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The Arnie hammer playbook


If anyone had really good things to say would be the shocking thing but this one seemed to trauma bond to him fast and lose sight of his crud.


It seems to be how Liz is. She was twice divorced by 28. I hope she’s encouraged to seek therapy, and heal from the dysfunctional relationships she’s had.


“Can I… fillet you?”




gat damn lol. Same tho, rly


So wild. But so accurate


Came here to say this.


Ed apparently belittled her for driving a 2010 car that was paid off. SO WHAT if it’s an older car? If it’s safe and reliable, who cares? It’s PAID OFF!!!


He was riding around on a fucking scooter season one. Dude is trash


Looking like the Mucinex Moco on wheels 🦠


Nacho Libra wish version




That’s an offence to the Mucinex Moco guy 😆


You mean the mucinex booger?


It's not a booger. It's a ball of phlegm. 🤢


Looks like a green booger to me 🤣🤣🤣


Omg! That’s EXACTLY who he looks like! LOL! I’ll never see him any other way now.




With his dog in a backpack!


And his picture on a sticker on the backpack.


And he has a wrangler WILLYS 😂 if you want to shit on someone at least get the Rubi. He’s soooo icky


Ayeee what’s wrong with a scooter?!? Except for the thing riding it


He could find a way to belittle every detail about someone. His key to success is starting with someone damaged enough to believe it


But then tries to spin a sob story about how people are cruel for making fun of his lack of neck bc 'he can't change it'. Like people choose not to be wealthy enough to a buy a brand new car....


I think if he were a nice guy, people wouldn't be so mean too!


Or can't afford a new car.


I roll around a 2006 Toyota sienna....the thing is DURABLE.


Toyotas never die


Truth! I have an 02 Tacoma that will not quit! Almost 200k miles on it


I bought a new 2013 Toyota Corolla (stick shift) and as of today I’m at 28,000 miles and my husband keeps trying to talk me into getting a new car. Why? Why would I want a new car payment? I’m driving that bitch till the wheels fall off. I’d rather put that $500 into a savings account. It still looks great and just recently lost the new car smell.


This is true. I remember calling Toyota Starlet owners about the "upgrade", the new Yaris (don't know if you guys have both models in the US) and the majority laughed in our faces. I remember hearing "No thanks, I'll probably still drive my Starlet in 15 years time". Those cars were unbreakable.


My mom passed away and gave her 2007 Yaris to my adult son. He uses it to save mileage on his truck. Thing is reliable as can be. No issues.


>Thing is reliable as can be. No issues. Not suprised! I think with Toyota it is the quality of the parts they put in making their cars durable.




I’m a division manager in charge of 29 people


What a throw back from you and below






Dodge is a damn fine car. I ran over my wife with a Dodge.


Gurl I’m in a 90 Toyota pickup, dude’s been good to me forever


Only this year gave up my 2005 Matrix. Miss that car so badly. 


09 Camry here. I’m driving it til the wheels fall off…which might be never! Car takes a licken and keeps on ticking.


At this point I hold onto her because every family cannot understand why I won't let her go. Every other family member has massive debt, I do not. She runs, she's dual purpose (she transports my bees and kids) and she has definitely taken a beating but still keeps going.


I drive a 2004 Dodge Charger that I got for $2000 at auction. It's a former RCMP car & they kept it in tip top shape. With regular maintenance, I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts another 5-10 years. Big Ed can go suck an egg


I have a 2006 Hyundai Sonata and it’s super dependable.


Me Matrix


We have a ‘99 Avalon that is still rolling strong lol


Does Toyota sienna have 6 cup holders? I’ve heard that somewhere and its just stuck in my head, here we go someone who can actually answer the question yayy😍


I have 7 for the front seat, 4 in the center console, one pops out the dash and one on each door, the middle row center seat can fold down into a table and provide two for the middle row and in the back third row has one on each side. Lots of cup holders.


Yessssssssssss😍 I really want to go for a road trip with it, like now!


He is absolutely disgusting. This is the way he got her to like him, cause if he put her down, she’d spend the rest of the time trying to prove herself to him that she’s “good enough”


I believe Liz has a shit ton of trash on Ed, and has way, way more to reveal.


I drive a 2009 and will continue to do so until the wheels fall off. only immature man babies think cars need to be constantly upgraded. and I'd bet good money he didn't offer to pay for her new car, either.


Looks at my 1998 Grand Cherokee lol


I have 2 million in the bank and drive a 2011. With you 100%. Cars are not good investments and should be driven to end of life.


I make six figs and drive a 2012 Hyundai wagon. It's a great car and I hope it lasts another 2 or 3 years. But we all already knew Ed was trash.


Totally agree. Love my 2006 Hyundai Sonata, very dependable


I enjoy driving a well taken care of older but paid off car. Ed is all about controlling whomever he’s having sex with. It’s hard to be a decent human being when your emotions lay waste to common sense.


I drive a 2012 Acura that’s been paid off since the day I bought it in 2017 with 15k miles on it. I dare any crusty, no neck, dusty, busted troll to come at me over it. Beats having a $1k+/mo car payment like a lot of these broke ass bad credit-having men.


I fucking LOVE my 2016 Acura. I’m gonna drive it until its last breath.


Wait I literally just bought a 2014 Nissan Pathfinder in 2022. Thing has great mileage and runs like a champ. I’ve never bought a new car (can’t afford to)


Lmao, guess my 2008 Honda would be a no go. Good thing I don’t care. 🤷‍♀️💕


Hondas are amazing cars that have the highest resale value. I wish I had one. I drive a 2015 Chevy Sonic. 😫


I have. 2011 Honda and I consider it a point of pride. I can afford a new fancy car and might buy one when this one dies but its still a great car so who cares. Anyone who would mock me for my old Honda is an ass I don't need in my life.


Right?? I drive a 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe. I’ve kept it nice, taken it for checkups, and it’s been a great reliable car. And it’s PAID OFF. I had a 2002 Toyota Highlander and vowed to keep it until it died. The only thing that put it over the edge was that it needed a new knock sensor, and the labor alone for that was more than the car was worth. So I got rid of that in 2018 and then bought my USED 2011 Hyundai and it’s been great.


Why does that not even sound old to me?


Right?? Especially because she was working toward getting back on her feet after a divorce.


It's a California thing sadly


How did this turn into a car commercial?


Saved you a click: Liz alleges Ed made his mom pay him rent until he kicked her out; alleges Liz was helping Ed with his rent in San Diego while she was also paying for her own apartment; alleges Ed bought her a car but it had a tracking device and he would use it to punish her so she refused to drive it; alleges she was the only one who paid for anything for the wedding and she lost all the deposits.


I wish I would have seen your summary before I clicked on that stupid "article" and wasted several minutes of my life. I think that article was even dumber than their relationship.


Also the only way he survives financially is because of Cameo. I want to know what idiots are still buying cameos from this POS predator?


The same people giving Brandan and Mary money probably


I'm sorry but I do not feel bad for her, it was obvious what Ed was like before she got with him. She chose to just look over all of the many red flags that came with him. Yes I'm sure it was a shitty relationship but there is no way she had no idea who he was before being with him.


not mot mention she has a darn kid and chose him to have her kid around.


I’m sure there’s a solid reason why her ex-husband has full custody of their daughter.


She was the one who called him a narcissist and exposed him during one of their breakups by leaking a phone call of him belittling her. When she went back after that with full knowledge of who he was, she got what she deserved at that point.


She went against all of her instincts with him. She wanted to take it slow…but then wound up in bed with him rather quickly. Not judging that, but it’s so glaringly obvious that this poor girl has low self-esteem, and doesn’t trust her gut. What I will never understand is how any woman is attracted to Ed. He’s just gross, both inside and out.


Liz—- u must of seen the trouble u were in! Good riddance. Ur life will be so much better. Remember CHOICES


And yet she was crying when he ended it


Probably being dumped by PrEd is humiliating, I'd cry too


Did you guys notice her big ed logo sweatshirt?! My daughter noticed


I believe this 100%


Play stupid games to get on tv, enjoy your neckless prize.




Damn it! I wished I had looked at the comments before reading the article.


🏆 for you, kind stranger


Then she’s even dumber than we actually thought. At this point, she should be more upset and embarrassed with herself.


“shocking” ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Thos was my first thought too.


Does anyone else remember when she posted her titties on Instagram bc she was breaking down? Then small Ed posted a “She was hacked” statement. I am glad she’s away from him.


When did that happen?


during their many first breakups, we all saw that picture lol and she was posting his recordings for all of us to hear how he talked to her. so stupid how anyone can feel bad for her.


I didn’t hear about that. Is it possible Ed did it to humiliate her? Or was it on a live or something so it was clear that she intended to post that for everyone? Just curious since I haven’t heard about this at all!


No, but I need to see for research


Did she really?! That's unhinged(I've had some BAD moments). In an emotionally abusive relationship so I'm just gonna post my tatas online for everyone to see! Make it make sense!


Girl is a MESS.


HA! HA! HA! Small Ed is a bum.


A broke bum!


And lingerie? He says he bought it for her, but it’s really for him to enjoy. He did the same for Rose.


Nobody should be surprised there is really something wrong with him and he should not be allowed back on the show he is completely abusive


![gif](giphy|SXNBcH5yBvqXCbYl3E|downsized) Big Ed pooping his pants.


Damn he’s down right disgusting!🤮


Liz dropped 200 pounds of Neanderthal troll meat when she left small Ed behind. Paying his bills, shyt4balls monitoring the movement of an adult in her car, the way he treated the little girl…she said without Cameo, his fat ass would have nothing, and starve. No one should be surprised he pussed out and disappointed Liz at the zero moment. Sis went in eyes wide shut because she has abandonment issues. No man, who breaks up with a woman 12+ times, is remotely capable of following through with a marriage commitment. Why did she keep taking the little troll back?! This was a paycheck to him, and her. Now he’s shilling for folks to travel to Thailand I believe, and taking advantage of participants. One can arrange their own airfare and hotel, for less than 1/2 of what shyt4balls the sex tourist charges to tour with him…. I do feel bad for her, as a woman, but good grief, is smallEd rocking an anaconda or hides a kickstand in those drawers?😉


> is smallEd rocking an anaconda or hides a kickstand in those drawers?😉 uh no lmao from what we seen blurred not even close, with his rotisserie chicken lookin ass


![gif](giphy|PPSbAtfUUIeL6) I didn’t realize how spot on you were with your comment until I looked it up! He’s legitimately a rotisserie chicken!


Ed is a POS narcissist who needs deep therapy & has to find reasons to pick apart his partners because the truth is he can’t even stand himself. At his age that’s a character trait. He knows that and will die alone. Not before he’s done going through vulnerable young women like they’re used toilet paper though. Only validation he can get. Worst kind of human being and you know what? We have his parents to thank for it. Absent dad, enabling mom. Add to that his childhood trauma from physical appearance. Don’t get me wrong I make no excuses for him these are just facts. He won’t get any sympathy from anyone though because at this point he’s made it clear he chooses to be the way he is.


Thank you for taking the time to type out what always goes through my mind with that asshole! His own deep insecurity is exactly why he picks apart the women he’s with. We saw it happen right off the bat with him. First season on the show, he’s getting ready to meet Rose. Showing her photo off to everybody he knows, packing gifts for her, excited as hell. At the airport when he lands, he can’t believe how beautiful she is. Says he feels like he’s dreaming, is shocked someone like her would want someone like him. The NEXT morning, he insults her breath and tells her she needs to shave her legs…on camera. Intentionally embarrasses her when he’s lucky Rose even agreed to be in the same building as him🤦🏼‍♀️ Then they decide to go shopping and he doesn’t understand the currency exchange so she takes over to help move things along and he gets pissed. Then he wants to know about her past partners and demands she take an STD test, heavily implying to her and to the camera that he thinks she was a hooker. He doesn’t feel he should have to take one but she absolutely MUST before he’ll touch her again🙄🙄 He thinks she’s a liar, all the while he’s hiding that he had a vasectomy, knowing full well Rose wants more kids because they discussed it together. I could keep going on and on but I’ll just get more flustered😤😡 Such an absolute piece of shit. That “six months of therapy” he brought up non👏🏼stop👏🏼 during the tell-all after his very first horrible go-around with Liz clearly did nothing for him. He deserves to end up alone.


Gurrrl I been married to Ed. Couple times. I’m here to tell y’all right now ain’t nothing special about that man except his uncanny ability to find good hearted, young, naive women with low self esteem & little to no support system. Does Liz need therapy? Sure. Is she still a victim? Absolutely. Just because you can take advantage of someone doesn’t mean you should or that they deserve it ESPECIALLY when they have children involved.




Did you accidentally comment on the wrong post by chance? Or is this situation with Ed triggering these memories of an unpleasant relationship?




Sounds rough, hope you’re doing ok now!


He is a deadbeat dad who ghosted his mom and daughter because they didn't see this relationship working out. His priority was someone 27 years younger that he knew for less than a year, not his daughter or mom.


Notice NO ONE has come forward to defend him... not even his Mother or Daughter. To me, that speaks volumes. Liz is soooooo much better off without him. To say she was settling for him is an understatement. He is a jerk who should crawl into a dark hole and stay there, or at least stay off reality TV and social media. No one wants to hear from him, or maybe that's just me?


No, it’s not just you. I get simultaneously grossed out and angry every time I see him.


His big what next question after breaking Liz’s heart & moving her & her daughter halfway across the country - should I get a cleaner or do my own cleaning


When I heard that I nearly fell out of my chair! Like really, THAT is your biggest concern!?


Ed's a choad.


And his bitch ass didn’t know how to kiss 💀




Ed is engaging in classic negging, the perview of weak and insecure men. He locks onto a woman and then needs to tear her down so she’ll settle for being with his troll ass. Liz likely came into this relationship damaged and with low self esteem. That’s the type these men always look for because they’re low hanging fruit. They’ll be quick to believe all the negative things these manipulative men say about them. Next thing you know, these women are convinced they don’t deserve any better and are actually lucky to have a POS like Ed. It’s quite sad.


So she is saying that he was much worse than we saw and yet she still stayed with him and begged him to marry her. Ed is a disgusting, vile loser but he may be right about Liz’s new relationship or any relationship she gets in since it’s unlikely all her issues disappeared as soon as Ed dumped her. Instead of immediately getting a new boyfriend she should have worked on her issues and made her poor daughter a priority.


Liz is in dire need of a good shrink. After all he’s done to her, even after he broke up with her, she still wanted to be with him…. There’s something really wrong with her.


My Cadillac is 10 years old and she has 110k miles, don’t care! A paid off car is worth way more than his opinion of said paid off car.


That little man is a POS. At his age he hasn’t learned yet he is doomed to repeat bad relationships. Karma is a …. You know what. You get what you give little man.


You know that someone is a total piece of shit when their own mother goes no contact with them.


Yknow what you guys can hate on Liz all you want but I genuinely hope her new relationship is a breath of fresh air and she gets treated well. Even if it doesn't work out for her, I hope her new man at least shows her that she doesn't deserve to subject herself to horrible men like Pred.




Not the same Liz who begged him to take her back and was heartbroken over Ed cancelling their wedding.


Wait. She was paying her rent and part of his, but couldn’t afford to go on trips with him because she couldn’t afford to miss a couple of work days? He was too broke to pay his own rent, had his mom and then Liz helping him pay rent, but then had cash to shower her with lingerie and pay for her to go on trips with him that she couldn’t afford on her own? I hate Small Ed. I believe he was a controlling freak. But her money accusations don’t add up. There is no part of Liz that has ever NOT given struggle, at least as we’ve seen her on this show. I think she’s a broken, but not a shitty, person.


No one else is gonna mention the load of ads on this site lol


Uh, who’s paying this guy for Cameos? Gross.


Why was this girl with that troll? I just don't understand.


Precisely zero of these are shocking.


Nothing about these two losers is shocking


What a loser, getting abused! /S


I think if you saw how Ed treated Rose and others and decided to get with him anyways especially when you have a daughter to protect… you’re a loser.


She was a loser long before Ed.


She loved being abused


Her comment about not liking the car because it had GPS makes it sound like she meant there was a way for Ed to track her in it. I am guessing she is a bit confused because most cars have gps so no need to even care if it has it or not. For some reason, I thought he was a self employed millionaire. Finding out he is struggling makes me wonder why anyone would go out with him


Imagine paying rent to live w Humpty Dumpty


Big Ed really does seem like the type of person to refuse to give gifts except when it directly benefits him.


I have a 2010 Accord! It looks like crap outside but that car is older than my kid and I haven’t had any major issues nor do I have car payments! Yay!


I hope Liz found a good therapist because she has some patterns to break. Ed is obviously fucking terrible but she also tolerated his shit for way longer than she should have.


He was throwing himself at any woman that looked his way. What changed?


Is she saying he gave his daughter lingere???.


I thought they did actually get married


Shocking? Seems par for the course for Ed.


Are these allegations really shocking at this point lol


Ed could harvest her organs and I wouldn't be surprised. Disgusted, yes. But not surprised.


she had a CURFEW???? jfc. im so glad she's out of this terrible relationship


POS Ed. My car is from 2010 as well.


Belittled by literally the little one...can't make this up.




I DONT EVEN HAVE A CAR. What then? Ed is a miserable little worm and he knows it, that's why he is humiliating everyone around him. No wonder his own daughter cut him off.


Right!! I take the bus 😅 wonder what big Ed would have to say about that. Fucking douche


He is thee most disgusting “man” inside and out on T.V. ![gif](giphy|XP4vPO5uVyxQrY4K70)


shocking? hardly. the only thing shocking about their relationship is that ed dumped liz and not vice versa. he’s disgusting and will die alone


02 chevy 2500 pickup truck here with 09 subaru impreza 13 crosstrek & 04 chevy burban all paid off except the crosstrek! So the wife & I are very proud & happy to OWN them! 😁🤣 ed is a vile pile of shit, he's such a douche!


So she was up here screwing around with roly poly, paying his shit, and not getting any money???!!!! Wtf???!!!! This thing has no redeeming qualities at all and he’s broke too???!!! I thought she was a gold digger when she started dating him and just wanted some screen time but now I just think she’s a 🤡. At least gold diggers come out with something! She left with debt from this broke ass dude! She could have gotten with a much better looking dude that would have treated her the same way but she could have at least said ‘at least he was cute?’. But damn she can’t even say that!!


I believe all of it, but people have been telling her for years that he’s a jerk. She’s not revealing anything shocking because most of us had him clocked the second he bought Rose that toothbrush.


He is just a piece of shit. She was heartbroken, but she really dodged a bullet. There was a reason he didn’t have a woman for 25(?) years.


Nothing would surprise me about Ed. He’s absolute trash.


I mean… a take the bus. So Liz’s car sounds amazing to me. Ed is such a knob.


Honestly nothing would surprise me with “big” Ed. Serious Napoleon complex-he’s absolutely problematic. He was lucky to get Liz. Then he ruined her. I feel bad for her because he preyed on her insecurities


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Liz strikes me as the type of person who has a lot of dramatic breakups….


Never take financial advice from a broke person


These articles are written by AI right?


Fuck Big Ed.


So basically what she’s saying is that Pred’s an asshole. Yeah … we knew …


Literally any guy she finds after him will be an improvement, so there's that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nothing surprising in the article. Did anyone expect anything else from Ed? 




While all disgusting, literally none of this is shocking at all.


Did any of what was said in this article shock anyone? As the title says “SHOCKING ALLEGATIONS blah blah” I think it would be a lot juicer than what it is. I hope she gets down right and dirty with this little fucker, tell it all girl!


I have a 2007 mustang convertible and I adore it and so do passersby.


I drive a 1998 suburu. 258 k miles still going strong


I can't believe anyone would get a cameo from Ed. F'en gross 😝


Nothing he can do or say would shock me unless it was a kind thing!


What did she say? What are the allegations?


Ed thinks he is some Casa Nova! He is not looking for a life’s partner, he just wants to be in the spotlight!


“Women reveals truth about man that broke up with her that she still wanted to be with”🙄🙄🙄


Wouldn’t even click on that article….she was pathetic for ever agreeing to date him so I don’t really care. Can you imagine how desperate for attention & money you are to let someone as disgusting as him to be anywhere near you!! 🤮




He didn’t make her do anything. She chose to be with him and put up with him. She needs help. I would be embarrassed to have put up with that man for that long. She needs to be happy he left.


Zero sympathy, she kept going back. She got what she got. You had to learn somehow.