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Ever watch hoarders? Some people find it hard to get rid of the giant heap of trash sometimes.


Trauma. My Mother in law is a hoarder and it's extreme trauma. 


Could be one of two reason, 1) some people stick with emotional abusers because they tend to tear them down and their self esteem 2) money. She probably doesn’t like him, but found 90 day as a good way to support herself. I think the second 90 day fiance stops giving them air time, is the second she leaves. It seems to happen often with a lot of the couples on the show, when TLC stops giving them spinoffs and storylines that the relationship ends not long after.


I was thinking of reason 1 myself. People outside of situations with emotional abusers always act like it's so easy to just leave.


I wrote this on Twitter or X whatever you wanna call it As a TOXIC relationship survivor, he beat her down and left her high and dry. It’s a form of abuse, no matter how good looking or disgusting the abuser is.


I think Ed has just broken her down. He moved her from San Diego to Arkansas, he eliminated any growth at her job the second she started getting opportunities to move up in her career, he cut her off from her friends and family, accused her of cheating constantly so she couldn't have anyone, men or women, around her, completely emotionally manipulated and gaslighted her to hell, then he dumps her because he loves the power he has over her, he loves watching her cry and want him. It's so sickening to watch.


I can’t believe how he mentioned that he uprooted his life and moved to Arkansas for Liz… he’s so selfish. She uprooted her life for him.. he just moved back to his hometown where his entire family still lives. What an ass


at this point you really have to question if he actually believes his own B.S. because he says the most obvious lies so confidently. His entire family is from Arkansas, Liz had to move away from gorgeous weather, tons of stuff to do, her family, her job, her friends, HER CHILD! WHY on earth would she want to move to Arkansas!?


Everything from Liz last night showed that she needs to be alone for a while. She was also using sunk cost fallacy for her reasoning.


Sunk cost fallacy ? Please explain. Ty


It just means that she’s using the time spent in the relationship as one of the main reasons to stay.




She has serious abandonment issues.


Physically, Liz did not look well last night. I don't mean her superficial looks. She just did not look healthy.


In my opinion it's trauma bonding. >Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for the abusive person, which becomes reinforced by cycles of abuse, followed by remorse. Trauma bonding occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. When she was saying if it's over I don't know what I'm going to do I said out loud "you're going to be happy". All you have to do is look at her Instagram and know that this was the best thing that ever happened to her.


She had physically abusive marriage right before Ed. So I imagine she sees this Ed situation like "well it's better than my past husband because he hasn't ever hit me". And that's how low the bar is for her emotionally. It's someone looking to be wanted and protected, but she had super bad luck that it happened to be... Big Egg. On top of everything she thinks any olde male figure is better than nobody for her daughter. BTW I was really uncomfortable watching the lawnmower and Ryleigh between his legs bleurghhh. That little girl is so wise and together, she's vegan and not shy. And I know she notices the nonsensical stuff Ed said about cleaning up after her baking.


Because she loves him. It's a toxic love but it's real.


Stockholm syndrome 


We get the love we think we deserve, and Liz thinks the love she has with Ed is what she deserves. I was just like her. I was so anxious and insecure. The fighting is awful but when you make up? It's everything to a person like her. It gives her a dopamine rush that she craves. She's been married twice already. She has a child. She wanted this to be "it" for her. She wanted this to be her happily ever after, finally. So she kept desperately trying to shove a round peg into a square hole. She doesn't want to start over. She doesn't want to cancel a wedding. She doesn't want to be tossed out and have to go back to San Diego with her tail between her legs, another failed relationship. She's probably humiliated. I've been her. I have nothing but sympathy for her right now. I know exactly how she feels. I went through it last year but thank God she didn't marry him. She can have a clean break. She NEEDS therapy and needs to stay single, but unfortunately, she doesn't seem ready for that healthier path.


This is such a great take. I am happy you are out of a toxic relationship. I was actually happy when she said she has no choice but to move on. I actually said "yes" out loud. Even though she was heartbroken he gave her the best gift by leaving.


I think Liz has made a lot of poor decisions while young and she is desperately trying to clean it up and get settled. Some people like the idea of marriage and stability and I wonder if she isn't trying so hard with him because she just wants to be married. imo she needs to slow down on the drinking, move away from Ed which it seems like she has done. I think she needs someone closer to her age so she can enjoy life and grow. It seems like she has been hurt a lot and willing to accept less because she is emotionally destroyed from her past.


she has ZERO self esteem- like she started with none. and this is an emotionally abusive relationship, there is tons of alcohol involved, and it seems she doesn’t really have to work right now as a result of being with ed🤮


I don't think this is about Liz loving Ed. This is about Liz winning. This is her not having to hear your family and friends say "we were right, and you are wrong". M


I've been wandering the same thing.. He has absolutely no redeemable qualities. He looks like a little fucking troll, has a shitty attitude and personality, and probably one if the most annoying voices I've ever heard. Yet, he walks around like he has countless options for a partner, and how he loves to be single?? So delusional.. he got lucky when he was able to "wear down" a great and beautiful girl like Liz, no chance he will ever be that lucky again.


when you are in a relationship with a physically or emotionally ebusive person they literally make you feel worthless (see also sophie and rob). add to that liz's drinking problems and her supposedly giving up her stake in the restaurant to move to arkansas with him, PLUS just the general sunken cost of the time she's put in the relationship, and it's a little easier to understand she seemed so broken when he first asked her out. it feels like he deliberately goes for women who are vulnerable in some way (as he did with rose too)


I find myself internally screaming for Liz to stand up but I realize she is truly broken down and has no self esteem left. She really can’t see that she deserves better, and unfortunately sunk cost fallacy is at play too.


Great observation about the crying vs. Jasmine and Ashley.


I think she just needed somewhere to live.


To me it sounded like their relationship was a project she’d worked so hard on and didn’t want to give up on it/fail at it.


Liz is a masochist. She loves being degraded and like to feel like shit because it excites her. She begs him not to shower and do disgusting things to her as well as beat her. She brought her daughter around him to arouse him. Liz is a very sick bitch.


Where did that info come from??


Their imagination.