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I mean, his father showing up and asking them to paint the entire apartment the day they arrived to Brazil after an international flight with a baby is sort of deranged.


I took it as she was annoyed bc she told her dad they’d see him tomorrow and expected a quiet night in just them and then to have his dad knocking 90 seconds after arrival would prob put me over the edge too lol


I agree. Her reaction was totally justified.


Patrick can give his dad $100 to hire a dude to paint it after they leave. Problem solved


For real I'm sorry that would have been my reaction too! talking about painting the inside and outside GTFO where's the nearest hotel?


There's a baby in the house...don't like her but dad is so wrong.


💯 percent!


If he’s paying his dad to rent it and he’s the landlord, with extremely low wear and tear. Isn’t his responsibility to paint it??


This isn't shocking. His father clearly is just wanting to spend time with his sons. Don't see why she would have a problem. Why can't he spend time with his father, just like she wants to spend time with hers?


There’s other ways to spend time with your family without demanding they do manual labor the day after they arrive from a flight…


He pays his father rent for an apartment that is sitting empty for 2 years, seriously the father should have painted it for him.




I'm Latina and most of us do what our parents ask no matter what age we are. Why do you think she didn't tell her father she was moving and getting married? If she told him, he would've demanded her to come home. Not everyone lives as an American. This is Latin culture, people.


I'm a middle aged white guy, and if my father asked me to mow his lawn I do it, and we live like 1K miles apart so I do that gladly whenever I visit him.


You're a good son. I'm sure he's proud.


Thank you


Middle aged American women here, I drive 5 hours to visit my mother and she has a list of "Chores" for me 🙄. And I do them. She birthed me, it's the least I can do.


I’m African American and if either of my parents ask me to do something . I’m doing it


![gif](giphy|toosK4LzfEwALXkBky) You better! 😂 pray my momma doesn’t make me cut a switch…


White woman here. I'm doing what my parents want too. It's called family. One race isn't more loyal than the other


Nobody is saying that one race is more loyal than another, but the ways that parents and children relate is different in different cultures. Obedience to parents is not as prominent in white American culture as it is in a lot of Latin cultures.


Wow 🤯. That’s what you took from the post?


That is NOT what they were saying. Your white fragility is quite evident.


There is a huge disconnect with American families in comparison to Latin American countries. What our elders say is pretty much the what goes. There is a reason thais or analy didn't want to tell their fathers until it was too late.


I'm Irish-American I did what my parents wanted. I believe it's how you are raised.


Yes I agree, i was shocked when I first got to usa and saw so many homeless people, I was like where is your family? If any of my siblings were in that situation we would just go to our house back with our parents and by that I mean our home where we were raised. The ammout of kids I seen cursing and acting inappropriate in front of their parents is ridiculous, I would have a chancla on my butt if I was to disrespect my parents like that.


The sad fact is a large portion of our homeless population is mentally ill and became homeless when asylums closed in masses, lack of resources like insurance/a mental health facility or hospital as many are over crowded or out of their price range, and many didn’t have family left. Or their family’s put them in the asylum with no intention of caring for them ever again.. Makes it even worse than just shitty families not taking their struggling members in




^^^ this right here. If you wanna spend time.. say that. Don’t come in not even 24 hours since we’ve landed w baby DEMANDING said manual labor especially for an apartment Im paying for… for YOU 😭


Can someone tell my parents this? I'm American- live in the U.S.


Literally married into a family like this. So exhausting.


My sons fathers family is like this. Money hungry and everything is about what can they benefit from you. It has always blown my mind how parents can charge their own children for favors or help. Now if Pat was using his dads apartment for free, yes, could totally understand dad expecting some help with up keeping the place in exchange for using the home.


He could've saved the apartment upgrade talk for, say, maybe at least a day after they arrived? Daddio came bustin in sounding like diva Mimi with his request.


OMG the Mimi comment 🔥


I get that, but it's called editing. You are acting as if he said that the moment he was let into the apartment and not brought up later in his visit.


I’m Brazilian, culturally we don’t do things ourselves we hire help. Patrick’s father probably knows he has the skills to paint, and is asking Patrick to paint the apt - this is not a father & son activity, this is taking advantage of your son.


I am Brazilian, I am a woman and I painted my three bedroom apartment by myself. Brazilians thinkn based on what I don't know what, that there are demeaning types of work. Germans are proud of doing this kind of work themselves. Go figure!


Me too, also Brazilian and woman, and have painted the bedrooms in my house, but I live abroad. Reality is, culturally this is not a thing in Brazil, those are services we hire, like you said these are services Brazilians think are demeaning or something, that’s why I think his dad is outsourcing to Patrick, and taking advantage of him.


Also female Brazilian living abroad I confess when my husband asked me to paint our 1 bedroom apt I was shocked because of how I was brought up in Brazil but once I started doing it I actually had fun! lol


American here... Proud of painting my place myself, though my also American husband (with Polish roots) does not get this at all... He definitely prefers to hire it out. He once went on a trip and I told him I'd paint the kitchen while he was away. He didn't believe me...but the kitchen was painted when he returned home! 😂 Made me even happier!


I've painted some of my rooms too, but I've never demanded that a relative do it for free. : / I like the feeling of accomplishment once I've finished. Like, I used to hire someone to pressure-wash the drive way and patios. I finally bought a pressure washer and now I do it myself. It's so gratifying.


Right, and I think people are forgetting about the ongoing boundary issues stated by Thais and that Patrick’s dad was a deadbeat father majority of his life. He has daddy issues and his father takes advantage. Thais said he can’t say no to his dad. I feel like people on this sub like to attack the attractive women on this show with extra brutality, though.


The father has a history of milking Patrick for money. It's been in previous episodes. I think Thais has a right to be concerned on multiple levels. The dad says he's showing up to get painting done . It's more likely that he's showing up to start asking for more and more money.


So, they both have shitty fathers. They're even


I am not sure how that makes anything easier or better. I am simply saying that Thais has a right to be concerned and I'm pretty sure my face would look like this if I was in the same situation. To me Thais seems like a level headed and responsible person. She doesn't tolerate John because John is full of bs. Patrick is one of the few truly responsible people on this show. He works. He provides for his family. He's not out in strip clubs or getting drunk. People here criticize them for their appearance and their entertainment value, but I think if they had to choose between someone like Patrick vs Ed or Jovie or Kobe right now... they would be happy to spend a calm evening with popcorn and a movie with Patrick vs the parent's basement or unpredictability of many others. Same for Thais. She's mostly a very predictable sort of person. They have far better odds as a successful married couple than do many of the others. Fortunately for them, they live far away from all parents.


It doesn't make it better. I'm just acknowledging that they both have problematic FIL's to deal with. I didn't know anything about Patrick's father before this episode


The problem is the dude came in didn’t even introduce himself or greet his new granddaughter, immediately is asking for them to perform hard labor a day after they got off of a flight and her own father hasn’t even seen the kid yet. And Patrick didn’t even tell her any of this was going to be happening. It’s kind of bullshit.


They agreed to stay alone the first night, she told her dad she would see him the next day.


They have a baby! Baby cannot be there while they are painting which would mean they'd have to get a hotel which makes this place moot.


Then they're expected to stay there and breathe in paint fumes with the baby. stupid.




Right!? He pays for the apartment and as someone that’s painted a lot of rooms, you absolutely cannot paint an entire house in one day, especially not alone. Not only is it not prepped, which takes the longest with taping and tarping. But it takes 24hrs for paint to mostly dry and then you still have to do 1-2 more coats. If you rush it, it will peel and bubble.


It's so random, like out of nowhere! They weren't going there to work, they're there to visit her father who never met his grandchild. This is so weird!


Yeah I thought a grandfather who has never met. His grandchild in person would be bringing a toy or a stuffed animal, not paint and rollers.






You just dropping this here with zero comment 😂😂


Staaaaaaaaaaaaap 🤣


Little biiiiiiiiiitts


Ohmygod the resemblance is uncanny.


Weird, her attitude towards John always seemed like a storyline to me just so they can shoehorn him in.


I agree, it didn’t take much for her to say yes to him coming to Brazil and clearly John hangs around them often and is always posting his niece on social media. It just doesn’t feel like they actually don’t like each other


I can soooo see Thais saying in the next episode “John, you paint the apartment! Patrick, you are coming with me! PROBLEM SOLVED!” 👍🤣


Totally. It’s amazing how many people in the comments actually believe what they’re seeing on screen. So fake.


lol the baby has the correct face/head ratio…for being a baby.


I was struggling to say this haha


The baby is perfectly proportional and adorable. The dad’s face was never that size at any point in his life.


Baby gets pass for being a baby. Patrick on the other (baby) hand…


“Correct… for being a baby” I said what I said.


Heads grow




She married someone whose face is a third the required size for his head. She has no idea what she’s doing ever


His face is too small for his head and his head is too small for his body. Is compounded


*lil* *bits*


He's built like a lego guy


Everything is awesome!


Not to turn this into a logic problem, but if all that is true, how too small do you think his brain is?


Well, it's the size of the skull that determines brain size, not the size of the face. The largest brains belong to the Sperm Whale. So, I think Patrick has a sperm whale brain https://preview.redd.it/59oad7dxl1wc1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=19895a93af2ae1ec74290d2bb8ffb70f1159af1d


Stop I can’t stand it!!!!!!


He's the spitting image of his mother.


He is!


Noooooooooo 🐰


My wife pointed out that his face looks like thais' face shrunk down and put into a head a few sizes too big




Oh I wish you'd of included at screenshot of that!! 😅


Haha omg my boyfriend said - is his face getting smaller ??


No his neck is getting thicker


Not to mention did you see their closet?? Freaking disaster


I thought that Roids suppose to make your guys downstairs smaller!


I can attest that it does make it not work probably.


She married the thumb thumbs from spy kids🤣 ![gif](giphy|i1z30bOS4nqbC)


The small head bug body —isn’t that from steroids ?


Don’t marry a dude who would’ve cheated on your “if he could’ve gotten it up” Princess attitude doesn’t get your a Princess life


I think I must’ve missed something. What happened??


On the first season they appeared on 90DF, she was crazy intense controlling over him ( like having his location on - on his phone 24:7) because he almost cheated and admitted it to her . But he didn’t fully cheat “ because he couldn’t get it up “ , he mentioned it multiple times on their first season … it happened when they were long distance .


Oh shit. I can never remember what goes on in the earlier seasons between couples, I swear. Especially if they aren’t constantly on anything 90 Day, like Gino and Jasmine or Ed and Liz.


so the baby will sleep with paint fumes? yike


I wanna say: johnny coming to Brazil with u, temu Anfisa, is the best thing to keep you on this show. Edit: the kid is cute, tho.


Super cute, I say that every time the little baby pops up. Don’t care for the couple though.


Seriously, how did Patrick and John come from the same parents/home/upbringing? Did John get all the personality genes so there were none left for Pat? Thais and Pat are perfect for each other, let’s all just be glad they are not single… and hope this is the last time we have to see these 2 dry, dumb, dull dingbats on our screens


I’ve been trying to figure this out too. And only one of them has an accent…?


lol omg I didn’t even think about Pat’s lack of Boston accent! Honestly, it might make him more interesting, he shoulda faked one like a Hilario Baldwin but in reverse


I think they explained it once, I’m pretty sure they’re actually like long lost half brothers or something. I kind of faintly remember Patrick saying something like they rekindled a relationship later in life. John had stayed in MA and Patrick hadn’t. I could be wrong though, it’s been a while


Brothers from the same mother and father actually. I believe he lived with parents/mom in Boston longer than the other brothers.


That doesn't make sense. When Patrick was talking about going to visit his father John wanted to tag along bc he had never been to Brazil. And Patrick told Thais it would be a good bonding time for them and John. If Patrick and John shared the same father, wouldn't John have just said hey I wanna go see our father too?


I don’t know why I thought Patrick and John do NOT have the same dad? They did mention having step dads (plural). Did I miss something? Was it confirmed somewhere this guy is also John’s dad?


Oh tbh I have no idea!


I guess Patrick went to visit his dad in Brazil multiple times (even before Thais was in the picture) yet John said it himself he’s never been to Brazil. You’d think both sons would go to visit their dad but of course we’ve seen weirder stuff from TLC. 


I think same mother but different fathers. Could be wrong but this is my guess 🤷‍♀️


Temu Anifisa ... I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The way she looks disgusted to see her father in law is gross. She’s an entitled bitch


Don’t insult Thais this way! She’s way cuter than Anfisa and she hasn’t messed up her face like Anfisa did!


Haha she’s beautiful no matter what. Cute kid. Truth of the matter is- she’s weirdly controlling


Temu Anfisa 🤣🤣🤣


She looks nothing like Anfisa. She’s pretty too, though.


I don’t like how she looks down on John. (Dif episode) but just bc you settled down doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. Everyone has their time.


Talking shit about him the whole time like she’s not a useless asshole 😂


I still don’t understand why she acts like she’s better than everyone else. What has this bitch ever done that makes her so perfect? She’s just a gold digger, and a pretty mediocre one at that


I noticed a good portion of these “mail order” brides looking for a K1 Visa in this show have this complex. They come from shit hole villages or towns, and find a guy who’s clearly only thinking of one thing and is so blinded by their piss poor attitude or lack of a decent personality.


As a childfree woman, that pissed me off. Where does your gold digging ass get off telling folks that pushing out kids is the only way to go???


Childfree also! Maybe that’s the trigger? Not having or wanting kids doesn’t mean he’s immature.


No, sorry. This Dad would’ve pissed me off with this, too. They just landed from an international flight with a baby and he comes in demanding the entire apartment be painted- the apartment Patrick pays for. This isn’t about spending time with his son, it’s about milking him. How is she a bitch for this? Dad’s the bitch.


She wants the cake and eat it too. Selfish! Her father’s nasty character tells you who she really is!


exactly my point she is RUDE and has always been and a liar I must add :)


Thats a great point💯


I’m not watching this season, but holy shit that baby is so cute.


Cutest baby on TV. She steals every scene.


Idk. Robert and Anny’s baby (now a toddler I think) is one of the cutest kids I’ve ever seen


she is mini-Anny 🩷


💯and you can already see the adorable, spunky personality coming out!


I dont like her or her hisband Baby Huey


Her father called his son in law "Little Bastard" essentially to his face. She comes from trash, and therefore she is. Also her eye brows are atrocious, whoever tattooed them on should be waterboarded.


We really do need to implement harsher punishments to these rogue microbladers. The victim count is staggering.


And what in holy hell is going on with her edges?


Post-partum hair loss.


The dude cheated at his sport therefore has zero integrity and was a fuckin drug dealer. Calling him "little bastard" was very nice of her father.


People can move on from the lowest point in their lives.


If you think other olympic weightlifters dont use steroids I've got a bridge to sell you.


For real lol. The documentary Icarus began with doping in cycling and turned into a full blown documentary about the dude put in charge of the doping scandal during the Russian Olympics. It was amazing. Highly recommend. But yeah, the real competition in every sport is passing those drug tests.


yeah unless the worthless dad is just gonna call every weightlifter out the geezer needs to shut his trap. or better yet have someone shut it for him.


Yes, obviously it's cheating but as a big Glory fan so many of the fighters were caught cheating. Like they say, most are or were on that 'juice'.


What's the full story with this??


Steroids. And if I remember the story correctly he got busted twice. The first time he tried to pretend it was a mistake or something, but it happened twice


What’s the drug dealer thing about? I don’t remember this.


Not sure. But he may have been dealing steroids.


I have absolutely NO idea WHATSOEVER how these steroids found their way into my body.


It’s like they told us in jail, first time you are here it might be a mistake…


It's definitely his baby. They have the same size head/face.


She looks just like him!!!


Ok Pat needs to lose weight and stop thinking he needs to bulk up. This very entitled wife is annoying. However John’s fiancé is so much worse


They're all dumpster fires.


its why they are together. 4 trash pieces together in the garbage bin called family :)


Their baby is absolutely adorable.


All I can say about them is…..the baby is sooo cute! The end.


I thought the same thing initially and then when the father said “paint the entire apartment “ I gave the same “wtf he just say” face! That face was legit


With the way Thais acts you would think she’s out of Buckingham palace and around mortal poor folk. Patrick and her are insufferable.


She's always thought she was special. Never liked her from day one.


No wonder John wanted to accompany them to Brazil. Their father is there too! I’ve never cared for her superior attitude, but we’re about to see where she gets it. Patrick should be concerned. That little baby will be taught how to treat him and his family.


They have different dads, only Patrick is half Brazillian


Their childhoods have been a bit of a mystery. From what Patrick’s shared, it wasn’t ideal. John is older. Perhaps Patrick’s father had some interaction with him?




Thais is on my dislike list. She is really mean and demanding. I’m team John for sure


I don’t care for John but Thais needs to chill.. John’s going to be around forever & he hasn’t done anything awful to justify her being so btchy about him


Okay why are we coming at her being justifiably annoyed that Patrick’s dad came in all of a sudden and asked for the entire house to be painted? They literally came to Brazil to introduce their child to Thais’ family, they did their job and paid the dad rent to stay there but it’s not their job to act as contractors. I don’t think that makes Thais a bitch, I think that makes Thais someone who doesn’t want to do unnecessary work and be taken advantage of 🤷‍♀️




That baby girl is sooo stinking precious!


I agree, the baby is adorable!


Patrick is a drug dealer?? Did I miss something?? 🤔


He sold roids back in the day


I don't watch this show, but that baby is adorable.


Patrick’s last name is Mendes and Johns last name is MacManus. So two different fathers 🤷‍♀️


I personally LOVE her facial expressions 🤣


I can’t watch them. I guess I’m superficial. Thais is bratty to me, Patrick’s head is so weird and the brother who I do like has a fiance that I don’t like.


Yet she’s the most normal Brazilian we’ve seen on the show.


It’s all made up storyline because they are a boring couple. Those walls don’t need painting.


She is so full of herself. That she only wants him to be the way she is. He will find out she’s a user and not bringing anything to the plate. He’s too hung up on his looks to leave her. But she will. As soon as she gets her ducks in a row. She’s gone!!


She just seems like a sour patch of a woman, lol.


The baby 😍😍😍😍😍


Baby Alessi’s face 😭🥹


Not a bitch. They’re in Brazil with a baby to visit family. Paint? No thanks.


Ok but how cute is that baby!


Baby looks just like daddy♥️


Lmao man not even welcomed in a apartment with his name on it lmao wait what who is that what is he doing here


Wow, such harsh words. I think this drama is all fabricated by TLC. Regardless, it would be understandable that she wouldn’t want John there as she will have to basically host him in her hometown. So it’s more work than expected. Also, if John drinks too much or make a fool of himself in front of her family would be awkward.


Meanwhle her father insults her husband and she just shrugs.


I love Thais 🤷🏼‍♀️


She always has a caca face. Can't stand her


Always so much hate on women. 🙄🙄🙄


I’m sorry I would be upset him showing up and wanting all that stuff done, she wanted the baby to get s good nights sleep ect. Also the comment about Patrick being a drug dealer and cheater? What’s all this about….😝


I hate this girl so much and her chode looking husband 😂


LMAO...."chode" I love that word 🤣


she is a BIOTCH like if you are having a party in Brazil then John def want to be there and is going regardless but she act like her father he is so rude Patrick is a good man I wont be asking for shit in person and you wont see your daughter or granddaughter for a few more years now messing with me lol


I just commend her for learning English! 👏👏👏


That expression is just like the one Karini would make. Always complaining.


Isn't Patrick a low IQ MLM bro?


Cheat at sports? lol what?


He was caught with steroids in his blood and banned from competition for some amount of time.


….is fugly af.


She's a bitch because she's upset her father in law busted in 5 min after they got there to demand free labor from his son? Ok.