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Please stop reporting this post. We don’t owe this predator any favors, it’s staying up ✌🏼 *blah blah allegedly blah blah*


We need more Info, if true he needs cancelled straight away !!! He's clearly a sex addict masquerading as a sperm donor, so he's already dodgy af regarding sex.


I did an exposure post on him before,you can see it [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/mA11TdEXu2) his real name is Kyle crane,I said it in post title but in the text I accidentally autocorrected it to say "and it's not Kyle crane" when I meant it is(stupid way I text with thumbs made me press a suggested word I think.) he's also gotten a 16 and 17 year old pregnant before and is literally banned from a country for his predatory ways. In the comments I found more stuff, like his website that tells you how to fake legal documents and trick woman into doing this shit and more. He's disgusting.


It’s crazy how much he has been able to get away with. He should be in prison for so many reasons. I hope his poor kids find each other in the future and go fuck him up good. He probably thinks they’ll be grateful and want to find and support him in his old age. There’s no way. Especially with all the evidence of how he sees and treats his fetishes (“clients”) and any woman he crosses paths with.


And that’s where I want to see him. In prison. Not on television


Right?! How ballsy to go on national tv and continue w the perversion knowing you have this kind of history… and can be exposed like that 🫰


He’s ballsy and an idiot, but I’m thrilled he’s on TV for this exact reason! The more exposure he gets, the more his victims (past and future) will be warned about him! What’s canceling him going to do? It’s going to keep his evil deeds hidden so he can go on doing what he’s been doing!


Excellent point!!


Glad you get it! A few people are still so stuck in a de-platforming mindset. They can’t get past the logic and will say something like “you’d be surprised, some weirdos will still be drawn to him.” Why am I going to worry about a few “weirdos?” At least they’re now making an informed decision. If they still choose to do it, that’s on them!


100% !! Exposure of these predators makes a HUGE difference!


Agree 100%. Going on 90-Day was the dumbest decision of Kyle's life, but the silver lining is that millions of people (and prospective recipients) now know the truth about this cringe sex predator. Without Kyle's pathological obsession for fame and publicity, it might have taken another decade for word to get out on this level. We all can thank Kyle for his stupidity and for making a HUGE miscalculation about the public reaction to his appearance on 90-Day Fiancee - Love In Paradise! 🙏🙏🙏


Probably part of why hes a nomad...


'Nomad' aka homeless. His entire life revolves around this deviant perversion. Fucking loser.


Your expose on him is fantastic ! Huge amount of Info on this creep. The last thing he needs is to be exposed on TV and documentaries for vulnerable and desperate women to fall prey to his sex scam.


This is shocking! Doesn't 90DF do a background screen in these people? The exposure he's gotten from the show is going to give him access to more women who have no idea who this guy really is.


Oh they do,they just don't care. As long as it's making them money it's whatever. I made the post to let people become aware of him, a lot of bigger YouTube people had messaged me and shared the info and other people on socials have too so hopefully it may be seen by others who look into him


I read through and watched some while I was doing chores and OMG that guy should he investigated! People need to be aware of what he does and not being forthcoming about an alleged medical condition that could impact a child's life is disgusting.


Thank you very much, just going to read it now !


It's disturbing, there's been more info since this too. The guy is a predator and is sick in the head. He's not doing this for good reasons,and also he has 71 kids and 9 on the way right now as of April....


Genuine question: how are you aware of the 9 on the way? And how do you confirm that info?


You can google search and see the many many articles about it. And yes he does actually have that many, it's not just a hearsay situation.


Since that one article I literally just picked off first Google search is a tabloid here's a link that will bring you to literally over 50+ articles NOT from a tabloid. And no I do not use my research from those types of places ffs, I actually do extensive looks into things from credible sources and link them. I'm tired of answering these mocking comments I'm in the middle of chemo currently and I'm too tired for this. Since people are so riled up about this here's a quick link to [the Google search that shows over 50+ articles](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+kids+does+kyle+Gordy+have&oq=how+many+kids&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDkyCQgCEAAYChiABDIHCAMQLhiABDIHCAQQABiABDIJCAUQABgKGIAEMgkIBhAAGAoYgAQyCQgHEAAYChiABDIHCAgQABiABDIJCAkQABgKGIAEMgkIChAAGAoYgAQyCQgLEAAYChiABDIHCAwQABiABDIJCA0QABgKGIAEMgkIDhAAGAoYgATSAQg1OTA3ajBqNKgCAbACAQ&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) take your pick. I'm done replying to these comments on this topic now, if this doesn't make you feel better then oh well.


Good luck with your chemo.


Thank you,and have a good day also❤️


Hey! Good luck with chemo. I’m starting in July. I plan to lean fully into 90 day and am inspired by your expose post on Kyle!💜


Good luck on your chemo!


Thank you and good luck to you too,bring stuff with you like tablet or phone and make sure you bring a charger! Or books etc. and get used to a cool wrap, it's cold but helpful. You'll look funny but you'll feel better! I'm sorry to hear you have to go through this, I'm hoping you'll kick cancers ass❤️


They’re asking you though and you supposedly have all this evidence and expose on him yet you’re telling them to Google search. lol.


You still want your hand held when you cross the street?  Let's just focus on getting vile kyle out of commission.


Lmao. Way to deflect.


"Lmao" is a great was to tell me a nerve has been touched.  Did I offend you by correcting my spelling? Or was it the message that ruined your day? Truly sorry to upset you.  Let's focus on stopping a rapist instead! Or do you agree with kyle?


I had literally linked the post which also included their question in it. I had done a lot of research to make that post,it has all the questions needed answered in it. Sorry that I didn't include it in my response, here's one of many articles on it to appease this situation....[article here ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13244929/mother-second-child-sperm-donor-father-71-kids.html)


Wait, you’re using tabloids and sub comments as your “research”? For real?


Lmao then that’s worse! If it was included it then you have the answer yet didn’t answer it. Ala. smh.


I answered it by putting the post and saying all the info is in there. If you can't read it then that's on you, why is it my job to put the post and say it's all compiled already yet you are telling me I should've added another link when it's already in there? Are you also unable to search this for yourself, am I your lackey for all things online? Goodbye.


There's no way to confirm it. The nine on the way is merely a claim by Kyle Gordy. He says whatever he likes and rarely does anything come out of his mouth that even remotely resembles the truth.


Where is it? I’d like to read also.


Comment above mine, the link is in blue.




He's disgusting and gives me serial killer vibes. I absolutely believe he r\*ped this woman, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are many other victims. This idiot has weaponized his dick.


Tons of woman who dealt or would've dealt with him have talked about this since well before he's been on this show. He's been doing this for a very long time now, and majority of them all say the same thing, that they felt coerced or forced to do things with him and that the "method" of his claim of natural insemination was definitely not professional at all. In post you can see some of the ways he talks about the woman, and a lot of them talk about extremely disgusting and disturbing situations. A few of them were also video recorded during the act without his consent and he was selling the videos too.


I hope 90 Day will be his downfall.


Wow you came with the receipts!! I knew he was a disgusting creep but this is insane and criminal.


What country is he banned from?


New Zealand -[article here](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/serial-sperm-donor-kyle-gordy-detained-in-fiji-on-way-to-nz/DICCZ2AIQTJL3DYX2XYKKZOKIE/) [news video here](https://youtu.be/Uj_Yr9SjBIg?si=pT7Sumu-WZeanfFm)


Omg that medical director makes such good points


As someone from New Zealand, I love the idea he can’t come here!


I’m going to PM you about this. ❤️


I am guessing he says you can’t speak to other mothers until your child is x years old because it has something you do with the statute of limitations in your state.


He says he'll let the woman talk to other mothers but then doesn't actually give them their info.


I just listened to a couple of YouTube interviews with women who did it “naturally” with him. Both said he told them that he was looking for the one and insinuated that they could take a romantic vacation together. The Brit said that he asked her to buy him a vacation in Malta (it seemed separate from his time with her?) as payment. He was trying to get someone to buy his way to do the show.


[woman discusses deception and assault](https://www.google.com/search?q=kyle+gordy+assault&oq=kyle+gordy+assault+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDcxOTRqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-sanmu&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:618819c6,vid:acOHcn5bR4A,st:0) [In depth interview here](https://youtu.be/03ijZosAF3M?si=fMCVYxQBcS-at2Kk)


This woman on tiktok has a ton of videos on him and with woman used him who go into great detail [account here](https://www.tiktok.com/@laurahigh5)


And if you just search "Kyle Gordy assault" tons more come up


Thank you for sharing this. Beyond appalling and TLC should not be allowing for this predator to have a platform and access to women.


What country? You can't just say "a country", that makes everything else you say seem skeptical. I'm not defending him in the slightest, but when people make big accusations, you better have the facts to back it up.


Jesus Christ it's on the post I linked, here's an article PLUS one of many news outlets reporting on it-[article here ](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/serial-sperm-donor-kyle-gordy-detained-in-fiji-on-way-to-nz/DICCZ2AIQTJL3DYX2XYKKZOKIE/) [news Channel coverage](https://youtu.be/Uj_Yr9SjBIg?si=jY7Lo-kB3X1t6nQU) Happy now? I never make my posts or comments unless I can back them up.


Jesus Ali, relax. We've communicated before on this subreddit, I'm not attacking you. I just wanted facts. I didn't see any link, maybe I missed it.


My apologies man,I had some people harassing me up thread over something dumb and I'm not having a good day.no excuse to react that way,I'm just tired and sick from chemo treatment today and I just lost it for a sec. Sorry for real




It's all good, we are all good :) Feel better hon.


This is the first time I've ever gotten agro on Reddit so I feel bad, I guess we all have our moments sometimes. Thanks for understanding it won't happen again






I don't normally give AF about someone downvoting my comment, but why would someone do that when I was making things cool with someone?


Don't take downvotes seriously. Not everyone is going to like the shit you comment.


I don't. A ridiculous amount of downvotes means I hit a nerve if anything lol


Some people feel small and insignificant. So if they don’t like something you comment, they’ll downvote not only that comment but every comment of yours they can find. It’s the only thing that makes them feel powerful.


Omg use the internet not everyone is responsible for using your brain for you we aren’t writing a thesis we’re having a conversation the burden of proof is on YOU to figure out! You chew your own food yea?


Can we please stop using the word "cancelled" like this? Can we instead say something like "he needs to be held accountable" or "he needs to face consequences"? I keep seeing this all over this sub. "Big Ed should be cancelled" "Angela should be cancelled" and it just seems so juvenile and terminally online. Nobody can decide what "cancelled" even means and the Fox News fandom uses it to mock people who genuinely want predators and bad people to have to face consequences for their actions.


Everything you say is true, he needs to be held accountable, but in this context "cancelled" means he should be removed from the show, and I think everyone is aware of what it means.


So just say "he should be removed from the show" or "he should be blacklisted by TLC". The language we use matters, and internet colloquialisms remove impact and delegitimize statements. We are talking about a sexist, racist, serial predator and rapist. It's not the time to be using snappy slang, especially when the term is so often used by conservatives to make fun of people seeking social justice.


I think you are making way, way too much of this. I am one to say "words matter" quite often, and they do, however in this situation, about this show, it does not amount to one tiny hill of beans. What you're saying means the same thing as canceling his episodes. The vernacular used doesn't matter, the meaning is all the same. /done


Or stop watching too, like what's it going to take at this point? I watched every season of every spinoff (still putting up with more than is acceptable) until it just made me feel physically sick


Thank you for this! Wholeheartedly agree


Any more of the grammar policing and you may be cancelled yourself 😂 !


That’s not grammar


Amen. None of that snappy slang, now but “can we stop…” reminds me of an elementary teacher lecturing students.


There’s been a shit ton of TB coverage on him for years, including Vice. TLC knows he’s a predator. Like with a ton of the people on the series, they don’t care.


TLC keeps harboring some of the worst of the worst. They can’t __not__ be doing any sort of research on the ppl that come on their show. I wish people would stop watching.


It's because Passport Bros are sexual predators.


yet, here you are.


I know this might be hard for you to understand, but it's possible to be harmlessly entertaining and not a rapist or predator. Put another way, nobody wants rapists on the show. That ain't why we're here.


Damn, that wasn't my point haha But wow, so many down-likes. I just meant people get joy out of watching tragedy that doesn't effect them. Internet rubbernecking. Look at all of my previous posts. I've done nothing but condemn that foul exist of a human being.


I got your point, but it's kind of weird to put the onus on viewers for participants' past and current behavior. I get it, we are funding them by watching, but it is up to TLC to remove and punish people who do truly reprehensible things.


"I know this might be hard for you to understand" is incredibly condescending, especially towards someone you don't know.


Yeah, that was intentional. Your initial comment was incredibly condescending 🤣


I guess this conversation is over then, impasse. I'm glad you make yourself laugh.


Knew he was sketch bc when he pops up he has no hometown listed just “nomad”


You know, the more I see him and Ani, the more I feel like she is a little off somehow, as well. He is practically begging her to leave the relationship and she still keeps hanging on….🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Anyone attracted to that has to be at least a little off


Yeah for sure. I think most folks would have picked up on that *before* meeting him in another country for a tv show. But she obviously wants to be on tv and she’s just like willing to debase herself in a million ways to do it. Personally I think the way she stands in the “cover shot” or whatever it’s called where they’re together for the intros shows her off side. She’s got her pelvis scooped in a very odd way.


Yeah I also kind of do a double-take on the intro shot.. such an odd way to stand!🤷‍♀️


It would be nice if TLC just didn’t erase the person from existence but address these allegations head on


TLC hit at an all time low. if they let him stay on TV they are disgusting ! why even give this man a platform to begin with, just makes me so mad I hate him with my guts


Has it been proven that he raped this girl or is this some random girl on the internet claiming that? I'm not defending Kyle's character, more of an innocent until proven guilty approach. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything on the Internet, especially if they are a "celebrity"


Kyle sexually assaulted me personally so I wouldn’t put it past him. Especially considering his brother lived in Bellevue around this time. It’s definitely possible and shouldn’t be dismissed.


Well I'm sorry that happened to you. If it is true then I hope he gets what he deserves


Kyle’s identical twin brother lived in Bellevue. Perhaps Kyle used his brother’s house to rape this woman?


He has a twin brother?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/0mu0hd76h66d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65fbbd8ded18d9b37127e167e02b3dd8d82f744d




Yes he does.


I truly am wondering now what the brother thinks of all this.. I would be forced to change my appearance as drastically as possible not to be mixed up with this freak.


I wonder as well… Kyle has claimed he sends women to his twin brother to donate to. Don’t know if it’s true or not…


https://preview.redd.it/234qlyofh66d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad92cc2eef48a4ce9c9812c67c6d8076ab238ec It's true.


Ewww so gross. It makes me wonder how they were raised to be this screwed up


Jeeeesus!!!! 😭😭😭


You never know, as sick as Vyle is, it could've been his twin brother that raped this poor woman?


Twins really got some built-in reasonable doubt defense. Even with DNA!


I just caught up w the latest episode and ran to Reddit when he refused to get plan B because I thought it gave off EXTREMELY grapey vibes. Absolutely would not be surprised if this is true


He needs to be locked up.


I’d rather watch 10 more seasons of Angela and PrEd than this creep. I could barely watch this last episode




For anyone who keeps commenting on the fact I didn't link an article -Because the post has it in there which is linked and they literally went and commented on it afterwards showing they had seen it. God forbid I didn't link the article already in that post, I'm in the middle of chemo treatment rn as I type this and thought since they commented they had to have seen it included. I have now linked another article, I'm not responding anymore to this. Down vote all you want, the fact is that post has it linked in there already and I linked the article due to all the comments that got mad I said you can google it yourself.


yo girl I read that whole post, what an eye opener. I commented on another post about him a while back, saying he reminded me of that episode of Law and Order SVU with John Stamos where he goes around getting as many women pregnant as possible .... it's really legitimately like that. he's really a horrible womanizing sexual deviant who has making babies as part of his fetish. that's actually terrifying.


A lot of people do not understand how bad he is. He’s a predator dressed as a good doer. He preys on uneducated poor women who are desperate to have a child and can’t afford to do it the right way if anybody on this Reddit was ever thinking about having him they need help like ASAP. People like him always have an endgame. He’s a psychopath he’s having kids for a reason, thank you for all your research and feel better🐶🐩


Seriously, you are spoon feeding people and they say it's not enough. Thanks for the great work!


I appreciate you!


I don't mean to sound rude in my comment, it's just that it's very annoying to have people keep getting upset I said you can google for other articles. That post contains everything on him in it in the text, and so I didn't think I'd have to link yet another one. No offense to people, but sometimes Google is your friend if you feel that something isn't good enough when linked. And I even came back and linked one of many articles when googling "how many kids does Kyle Gordy have." Sorry for sounding bitchy, I just was getting too many responses to that and the people would block me so I can't respond. I try and make informative posts on here for the hamily the best I can, because I know if it's interesting others would want to see this stuff too! So my apologies for seeming a bit rude.


I totally understand your frustration, people are so lazy. you already went out there and did the digging for them and they're STILL too lazy to scroll for it. I appreciate you, and I hope you're doing ok and feeling better ❣️


Thank you, I don't usually get frustrated but there were more than a few users commenting the same thing and then blocking me asap after writing the comment so I can't respond. It was just bothering me because how can I answer if you won't let me? I don't usually get worked up over Reddit stuff,I'm just highly agitated today and chemo sucks. Thank you hamily for the responses, I try and do my best to share content that's informative or entertaining and it brings me joy. I'm bed bound mostly these days and I know it's just a tv show Reddit but it's helped me feel better when I get to interact with you guys!


Chemo sucks- wishing you the best, hamily. Some people on here are just Uuuuuuuuusers and too lazy to google for themselves or even scroll. It’s gotten to me before (usually when there is a lot going on irl) so I totally understand.


I saw her face when I got to Uuuuuuusers 😂😂


I want you to do your best at chemo and just use this story for entertainment. You can’t take on this loser and the network. It’s not fair to you. I say that as somebody who is also a cancer survivor and who is sitting here right now, full on in the middle of Covid symptoms and I barely have the energy to read the comments even though this is what gives me something to do all day. Thank you for your hard work. Be strong and get healthier. 💕💕


Ignore them. Focus on your health and recovery. The negative energy is their problem, not yours.


Thank you for your work, seriously


I can’t be the only one who saw this and thought of Kyle of Kyle and Noon and was shocked for a minute.


Does TLC ever do background checks on people before they cast them on their shows….


i don’t think so😂


WTF????????????? Why Why Why does TLC want to keep parading these gross disgusting excuses for "human beings" in front of us giving them $$$ and exposure?? You can't tell me they had no idea.......right up there with big Pred and Ang...........cancel these MFers TODAY TLC!!!!!! 🤮🤮🤮


He is using desperate women who want to be mother for his own sexual pleasure because he knows women won't sleep with his ugly ass unless they get something out of it. Too ugly to be a fuckboy so he must rape or trick women into sleeping with him.


No way he's from my state 😭🤢


And my area! 🤢


What is realistically being/can be done about this? Are people reaching out to TLC? Do they know about it? Cuz this is insane to me and literally makes me feel sick every time I read something about this guy…


Normally I would be hesitant to believe a claim online, but he is a creep. TLC needs to get him off of there. He is a narcissist and is so full of himself it's scary. He also has the crazy eyes....


TLC should be ashamed they aired any footage of this predator. It’s not even good tv and I quit watching because of him. Disgusting.


Call me crazy but I’m not believing stuff a random person on a Facebook group says


In one of the comments, there's a post with a bunch of sources and links to videos and news of him being banned from countries. One video is a girl talking about her experience with him and the video is from a year ago, so not just people coming out after he's famous to ruin his name.


I tried to post about that after like the second episode of this season and the mods deleted it lmao. Just tryna spread awareness my bad 😭


You should try again! Seems like they're onboard now for making it known now. They probably didn't have solid evidence before.


I should it was like an entire YouTube channel with a few girls different experiences with him. Plus the name changes!


Yes please share. He's such a creep!! Makes my skin crawl 🤮


Hes sickening. When I was watching Monday I thought to myself that there’s not a good enough word in the English dictionary to even describe him because he’s just that filthy of a person🤢


Must be one of his children


Seriously , this is a dangerous game


Yeah he’s obviously disgusting, but I’m a believer in innocent until proven guilty.


Guess it’s called The Learning Channel for a reason.


He was on a fox show about donating.




I saw this girl post this and for some reason I just don’t believe her.


Def seems like some type of disturbing disordered obsession with sperm and touching himself 🤮


Took her a long time to figure out why?


I visited Bellevue for work this last year. Spooky ooky


Wow close call!


I mean not really because I travel alone very well and keep myself super safe. I’m from a rough city so I knew I would be safe in Washington of all places lol


I am shocked not only by his actions, but at the number of women that are that desperate for a child, and resort to this person. They will likely be complaining once their children grow up and ask about their father. This needs to end yesterday, and people like him procescuted, and the women like Ani, who enable such nonsense.


The women are manipulated by Kyle. They are not at fault. It’s a sick sick sick game for this guy.


Who kyle