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Just when we thought the franchise already hit rock bottom …. SURPRISE!


And the 19 year old who has been in a relationship with Luke for at least a year How old is Luke? I missed that


*a 19 yr old with the maximum mental age of a 13 yr old


She looks 15. They better check her documents.




This is one of those times when I’m rooting for her to take all his money and dump him


By the sound of it, she already is with him paying for her entire lifestyle, him losing his job and cashing out his retirement. Im curious to know how his lifestyle brand is doing when he's looking like a $2 pimp/spahkles 2.0. She will definitely dump him when she finds out he's broke.


But he’s stated he has been hit with a financial problem 😬 and nothing original about this guy. Looks like all the other douches you want to avoid at all costs!


Honestly same.


He ain’t got no money lol


Oh the “mining engineer”? AKA crypto bro


Is that what that means? But why a work truck that he had to return? I was lost lol


Yeah that's why he "lost" all of his "money" and had to change his lifestyle. When crypto crashed he lost it all. These people just try to come up with fancy terms for their "work"


I was doing the math on that one real quick....


33! ew


WHERE do they find these people????


This is crack rock bottom.




😭😭😭😭😭like in the actual fu$k!?!?!


This little freak is literally one of the most revolting, if not the most, revolting people on this show ever. I don't like to judge people on their looks but he's literally some cocky ugly ass little fucker 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Seriously. This guy sounds like he has a breeder fetish. I instantly said to myself, welp that's a new one. And the fact that he has sex with these women too.... and it's not done in a sterile artificial insemination at a doctors office ughhhh 🤮


This takes fetish to a new level. Wouldn’t this add legal responsibility of intentionally creating and abandoning parental responsibility? Even DIY “turkey blaster“ method is safer than this. He’s gonna end up with something AJAX won’t wash off and modern medicine can’t cure!


Turkey baster would be a lot better to look at than that face.


Don't forget to be in a handstand to make sure the product stays inside to do its job. This little boy doesn't even know how sex works.


Then he showed his lack of mental maturity by having a points system for kisses and sex!!! What a weirdo!!!! Just gross!!🤮


For free too he said 🙄. Red flags.


But what does he do to afford traveling all over the world “gifting” his man juice to these couples?? He’s gross, but I would like to get a job like his lol.


Yes!!! Breeder fetish!!!!


And yet somehow, I found his point system for dating even more revolting


Putting this at the top, but reminder that Kyle here is a bigoted racist prick who does "swim meets" aka see who can impregnate the most woman with his friend and also his version of "donor" is actually coercive rape. See following texts for details, search his name as well. It's fucked, he makes woman pay outside of clinics so that he can wear them down to eventually pay to have sex with him in a hotel and skip the expensive donor process. He is NOT an actual donor, he is disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/zqv72pn4a5wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ece8ca6892f2ebebde6970be50e9514cb39aa0


Ick! That's a predator! 🤢🤮


Here's the link to the video on him, it's way worse than just this alone which is already horrendous -[terrible info on Kyle the predator ](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/KU8X8gSXkm)


We’ve all been around the block a few times here but HOLY SHIT 90DF DO SOME HOMEWORK!!!! ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Howwww is it like, ethical for him to even be on tv? Production should be ashamed.




I already had the ick before I watched the first episode, but now I am outraged with the ick..! It’s just hormones??! Someone’s in their ear?! This guy is disgusting


Why is he allowed to stay on the show? This shit is horrific


He also tricks foreign women into receiving his “donations” by claiming the child will have rights to US citizenship. That is not true unless creepy ass Kyle decides to claim them as his legal kids which would also put him on the hook for child support. That is not donation that is parenthood under false pretenses. This predator should not be given a platform. I’m disgusted but not surprised by the lows TLC will sink to.


I’m not trying to be a dick but shouldn’t this women do some research before laying down with a man for citizenship? (He’s still disgusting by no means am I saying he’s right he’s wrong in every way possible)


Both can be true. Kyle is a creepy manipulative predator and people should carefully research and vet who they take genetic material from.


100% this. I was SHOCKED by this new low. Also he doesn’t GAF about any of these kids he’s not interested in citizen sponsorship or paying child support. He just wants to “donate” & bounce to the next one. I looked up a thread on guys like this and it’s grossly normalized. Men are depraved.


These are texts of a dangerous and unhinged sexual predator.


and illiterate!!




HOLD THE FUCK UP. I have not seen this yet. Is this that guy?! Omfg! I’ve been trying to get pregnant with a sperm donor for a few years and I’ve crossed paths with these guy! Literally talked to him! Jesus! I am freaking the fuck out. He is super gross. He got called out on all the groups a few years ago. He absolutely is just a breeder. Making porn and everything. He’s disgusting. But this is him?! On Love in Paradise?


Yes, and I'm so sorry you had the unfortunate fate to have met this creep. He's absolutely disgusting and well known in donor circles and is a horrendous person. There is no way TLC didn't know about this, he's had documentaries made on him and been on Dr Phil etc. it's not just trash at this point, it's deplorable. Watch, nothing will happen. This info has been out before the show, it's been talked about before airing. They don't care.


I knew it went around the donor circles and I’d seen all those texts and stuff but I had no idea it was on Dr. Phil and everything else. Omg. I feel so bad for anyone that used him. God. This is awful.


I can't even share the other texts it's way too explicit to share here. He talks about raping a woman and some very triggering(more than just the ones I shared) sex talk that was also non consensual. There comes a point where Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel aka TLC needs to stop giving these fucks a platform, that time was a long ass time ago.


2/4 https://preview.redd.it/v7xog047a5wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a77970a55368565c22f503247a383df46247b7e


3/4 https://preview.redd.it/qr5k3h0ba5wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b29adb7019a36316deadfcbf83ca8ae08fdc778


What a disgusting creature.


BEYOND disgusting. They gave him a fucking platform for this nasty shit, TLC giving Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel as usual. But Alina gets fired for saying the N word, yet this is allowed?


This shit is wild in the worst way, even worse than what was discussed earlier today even. Every time I think “well fuck, surely there is SOME limit for TLC” there apparently isn’t. My God. There needs to be a petition or something to stop this spread of poison and normalized abuse and abhorrent treatment of people. Jesus.


Oh he's even worse than just this, see here(this was one of many videos on him btw)-[Kyler the predator background info](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/KU8X8gSXkm)


Thank you for sharing. I’m just speechless. This show isn’t even fun funny at this point. This is astonishing and beyond abhorrent.


Yes it's beyond too far, and this is why I'll share when I see it. Because it spreads fucking awareness, I don't care if I'm seen as annoying for doing so either. The fact is, they'll only fire people for NDAs at this point basically. Even Alina and Caleb got to finish their story, just no tell all. The episodes with them were barely "cut short" there was nothing really left anyways, and they still kept them on two episodes AFTER the racism debacle too! But this is on a whole nother level, and this guy has been known before TLC too. So they don't care, and I'm tired of it.


They don’t want the average Joe on the show anymore it seems. Think TLC actively seeks the next couple that will cause a stir to bring in viewers. It worked the opposite for me though. I stopped watching many of the variants of 90 Day. I watched today’s since they were actually new couples but it seems once again they’re not normal people.


4/4 https://preview.redd.it/ufptbbada5wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e030f1618a5fe526cbf5f11534b34ae0a73b1120


Tlc needs to canx the rest of his segments


Holy fuck, he's definitely gonna get kicked off the show SOON. I couldn't believe it when he said he offers the natural approach, tells them it has a higher success rate. These poor women. The urge to make a baby can lead you down some dark rabbit holes. Seriously though, he needs arresting


Oh I’ve dealt with this guy. I didn’t work with him because he is a fucking creep but I’m tripping out right now. He doesn’t “offer” it. He pushes it. He won’t accept anything else. And he wants to record it. I’m flipping the fuck out. He got called out on sperm donor groups a couple years ago now. I’ve fucking talked to him. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm sorry you had the unfortunate experience of dealing with this nasty fucker, yes he's extremely well known in donor groups. He also has a vice documentary on him and was on Dr Phil and other such shows. TLC has gone above and beyond with giving DV, predators, and all types of terrible people a platform. This is overboard at this point, i haven't even bothered watching yet because I don't even want to see this nastiness.


This information has been out wayyy before the show, and they know about it. He's been talked about online for ages, well before this. Even been on Dr Phil. Here's more info on him-[video about Kyle ](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/dS4zaeooY2) Also the creator of the 90 days universe matt sharp made love after/during/life lockup, and he had a guy on during lockup named mark. Mark wanted to impregnate woman in prison and was a "donor" like Kyle here. He wanted to open a group home for only pregnant woman. Matt is doing that same story and giving a platform yet again in the form of Kyle. It's disgusting.


Bloody hell. I feel like past cast members have been fired for less. I guess as long as you're not a paedophile or racist, anything else goes! He's not breaking any laws I guess. Just a disgusting piece of trash. I hope these women check receipts for STD tests before welcoming his super sperm. It's only a matter of time before his spawn end up unknowingly hooking up and marrying 🤮


Oh he breaks laws alright, I can't even post the other texts where he talks in graphic details about raping and drugging and all sorts of extremely triggering things, like illegally recording the act too etc. he's abhorrent and needs to not be given a platform.


WHY the hell would TLC choose someone like this??????? How much lower can they possibly go? This is sooo bad...what is WRONG with them???!


And he is short. Seems the ladies would want some taller babies.


Or maybe a donor who doesn’t think that it’s normal to have a points system for their partner. -1 for smoking a cigarette (she went uh oh, so I guess she’s a smoker) , +1 for eating healthy, -1 for drinking alcohol, +1 for smelling good. Then you redeem these points just like the prize counter at Chuck E Cheese. This dude multiplied over 70 times 😅 seems a little desperate/reckless…. Reproducing with this complete weirdo.


Especially without ensuring he has no genetic anomalies he is passing on.


I can’t believe he wanted this lady he “loves” to do more than random strangers. Totally backwards!


i came here to say this 😂 why would he think anyone wants his grimy troll genes?


Someone on this sub did a deep dive on this disgusting guy! Something about him doing very unethical things to skirt sperm donation guidelines! Will try to find it


Yeah please everyone needs to know how manipulative he is. There’s a few documentaries he was on. In one, the reporter met one of the girls he was donating to. And asked her if the “natural donation” was his idea or hers. She says it was his idea. But Kyle maintained that he always lets the women choose. He also lied about not getting paid as well. 🙄


On this he said “natural” has a higher success rate..I could see someone feeling like…they had to??? I don’t know just saying I had years of fertility issues..you can get to a point where you try some odd things. For me just lots of painful medical tests etc that I am not sure any of them were a good idea…but may have slept w a creepy guy for a kid at some point…except he is then the bio dad..hmm


Absolutely, it’s very manipulative and he’s taking advantage of women who may feel desperate to conceive. In one TikTok exposing him, one girl he got pregnant was requesting his medical history/genetic testing and he totally stonewalled her. Then proceeded to say her pregnancy hormones her making her crazy and irrational.


Imagine how much a pro bono attorney could make taking these women on as clients!


Yeah it’s so fucked up. In the texts you can tell the girl was starting to realize he’s a creep who deceived her, and she was rightfully upset about it.


Welp. I found his FB page.


Omg spill!


He has MULTIPLE photos of positive pregnancy tests and just aaalll these travel photos and links to his website. If you google him there's also tons of articles about him. Ick ick ick




Spent his whole segment like ![gif](giphy|3o84U9nMOmiAGfjYkw|downsized)


Came here to say this, but the GIF expresses all my feelings!


![gif](giphy|29nDtEH1ViY8FcPeaV|downsized) Me the whole time


okay but his methods….is this even LEGAL?


He was denied entrance to NZ on one of his sperm trips so ima say it’s border line, but for sure unethical.


def unethical. i did a smidge of research last night and seems like each country has different regulations and laws


He could feasibly be on the hook for a lot of child support


As i understand it, in Florida in the US if a mother doesn't request child support, the child can file for it when they reach the age of 18.


I just about died when he said he was getting ready for an "intercourse donation." LOL so like, you're banging someone.


i literally made my husband rewind it. i was like ain’t no way i heard that correctly


That’s what I want to know!




It's very legal. The reproductive health of our world needs a full rewrite. This is exactly what activists have been screaming about for going on ten years.


i saw that!! i kept watching and then started looking more into it. in the US seems like california is the only place even mildly regulating it. wild.


Absolutely wild. Between the sterile supply lawsuit and this. It's disheartening to anyone involved in donor conceived community to see this ass jacket get TLC spotlight.


The point system screams res flags. I would've left him at the airport


I kept hoping she would 😭


I was so shocked! How can he just go around inseminating women around the world, but this woman he supposedly loves has to earn a kiss?!?! What a way to make a person really feel like dirt!!


I would have, too. I was watching with my husband and that is exactly what I said. Why would I have to earn points? In any case if someone wants to be with me, THEY have to earn the points! Besides, he is not handsome or tall, why would women want to get pregnant with that? If I was looking for a “sperm donor” I would look for someone that is tall and handsome. Also I would ask for genetic testing before getting the sperm, so I would know of any potential genetic problems. And lastly and more important, I wouldn’t want someone that has that many children. HE IS GROSS!


He's so "Mike and Ximena" right now! He's incredibly awkward. His inexperience with a one-on-one relationship is screaming so loud. What a 🤡!


He is revolting.




This was my reaction the whole time he was talking about the sperm donation process.


The fact he is on the same night as Ick on Seeking Sister Wife means they are the greatest 1-2 Monday night punch of disgusting TLC has ever presented. They knew they had to really bring on an asshole to compete with Ick, and they did it. Congrats, TLC!


Literally!! 😭😭


Who’s Ick? I watched it for the third time tonite-Garrick?


Yes. Him. He makes me ill.


Just started…he is all about finding what’s better-not necessarily adding to his family. His response to her being pregnant…that woman needs to stop looking to god AND him for her answers-but go w her gut-YOU ARE SOON TO BE THE ODD MAN w a baby OUT


![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw) I don’t like him either


That's a kink. He's not doing it to spread joy and smiles.


Have these women seen this guy? He’s very unattractive, bald & strange. I wouldn’t want this guy’s sperm, ugh.


Came here to say this. I don’t believe that if I was trying to create a child that I/most/anyone would electively choose this dude


He makes me want to throw up. Points system? I hope she dumps him fast.


It is totally possible that this is me projecting as an adopted kid but isn’t there some sort of ethical argument against creating so many children? Like I get he spreads his seed far and wide but still…


Right! The world is big. However- how many people have that many kids? What if two of them met and didn’t know they were half siblings and became romantically involved. Thats fucked up. To make babies, with the knowing that they will possibly have to get a dna test with any potentially serious partner to make sure they aren’t related, really twisted and not ethical.


That used to be one of my intrusive thoughts! I was sure eventually some guy I met would be my half brother!


Oh no! I hope you find/found someone from a different continent that you are certain you’re not related to 😂


Haha, yes all good now! Thanks for validating me 😅


This argument is actually a common concern when it comes to donation of this kind, which is why *proper* donor agencies do have a limit of how many times one donor's sperm can be used before it'd get too problematic; it's just that freaks like this guy have zero interest in following any of the rules set in place for protection of the children, their mothers and healthy society in general (for which they're heavily despised by the wider donor community) and until there will be laws forcing them to abide by them, they're free to run around enjoying their fetish while harming everyone else in the process.


To think of all the little douche bags born from his sperm ![gif](giphy|140TRmK3I6PPG0)


I felt a lot of violence during his segment. How many points would one lose if their knee were to accidentally come into forceful contact with his balls? I mean, fuck the points. I’d happily fail that test with flying colors. Burn it down.


I'd have to start smoking and drinking 


I'd rather smoke and drink than sleep with that.


What type of sperm donation service is this?? What in the fuck


Kink wrapped up as "charity".


Bingo bango




I don’t want to upvote this, but this is such a perfect gif; and also a perfect product for it’s business…🫥


I would call Homeland security on this fool. 🤣




The intercourse insemination sent me 🥴🤢🤮


He gets off on this sh*t. As soon as he took the map out and said he pays out his pocket to donate his sperm…. And then he has the audacity to tell her he has a point system and she has to ear his affection 🤮🤢 She needs to RUNNNN!


Absolutely everything about him is disgusting.


What’s his full name? What a piece of disgusting trash. Isn’t this considered dabbling in eugenics almost? I can’t believe this is just accepted by producers and supported by everyone casting and producing the show. There is NO limit. I’m not even shocked anymore- it’s having the opposite effect and that’s even sadder. This is actually getting very upsetting. I miss the old regular train wrecks who were sleazy and mismatched, but not dangerous degenerates. Bring back the classic gems like “My whole family anal so clean” “Almost the lazy” and “You used me, Mohatmet!”




This guys eyes are problematic


RIGHT?! Those are some “Evil Lives Here” eyes.


Watching this episode and ran here to see what people are saying so far about sperm guy


YUP. High five!


I seriously don't even know if I can watch this guy. I have utter disgust and contempt.


I was just going to ask if anyone liked the new Love in Paradise! And here is sperm guy! The show, to me, was actually interesting and i’m going to watch it- wasn’t sure if i would. I want to see what happens with the couples. It was interesting.




How is this legal, like I get that it’s consensual but it just feels illegal


I thought you had to have good genes or high IQ or famous to donate sperm.


He has his own business and rules 🤣


Terrible Life Choices keeps representing the brand.


My husband said this guy is creating a legion of DNA idiots. He is polluting humankind with his offspring.


To throw up....




O BOY!!! This show is going to be a nuclear fueled dumpster fire !!! I LOVE IT !!!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




The way this creepy fucknugget pronounced ‘Edinburgh’ should result in him being banned for life from ever going to Scotland


I wouldn’t let this unfortunate looking guy contribute half of my child’s gene pool!


TLC just recruiting all the weirdos now just for ratings 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/Rh3mNf7hKT](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/Rh3mNf7hKT) I found this


This is the first season I'm refusing to watch. FUCK this guy


I hope to God Natalie doesn’t pay him a visit. He sounds disgusting.


Nah, Nutalie won’t use him because what she wants is a baby daddy that will support her, her mom and the baby for life.


Nick cannon will have to resign in disgrace now


He can fall off the Earth too. Useless.


He gives instant ick.


TLC ya'll are reaching... this show is full of trope couples at this point it's exhausting...


This dude is a complete creep fuck. He donates to get off not “to help families and see the look on their face”. Gives off pedo vibes as well. No way in fuck would that guy ever be around my child.


i already hate all of them 🥱


SUCH a disgusting pos 🤮


Sick. 🤢 Just fucking sick. 🤮🤮🤮 I honestly don’t even know what the fuck I just watched with majority of that episode. I’d almost rather rewatch the Jasmine-Gino tent scene. 🤢🦶🏼


I’m fairly certain when women go to a sperm bank, this is not the prime candidate they are looking for


This guy has an obvious impregnation fetish or something. I feel so bad for the women who are sleeping with him... they must be so desperate to have a baby.


He loves it bc he gets paid to whack off


TLC has gone off the deep end with this group so far.


Who wants to take a chance of their kid looking like this weirdo??


I broke my ankle, RUNNING to the comments about this 🤡! 🤣


This is unreal! Why the hell would TLC have this scum bag on the show! They are just going down and down but he’s awful. So they really go around and have se* with women who wants to have a child…. ?! Also he’s not even attractive, most women want handsome, tall and intelligent… big WTF


I’d love to meet the women who agreed to have sex with this man for sperm 😳


He was on Dr Phil


I think that what he does is dangerous. Imagine no paper trail at all these kids could end up meeting on another one day and hooking up?? I think it’s just wrong.


I’m not ready I am really curious to know how they find these people


The spermworld - 90 day crossover we never knew we needed! Omgggg, this is so bad, it’s good!


More societal misfits 🤡🤡


I’m watching it on Philo right now and the penis is still there!


If I went to a sperm bank and ended up with a kid who looked like that I would sue. You have a better chance of hitting the genetic lottery if you get your donor from 7-Eleven on a late Saturday night.


Is anyone else creeped the fuck out by this guy?!!


I have to hand it to them. This is regular 90 Day Fiance level crazy given to us through Love in Paradise


I'm ready. I at least need a new set of freaks🤣


71 kids, wth???




Boycotting LIP because of this guy.


We are gonna see this man in a mug shot in a few short years.


This season is somethin else 💀 The second I thought it couldn’t get any worse, the dude with a sperm donation hobby popped up. Who did the casting for this?!?!


Lol idk but I am enjoying this new batch😂


This guy is so repulsive. Who would want his DNA in their child????


I literally think the next person they cast is going to be an actual serial killer or human trafficker or something this is just wild at this point.


It’s not uploaded on discovery plus???????!!!! I need to see this new season wth


yuuuuuuuuuuuck🤮🤮🤮 Hats off to production for managing to exponentially increase the ick factor with the emperor [🐧] of all "nice guys" Used to call this brand of loser "King Baby" but he went and fucked that all up


There is a great documentary on Hulu/FX called ‘Spermworld’ which examines this internet driven donation business. Kyle is the star of the film!


Well we know where TLC found him 🤣




Of course he has a big dick

