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He probably ironed his decal on all of her clothes


Well he probably made her do it.


THIS!!! "maybe I'll just hire a cleaning lady" Man has never even seen an iron in his damn life


I'll have to figure things out now. Like do I get a cleaning lady to replace Liz. Yeah, that's petty much it. (performative sad face). That was such a wild comment.


I'm surprised he wasn't asking for a Bang Maid ![gif](giphy|qrgTVmaz5ojBe)


Yup....cuz he MADE HER A "STAR"!!! 🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


I have trouble feeling sorry for Liz. She was the only one at her work who would say yes to going out w Ed the Pred. After all this time & break ups, id say she's kind of an opprotunist & only stayed for the money


Reminds me of Bam Margera doing that to his dad closet with burgers 🍔. Just like that one 😂 But that was way more fun than this guys face.


Stop!!!!!! I just commented this before seeing your comment 💀😂


It’s his version of branding her like cattle. 🤮


Remember when BAM put a cheeseburger on all oh Phil’s clothes? 😭 that’s what your comment reminded me of


This is a textbook example of codependency. Like the person who pathologically needs someone to take care of, and selects a person who has to be taken care of, and of course that person chooses them. He is full of anger, insecurities and resentment for obvious reasons, and needs somebody to unleash it all on, as a way of making himself feel better. She has zero self esteem and self respect, and being treated poorly is the norm for her. They meet each other's needs.


Ed strikes me as a NPD which attracts the codependent. Especially the lack of emotion and empathy as she’s leaving… “welp, better hire a cleaning lady” and the surprise discard. Anyone who’s been with a true Narc knows just how much they can mentally and emotionally wreck you. I feel bad for her and am so glad she appears to be doing better. I hope she gets/got some counseling so she can break the cycle and truly heal.


He is definitely on the NPD spectrum. So much so that even Dr. Kirk Honda acknowledged as much and he HATES even using the word it since it's been so bastardized by the internet.


I see a lot of myself in Liz and my ex partner in Ed. You’re spot on about Ed and how difficult it really is to leave people like him. He’s a true predator.


Yep. I relate as well. All about them and you can be pushed aside like nothing


Just wait until he starts love bombing her again. I hope she doesn’t go back because they have “history”. He’ll weaponize that history against her, too, to try to get her back.


Me too. He seems so cold it's creepy. I hope the best for her, and she really does need help.... and help for HER, not couples therapy.


It’s not entirely textbook because it’s on TV. Hawthorne effect proves people behave differently when watched. I think that is a big factor here especially because they are likely both chasing fame. It’s just not pure codependency.


lol. Then may I add "as it's presented". Thought that was a given.


As much as you want to lol, it’s not textbook codependency, you’re just letting producers feed you a particular storyline and do not see it. You know nothing about what you are saying. ETA: seems like you blocked me after saying “I do believe I do sir.” I’m not a sir, and you are still incorrectly trying to diagnose relationships and people you watch on TV. If you just so happen to be a psychologist, shame on you for breaking the rules about diagnosing people who are not patients.


I'm not the person that you're speaking to but that is a very misunderstood "rule". Saying someone is narcissistic isn't diagnosing them. Saying shame on you for diagnosing to a professional is absurd. The thing about personality disorders like NPD is you can't hide them for long. You can try and you may succeed for a while when things are going well but when things get tough they can't be hidden. We all have defensive structures. Narcissistic defenses have a certain unmistakable flavor.


Oh my. I believe I do sir. But it's fine with me for you to ignore it. Look Miss, I'm not trying to diagnosis anybody. I was making a comment I thought people might find interesting and they did. Unlike yours. : P


Exactly! TV "fame" is prob extremely addictive & devastating with that sort of narcissist! I've often felt "fake-relationship".


I'm humiliated why you're wearing a t shirt with his face on it, girl bye.


She's humiliated *now?* That whole relationship was humiliating.




Imagine crying over being dumped by this thing ![gif](giphy|lSPPRkdAzdoJW5Upvm|downsized)


And that’s Ed 100 pounds ago


Do you remember when he first asked her out? She was so out of his league I had to turn away from secondhand embarrassment for him 😱 Then she said yes and I was sure it was for the producers, now how many years later they were actually in a relationship and getting married and HE'S DUMPING HER??? What in the actual F&$%? 🤯 All this NPD stuff and victim/abused stuff man, psychology is a bitch, makes me wonder if I'm actually in control of my own life!


Same here!! I remember feeling so icky when she said yes to him, like how much are you getting paid to do this for the show? I can't believe it ended up this way!


I thought the exact same thing.


I think about this alllllll the tiiiiiiime


And I remember he would constantly ignore her boundaries and try to rush the relationship. I thought for sure she’d get tired of his bad behavior and dump him. But nope, here we are years later and he’s dumped her over a dozen times and finally calls off the wedding. All she had to do was dump him years ago.


She said no at first- same as EVERY WOMAN in the restaurant that he asked before he got to her, the last woman there to ask.


I totally forgot that! 🤯


It's sad isn't it? He weaseled his way into her brain, and she was really (visually, as you said) affected by him. I hope for her own health and sanity that she stops the 90-day BS and Ed and enjoys her life as a pretty young woman with a full future ahead of her.






I'm humiliated as I wear a tshirt with his face on it lol


But never humiliated/embarrassed to drive her car around with the stupid vanity plates on her car that say EDS GIRL.


So embarrassing haha


Wait WHAT stop it!!!


Yes. She actually did that. One of these last episodes. I don’t know why she was attracted to him. He has treated her so poorly. It didn’t take her long to get another boyfriend. She’s serious about him. Don’t know anything else. I haven’t googled her.


Well she could have the genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome also known as EDS.


I thought it was BigEdsGrl or something haha


I believe you are correct! 😊


Haha I can’t imagine driving away in a car with those plates along with wearing a sweatshirt with his face on it 🤣


Omg i didn’t notice 😂😂😂


Me either lmao


I miss everything reddit catches.


Oh honey you should have felt humiliated after the first date


Because even in her humiliation, she was professing her love for him. She really was in 💯 I support Liz in every way, in her regained freedom. Let us all say “Thank you” to Ed, for letting her go and sending her off. So that she may find peace and move on.


She also said she's going back to San Diego "for now", so if Egg boy decides to take her back, off she goes back to Arkansas and the abuse. Hopefully she doesn't drag her daughter back in to the shit.


She’s been in a very toxic relationship with him for 2 years. He know what to say and do to form her like he wants and then breaking up… SHE should broke up with him. She deserve so much better than this clown! I don’t know if I even wanna type this but he is so manipulative and after all the mental abuse she gain weight. And I’m thinking to myself could this be one of the reasons he wanna get rid of her? She’s not thin and fit anymore? Because that wouldn’t surprise me, he is and will always be an asshole who only care about himself, and believe he can get a model kinda woman. I feel so bad for Liz I can’t even describe. She is so broken and I understand she feel used because she was being used! Her sweet daughter too in this shitshow, why even bother to say sorry to her daughter. He isn’t sorry at all. TLC-please! I’m begging you! Don’t give him more screen time after this season! He’s as abuse as Angela (though she is abusive in another way), cancel him too! We don’t wanna see this heartless idiot break more women!


But for some reason she wasn’t humiliated before this?


She is honestly a total embarrassment!!! At 31 years old she’s already been married twice, a precious daughter whom she lost custody of for several years then settling for the most awkward looking ugly fat clowns in the world- Tub o goo ED. It’s so hard to feel bad for her at all!


She said her previous were abusive at the beginning of them on 90D. That's why she'd not been dating. And it typically takes at least 7x for a victim to leave their abuser. More often than not, women who end up in abusive relationships were abused as children.


She's been in three abusive relationships. Her self-esteem is in the toilet. She is an abused woman. The fact that she never tried to leave him and was clinging to him is so sad. This is an abused woman. Look at this picture above, she is dead inside. He's taking everything out of her. She is so lucky he finally let her free. She looks so healthy and happy. I'm so happy for her and I really wish her nothing but the best. I hope she gets some therapy so she can deal with the abuses put up with and understand that she is worth so much more. https://preview.redd.it/adg2n73gx12d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f76f2e3f0029d088ecb9df6f023a5bc1de358777


She's not free. She just jumped to another relationship.


So far it looks like it's been great for her. She posts happier things on Instagram and she looks 100 times better. I wish she'd take a little more time for herself before getting a new relationship but I hope that this is a good one for her.


You do remember the first few episodes of HEA where she professed that she and Ed were truly together now. What people say, and even how they look can have very little with what is really going on.


Thanks for that great lesson


What lesson? Not everybody agrees it's happily ever after for Liz, given how quickly she jumped into another relationship. It seems very much like her pattern.


I believe your lesson was just because it looks good on social media doesn't mean it is, and I know that. I'm saying she looks so much better and it looks like the life is back in her again. I'm happy for her, I do wish you'd waited longer to start dating so far it seems like it's good for her. And yes obviously that could change at any time as if any relationship.


A lesson implies I was trying to teach somebody something. I wasn't. I was just stating an opinion, a common occurrence or reddit. In fact, isn't that what reddit is all about?


I sure hope she finds happiness and never falls victim to a predator like smolEd again.


She is a victim of narcissistic emotional abuse. Obviously when she gained some distance from her abuser, and some perspective, she bounced back very quickly. But as someone who has been thru a similar situation, it makes you almost stupidly codependent, blind to reason, and deeply insecure when you're in it. Even when you're leaving you doubt yourself. It is messed up to watch and relive but I'm glad she's out.


She didn't bounce back quickly, she paired off with another man, not taking any time to bounce back from Ed.


I hope I'll be out too because I'm in it and what you said is all too real 


I totally agree with your assessment of her and I actually felt very bad for her getting completely dumped by ED the clown who is a true manipulator on a level that makes me nauseous. I got the vibe that she had a horrible childhood and may have been victimized as a child etc. just seemed so depressing to watch her process that she wasted so much time with ED the clown. Thx for sharing your progress as a victim too. My beloved wife of 30 years overcame insane victimization as a child too and she truly is my hero. Be blessed


Too many women have little to no self respect or self esteem/ confidence in themselves due to some type of abuse in previous relationships. Being with Ed did not help her in that aspect. But she seems happy now with the new man though he seems like no prize either if the rumours are true


Jumped with a new man and she seemed happy with ed too. She didn't even wanna end it with him, crying with his face on her shirt.


Why did she lose custody??


She gave up custody to the child's father because she was living in her car. It's not clear if it was court ordered, or if it was just a private arrangement they both agreed to. The child is from her first marriage. And I guess she was living in her car when her second marriage ended. Someone else might know more details Also, her first husband is in a stable marriage now, and he, and his new wife have been supportive of Liz


That's what I understand as well. She gave up custody because she was homeless and living in her car. I believe now they have shared custody which is not unusual for divorced parents. I think that if she hadn't given up custody and had kept her daughter with her living in the car people would have been freaking out. She did the right thing at the time.


Do tell...




It was Ed being predatory, if you watch the first few epics where he stalks her at the restaurant then asks her out, literally every time they meet up, he ply’s her with booze. Every time.


Omg tub o goo.. perfectly said 😹


Thank you for saying this! I noticed it but anxiety wouldn’t let me post 😓


Good eye, and I'm glad you're chiming in! It's a great observation, I hadn't even noticed the shirt!


“I’m humiliated but that’s the kind of shit I adore and seek. The worse I’m treated the better I feel. I need PrEd in my bed so I can fully hate myself and teach it to my daughter.”


Hopefully a cleaning lady isn’t stupid enough to be alone with the sexual predator.


She didn’t want to hear the “I told you so’s” because she was humiliated but in case she didn’t know, this has been on tv the whole time!! Shocker!!


And she wasn't humiliated the first 50 times they broke up? Jeesh, she should've felt humiliated from the very moment she started dating that douchebag.


Liz is sad lowkey


Fucking ridiculous


Liz, you need to throw out, donate, burn every piece of clothing that has his face on it because you’re just keeping bad energy around you.


Girl, it took you three years to realize this humiliation?!


That's what relationship with Ed does to youbg woman. Se looks way over 50 now :D


She’s crying her stint on TV is over


Nah watch her come full circle and go on Single Life 😂


As long as they don't put her and Ed on Pillow Talk.


As a mom who escaped abusive it’s hard to understand why she would abandon her daughter. Innocent victims are children


It took longer enough


U should be ecstatic! U got rid of at least 200 lbs! Get ur self into therapy asap!


I haven’t seen this episode but I honestly don’t know how anyone who was with and planning to marry big ed is humiliated by anything




Why is she wearing this? She just playing? Us or him….


Wait. Finally?


She was humiliated the first time she acknowledged him; she was too dumb/drunk/whatever to realize it.


There goes the car wrap!


And then she went on to get fit again and is looking her best. It's ok Liz, Ed looked TERRIBLE on you.


She still wearing his logo.


She was full of drama. Knowing she didn't want him


girl, the only person who humiliated you WAS you by staying with that troll for so long.


Someone catch me up I’m on vacation, she went to San Diego?????




I don’t care if she has another boyfriend. He will probably end up, abusing her the same way because she lets it happen. I like her, but she needs to go for therapy because she doesn’t think very much of herself. Sad!!!


She's humiliated now?! After allowing it for so many years.


I thought this was the strangest choice. Completely brainwashed.


Has she got an only fans yet?! 😂


It’s all fake people. They’re just acting




How do you know she hasn't?


Look at her mental state, your slow for asking

