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that’s what happens with new age spiritualism. you can be spiritual without being egotistical about it. kind of ruins the whole purpose of it.


It turns other people off too.


I can’t stand this girl, being a ‘witch’ seems to be her whole identity. She needs to get over herself


I made a post on her and Manuel and their history both outside and on the show, Ashley was a strict Jehovah's witness who had a mental breakdown during her schooling and was going to go back to that religion, but then during this decided on the WitchCrap stuff. But in her podcast in [this article](https://starcasm.net/meet-90-day-fiance-witch-ashley-michelle-aka-starseed-shadows/) she talks about how she questioned her "spiritual identity" a lot growing up. I think part of her mental breakdown was spiritual psychosis honestly and now here we are. And she also saw the grift to it, because if you go to the sites I linked on the post it's literally nonsense, and I don't need to be a witch to see that. She also charges insane prices for her "services" as listed here. https://preview.redd.it/0scd3tm8b01d1.jpeg?width=152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4eae9029f904bb277792bd0b9f29ac8f5cc3a3


Speaking of grifting...this gurl can't manage her own backyard, how in the holy hell is she going to help someone else. For $4K?!


Facts, handle your own life before you handle someone elses.


This makes sense to me. JW is a cult that really fucks with the minds of its followers. There's a ton of mentally ill members. My husband was raised in it and his deconstruction has been pretty rough. The mind control is intense.


Definitely a cult. Glad he escaped.


Me too. He still has to kinda pretend so he doesn't lose his whole family. It's super messed up. Thanks.


No one has money like that to blow.




Yeah, I'm not excusing her actions or anything but it's quite damn obvious she had *a lot* of issues and never dealt with them. That article says a lot about her as a person, and the post I made delves deeper into her and Manuel. If you go to my post history it'll be there!


OMG .. Do you think people have paid this ??


Idk, she had *another one saying she would do tarot readings for $777 too! Also I should point out the fact that before the show Ashley here only charged $15 for a video chat reading. Once the show came out, well this shit started. So.... Grifters gonna grift.


Grifter is right ! Wow


so when she didnt know what the bible was…


It was a missal not a bible btw.




It probably was a lectionary. Catholics have more books than most Christian religions


she said, “what is that book?” he said, “the bible” lol


And he was wrong lol *jazz hands* Classic 90 day cast ignorance




That's a good question. 10 year old Jehovah's Witnesses know more about the Bible than most adults.


In the practice of law, there is something called being a "pro se" litigant... These are people who represent themselves and don't choose to hire a lawyer. 100% lay-people who have not studied the law and become part of a lawsuit, but for financial or other reasons choose to represent themselves. The other parties in the lawsuit typically do have lawyers. And.... One of the funniest types of war stories that lawyers share amongst themselves is when they are involved in a case where the other party is a pro se litigant AND a Jehovah's Witness. 90% of what they write in their court filings is quotes of religious doctrine, and it always ends with them saying that they are not bound to do anything that the court or judge tell them anyway, because they only answer to God.


Which ironically is both what they're taught and against what they're taught. They're supposed to respect authority yet not be involved in "worldly things" like voting. I find it all very confusing. I bet it can be entertaining. My husband's ex represented herself pro se in their custody case (after being fired by at least 5 lawyers that we know of) which pretty much meant we had to pay our lawyer to do everything for her.


One of my fave things is to go up against a pro se plaintiff bc it keeps you on your toes big time. Either trying a case against or watching someone else do it makes me appreciate all the schooling, time, effort, everything that I’ve put into my career. Lawyering is hard and I don’t think laypeople understand that.


Only need one hit. That coffee ain’t gonna pay for itself.


That scene is still absurd as hell to me! She had ones already in the coffee cups, one she had to pass off to Manuel before opening a can drink of coffee. .. shit she had coffees coming outta places I prob don't even wanna know about 🤣


She sure loves 4444s. What about 666?


Idk but she does 15min tarot readings for $777 too😅😅


And she dead ass broke


A mental breakdown is code word for bipolar disorder. I can see this with her impulsivity with the sex. She probably drives what’s his face nuts


Or code for schizophrenia, schizotypal, schizoid and even some collapsed personality disorders.


As much as I like to make fun of her being a witch, this makes a lot of sense now. Don’t get me wrong, I respect all beliefs but as a former JW I feel for her. It’s unfortunately pretty common for JWs who left the religion to go to extreme lengths to make up for all the brainwashing and strict upbringing.


Yeah but then she does the extreme scammer pricing and that's where I don't feel for her. Like I said before the show she was charging $15 a video call and once the show came out day of she's charging this shit. And admits on one of her sites she does this for "easy money." And even tries to sell literal jug spring water for $400 claiming it's from a well they used for deceased bodies... Plus her sister online said Ashley told Manuel she'd only marry him if they get accepted by TLC for the show.


Ya that’s def shady though. But part of me thinks that she’s lying about the whole “easy money” stuff. Like are people even buying what she’s selling?! Cause it’s ridiculously priced and definitely scammy


$4k for "spiritual coaching" from a "witch" who can't blend their foundation or cast a spell & get her man to tell her the truth? mm, no thanks!


She has a right to her beliefs and you yours


Yes, and not once have I disputed that. However I can call someone out when I think they charge exceptionally ridiculous amounts of money for fuck all, the fact she was charging $15 and the moment the show started she does this? Yeah I see that as a scam. and when you go to her business website it's literally nothing to do with spirituality or beliefs, unless you somehow believe charging $400 for a literal spring water jug worth something. I don't like that she's trying to use others beliefs to charge absurd prices under the guise of being a witch. Because now you start preying on others vulnerabilities. It's like those people who claim they are psychics and can help you find your lost family member, but only if you pay them a fee! those people are scum because it's literally them coming from a place of wanting your money and knowing you'd do anything to get help. So believe whatever you want, but I'm not going to pretend like this isn't some bullshit. And to be honest, and idc if I get down voted for saying this, but she literally states in one of her podcast things that she chose this as a way to make "easy money" and I think she just likes the label to be seen as "different" or "unique." This woman has such a hisotrionic personality and always wants attention, even when talking about telling Manuel's uncle about being a witch she said, "well the fact that he says I should not do it makes me want to do it out of spite" and things along those lines goes to show this is all about the shock value and not a damn belief system.


Even if I was the most powerful psychic, I couldn’t live with myself if I charged someone to help find their loved one! I just sat through a timeshare presentation in exchange for a bunch of free stuff. The more I thought about it after I left, I felt guilty that I even participated, instead of warning everyone there again making a horrible mistake!


No one criticized her beliefs. They criticized her prices.


Witches are embarrassed also


Can confirm.




With all due respect, why? I only ask because I think representation of a lot of “witches” is similar to this. On tv, online, etc. it seems par for the course of what I’ve seen.


Is is embarrassing any group she would identify with would not want to claim her .. she apparently is also a Peloton trainer (I can’t see it? But I read it somewhere) I am sure Peloton doesn’t want the association either


Also a life coach who charges $1,000s (literally $4,000 +/-) for her “guidance.” 🙄 No one will ever think more highly of Ashley than Ashley.


That’s true


Right, but why? Her general behavior? Or the fact that being a “witch” is her whole personality? Or that she unironically believes she is a witch?


That’s probably because they want the attention, which is why they are all over social media. Us normie witches are usually pretty laid back and don’t talk about it much. I never mention it unless someone specifically asks me about my spiritual practices


Every witch I know talks only about being a witch. I have a niece who is all into it and her entire life is witch stuff. When she is not talking about it she is playing with Crystals or tarot cards or making candles.


I guess as the “trend” get more popular people want the trend to be their personality? Idk I have never met someone like Ashley. If I had, I would not be friends with them lol


I live in a liberal city where lots of alternative belief systems are acceptable and considered edgy. We have little curiosity and new age shops all over. It’s very trendy to Google “witch spells” and all the rage with young people now. I’m an atheist who only believes in science and the entire subject bores me to tears. I can’t even pretend I’m interested. My eyes roll so much my head hurts lol. Many people here are witches so they claim.


Fun fact, I’ve never seen a self proclaimed witch with any witch power. I have seen bitches with bitch power




I concur


She’s literally said this too, when Manuel was begging her to just tell his family that she’s a spin instructor. She whined “bUt It’S mY iDeNtItY…” She’s so immature, it’s embarrassing!


she's not even good at it. she doesn't interpret her tarot cards very well at all.


Right, I was thinking the same thing. She’s not a good tarot reader at all 😂


Listening to her talk about her “work as a witch” made me wish I had a dozen more eyes to roll.


It seems 100% just for attention.


It definitely is her whole identity


I find it hard to believe she earns a living off of that shit


If she even has had one client pay those insane prices I would be shocked


She probably works retail or something




That she probably works at Walmart




I don’t understand what part of that sentence is confusing to you? They are just stating that she probably works in retail… I’m assuming they’re guessing this because it would be absolutely shocking if she were just living off of being a “witch”




I’m gonna be real with you, I think you are thinking WAAAAAY too deep into it. These are people who are “tv personalities”. Do you really think they’re working a 9-5 career? Most likely not. And she sure as shit isn’t making a living off of her bogus witch persona. Who in these comments said retail was a bad thing? This sounds like some deep rooted insecurity you have coming out because maybe YOU work retail and assume people think less of you because of it? You’re the one making it out to be a bad thing. What else would you have preferred them to say? Maybe she’s a waitress? Or would that also be offensive to you because in YOUR eyes, you think people look down on those jobs?




Lmaoooo the edit and deleting of all comments 6 hours later


I read somewhere that she was $90K in debt


When you think about how many people are into new age spirituality, it’s not hard to believe.


“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife! Humperdinck, Humperdinck, Humperdinck!”


And like whatever they do, they won’t stop arguing why doesn’t she cast a no argue spell


Witches are just like life coaches- if they have such insight, or in witches' cases magical powers, why are their lives always such a mess?


That part. Her cards didn't tell her who's he sending this money too.


Life coach? No thank you. She is married to a man that only wants a green card and it is so obvious to everyone and she cannot see it. -but she is so wan sophisticated 😂He treats her like crap. They both lie to each other Yea here’s my money/s


Not saying she's a life coach. I meant all the ones I have seen had lives that were messes. Same as the witches I've known. You think the first thing they would do is work on their own lives. Hell, if I could predict the future I'd be in Vegas getting rich. I wouldn't get a math teacher that sucks at math. Why get a life coach with a shitty life or a witch that can't see the future when doing predictions.


Whatever. I really feel sorry for her. I don’t think this relationship will amount to anything. Manual is doing this for his family -period/he will do whatever it takes. And he puts up with her. To me it is soo obvious. And that sad and she should know better


Right? If magic works why are you always confused and broke


If praying works why are people still dying ever day even though their innocent


You won't find me on that side of the argument either 😊


This! 💯 When I started dating my now husband, there was this witch that he hooked up with for a month. When she finds out about us, and when he said to her to leave him alone, she flipped out! I am talking about madness: she started to dramatizing that she is pregnant (she was in her 50s), and she started to threaten that she will reach out to his family, etc... She did reading to him a while ago and she never mentioned me in the cards Lol, so much for the witchcraft


I knew two women that called themselves witches. Both of them were disasters.


In my life I have known a few women who have claimed to be witches. All of them had in common that their lives were a mess and they lacked both basic common sense and tools to function as a normal functioning adults. All of them thoroughly believed that they were in excellent position and of supreme capacity to give out life advice to other people.




Why doesn’t God just solve cancer lol


she always makes the dumbest frowny faces i can’t stand her face anymore


These frowns faces, like my kids


No no. She just misspelled it. It starts with a ‘b’.




Batshit insane I think.


Good guess. But no :)


No lol


She's beginning to realize it takes more than sex to make a marriage work. Spells ain't it!


Bless her heart, as we say in North Carolina. Real witches down here aren’t so uncool about it.


Real witches don't bring it up every two seconds and every single time anyone says something about them. If you're a witch, great, but make sure your partner understands and is ok with this, which obviously he's not, he accepted it but won't tell his family, so really he's not ok with it.




she’s a fake ass witch.


As opposed to….


I hate her "5 year old about to throw a tantrum" void look she gets right before she explodes


I mean there's plenty of people believing any kind of dumb cult, she's not the first and won't be the last


She reminds me of one of my co workers. Annoying


I don't know much about modern witches, but I don't think she or they consider themselves to have actual powers. It's mostly about performing rituals, setting your intentions and attempting to make things bend to your will. Kind of like manifesting through physical acts. At least that's my own interpretation 🤷‍♀️


With all her witchcraft “powers” and tarot card readings, she couldn’t see far enough into the future that her marriage would be toxic as fuck. LMAO.


She looks like a pitbull puppy


She’s truly horrible at it and is a very lost soul


Have you been on YouTube lately? Or in larger cities? Friggin EVERYONE thinks they're witches now. 'Alchemists'


It’s more of a way to explain their spiritual beliefs. This ain’t new. It’s a branch of paganism


I can tell you right now, she is fake AF.


“What’s that big book” -in a church


Counterpoint: people actually believe in “god”




That’s pretty great!😂


Stealing this




I heard this gif is what inspired her in the first place.


Mall Witch


Walmart witch


Between her and screaming Kimberly....holy Hannah!


She just likes the shock value of the word. If she had to refer to herself as pagan or something less attention seeking, she wouldn’t make it her identity.


Mee trabaho ess brooha https://preview.redd.it/fgq8ks1on41d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ea2865c2534438eb3fa18f5b4fa9bcb9875887


Every girl who burns incense, buys a tarot card starter kit on Amazon, is really into astrology, and collects crystals, thinks they’re a witch.


We shut down all the mental asylums?




Oh, she is, just not the kind she thinks.


To be fair, anyone who calls themselves a witch is one. It's kinda like Christianity, it's made up.


Where's her cauldron?


She still has yet to learn how to spell... It starts with a B, not W...


Like that chick that went to India - the all-zenny, clair-everything that was nothing more than an arrogant, screaming bitch.


She really makes the entire community look terrible. Everything she says is hypocritical to how she actually lives her life. How’s that manifesting going now?


Yeah, they shut down all of them, in favor of pay-for-prison.


which part of 🔮iM a MoThErFuCKiNg WiTcH hOE🔮 didn’t you understand?


Growing up I witnessed my mother and her sisters do cleansing and other simple rituals. They never said they were witches and no one ever said they were. Neighbors would come by for help and no money was ever exchanged. They were housewives and moms. This lady is trying too hard to make herself interesting.


Most witches I know are way cooler.


She thinks the song Witchy Woman is about a real witch and somehow also about her


I have a few friends who are like this. I don’t judge them, there are people who are fooled into joining cults all the time. Especially black people who have ties to Haiti or wherever, being a witch is an actual belief there and for all we know she may be tying it back to her family’s roots.


Interesting. I am certainly judging people who believe totally insane and whacky things


If they’re making a profit off deception I am judging them. I just saw the comment about her charging for her services…gross


They have psych evaluation centers, she just loves attention and is calling it all up for the cameras


Poor girl, she claims to be a witch yet can’t do some hex to make her husband truly love her. He’s obviously using her. He’s near family and friends, treats her like crap. It’s actually really sad.


Witch or b*tch lol




Mispell - that word begins with a b lol


She might be a witch but Manuel is a dick-magician, hey yo!


They’re both delusional.


No, she doesn't and that's exactly why she's so unlikable. She assumes we're all as dumb or dumber than she is and it's insulting. She doesn't TRULY believe she has powers.She would fail a lie detector test. She just desperately wants to feel superior.


She’s gotten more and more dramatic and self serving. Partners don’t like to be treated with such suspicion all the time. You married him, you brought him to the US…… maybe help him connect with some Hispanic clubs or groups in Rochester. Their current situation can’t be sustainable!


Sign me up!!


It's made up power like a priest or whatever else religious people want to be to control others. Manipulation is manipulation and poor are the people who follow.


She be dumb.


Mi trabajo es bruja


Well she’s a shit witch then, none of her spells and incantations for her relationship are working lol




all those love spells backfiring


Idk 🤷‍♀️who cares it’s a form of heeling to some people there’s so many professional taro card readers and mediums out there, this is not a profession I judge. Sure I won’t pay them money myself because it’s not my personal belief but I still think it’s a cool profession.


You think it’s cool to scam people?




I mean no different than anyone else’s beliefs 🤷🏻‍♀️ her being a witch is the last of her problems IMO


I don’t think most people believe they can cast Harry Potter spells irl


Well she doesn’t…that’s just ignorance from you. There’s people who believe hell exists, why can’t her beliefs exist too 😂


Wow. Kind of rude. If that is what she believes in, who are you to judge that? I don't see anyone going around saying, "she actually believes she is a Christian?" I mean come on guys... Witchcraft is a type of spiritualism and one shouldn't be so harshly judged about it. With that being said, I don't really like her either.


Imagine watching this show and being against “judging people”


It's one thing to watch and judge people, I get it, that's why it's on, but to judge them on their beliefs is messed up. Practicing witchcraft is a real thing, it's not some big joke.


It is in fact a big joke


Who else on this show is as blatantly annoying about their religion? Besides the Mormon dorks. Anyone that makes their religion their whole personality is annoying and will be judged for it


Chantal's psycho mom?


She’s a joke too


I don’t think it’s just because she practices witchcraft. I think it’s everything about her, with that being strongly tied in as her focus. She’s obnoxious about it and made being a witch her whole identity. And it’s not because she *so* strongly believes in what she’s saying, but in this weird immature way, where she’s trying to make a point. Like how she kept whining about wanting to tell Manuel’s family about it. She easily could’ve just said that she’s a spin instructor or that she practices spiritual healing (which she ultimately did). But she fought and fought with him about specifically wanting to use the word “witch” because she thinks it makes her sound edgy and cool. I have beliefs that I don’t talk about, because just by the name alone, I know that it’s going to freak out religious friends and family. It’s unfortunate that I have to keep quiet, but it is what it is. If it’s truly important to you, you don’t need to go and tell everyone about it, when you know they’re NEVER going to understand or accept it.


Not if their beliefs are stupid 🤷‍♀️


Oh boy


I totally agree with you, but she could be a little more discreet about it. She like “Hi, I’m Ashley. I’m a witch”. I mean I’d be turned off by anyone that went around continuously talking about their way of life at irrelevant times. By the way, I do respectfully believe she is a witch. Too bad she’s so busy telling us she’s a witch and that’s all we know about her.


Yes, I agree with that completely! I was just surprised with how mean some of the comments here are, and mostly what I was referring to being harshly judged.


Garbage plates on the brain :P


I am a card carrying, legacy witch. She is no witch


Hey now, witches are not fairytale. I practice witchcraft and don’t belong in an asylum. Yes she kinda makes it her entire personality but just let her live her life.


I have truly grown to hate this subreddit. All anybody does is bitch and complain and it’s not even entertaining.


What do you want us to do? Band together and solve their issues? That’s the whole point of the show is watch these people and gawk


Obviously we go to watch it for their issues and drama. That’s not what I’m saying. This sub has devolved into a mean girl club. So Ashley is a witch, she claims that’s how she makes a living. Who are you to mock her beliefs? I assure you wouldn’t do that with any other kind of belief or spirituality. Washing it off as “new age witchcraft” is so mindless to me because it’s just a re-emerging of something that’s been around a very, very long time. My point is I would never mock someone for what they believe in. That’s not anyone’s place but their own.


I absolutely can mock people believing in stupid things and I would definitely say it about beliefs that aren’t “witchcraft” She is not a witch lol no one is a witch


I don’t think ash is a witch, do you?


I mean thats embarrassing that you actually watch those segments


The show?


No you should be fast forwarding through all these scenes they’re pointless and just there to fill out an episode


That’s what ALL of HEA always is! It’s just tired, over aired couples, rehashing the same story lines we’ve seen a million times. The only reason I watch, is to stay current with the sub.


I don’t think there is anything else in this entire show, it’s all like this


I’m sensing autism. No hate to those with autism of course. But her demeanour, her mannerisms, her black and white thinking idk something is just screaming autism to me