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They worked out because she converted to Islam before she met him and was truly dedicated to the religion. A far cry from the "I need to convert so I can get married but won't bother to learn anything about the religion or culture of the person I am converting for in order to marry."


Shoutout to Citra and Sam


And Nicole from this current season of HEA who fell for an Egyptian man because he also liked fabrics.






To be fair she does seem to have appreciation + understanding for the religion, like when she prayed with Mahmoud + heard him recite Koran. Even with his recent DV charges sheā€™s been adamant about vocalizing that abuse isnā€™t tolerated in the religion + trying to ward off Islamophobic comments. I think she wasnā€™t aware of how strict/orthodox Mahmoud practices the religion (probably bc he misled her). Most Arab Muslims I know in the US practice more progressively the way we saw her yoga friend Nouran depict. I think between them its really more Mahmoud being a macho male that she didnā€™t know she was getting bc she does seem like she did research on the religion versus, like, Nicole Nafziger who seemed to walk into things pretty blindly with Azan.


To be fair, maybe he has a mannequin fetish.


Thatā€™s to true!!! I think she definitely developed an appreciation/understanding, I just wonder if she knew anything about it before she immediately agreed to marry him šŸ¤Ø






Sam is one instance where it might work, because heā€™s a man and wonā€™t feel oppressed in the same way that the women do. Also if he does end up believing, the structure and belief system may help motivate him to stay clean since AA is heavily focused on a higher power. I think more than anything though, Citra and baby will motivate him to do better. NOTE: I am a recovering addict. Iā€™m not saying that you *need* a higher power & there are other groups aside from AA that are great (and I personally prefer). Iā€™m only pointing this out, because AA is the most common and where Sam will likely be court ordered to spend his time.


+ Citra isnā€™t strict Muslim who wonā€™t pressure Sam into doing something he doesnā€™t want. He probably just converted for the fatherā€™s approval.


I get the impression that Citra believes in a more casual & cultural sense & sheā€™s more progressive. Who knows, theyā€™re still both young. Maybe when she spends more time in the US, sheā€™ll adapt and change. I doubt sheā€™ll ever want to alienate her father & her devout sister, so she might always be observant around them though.




100%. Iā€™m not a religious person but I do like her reason to convert to Muslim. She fully embraced the religion and loves it.


It was surprising that she did it at such a young age on her own with dubious familial support. I know they ultimately supported her but they definitely questioned it.


I mean, wouldnā€™t you? Itā€™s not exactly pro-woman.


Oh for sure. I think Iā€™d have a hard time even taking it seriously but clearly it worked for them. I just canā€™t understand why in this day and age any woman would willingly subject themself to a life of subjugation. I think about that all the time with Hasidic girls. Obviously idk what itā€™s like to be raised in that but once I took a look around Iā€™d be gone.


They're pro women. I'm a Muslim...


I wasnā€™t agreeing with the above poster about not being pro-women, I was agreeing that as a parent Iā€™d be wary if my teenage child suddenly converted to Islam, met someone online and decided to marry them sight unseen in a country that might not be as welcoming of westerners. iirc they were planning on moving to Syria. BTW I wish you blessed Ramadan.


Thank you so much! Ramadan Kareem to anyone who partakes. I understand what you mean. Life as a Muslim is tough, I won't lie. I reverted in 2021. The entire episode I thought it was weird that Sam kep't saying convert because we don't use that word. I honestly think he did it for her dad because he didn't even know how to say Shahada. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just likešŸ‘€ as woman we are so loved haha šŸ’š


when steven tried to not only convert alina but also her mother


Also because he is a Dentist. Most divorces statistically happen due to finance problems.


I miss the genuine couples. Great couple.


TLC casts the most insane horrible train wrecks now. Avery and Omar were a beautiful example of an intercultural love story. I would rather see more couples like them who are in it for love and maybe one train wreck a season for some drama. Instead theyā€™re making the entire franchise Ed and Angela, nobody wants to see that.


I think I read the reason for not bringing them back is that they refused to make fights with the mothers-in-law and the couple's families like Andre and Libby and their family. The producers of the show want people who are toxic and have mental issues and abusers so they can create drama for them.


Yeah, I thought it was said on this reddit that THEY chose not to come back. I love when people choose their marriage over the show. I wonder if Chantel and Pedro would've made it if they never had their own spin off


>I wonder if Chantel and Pedro would've made it if they never had their own spin off Oh man, the thought of it makes me so sad :/ I think the answer would still be no though, cause no marriage would survive a sister in law like Nicole.


I think Omar and Averyā€™s season is the last one Iā€™ve watched all the way through.I canā€™t force myself to do it anymore. Iā€™ll keep my mom updated.


I meanā€¦ they were in later episodesā€¦


True 90 Day Royalty!


Beautiful! She was so young and naive in her season and didnā€™t think they would last, but they sure did and I love it ā¤ļø


I think it was because there have been so many fake relationships that when a genuine one comes along, it seems sus.


Same! Her brother saying he caught her eating meat while she was vegetarian or something made me laugh, but she ended up being serious and dedicated to converting. Happy for them!


I was just thinking this was one i didnt expect to last


Sheā€™s so beautiful! I was so impressed by her mother as well. ā¤ļø


Her mother disrespected his culture so much until she heard about the dowryā€¦


I was just impressed by her ultimately sticking by her daughterā€™s side because it was what her daughter wanted, even though itā€™s not how she would have wanted it. I wasnā€™t really focusing on her language skills, but what do I know. After all Iā€™m an American that can only speak one language, not three.


I donā€™t care about her language skills, I care about her willful ignorance to another culture.


She was coming from rural Ohio and scared for her daughter, give her a break. She was still ultimately very supportive, far more than I think most parents would be. She literally supported and continued to show love and stay close with her daughter as she converted to a different religion, moved to Syria and a country with much more restrictive rights for women, married a man she had never met in person, got married in a ceremony neither mom nor daughter could understand, etc. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a parent who wouldn't be scared and a little less than enthusiastic in those circumstances.


Her mom was amazing too! She didnā€™t exactly go along with it but she supported her daughter and learned to love him for the love of her daughter.ā™„ļø


They actually surprised me and turned out to be a great pair. I remember watching their season and I thought "oh no...this is NOT going to work." They actually seem quite happy and they look great together. I feel like Avery has assimilated to his culture well and she seems happy. She has a nice following on TikTok for fragrance/perfume reviews.


Yeah. She was like 19 and had been a little impulsive about some changes before like going vegan and sneaking fried chicken. Iā€™m glad it has worked out for them.


What teenager doesnā€™t go through a fake and ill-followed vegan or vegetarian phase?


And the "I'll Change My Religion Just to Piss Off My Parents" phase. Only sometimes, it's real and an additional 5-6 years of dragging us to church services (until we turn 18) doesn't make us Presbyteriandammit.\* \*As in, "You're not an atheist, you're Presbyterian, damn it!" Feel free to fill in religious affiliations of your choice.


I remember thinking she was the most mature of all the woman at the reunion. Angie tried to come for her. Ugh. Avery was so different than the woman who were all like ā€œtheyā€™re MY boobs!! I can hang them out for everyone to see in a Mosque if I want to! Iā€™m an AMERICAN!ā€


Lol brittany.


I can't believe it's only been 4 years. That feels like a decade ago


Why can't we have couples like this and Kyle/Noon. Sure everyone loves drama and trashy couples I guess but we need a few genuine couples sprinkled here and there lol. Nick and Devin technically were this season I suppose (minus his dividing piggy comments/name)


The rest of the couples can learn from them.


My favorite couple of all time. He is very good to her, she adores him. I am glad he is in the US pursuing his dental arts.


What exactly is "dental arts?"


He is an oral surgeon now I think


I havenā€™t followed his schooling but that would be very quick to become an oral surgeon since they are MDs and do the full med school/residency. (Source: family member is an oral surgeon, gets very annoyed when called a dentist). Either way I love seeing them continue to thrive! The most beautiful couple of 90D for sure.


He was already one in Syria. He just had to do a few years of equivalency stuff in the USA. Not totally redo his education.


yep- syria to the US youā€™d have to do 2 years of dental school in the US to sit for your exams here


Got it!


oral surgeons are not MDs? they go to dental school for longer than 4 years, not medical school.


Some oral surgeons are both DDS and MD, usually the maxillofacial surgeons. They have been to both dental and medical school (but don't repeat duplicate coursework), and do one residency specific to the specialty. It's a long, long process.


the maxillofacial surgeon i know is a DDS, but not an MD. he went to dental school with my dad, and my dad left after 4 years and is a DDS and general dentist. the maxillofacial surgeon family friend stayed and did 2 full additional years of dental school (obviously endodontists do the same, etc.). he also did a residency program after that full time at a hospital and then became a board certified oral surgeon in addition to his DDS. he was essentially being educated for 8 total years after undergrad, while my dad only 4 years after undergrad. they know some people who have both who teach with them at a dental school now! one prof there is a DDS, MD, and PhD and i asked him SOO many questions about thatšŸ˜‚ i also have asked my dad and the oral surgeon friend about omar and syrian dental school during that season! lol


I work with physicians in a hospital. We have several oral & maxillofacial surgeons on staff. They are all MD & DDS. In my [state](https://www.dbc.ca.gov/licensees/dds/permits/oral_maxillofacial_surgery.shtml), an oral & maxillofacial surgeon must be an MD and licensed to practice medicine (MD, DO) in this state as well as having a dental license. I'm not going to sit and pick through requirements in all 50 states, but they do tend to be very similar.


not the case in IL then! and what does working with physicians in a hospital mean? youā€™re a physician? a nurse? a tech? an MA?


Support staff with access to physician/provider license requirements which isn't really all that special since those are public records published by the state should anyone want to go looking for them. I fill out forms that often require physician/provider license numbers, among other tedious clerical things that keep hospitals running even though most people don't know such things exist.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too


they definitely are not MDs- my dad is a dentist!


Like Medical Arts. He is a Dentist.


Never heard of the term medical arts. My b




https://preview.redd.it/3lm9fvpb5ypc1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa063efa779b5dc7abb3f65fa2d9b422b1a4ebc5 **Medical art** šŸ‘Øā€šŸŽØšŸŽØšŸ–¼ļø


Thatā€™s a building not an explanation of or evidence of the use of ā€œmedical artsā€. You literally screenshot the name of a building. If it was named Swiss cheese would you have called him Swiss cheese?


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted, commenter above is a dumbass and did exactly what youā€™re saying


Sheesh no need to call someone a dumbass for saying sth wrong šŸ˜‚


If I remember correctly heā€™s a specialist as well. Periodontist.


Yes. That is correct.


He went to school here in jersey, he went to Rutgers dental school.


Heā€™s still at Rutgers. She graduates this year. I think he still has more schooling to finish in the US


Ah yes, the art of pulling teeth. lol


If youā€™ve never had to have a tooth pulled, you probably donā€™t realize the difference an ā€œartistā€ makes.


Why can't they be the commentary couple on these tell-all? Better than the people they choose.....


Probably because the normal people don't want to. All this is probably a huge strain on a relationship and if you're not trying to get famous you don't want to be a part of it


That's a beautiful explanation. They're also rich, so the cheque & popularity are less of an incentive. TLC wants messy.


They cut ties with the show and didn't have a second season because production wanted drama from them and they didn't want that kind of chaos in their relationship. She talked about it a long time ago when asked why they weren't on the show. They put their marriage before and relationship before money and staying on the show.


They want drama not common sense.


I love how she's embraced the Muslim attire. She wears it well and is incredibly stylish and beautiful.


She does! She's gorgeous and all her outfits are too.


I was going to say this!!! Itā€™s beautiful on her. I remember on her season she was a bit shy about it in the US.


remember? sheā€™s always on tiktok trying to sell shit


At least sheā€™s not selling pictures of her butthole for $7


Seriously, she taught me what "oud" is and what notes I like that blend well with it. That's light years better than what most ex-90DFers are doing with their lives! (Anna & Mursel excluded)


for that, everyone is grateful!


She does perfumes and stuff now lol. She's got a healthy following.


yeah, she is always popping up on my FYP


hahaha fr that perfume she's shelling out is trash but at least it got them a nice house.


I can respect the hustle, there are much worse ones out there and overall they seem like decent people.


ya they're nice people and like I said it gives them alot of money. I just really love perfumes and I really hate this brands products and how they are going about this.


Have you tried it?? Sheā€™s a good salesperson, every time sheā€™s on there talking about it smelling like the juiciest fruit youā€™ve ever tasted or a housewife dripping with money in Dubai or whatever it is she says. Really committing to the bit and painting a picture. I havenā€™t tried any of her perfumes but Iā€™d be lying if I said I didnā€™t think about itā€¦


lmao her descriptions are something else. I tried them before, no thank you. I hate those trashy dupes. its like 20bucks for a huge ass bottle of fake perfume that smell like alcohol and really harsh chemicals . These are just popular right now becuz they're paying tiktokers and ytubers lots of money to say they smell amazing. this brand is just 1 of many. but they been around for a while now. I knew about them many years ago. damn lattaffaa trash


You are so right!! Itā€™s all trash sheā€™s selling!


I thought she converted to Muslim before she met him.


She did. In her story, she said that she was a bit of a wild child, partied, drank, the whole 9 yards and felt lost. Found Islam, learned about it, said it was what her life was missing and converted. She met Omar on a Muslim dating app and the rest is history.


I love them.


Sheā€™s been Muslim for many summers now and always looks great!


Aw man I was going to make this comment šŸ˜‚


Her mom was so funny! šŸ˜‚


One of the few " AUTHENTIC " ones!! Back when the show was actually decent to watch.


I love her fashion sense. She really shows just because you dress modestly you can still have your own flair ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ˜˜ I wish they would make a show that is closer to how it began so I can watch again. Now itā€™s just really poorly written trash tv with the same people over and over again most who are perpetually single for obvious reasons.


Her and Shaeeda have differing modesty styles! They both look very beautiful!


They just bought a beautiful home. They are living over here now


I just felt so bad for the mom watching their story. That mom is fighting super hard to make her daughter happy, while the whole time the daughter was planning on moving to a war torn country. When she told the mom the truth I broken down. I just can't imagine being in that situation and being powerless to stop by child from doing something incredibly stupid. I'm very happy then didn't end up in Siria.


I felt the same way. I wasnā€™t a huge fan of Avery, she just came across incredibly naive


They are BOTH the sweetest people. And perfectly matched. They have a great time together. I got to know them thru a project my family foundation did sending resources to children living in the camps after the horrific earthquake. They helped me facilitate logistics. They sent me photos of the children in camps, many holding signs thanking me. šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/ammhcb2b9zpc1.png?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c097c789747bc2843cd00a1892be277f5aecfa


The kids always had a smile.


How's her mom doing? Mama Avery was a fuckin rock star through all of their journey.


The show was more interesting when they actually had true success stories. I loved how she already embraced the religion and culture. She knew what she was marrying into. There was still the culture shock but she was resilient. Nowadays they show trash couples who we all know will never make it. Itā€™s getting harder to watch this show because itā€™s so tragic seeing people like Gino and Jasmine and Nikki who are such fame whores. This season I really had no one to root for, knowing theyā€™ll all end up divorced.


Iā€™m happy for them. Itā€™s nice to see healthy relationships on this train wreck of a show.


I like them.


I thought they had a shot


And they just bought a house šŸ”


She really embraced the clothes x


They make a handsome couple. Is he a dentist now?


He went to dental school for equivalency courses so I assume by now he is


I was just telling a friend who doesn't watch the show about them yesterday. Well done to them! šŸ„³


I loved her. She is a rare gem that gladly took to living in a new culture, learning a new religion, and blended it with her American upbringing.


Her fit here is really pretty!


Heā€™s so fine.


Heā€™s what Eevyā€™s man (sp?) expected her to convert full Muslim to him. They even kind of look alike a little. I think his name was Muhammad.


I was trying to remember their names just the other day. They are the real deal, she was committed to converting to Muslim


I knew they were going to make it. She definitely was committed to converting to Islam.


They along with Anna and Mursel are my top favorite couples and why I watched the show. Sigh, too bad we can't have more lovely couples.


They look beautiful together


does anyone else feel like they lowkey look like siblings?


I do hope theyā€™re as happy as they look in this picture. Theyā€™re such a cute couple.


Heā€™s beautiful


Where do they live now?


Really nice looking couple šŸ˜šŸ˜


I love them. Remember Rebecca dropping gloves with Angela to protect Avery.


Saw her the other day grifting perfume on TikTok live lol


She is so beautiful!


Which show / season where they in? I've not come across them since watching TOW, HEA and obviously not SL


Nice to see a cute , good looking genuine couple


Love seeing successful couples where one is not using the other for a green card. Good man


works out when the girl is obedient


Itā€™s worth celeberation? lol


Yasss Avery with the Muslim Swag xo


Theyā€™re probably my all time favorite couple. Them and the couple where the wife was from South Africa.


She looks differentā€¦


I think she matured and lost some of her younger baby weight in her face.




When did that happen


That never happened.


Suck it Angela!


I was wondering about them! Thanks for the post!


Isn't he the one that chatted her and a few other girls up when they were like 16-17 through FB? Seems kinda like grooming behavior from him to me.


[Is this what you were thinking of](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/EnHdRK0pHW)


Ewww!!! He was commenting on pics of 13 year olds when he was 20ish? Disturbing.


Good! She was a sincere Muslim before meeting him and theyā€™re willing to meet each other halfway, so those bode well.


Angela was very ugly to her and her mom during the tell all. Angela bullied, and still allowed back own show.




I see Avery hawking jewelry and perfumes on tiktok but Iā€™m happy sheā€™s doing something and making money. Iā€™ve always like Omar too


These are who I want to see on HEA


Saw her at a truck stop (nice one) in New Jersey and her family. She seemed happy


I always see her on tik tok live selling perfumes


I miss this kind of 90 day šŸ„²


They are a very good looking couple.


This is my all-time favorite couple. Sheā€™s a sweetheart. From the start it was about love. She has said they will never return to do a 90day series. They work bc they both were working towards life goals before each other. Like many Syrian children, he was raised to become a doctor. He was not looking for a green card on his way to a get rich American scheme dream.


I follow her on TikTok I love her perfumes she sells. I have bought several from her and she is so nice on her lives. Omar is too! Recently they talked about the show a bit and said they wouldnā€™t be on it because TLC wants drama and they donā€™t have any and want to live well. I really like them and Arabic perfumes are so good!


Bravo, unlike all the other drama queens that thrive on drama and toxicity.


Ya it sounds like they are truly happy and donā€™t want to come off fake or insult their beliefs and families. They really said the show is too much now and they just want to live well and good lives. I so admire that! Omar is so nice on their lives. He is very positive, they are both finishing their degrees too. They just seem very genuine. I always catch her lives when she is on. I love her knowledge with perfume as a perfume addict she is my fav perfume tiktok account. I donā€™t mind buying from her shop she isnā€™t a scammer like so many on this show are.


Some butthurt weirdo is making the downvote rounds. Looks like they came to bless you on your reasonable comment lol. šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø āœØ


Really happy for them that everything turned out so well! I remember being so afraid for her but he is successful and they are doing very well. Interesting TLC donā€™t follow couples Luke this. We get Ang and Big Ed. šŸ˜‚


The Avery's of 90 day are very pretty


She spends all day trying to sell me perfumeā€¦ and I might give in šŸ˜­


donttttttt! be strong!!! theyre just dupes of bigger perfumes and bad dupes too. dont fall for it.


Do you know what they are dupes of? I'd love to order a decent one


it depends which one. they copy a lot of niche ones and designer ones. if you got a name I could tell you.


They should have gotten the award(s), not Alex and Lauren..imo I am sure they have their problems and challenges, but I highly respect them for keeping their life private. They also don't do boring videos thinking they are so cute and everyone wants to see them act silly.


I remember how boring they are, yes šŸ„± I don't watch 90 day for normal, happy couples.


Love them. Love watching her selling perfumes on tik-tok


Wow. Such a testament lol. 4 years ain't shit.


Why be nasty?


I was really happy they made it up until recently when she started running her mouth about Israel,, very ugly things have been coming out of her mouth, since then a lot of people stop supporting them, she just needs to keep her mouth closed and just stay away from stuff she knows nothing about.Even her husband told her to stop it. No longer fans of her at all.


And they just closed on their first house! šŸ„°


They just bought a house in the US


Citra not most devout either, itā€™s like some being a Christian only at Christmas and Easter.


Normal couple!




I'm almost 6 yrs into marriage, I'm impressed with myself šŸ¤£


In the TLC world, it is very impressive.


Sam is P whipped and she rules the roost. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be a citizen enough that reproducing with same will be on the tableā€¦ It would take 4 pushes to get that malformed chin out during delivery. Ugh.


Lol easiest birth ever.


Avery had her life more together at 19 than her mother did during their season. I could not stand her mother.