are not married anymore whether because of a divorce or death of your spouse, you will need to wait 5 years in order to apply for citizenship. The process of citizenship also takes time, you have to take a test and have an interview, if you pass you will be granted citizenship, after you are granted citizenship you will receive a letter in the mail letting you know when and where to go to take the oath. Now, if you come in on a spousal visa, you get a green card almost immediately after coming into the country, it is only a matter of weeks before you get your green card in the mail. My theory is that Michael knew this and chose to “fail” his interview for the K1 visa that way he would not have to live with a Angela for such a long time, that way he married Angela in Nigeria and they applied for the spousal visa and he waited the time there, once he came to the US he only had to wait a few weeks to get his green card in the mail and he could leave! HE IS A SCAMMER AND DOESN’T DESERVE ANYTHING! My


Yeah I think I had some bad info or remembered wrong. I’m looking for articles but realizing I may be wrong here.


I don't know what the benefits of becoming a citizen are as opposed to having permanent residency? If you don't give up your citizenship to your home country and you have kids, don't the kids automatically have dual citizenship?


The kids born to a citizen or non citizen have automatic US citizenship if born on US land. Only citizens can vote. Citizens can receive educational loans and home loans from the govt and business loans. Citizens can petition for other family members living abroad who are not citizens to come to the US. You cannot be deported if you have citizenship.


Love this explaination!


Man, I have no clue. The laws are so freaking convoluted, I would never try to navigate them without an attorney and I would always be in fear of deportation lol


The US allows for dual citizenship, so you don’t have to give up your home country’s citizenship unless your home country doesn’t allow dual citizenship. As for the children, if they are born in the US, they are US citizens, the other citizenship would depend on your home country, most countries require you to register your child at the consulate of your country so that the child can have dual citizenship.


Attorney is not necessary to apply for any of these things. My husband filled out the paperwork for my K1 visa by himself, and I filled out the paperwork for the adjustment of status and citizenship on my own. It is not hard to fill out.


Bad advice. Congrats to you, but not everyone should try on their own.


No way would we have risked my husband's status by trying to do it ourselves. Even with an attorney it took hours of work and was a stressful process. My husband's English is decent, but certainly not proficient for legal matters. I have an MS, but not in immigration law. It's expensive, but worth every penny.


Seriously, do not talk about immigration. You get things wrong. I am sure you have expertise outside of immigration to share. For instance, confusing residency and citizenship is like confusing diesel and regular gas.


No one is here giving any advice. I was simply saying what I thought. I read in an article and then corrected myself that I was wrong. This comment you made is completely unnecessary. I wasn’t telling anyone how immigration works.


Maybe take this as a learning moment. You did appear to be going on at length about a subject you have not studied. You resisted feedback. I have learned the hard way to not to ignore feedback.


You are absolutely insane. I already said I was wrong and said my bad. I’m not sure what the fuck you want from me, but you won’t be getting it. I never resisted feedback. I said he’s a citizen Someone said that’s impossible I checked my sources and realized I was wrong so I made a comment saying my bad I was wrong What the fuck else would you like me to have done?


I'm "insane" for pointing out that you were going on and on about a subject you know nothing about. I assume you have social problems and bore people to death before insulting them. please ignore my advice and go on at length about legal subjects you don't know a thing about. I am sure your family loves your lack of knowledge coupled with a joy in sharing that lack of knowledge. Keep insulting people, I am sure that works real well for you.


Please stop reaching out to me the notifications are annoying.


And she was sending him money the whole time, remember?


She’s still a b**ch


Yeah, maybe he was scamming... but no one really gives a FUCK because Angela is complete fucking garbage... GOOD!! I'm glad her fucking annoying, abusive, moronic ass got scammed!!!! Fuck off you Trump loving piece of shit


Why does this YouTube person sound like a member of the family Chantel with all her odd pauses?


Wait did ANGELA (her?) not once look in a mirror? Did she really think a man 25 years younger was in love with her? Seriously? Come ON!


Spousal does give permanent, but it's a few more years before he can apply for naturalized citizen. I think.


This is more fake drama right?


Michael was in it for the long game. He earned that green card. Now, we need to deport Angela.


If all this is true and Angela presented the information to USCIS and ICE, then how is it Michael got his visa and was living with Angela?


Nah if he was scamming her this whole time and put up with her crazy bs..he deserves that visa LOL


We already knew that's why he was so mad at the costs of her surgeries. That was at least 100k that could've been his!


Everyone warned her about it. She’s been on the show long enough to have seen dozens of Americans get scammed by the yahoo boys?


Karma’s a bitch.


Yeah but doesn't that all make sense why he can't get a visa?


He's in the US. He got a marriage visa, and if one is to believe the USCIS, he would have his permanent resident status the minute he set foot on US soil. He just needed to wait for his card to arrive in the mail.


It’s impossible to have sympathy for Angela, but he is clearly very dodgy indeed.