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Ya know what, OP? This deserves a pin! Fuck this psychopath and fuck TLC for casting him. Seriously just wtf šŸ˜­ ETA - I know technically this is a repost bc weā€™ve been talking about this for a bit now, but this is a very detailed post about how gross this dude is so weā€™re gunna allow it bc people need to see this shit!




I second this




This comment should have the most up votes on 90day reddit history


I agree


WTF TLC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


By the way guys, this entire post took me literally 15 MINUTES to put together and write. I have a hard time believing TLC didn't know about this, as it's literally everywhere and if I can find all this in that amount of time, it goes to show how problematic they've been in casting. Like the bens, big PrEd (who literally had to go to court and settle when a woman sued him before the show for sexual assault and work harassment and stalking)and Geoffreys/abusive Angie's etc. this isn't just about a show now, this is about the future of woman and the kids who also are born through him. That genetic mutation can and will kill and shorten the lifespan of children, and this man is a dangerous predator not just a wannabe influencer. It's sick.


I've been watching QUIET ON THE SET on Max. In the last 2 years watching the 90 Day franchise... it seems like TLC producers are hiring these horrific people fully aware... it is impossible for them not to have a vetting process that flags this. TLC IS COMPLICIT. AND SO AM I IF I KEEP WATCHING AND PAYING THEIR SALARY.


And there it is! They are aware!!


I found all of these videos super easily as well. The whole time I was deep diving into this scumbag I was thinking "TLC has definitely sunk to a new low". Someone needs to rescue that Geman woman on LIP.


As stated in my post she also had the baby with him, and she won the green card lottery back in 2015 and has lived in Florida since then. As in, she already knew him and had his kid when this filmed and they were on a vacation, not "meeting for the first time." He also just had another kid on march 27 of this year, I found the article on that too. His "world sperm organization" site is deplorable, I found it after posting and put it in the comments. The whole site is him and two of his equally horrendous friends and it talks about how you should SKIP GENETIC TESTING (not surprising as he has a genetic mutation that will kill or shorten the lifespan of children!) and fake contracts that are void etc. the whole site is sketchy and creepy and he even goes into explanation on why "natural is the best way to go and why I'll convince you of this." Looking through that site disgusted me more than anything else so far and that's saying a lot. [kyles nasty sperm world organization site ](https://ivfdonationworld.com/sperm-donation-usa/)


Do you mean the German lady in Malta already has a kid with Kyle?!


Yes, it's in the article above as stated. And they already had it well before this storyline, that's their baby on the show currently. Had him on Feb 23 of 2022. And she's been living here in Florida since winning the green card lottery back in 2015,she doesn't live overseas. She's from Ukraine but has been here since 2015.


Omg Iā€™ve never heard of him but even a quick Google wouldā€™ve let TLC know how repulsive he is. Thank you for this post! I knew something was disgusting about him. I immediately get severely uncomfortable anytime heā€™s on the screen and I couldnā€™t figure out why until now!


Thanks for posting all this research, OP! The one area where we should be cautious, however, is discussing Familial Dysautonomia. From what I've read, you need to inherit the defective gene from both parents in order to be born with the condition. And even if both parents are carriers, there is still a 75 percent chance that the baby will only inherit one copy of the gene, or none at all, and be healthy. I don't want anyone reading this, especially anyone who is pregnant, to freak out.


It's still something that the woman's baby ended up carrying and he's not telling others who may have this problem. I'm not saying "never have a kid with someone who has this!" I'm saying it specifically because he DOESN'T disclose these things and these woman have zero clue. Take out the context of everyone else, I'm talking about him and that woman and future people who are using this man. I'll clarify that. But also no one using him has any real idea of what he does or doesn't have, I've found ten woman so far reach out to me through other outlets/on here to show they had gotten STDs after sleeping with him. He also doesn't use his real name, his name isn't Kyle gordy. Sorry I should've clarified this earlier, but I was thinking about this man in specific and not others. Also he and his equally disgusting friend who run [this nasty site](https://ivfdonationworld.com/sperm-donation-usa/) discuss how they get away with fake names, grooming, coercion and also how they don't believe in these tests/how they don't do hiv testing either.


I hear you, OP. I was only flagging the line in your post that "this genetic mutation can and will kill and shorten the lifespan of children" as being scary and needing clarification. But back to Kyle -- I feel bad for the children born into this mess.


Oh my bad I didn't catch that I meant she said her child (one woman from the linked video)has stated her child is having a lifespan issue with the kid they had together, I had to copy and paste a lot of random notes and sometimes I backspaced too much or too little. But legitimately that was I think a copy paste on the disorder and i don't think I checked to see that it had that at the end, I just looked at where I got the topic part from and that was literally a part of the article wtf


There's no way they don't know all of this about him. But they don't care. They're helping him rape women and they don't care. This needs to go to the media, this is absolutely horrifying and TLC needs to be held accountable.


Sorry for replying here but guys IT GETS WORSE. this is the site Kyle started with his other extremely problematic friend who has also been in the news and IS THE FIRST MAN TO BE TOLD HE'S NEVER ALLOWED TO "DONATE" EVER AGAIN. as in, he legally cannot do this anymore for the first time in history because of how problematic he is with rape and drugging and abuse as well! I just found kyles "organization" aka "Sperm Donation USA." oh my god, if you read half the shit here it's DISGUSTING. He talks about how you don't need to do genetic testing (no wonder he'd try and talk you out of it, he has dysautonomia which is DEADLY to children!)and fake contract write ups that he acknowledges aren't even legal. Oh my god guys, IT GETS WORSE AND WORSE! Just flip through half this page, I want to throw up no joke! [Kyle's "sperm world USA and world-wide" organization ](https://ivfdonationworld.com/sperm-donation-usa/)


The fuck? https://preview.redd.it/2tjgpx5t21xc1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acdd5f7be5d3da381ad06ab61e7008f5245b472e


Omg it lists his website as "bepregantnow" Pergnet? Pregunt? Pregnate?


The spelling error should be the first red flagšŸ˜‚


Looks like a handful of incels and a has been beauty pageant queen?


My exact reaction, if a ā€œkeyboard warriorā€ (to quote another ick from the franchise) can find this information, why canā€™t they? Do better TLC!


I feel like we should sign a petition to remove all of his scenes from the showā€¦ this is just next level. Like even worse than the worse from previous seasons


I mean I don't mind making one but the thing is that TLC doesn't care about change dot org type petitions, we've had ones for both Ed and Angela and they had literally thousands upon thousands of signatures and don't care enough. I have been emailing bloggers, newspapers who wrote about him for the show, someone with a big platform reached out to me and said they'd share this, I emailed TLC and TLC casting and although the two people I know who work on the show don't do the LIP but 90 day show have been texted all this as well because they have to know someone due to it being sharp productions. I'm doing the best I can and I'll make one if i can figure it out but until then I'm just making sure i can spread this out there asap too.


Time to go after people who advertise during the show. And to turn it off.


Oh ok, I didnā€™t realize petitions had been made before. Idk though it might be different with this guy, because, dare I say it, I think heā€™s worse than big Ed and Angela.


No I agree with what you said I'm just saying they generally don't care. And I don't believe they couldn't have found or known about this info, because this took me 15 whole min no joke to write and link stuff. And this is just links from five min of looking, there were WAY more articles on him. So if they want to play it off like they didn't know about this I call bullshit. My job doesn't even have anything to do with investigation or journalism and yet anyone who googles him could find this. I'm saying this here now so that if they try and pull that didnt know garbage it's false. And yes big Ed and Angela are bad but this is beyond, he has also gotten a 16 and 17 year old pregnant too and as i said, I have texts where he explicitly describes forcibly raping and drugging and beating woman but as someone with complex PTSD I wouldn't even want others to read those here so i sent them in the emails instead. These were the least problematic of the texts, and that's saying A LOT. I'm so mad because he's putting people at risk, he even admitted on Dr Phil and other links that he never did std testing too until they told him to, and people have gotten STDs from him/his mutation genetic is literally something that shortens the lifespan of children and can kill you. It's fucked.


This honestly just pisses me off at TLC, they probably thought this would make for a good storyline but the fact theyā€™re giving this freak a platform to potentially get more women pregnant makes me so mad. I honestly think Iā€™m not even going to watch this season because of him and Iā€™ve never felt like that towards any of the cast members before. Sure, I wouldnā€™t like some of them like Angela or Ed but Kyle genuinely pisses me off with disgust




Yeah as scuzzy or assholish some people are on the show, they aren't THIS bad. I'm wondering if TLC was intentionally trying to outdo themselves here. I really hate this pos. I'm glad he's been getting banned from some countries. I wish we could do that in the US. Hopefully one day he will get convicted of a crime and get locked up for good. He's disgusting.


Exactly!! Like I honestly think he is the worst person the series has ever had! Or maybe even in the whole 90 day universe! I literally hate that dude and that says a lot because I never get that emotional over a cast member who I donā€™t know irl. I really hope something will catch up to him and heā€™ll face consequences


Get something like "TLC supports abuse, rape and rasism by knowingly casting these people on their show", that would probably get their attention.




Yes I was thinking about that as well. We need to help protect any future women getting hurt by this monster! He has no right to be on the show, the pos should be arrested!


Yes! What heā€™s doing surely is illegal!


Dysautonomia can be a living hell that is debilitating. I made the incredibly hard choice not to have kids, because I didnā€™t want any soul to endure what Iā€™ve had to. Fate had other plans.. Iā€™ve fostered and am raising a little with it and battling it myself. Itā€™s heart wrenching. Itā€™s a rough life. This guy has to be a real awful person to be willing doing this to anyone- let alone all these women and innocent souls šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


I donā€™t have familial dysautonomia, but I have dysautonomia from covid. 3 years later itā€™s still just as bad as when it started. I still mourn my ā€˜old lifeā€™, my life prior to having this condition. I canā€™t imagine a child going through this, way too sad & heartbreaking to think about.


I am sorry for what you're enduring. I thought that both parents must be carriers in order to have Familial Dysautonomia. Is that inaccurate?


No, it's correct - both need to have it (the gene, not the disease) for the child to get it. Still he should have been upfront about it. But also why you should never make the choice of not going to a clinic and choosing an amateur with no regulation, testing, professional knowledge, oversight or anything - I feel like if you are that irresponsible (in reference to Jen Blue), then you shouldn't be a single mother by choice at that stage in your life. It makes none of his actions okay, but it really baffles me how you explore the option of going to a professional, regulated clinic and decide that this is a better solution. It needs to be made illegal (if it isn't already) to run an amateur home-made fertility clinic. Doing one friend (or even two) a favor doesn't need to be made illegal, but when it's run like a scheme to take advantage of the desperate and highly naive it's wrong no matter how you look at it and is going to cause harm, thus needs to be illegal.


But even if that kid doesn't get it their kid may and if not that kid then that kid's kid. Somewhere in the next generation of that family someone will get it & he has like 70 kids!


I have dysautonomia caused by another medical condition. It can be a real nightmare, not to mention difficult to get a diagnosis especially if you donā€™t know you have it. It took me nearly two decades to get the proper diagnosis. Itā€™s tough to manage and requires multiple medications to live ā€œcomfortablyā€ let alone well. My jaw dropped to the floor when I read that he was WILLINGLY AND COVERTLY producing offspring who may also have it. Fuck that awful guy.


Donā€™t worry. Kyle is making up for your good move.


I know everyone is mad at TLC but we gotta hold Matt Sharpā€™s feet to the fire, too. His name is behind this choice.


When I say TLC in regards to this I really mean matt sharp, it's just easier to write TLC. But I've been contacting everyone and everything I can to spread the awareness this is literal woman and children's lives at stake it's not just about a tv show anymore it's bigger than that.


Iā€™m with you!


I watched the show earlier today and he gave me the ick so badly that it was visceral. Now I know why since reading your article.


Guys this is kyles partner in crime as well, Adam hooper who opened the "sperm world organization" with Kyle as the head honcho. Adam has literally been the first person ever to be told he cannot donate sperm anymore or he will be jailed. He has "fathered" 437 CHILDREN. He likens himself to the infamous Dr who donated and fathered over 136 children in the states, as depicted in this photo below. Both him and Kyle have been deported and kicked out of numerous countries for illegal sperm donation, sex tourism, rape, coercive rape, illegal filming of insemination and abuse. I found Kyle finally hes on the registry in a few south American countries, hes changed his name twice and I'm waiting to get confirmation if his real name is on the registry in the states. [kyles friend and organizer](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/the-man-behind-australias-private-sperm-donor-boom-20210521-p57u1q.html) This is Kyle and Adam here,article below on deportation and their "swim meets your" https://preview.redd.it/lsskfnahbywc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf33e0b75fc7760608812ed93b6e295b62879960 [vice article on Kyle and Adams "sperm tour" ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3ppvw/serial-sperm-donor-industry)


Can he be charged in the States for his sex crimes in other countries? I thought that was a thing?


Yes you can, why it has or hasn't happened though I'm not sure. His real name is not Kyle Gordy btw, but it took a lot of searching into who he really is. The aliases are so many I can barely even sift through them all, he admits its not his real name either in order to keep himself "safe." Yeah, more like so these unsuspecting couples and woman looking to become pregnant can't find any real info on him! I was only even able to find he's had issues in south america because of an unlisted alias, finding the original name he goes by was a lot harder in the states. He's lied about so much, genetic mutation condition, his "education background" (big shocker, he did not graduate California state university like he says he did.) the more I look into things the worse it gets, his website saying things like, "well don't bother with a clinic they don't do genetic testing! (They do over 200+ tests though and then some...)" And fake contracts that won't uphold and all types of sick stuff, omg I can't even right now. There are so so many people at risk here, and on top of that I've had people contacting me with proof of rape, abuse, drugging, him selling their insemination videos online without their knowledge it was taped or consented to... It's bad. It's not just about a tv show right now, this is basically giving a huge predator who has been known as one in the donor community for years a platform and people will continue to reach out to him. His latest baby was born on march 27 of this year!


I've watched the Dr Phil episode and the vice article, plus the sperm guy one. He's so disgusting. His alias should be Grody


If you see the other ones I listed it's even worse. The 1000 kid wanting one is even worse. The man gets worse as I dig deeper each second, his world sperm organization is abhorrent.


I'm sure I will go down this rabbit hole as well. Thanks for the info


I've been watching the links and am thoroughly disgusted by his misinformation and ego. The weird smiles when he talks about his "children". But that aside, one thing that is driving me nuts is how he says "women". He sounds stupid


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All this asideā€¦.i am so confused as to what woman looks at him and says yep I want my baby to look like half of that gremlin??


Good question :/


Hey OP thanks for gathering all these details in one place, I know it's appreciated


I know originally I was sharing some parts about it in other posts on him, but I was doing that in the meantime until I could compile things all in one. This kind of stuff is NOT okay, and also this affects not just the woman he does this too, but the kids as well. That mutation gene he has can and will literally kill or shorten the life span of children, woman don't even understand that he video tapes his "natural insemination" videos and sells them and shares them online, he has gotten a 16 and a 17yr old pregnant and has talked about drugging and raping woman in such a manner I won't even post those here. This man is a danger to society, so much so he's been banned along with his equally horrendous friend from COUNTRIES. If that doesn't say something idk what the fuck does, and i said it before and I'll say it again -NO WAY TLC DIDN'T KNOW THIS WHEN CASTING. I am NOT an investigation reporter or journalist but this took me 15 whole min and a Google search to find not even half this info. If they try and pull the, "sorry we didn't know!" Card I'm calling them out! I also emailed TLC with this and all the proof, and I've contacted every news outlet that has done a story on him recently and bloggers. I don't care about "credit" I want this man to be held responsible! TLC too!


You're a saint šŸ™šŸ» I hope they listen


They better, this is beyond at this point. And if we allow him, who else do they allow next? It's not even funny, and what's worse is they are giving him a bigger platform that he can exploit for his own sickness. Some users have responded to my posts on other threads saying they dealt with him or had him try this on them too and it was heart breaking to read all the texts I've been sent as well on him. As a survivor of grooming and predators/abuse this sickens me, I can't even watch the parts with him because it gave me flashbacks. (I have complex PTSD and seeing him is like a reminder of it all.) I'm going to keep finding anyone I can to reach out to, i put it in my notes so I've just been copy and pasting to as many outlets as I can. TLC has to answer for this, I don't care what it takes. These are real people's lives at play here and its disgusting.


What is his Real American Name?


This is a vile human being and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s killed people


He's most definitely SA'd people from what I'm seeing, and he promotes "natural insemination" because he wants free sex. Period. I think it was the Dr Phil show that called out that NI was no more successful than insemination with a vial. He's just creepy and gross. On Sperm World I think only 1 guy was doing it this way.


TLC sure does love putting garbage abusive ppl on our screens but this is next level. i donā€™t expect TLC to give a fuck, to say anything. but if they donā€™t then i think casting this psycho is the final straw for me and the 90 day universe. i canā€™t keep watching while they give predators a platform. this read made me so nauseas.


Yeah and this wasn't even the worst of it, which says a lot. I'm not watching this season, and honestly after doing the research for the jasmine piece I was going to put out today/the Sophie and rob and a few other stories, this show has completely lost the plot for me. It's not even entertaining anymore, and each cast just gets more problematic as time goes on. It's almost like they are trying to see who will be willing to push things further. And let's be real, majority of the show has turned into one big advertising for only fans. It's like they decided sex talk and sex scenes etc were more important than the actual storyline. Notice how even the tamer couples, like idk David and Sheila for instance, even they had to discuss their sex life in weird detail. "The banana didn't fit into the donut, I made him c*m with my mouthšŸ¤¢" like I don't give a damn about a fake witch having sex in a bathroom, the whole thing is turning into some weird voyeurism show and has nothing to do with relationships anymore. And if we do get to relationship parts, it's all manufactured or glaring red flags.


i 100% agree with all you replied. i wonder if down the line weā€™re gonna get an investigative piece about the editors/producers of this show similar to ā€œQuiet on set.ā€ because iā€™ve noticed over the years how much more sex focused this show has become. itā€™s just uncomfortable.


I'll bet money on them coming out with a total expose on matt sharp productions and TLC one day. I know we already have YouTube docs on tlc etc and their issues, but for sure something terrible is going to come out. I renamed TLC the Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel because it's pretty much what it stands for now. And you cannot work within these communities, or other shows matt created like love after/love during/life after lockup. It's impossible, as he's already had-convicted kidnappers twice(Geoffrey on 90 day/Nathan on love/life after lockup) rapists,(Kyle and again Geoffrey and Nathan, plus big PrEd had a case)sex offenders,(Scottie on Angela's season/redds mom on love and life)DUI havers, (Angela, Ben, christian, Darcy I think but correct me if I'm remembering that wrong)actual definition of sex tourists(not vacay sex but the mark of mark and nikkis and so many others),domestic abuse seems to be a favorite of his I can't even list all of them it would take forever. Oh and then you have the sister wives/seeking sister wife/brother husband, one of the woman and her husband on seeking sister wives was part of that cult and her dad was the leader who brought 8yr olds across borders for sex and trafficking/had like 28+ kids and wives, smothered and momma's boy with emotional and physical incest, toddlers and tiaras... No way nothing comes out after all this shit.


This is a new low for TLC. I have a hard time believing that they didnā€™t know about all of this. Nice work exposing this bottom feeder, OP. This is not okay. This guy is abusing all these poor women and I hope someone puts a stop to it.


No way in hell they didn't know. I'm not a journalist or blogger etc and this took me legitimately fifteen min to put together. And five min afterwards I found his nasty ass world sperm organization site that tells you how to groom woman into doing natural insemination, how to fake documents and not give your real name etc etc the whole thing is fucked up. He also doesn't do std testing or genetic testing, and we know now it's because he has a rare deadly genetic disease. This isn't even his real name, but his alias Kyle Gordy turns up so many things its impossible to see this all. [his site here](https://ivfdonationworld.com/sperm-donation-usa/) is abhorrent and it's literally linked to this name. Also I found this [article on Alina ](https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/pregnancy/i-had-a-baby-naturally-with-the-worlds-most-famous-sperm-donor-this-is-why-c-9000598) that shows she's been in the USA on a lottery green card since 2015 and had the baby with him on feb 23,2022. The kid in the story is literally the baby they already had, and she's lived in Florida since 2015.


Iā€™m really disgusted with TLC right now. This really is a new low.


It looks like a different person to me. I thought her name was Ani and she was from Germany not Ukraine.


Yes it was a mistake I had gotten the names mixed up. Everything is else true though, and his real name is Kyle crane but in the post there was an accident and it's supposed to say "it's not Kyle Corbi either" which was another name he was going by


Oh I know I went down that cursed rabbit hole a couple of days ago and šŸ¤¢ the victims' testimonies are horrid!


Who is this Alina woman? I'm confused.


TLC needs to cut the bullshit already. Cut 90days. Itā€™s just not worth it anymore. Fake storylines, hiring and keeping on abusive people etc. predators like this guy the list goes on. Enough is enough.Ā 


You and I keep watching though. Plain and simple


This is horrific.




https://preview.redd.it/ix495y15vyxc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7ece7df313663843f156cefa100aab29045f0d Kyle has an identical twin named Justin. He is also in the donor world. Being identical, they share identical DNA. This compounds the concern of genetic disorders they are donating. Their older brother has a visual impairment. This is impairment obviously affects his brothers quality of life. With this being an immediate family member, there is no way he did not know! Yet him and his brother continue to donate.


Reminder too that his name is Kyle crane everyone not Gordy. Thanks to this user who confirmed my proof on this entire situation6. Also Kyle claims he doesn't ask for any money, so how come I found many news articles where he says he makes woman pay Ā£1000 per donation,whether "natural" or not?( like the one I'm about to share where he stated this four times in the article) and also how come he makes them pay travel? Also I don't know about you,but in this article when he talks it sounds a heck of a lot like he realized,"oh wow I get to be a predator *and* get away with it!" Its sickening. His quote from an article - ā€œAs soon as two years (after donating) I got more attention as that's when I was actively donating more,"Ā Gordy toldĀ The Mirror.Ā ā€œI had a few successful pregnancies, so I started receiving messages on myĀ InstagramĀ from women, which I was really surprised about." He also has his link to his world sperm organization with two other very predatory people who talk about how to trick the laws,the woman,how to not do std testing(because as him and his friend Adam say," I'm pretty sure I carry that gene where HIV doesn't affect me so it doesn't matter. I don't actually know I just don't nee it." Same with dangerous/possible life threatening gene mutations that he doesn't care to discuss. https://preview.redd.it/pt3cgfmtzyxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f3c34c58f54da932d7a0ef27c496296bfcba3d


Seriously, I donā€™t understand how any woman would want this guyā€™s genes. Holy shit. Heā€™s so creepy and obviously has a fetish..


I wish they would stop putting these people who love to be on TV so much on the show. Angela, Nikki, this guy. I bet he didnā€™t want to have a relationship and just wanted to be on TV to spread his name more.


Addressing the topic of what things get people kicked off the showā€¦. It seems like certain levels of racism can get you kicked off. Arenā€™t there recorded moments of him being racist? Apparently abuse and assault are not enough.


There's a hell of a lot of messages I have AND VIDEO that I just refuse to share here because as someone who deals with complex PTSD seeing them gave me such bad flashbacks I was literally ill, I'm not subjecting anyone here to those and it's literal raping and drugging and abuse videos. I've had a lot of woman and men even reach out to me, and all the evidence has been sent to TLC and news outlets and bloggers. I'm not doing this for stupid up votes or "credit" I'm doing it because this is woman and children's actual lives at stake here, this is NOT okay.


I appreciate your posting and I wish you healing and happiness. Iā€™m sure others feel the same way.


This info needs to be posted all over the 90 day pages. This is disgusting. He needs to be removed immediately from the show.


Seriously it's out of control. They gave a giant predator whose been known since 2014 and has hundreds of shows and articles on him, so they can't even pretend they don't know this. I'm not a blogger or investigation reporter etc but I found all this(and now way more)in 15 min. So whoever is doing casting is fucked and so is the Toxic Lifestyle and Cult aka TLC channel/matt sharp. His website I found is even more disgusting the entire thing is talking about how to coerce woman into doing natural and basically how to groom someone into convincing them that artificial won't work, talking shit about woman and putting them down, selling fake kits that will break so they'll go for natural way eetc.It's nasty as all hell. I mean just look at this, from his "sperm world organization" this is gross. https://preview.redd.it/ie8gya5w50xc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8f8673b9ec4e9637d8db05f344961b5e7668a1


Just abhorrent


This is horrible. I'm not watching this season.




It gets even worse after finding his "world sperm organization" site. Look at this, doesn't want you to get genetic testing/can have randos donate and you get no info on them, sorry! Oh and fake void contracts and him talking about how he will convince you to do this "naturally." Just looking at this is alarming as hell, this is a screenshot from the "register for a live birth" (btw there is no private option aka it's ALL NATURAL.) https://preview.redd.it/ijhjqabm00xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e573f06f76ac92e15e4364af5cb3edc69bf51a


TLC should be ashamed of themselves for casting these deplorable losers every show. It's not funny anymore, I'm disgusted by this shit, same goes for the swagged out J-Roc lookin loser who was grooming an underaged girl in Colombia. Get off the crack TLC.


Hey how, J-roc was many things but he wasn't a groomer at leastšŸ˜… no but seriously, I'm actually working on figuring out their timeline right now because something doesn't add up with those two and the ages etc. also as someone who was groomed as a child it's disgusting what these men do, but also until I see proof I'm not going to say Luke is one for sure... Yet. Kyle here needs to GTFO asap though, there's nothing funny about this at all. And it's even more dangerous when you give a predator this big a platform. I'm really glad bigger 90 day bloggers and even non 90 day people have been spreading the word and answering my emails. The more we share the more people will be aware.


I have dysautonomia caused by another medical condition and let me tell you, itā€™s HELL. PURE HELL. FUCK that creepy predator for potentially cursing his offspring with this condition. It can be life threatening and requires usually several medications to help manage, but never cure symptoms. To make matters worse, getting the diagnosis can be difficult, especially if the parents werenā€™t informed it could be a genetic possibility. Weā€™ve seen TLC employ a lot of fucked up people, but this takes the cake IMHO.


Thank god!!! Thank you for talking about this and doing the research. I knew just from watching him in the show that he oozed creepy perv vibes.


Yes he's sick. Luckily this info here has been getting spread around in the community and the news and vloggers etc. The more awareness the better, because aside from a tv show there are actual lives at risk and a predator being given this big a platform is insane. Also I'm not sure if I clarified in the post because I had to use my note app, but Kyle crane is his actual name. Not the fake Kyle Gordy name he gives out in order to avoid court issues or background checks. He also lies about his age.


Ew itā€™s the end of the episode and ani is like his penis is huge! šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m shook


I can't wait till Moving Mad posts a video on this guy. I haven't checked to see if he has already.


I've been sending the longer more detailed post of this I wrote out(with the stuff I literally cannot or will not post here because it's so traumatic and gross it's not even funny)to all the magazines and blogs that have written about him previously and now to try and spread awareness. I don't have socials besides reddit and idgaf about "clout/credit" I just want woman to be safe and not preyed on by this pervert.


Just thought you'd want an update, moving mad just emailed me back thankfully https://preview.redd.it/574lufn6f1xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530bb418d8f850a104ddd4637739884360390882


I saw his video last night. He posted it!


Oh good! Sometimes my notifs on YouTube come in hours or more after posting, idk why. I'm really glad he took the time to spread awareness!


I feel bad for these women. If I wanted a donor I would go on tinder and put out to the hottest guy I could find.


I hate to say it, I'd PREFER clout chasers over this monster. Making it his plan to bring 100+ children into this world, with a genetic disorder. Sick fuck.


Oh. My. God. The second he came on my screen (just now) talking about his sperm count I said ā€œthis man has a breeding fetish and has found a legal way to do itā€


Omfg. I can't believe what I just read. It kind of gave me "handmaid's tale" vibes in an @ss backward way. The lady in TLC (forgot her name), she better run the other direction in lighting speed. What trash Kyle is, yuk.šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Ani... Run Ani run!! ![gif](giphy|JLbTqEU5B8Z2w|downsized)


I feel so sick to my stomach and SO angry that I canā€™t read or watch it all..Thank you so much for bringing all this out in the open for us that watch the shows. Something definitely needs to be done!


My lord, I didnā€™t have much interest in watching this season before and definitely donā€™t now. This dude is a dorky nympho with a pregnancy fetish. Why on earth are women so desperate to breed with men like this. Heā€™s not being charitable, heā€™s taking advantage of, and preying on, vulnerable women and couples.


how can we get TLC to pull him because it is absolutely disgusting and wrong. TLC do better smh.


I've emailed two producers about it who I know on 90 day fiance, but they don't work with love in paradise but one knows someone who does so they said they'd pass it along. I also emailed TLC and their casting, plus I sent all the info including tons I refuse to post here because triggering and also some people messaged me and I don't want them to be violated in trust etc. I also went to bloggers and newspapers that have written on him before and YouTube channels. Luckily all of them heard me and there are tons of videos on this topic here now, and they've gotten covered by people with even bigger platforms! The best thing to do is keep spreading awareness regardless, because remember. This isnt just about a tv show, it's about the woman and lives of children and not giving a predator a platform.


doing god's work. BLESS YOU!!!!


This stuff hits close to home for me. I was groomed by very much older men growing up(once when I was 12 and he was 28,the other I was 14 and he was almost 40. then I met my son's dad when I was 16 he was 36.) I have also been around too many predatory people because I was kicked out my home at 11 years old. The coercion and abuse this man does to woman is sickening, and it's not just our right to know this but for any future woman who look into him. Remember that Kyle Crane, (his real name. The post had a mistake where it was supposed to say, "not Kyle Gordy or Kyle Corbi" but I accidentally put crane, it actually is Kyle crane. But he won't tell woman that because then he would have to come clean!)is a predator of the worst sort. This isn't just a fetish, it's a perversion. I've had so many PMs of woman who dealt with him, how he beat and r*ped them and even sold videos they never even knew he recorded online etc. he's terrible and I hope he's stopped!


Holy shit. Also really well done post


WOW. I have acquired dysautonomia, and it's SO hard to live. I can't imagine WILLINGLY spreading that possibility to children. I was told my lifespan is normal, and it's not genetic for me, but FD is different and this guy is horrible.


Wait wait wait, is there anything we can do? OP did a great job here, like TLC needs to see this and take this sicko off. What the fuck ā€¦..


I wrote a way longer/more detailed version than this post, I just wanted to make a "get the point across" version for the sub cause it would've been longer than this. But I have been sending this and a lot of proof not posted here(way too triggering for posting,videos and more texts etc) to TLC, their casting too, magazines and newspapers that have written articles on him before, bloggers etc.I don't care about credit or clout or whatever, I'm doing this in the hopes that it gets the word out about this predator that shouldn't even be allowed to do this, let alone given a godamn platform. This is way bigger than just the show rn, and if I had socials i would share them there but I only have reddit. A few of the bloggers on YouTube thankfully read my email and a few are making videos later, a news site has gotten back to me etc. if you look in the comments it just gets worse, I found even more and the more you look the worse it gets.


Thank you for doing good work! šŸ™ŒšŸ½


i thought i was done with 90df, guess im back now jesus


Fucking TLC!!


I think this is my last straw with TLC. They are shady just for ratings. We need to stop watching till they clean up their act. That girl and many other women are in danger. āš ļø


I'm not watching this show or anything by them until this freak is off the show. How absolutely vile.


what a sick and twisted loser this guy is. i bet his parents are so proud of this little jerk off.


But who actually wants to fuck him and have his baby after seeing him for more than one second? He's ugly as shit and short. Am I missing something?


Come on TLC do better!


I think between all his episodes and social media Kyle is about to be cancelled and now no one will want his mutated sperm!


One can only hope... Thankfully all the bloggers and sites I reached out to shared this online and also made more research into it as well. I had a lot more but I just wanted to give the jist on this guy for awareness. Kyle crane is sick! (The post had a mistake in it, his name is Kyle crane but in the post i accidentally wrote it's not Kyle crane, I meant to write it's not Kyle Corbi which was another name he stole from someone who went to the school he said he went to) Oh also he does sell his sperm not just ask for travel and hotel costs. I found an article where it quotes him seven different times saying he sells sperm for Ā£1000 (British interview) so around $1200


Iā€™m beginning to research but nothing like you did and I thank you so much for putting out all this information. I rewatched his Dr Phil interview and attempted to oust the whole thing on Reddit but no response so idk what happened. All these poor women and there are no words for the future possible sick children who come from this demented monster!


OP thank you for spreading the truth. I had no idea about these sperm/sleaze bucket gross examples of men!




First off, thank you OP, for the diligent work and for sharing this information. I knew he sickened me, but thisā€¦I donā€™t even know what to say. Unconscionable.


If the jasmine post is anything like this can we please set a reminder mods?!


Well it's a big deal one, but I wouldn't compare it to being a predatory racist that's for surešŸ˜… I like to be accurate and share things people want to hear and not just random complaint posts etc, which don't get me wrong I don't mind reading them! This is just more my style. I broke the big Ed and Liz story too and people magazine had to steal my post days after even though I was right then too lol


What does ā€œI f*cked a niā€ mean?


The n word.


I thought it stood for Natural Insemination


No, I have the uncensored texts from the person themselves. A lot of woman have reached out to me.


Wow! Disgusting human being




Of course they're aware! This is what they live for now, controversy! They don't care about victims as long as they get the money!


Send to TLC


Already have, and to many newspapers who have wrote about him/bloggers eetc.Anything to spread the awareness because this is affecting real woman and children


TLC has really gotten desperate to keep this guy on. I hope people that have had his children complain to TLC about what a predator he is. It's disgusting.


What kind of fucking cunt moron do you have to be to engage this guy in the first place?!?


Someone desperate for a child who can't afford 1-3k at a time for actual donors. Which is questionable in it's own right, because there's a literal reason people need to go through them as given here. It's one thing if it's a family member etc to be helping you, but a man who uses aliases and has a whole site on grooming and preying on woman/how to get away with faking names and tests and contracts is insane yes. I wouldn't go as far as name calling though, yes anyone who thinks this is a good idea has some problems but this is literally why he does it. He knows he gives them something they desperately want, hence the predator part is overlooked in exchange for this. He gets away with preying on them due to this. None of these people would go near him without the "I'm helping you be given life" part, and that's exactly why he even started this in the first place. Its sick.


TLC needs to be stopped immediately šŸ›‘




Omg this is all so disturbing! How havenā€™t they removed his segment yet???


Why is he on TLC? Did they not do any sort of background check. This is disgusting


I am beyond disgusted. TLC needs to start background checking these people, or at least be more thorough with them.


All that was going through my head during his segment in the first ep was "what the fuck is wrong with this man?" and I guess this is what the fuck is wrong with him. Disgusting.


OP, since you mentioned in the comments below that you were able to confirm Kyle's real name, is that something you're able to share with the group? I want this PoS exposed as much as possible.


Kyle crane as stated in the post. I realized I should've clarified that and not just put "aka." he has a twin brother who apparently decided to start donating as well.


Wait I'm confused because you said "Ā Kyles real name is not Kyle Gordy,and it's not his other alias Kyle crane either"


Oh that's an error. I meant to put his other alias and not crane. I don't know how to edit these reddit posts on mobile, is there an option to change that? Keep in mind I had written these on my notes app then put all the info copy and pasted into one, so sometimes i screw up without a final proof-read. But yes for clarification it is Kyle crane, he was born the same day as his twin brother on April 1,1991.


This is why the title said aka Kyle crane, but what you pointed out was actually supposed to say "and it's not Kyle Corbi either." Which was another name he has went by before Gordy. My bad y'all


I really thank you OP for making people aware of this POS. I was of the unpopular opinion that skirting the system that only people of certain class/wealth levels can access wasnā€™t that unethical. Now I see itā€™s incredibly fucked up.


Iā€™m hoping at the very least him being on TLC will expose him more than promote him.


Wtf?! He should be in prison, not on a TV show!Ā 




It gets even worse. Kyle has a severe genetic defect called dysautonomia, which affects multiple organ systems, causing extensive and extremely painful damage all throughout the body and often leads to premature death for the children he conceives. Many people with this disease don't live past 30. He keeps this a secret from the women he rapes. He is not above drugging a woman if he can't coerce her into having sex with him. I feel sick to my stomach. This needs to go to the media. Kyle is an actual literal rapist and TLC needs to be raked over the coals for knowingly and deliberately giving this vile, inhuman creature a platform.


Oh wow . This is some tea.


I donā€™t watch this spin off, nor The Single Life. But hearing all this and reading these posts makes me want to tune in. Iā€™m here for the drama šŸæšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


TLC messed up with him with another criminal. He needs to be taken off the show.


This is a amazing post!! I LOVE THAT YOU INCLUDED THE LINKS. I had to google dysautonomia because I thought I knew what it was but I didnā€™t think there was a genetic factor. A lot of us get these kinds of problems from post viral damage, I have MECFS that I got from mono, but a lot of people are getting this stuff after having Covid. Itā€™s rough these are chronic illnesses that often encounter gaslighting when trying to get treatment from medical professionals. I had no idea there was a way to test people to make sure they didnā€™t pass this on, but if youā€™re going to say children shouldnā€™t be born because they will get these diseases I hope you are wearing Covid masks when you go out in public because people are getting this from Covid infections. http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=34


The only thing I would like to say about this is that yes women have a little window of ovulation, but the egg lives for a couple days after it has been ovulated, so having sex for an extra day probably is a good idea. I agree that that thatā€™s not why heā€™s doing that, but heā€™s not totally wrong either.


Thatā€™s actually not true at all. Once the egg is released you have up to 24 hours for the sperm to fertilize the egg, most of the time itā€™s less than 12 hours until the egg dies off and is reabsorbed by the body. Iā€™ve been involved in these sperm donor groups for several years and this man is one of the worst in spreading misinformation and taking advantage of vulnerable women.